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Items marked squareare FREE to Minnesota parents of children and young adults with disabilities.

staritems are free to young adults, high school or older, with disabilities and their families.

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mother reading a book to her daughter

Translated MaterialsHmong and Southeast Asian

PACER offers bilingual workshops, individual assistance and translated publications focusing on issues facing families from diverse backgrounds. The following publications have been translated into Hmong.


Special Education: What Do I Need to Know? (Hmong version)
An audio/video (translated in Hmong) overview of special education created to help parents of children with disabilities understand what special education is, how a child might get into special education, how to resolve disagreements, and what role parents play.
Developed by PACER Center, it is funded in part by a grant from the Minnesota Department of Education.

Watch it nowFlash Video

This presentation is also available in English, Spanish, and Somali learn more >>>>

The ABCs of the IEP (Hmong version)
An audio/video (translated in Hmong) developed by PACER Center and funded in part by a grant from the Minnesota Department of Education.

Watch it nowFlash Video
Please complete a survey after viewing this presentation: In Hmong | In English

Talking with the School About My Child (Hmong version)
An audio/video (translated in Hmong) developed by PACER Center.

Watch it nowFlash Video
Please complete a survey after viewing this presentation: In Hmong | In English

Helping Your Child Succeed in School (Hmong version)
An audio/video (translated in Hmong) developed by PACER Center.

Watch it nowFlash Video
Please complete a survey after viewing this presentation: In Hmong | In English

Information Cards

IEP Meeting Parent Tip Card (Hmong)
Laminated cards with questions to ask during your child's Individualized Education Program (IEP) meeting, as well as questions to ask about the IEP process. 2014.
square $0.25 | 100+ copies, $.20 each (please call for shipping and handling pricing)  | PHP-a45h

Parent Information Cards (Hmong)
Laminated 3 x 5-inch cards detailing parent rights and responsibilities in special education as well as topics of discussion for IEP development that parents can bring with them to their child's IEP meetings. 2010.
square $0.25 | 100+ copies, $.20 each (please call for shipping and handling pricing)  | PHP-a39h


Activity Cards

Let's Talk and Count! Activity Cards (Hmong)
Let’s Talk and Count! is an easy and fun way for parents to interact and help your child be ready for reading and counting. These cards will help build your child’s vocabulary and speaking skills, as well as increase your child’s early math skills. No special supplies are needed, just you and your child.
square $4 | 10+ copies, $2.50 each | 100+ copies, $2 each  | PHP-a41h


pdf icon Minnesota Dispute Resolution Options: Complaint Processes
Some dispute resolution options in Minnesota place the decision regarding how a dispute between parents and the school district is resolved in someone else’s hands, through different kinds of complaint processes. This comparison chart provides a side-by-side overview of special education complaints, due process complaints and hearings, and discrimination complaints.
| PHP-a59h

pdf icon Minnesota Dispute Resolution Options: Special Education Meetings
Other dispute resolution options in Minnesota give parents and the school district the opportunity to work together to make decisions about how a dispute is resolved, through different kinds of special education meetings. This comparison chart provides a side-by-side overview of Conciliation Conferences, Facilitated Team Meetings, and Mediation.
| PHP-a60h


Handouts squareFree to Download pdf icon | $1.50 per request | 10+ copies, $.50 each

A Parent’s Guide to School Testing: What You Need to Know (Hmong) GE-7h
A Parent’s Vision and High Expectations are Powerful (Hmong) GE-6h
A place to start: Understanding the present levels of academic achievement and functional performance (PLAAFP) statement (Hmong) PHP-c186h
A Tool for Success: High Expectations and Your Child's Education (Hmong) GE-11h
Academic Progress Tracker (Hmong) GE-8h
Accessing County Children's Mental Health Services For Your Child (Hmong) PHP-c84h
Assistive technology for infants, toddlers, and young children with disabilities (Hmong) PHP-c212h
Bullying and Harassment of Students with Disabilities - Top 10 Facts for Parents, Educators and Students BP-18h
Checklist: Preparing for and attending mediation (Hmong) PHP-c200h
Child-Centered Assistive Technology (AT) Plan (IEP) - (Hmong) STC-33b(h)
Child-Centered Assistive Technology (AT) Plan (IFSP) - (Hmong) STC-34b(h)
Childhood Skills Checklist (Hmong) PHP-c76h
Communication in the Special Education Process (Hmong) PHP-c82h
Crisis management plan: Support at home for children and youth with mental health needs (Hmong) PHP-c225h
Encourage your child's positive behavior and school success (Hmong) PHP-c218a-h
Evaluation: What Does It Mean for Your Child (Hmong) PHP-c2h
Examples of Assistive Technology for Young Children (Hmong) STC-29h
Examples of positive behavioral intervention (PBI) strategies (Hmong) PHP-c215b-h
Expanded Child-Centered Assistive Technology (AT) Plan (IEP) - (Hmong) STC-33a(h)
Expanded Child-Centered Assistive Technology (AT) Plan (IFSP) - (Hmong) STC-34a(h)
Explore Assistive Technology and Open New Doors for Your Child (Hmong) STC-28h
Five areas that may affect IEP services (Hmong) PHP-c221h
From needs to services: Parent homework worksheet (Hmong) PHP-c210h
Help Your Child Learn with After-school and Summer Programs (Hmong) GE-4h
High Expectations and Assistive Technology: Empowering Your Child (Hmong) STC-32h
High Expectations: You and Your Middle School-Aged Child (Hmong) GE-28h
High School Academic Progress Log (Hmong) GE-32h
How do I determine my child's rate of progress? PHP-c279h
How to Advocate for Your Child With Special Health Care Needs (Hmong) HIAC-h28h
How to prepare your child with disabilities for kindergarten: Tips for parents (Hmong) PHP-c179h
How to Try Assistive Technology with Your Infant, Toddler, or Preschooler (Hmong) STC-27h
How Will I know If My Child is Making Progress? (Hmong) PHP-c78h
IEP goals (Hmong) PHP-c266h
If you have concerns: What and how to request a special education evaluation for your preschool child (Hmong) PHP-c280h
Keys to Success in the Family-School Partnership (Hmong) GE-1h
Learning to communicate: A timeline for typical development (Hmong) PHP-c69h
Making the move from preschool to kindergarten (Hmong) PHP-c196h
Manifestation determination meeting: Special education students (Hmong) PHP-c285h
Manifestation determination meeting: Students with 504 plans (Hmong) PHP-c286h
Meeting the identified needs of your child and family in early intervention (Hmong) PHP-c297h
Mental health and school avoidance: Tips to developing an educational plan for your child (Hmong) PHP-c269b-h
Mental health and school avoidance: What parents need to know (Hmong) PHP-c269a-h
Mental health and special education evaluation (Hmong) PHP-c287h
Middle School Academic Progress Log (Hmong) GE-31h
Natural environments support early intervention services (Hmong) PHP-c178h
Overview of mental health care and treatment options for children and youth (Hmong) PHP-c284a-h
Parent and Educator Guide to Using the Student Action Plan Against Bullying (Hmong) BP-37h
Planning for a meeting about your child's behavior needs (Hmong) PHP-c144h
Playing to learn: Tips to develop your young child's learning skills at home (Hmong) PHP-c301h
Prepare Your Child for Age of Majority and Transfer of Rights in Minnesota (Hmong) PHP-c63h
Preparing for transition from early intervention to an IEP (Hmong) PHP-c158h
Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance (PLAAFP) examples (Hmong) PHP-c253h
Promising Practices - Helping Your Child Read and Understand (Hmong) GE-3h
Reading and Understanding Your Child's Report Card (Hmong) GE-26h
Record keeping supports parent participation in special education planning (Hmong) PHP-c155h
Restrictive procedures in special education: Children with behavioral and emotional needs (Hmong) PHP-c304h
Sample PBIS home plan (Hmong) PHP-c218b-h
School Accommodations and Modifications (Hmong) PHP-c49h
School Choice in Minnesota (Hmong) GE-9h
School Conferences: A way to engage in your child's education (Hmong) GE-29h
School Records and Parents' Rights (Hmong) PHP-c41h
Separate programs for Minnesota children with emotional or behavioral disorders: A parent checklist (Hmong) PHP-c177b-h
Separate programs for Minnesota children with emotional or behavioral disorders: A parent's guide (Hmong) PHP-c177a-h
Special education placement settings (Hmong) PHP-c265h
Student Action Plan Against Bullying (Hmong) BP-25h
Supporting children with mental health and behavioral needs in special education: Crisis plans (Hmong) PHP-c291b-h
Supporting children with mental health and behavioral needs in special education: Positive behavioral intervention plans (Hmong) PHP-c291a-h
Tantrums, tears, and tempers: Behavior is communication (Hmong) PHP-c154h
The Supplemental Security Income Application Process (Hmong) PHP-c317h
Third Party Billing (Hmong) HIAC-h16h
Tips for parents completing a PCA evaluation through MN Choices Assessment (Hmong) PHP-a66h
Tips for talking with your child’s school (Hmong) PHP-c241h
Tips for turning difficult conversations with your child’s IEP team into productive conversations (Hmong) PHP-c315h
Tips for Working with Your Child’s School when Chronic Conditions Cause Absences (Hmong) HIAC-h25h
Tips to support reading and writing for children with significant disabilities (Hmong) PHP-c206h
Tips to support reading and writing: Every child needs a voice (Hmong) PHP-c207h
Tips to support reading and writing: Every writer needs a pencil (Hmong) PHP-c208h
Transition Planning for Young Adults with Disabilities: A Guide to Help Families Play a Supportive Role PHP-a62h
Transition to adulthood for youth with challenging behaviors: Transition planning tips for parents (Hmong) PHP-c235h
Transition: Charting a course into the future (Hmong) PHP-c157h
Transportation for Students with Disabilities in Minnesota (Hmong) PHP-c62h
Understanding Minnesota special education recovery services and supports (Hmong) PHP-c302h
Understanding the early intervention system (Hmong) PHP-c137h
Understanding the Section 504 Evaluation Process: An overview for parents (Hmong) PHP-c202h
Understanding the Special Education Process (Hmong) PHP-c231h
Understanding Your School's Minnesota Report Card (Hmong) GE-27h
Use questions to find answers: A guide for parents of children receiving special education services (Hmong) PHP-c136h
Waivers Made Simple (Hmong) HIAC-h31h
Want to Help Your Child Succeed in School? (Hmong) GE-2h
What is a Functional Behavioral Assessment and how is it used? An overview for parents (Hmong) PHP-c215a-h
What is Assistive Technology and how can it help my child? Tips for parents (Hmong) STC-31h
What is service coordination? (Hmong) PHP-c274h
When parents should be concerned about their preschool child's social-emotional development (Hmong) PHP-c294h
Why your child needs you to become an advocate (Hmong) PHP-c226h
Writing goals and objectives for an early childhood IEP (Hmong) PHP-c260h
You and Your Elementary School-aged Child (Hmong) GE-5h
Your IEP meeting: A great place to practice self-advocacy skills (Hmong) PHP-c149a-h
Youth tips for parents: How to talk to your teenager about their mental health (Hmong) PHP-c216h

Record Keeping Folders

Special Education Record Keeping Folders (Hmong)
Parents can keep important papers related to their child's education plus helpful tips on working with your child's school. 2004.
1-10, $10 each | 11-100 copies, $8 each | 101-500 copies, $7 each  | PHP-a5h


Visit PACER's other sites: Teens Against Bullying | Kids Against Bullying

Translated content: Hmoob/Hmong | Español | Soomaliga/Somali

    ©2023 PACER Center, Inc.