Publication Order Form
Items marked are FREE to Minnesota parents of children and young adults with disabilities.
items are free to young adults, high school or older, with disabilities and their families.
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Dispute Resolution
The Dispute Resolution Project provides information, resources, and training opportunities to help parents resolve disagreements concerning special education with public schools. Helping your child with disabilities receive an appropriate education is one of the most important jobs you have as a parent. You and your child’s Individualized Education Program (IEP) team may or may not agree on everything. Disputes and disagreements do occur.
NEW! Special Education: What Do I Need to Know? — View it here![Flash Video](../images/movieReelIcon_small.gif)
A 37 minute audio/video overview of special education created to help parents of children with disabilities understand what special education is, how a child might get into special education, how to resolve disagreements, and what role parents play.
Developed by PACER Center, it is funded in part by a grant from the Minnesota Department of Education.
This presentation has been translated to Hmong, Spanish, and Somali.
Information Cards
Parent Information Cards
Laminated 3 x 5-inch cards detailing parent rights and responsibilities in special education as well as topics of discussion for IEP development that parents can bring with them to their child's IEP meetings. 2010. (See translations for Spanish, Hmong, and Somali versions)
$0.25 |
100+ copies, $.20 each
| PHP-a39
Minnesota Dispute Resolution Options: Complaint Processes
Some dispute resolution options in Minnesota place the decision regarding how a dispute between parents and the school district is resolved in someone else’s hands, through different kinds of complaint processes. This comparison chart provides a side-by-side overview of special education complaints, due process complaints and hearings, and discrimination complaints. Also available in Spanish, Somali and Hmong.
Minnesota Dispute Resolution Options: Special Education Meetings
Other dispute resolution options in Minnesota give parents and the school district the opportunity to work together to make decisions about how a dispute is resolved, through different kinds of special education meetings. This comparison chart provides a side-by-side overview of Conciliation Conferences, Facilitated Team Meetings, and Mediation. Also available in Spanish, Somali and Hmong.
A Guide to the Individualized Education Program (IEP) for Minnesota Parents
Helps parents work with schools to address their child’s individual special education needs through understanding the required components of the IEP. Updated 2023.
$3 |
10+ copies, $2 each
| PHP-a12
A Parent's Guide to Special Education Advisory Councils (SEAC)
This book gives an in depth look at how special education advisory councils work. 2006.
$3 |
10+ copies, $2.50 each
| PHP-a37
Parents Can Be the Key
As a parent, you know your child in a way no one else can. You are an expert on your child and a vital member of the team that plans your child’s education. You, as a parent, can be the key to an appropriate education for your child. You have important information to share about your child’s educational planning, and you can take action to make changes when they are needed. To be an effective advocate, you must know your rights and those of your child. Exercising these rights and fulfilling your responsibilities are important steps in supporting your child on his or her educational journey. This book offers an overview of special education in Minnesota.
$3 |
10+ copies, $2 each
| PHP-a1
Working Together: A Parent's Guide to Parent and Professional Partnership and Communication Within Special Education
Helps parents effectively communicate with special education professionals as they develop their child's educational program. Updated 2019.
$6 |
10+ copies, $5 each
| PHP-a19
Record Keeping Folders
Special Education Record Keeping Folders
Special education records contain important information for making educational decisions. This set of 6 folders helps parents organize school paperwork to help them make good decisions about their children's education. 2014. (Also available Moving from High School to Adulthood: Record Keeping Tracker and Children's Mental Health Parent Folder)
1-10 copies, $10 each | 11-100 copies, $8 each | 101-500 copies, $7 each |