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Items marked squareare FREE to Minnesota parents of children and young adults with disabilities.

staritems are free to young adults, high school or older, with disabilities and their families.

Please limit requests for free items to 10 or less per order.

Other Early Childhood Projects

Project KITE (Kids Included through Technology are Enriched) is a training curriculum for parents and teachers of young children with disabilities with a goal to promote inclusion for children with disabilities through the use of technology.

close up of a young boy smiling

Early Childhood

PACER's Early Childhood Project is dedicated to providing parents of children with disabilities, ages birth through 5 years, the confidence, knowledge, and skills needed to help their children obtain the education, health care, and other services that are mandated by law.



Choices: Opportunities for Life
The information in this booklet can help parents think about the steps involved in encouraging decision making skills in their young children with disabilities. 2009.
square $6 | 10+ copies, $5 each  | PHP-a31

Early Childhood Transition Guidebook pdf icon (download for free)
Helps parents understand the process that guides their child's transition from infant and toddler intervention services to other early childhood services at age three and includes strategies to use for a successful transition. 2010.(See translations for Somali and Spanish.)
square $3.00 | 10+ copies, $2.50 each  | PHP-a40

Families are Important! An Early Childhood Guidebook for Families of Young Children
Helps families of children with disabilities or delayed development understand Minnesota's early intervention system and how to access services for their child. 2014.
square $7 | 10+ copies, $5 each  | PHP-a9

Possibilities: A Financial Resource for Parents of Children with Disabilities  (download for free)
A booklet first published in 2004 by the National Endowment for Financial Education (NEFE) and PACER, has been revamped and expanded in an online format. This guide offers tips and information on organizing financial records, managing money, dealing with debt, preparing income taxes, saving for college, preparing youth for adult employment, and more. Each section includes links to additional resources. 2011
FREE | Online Only  | WEB-1

Handouts squareFree to Download pdf icon | $1.50 per request | 10+ copies, $.50 each

Publication Name Publication Code *Audio MP3 (download)
A family guide to participating in the child outcomes measurement process PHP-c299  
A family guide to participating in the child outcomes measurement process (Spanish) PHP-c299s  
A guide to the IFSP for Minnesota families PHP-c290  
ADA Q&A: Child Care Providers PHP-c51a  
Childhood Skills Checklists: Should we be concerned? PHP-c76  
Early literacy: Parents play a key role PHP-c134  
Five tips for successful home visits or meetings with early childhood families from diverse cultures PHP-c275  
Getting off to a good start: Positive interactions with diverse families PHP-c131  
How to Communicate Effectively with Early Childhood Professionals PHP-c159  
How to prepare your child with disabilities for kindergarten: Tips for parents PHP-c179  
If you have concerns: What and how to request a special education evaluation for your preschool child PHP-c280  
If you have concerns: What and how to request a special education evaluation for your preschool child (Hmong) PHP-c280h  
If you have concerns: What and how to request a special education evaluation for your preschool child (Somali) PHP-c280so  
If you have concerns: What and how to request a special education evaluation for your preschool child (Spanish) PHP-c280s  
Learning to communicate: A timeline for typical development PHP-c69  
Making the move from preschool to kindergarten PHP-c196  
Meeting the identified needs of your child and family in early intervention PHP-c297  
Meeting the identified needs of your child and family in early intervention (Hmong) PHP-c297h  
Meeting the identified needs of your child and family in early intervention (Somali) PHP-c297so  
Meeting the identified needs of your child and family in early intervention (Spanish) PHP-c297s  
Natural environments support early intervention services PHP-c178  
Parent leadership and systems change PHP-c283  
Planning for your child's transition to kindergarten: A timeline PHP-c201  
Playing to learn: Tips to develop your young child’s learning skills at home (Spanish) PHP-c301s  
Playing to learn: Tips to develop your young child's learning skills at home PHP-c301  
Playing to learn: Tips to develop your young child's learning skills at home (Hmong) PHP-c301h  
Playing to learn: Tips to develop your young child's learning skills at home (Somali) PHP-c301so  
Potential community partners and locations for parent outreach activities in diverse communities PHP-c133  
Preparing for transition from early intervention to an IEP PHP-c158  
Strategies for success in local early childhood parent outreach activities among diverse cultures PHP-c132  
Supporting parent participation in the IFSP or IEP process PHP-c259  
Tantrums, tears, and tempers: Behavior is communication PHP-c154  
Tantrums, tears, and tempers: Behavior is communication (Hmong) PHP-c154h  
Tantrums, tears, and tempers: Behavior is communication (Spanish) PHP-c154s  
Techniques and Devices Can Help a Child Learn to Communicate PHP-c71  
Ten tips that may help your child's transition to adulthood PHP-c107  
The importance of the family voice PHP-c262  
Tips for emerging family leaders PHP-c276  
Tips to support relationships with diverse families PHP-c289  
Transitioning from ECSE to kindergarten: Tips for parents of children with challenging behaviors PHP-c252  
Understanding the early intervention system PHP-c137  
What inclusion means for my preschool child with a disability PHP-c277  
What is service coordination? PHP-c274  
What is service coordination? (Hmong) PHP-c274h  
What is service coordination? (Somali) PHP-c274so  
What is service coordination? (Spanish) PHP-c274s  
What is the Difference Between an IFSP and an IEP? PHP-c59 Download Audio
What is the Difference Between an IFSP and an IEP? (Spanish) PHP-c59s  
When Concerns Arise: Deciding to make a referral PHP-c67  
When parents should be concerned about their preschool child's social-emotional development PHP-c294  
When parents should be concerned about their preschool child's social-emotional development (Hmong) PHP-c294h  
When parents should be concerned about their preschool child's social-emotional development (Somali) PHP-c294so  
When parents should be concerned about their preschool child's social-emotional development (Spanish) PHP-c294s  
When your child turns three: Moving from an IFSP to an IEP or IIIP PHP-c119 Download Audio
Who is on my child's IEP team? PHP-c203  
Working effectively with families from diverse cultures PHP-c261  
Writing goals and objectives for an early childhood IEP PHP-c260  
Writing goals and objectives for an early childhood IEP (Hmong) PHP-c260h  
Writing goals and objectives for an early childhood IEP (Somali) PHP-c260so  
Writing goals and objectives for an early childhood IEP (Spanish) PHP-c260s  

* To download the MP3 files, right click on the Download link and select "Save Target As.."
Choose where to save it and click "Save". Then, open the file in desired media player upon completion.

Activity Cards

Let's Talk and Count! Activity Cards
Let’s Talk and Count! is an easy and fun way for parents to interact and help your child be ready for reading and counting. These cards will help build your child’s vocabulary and speaking skills, as well as increase your child’s early math skills. No special supplies are needed, just you and your child. (See Translations for Spanish and Hmong and Somali.)
square $4 | 10+ copies, $2.50 each | 100+ copies, $2 each  | PHP-a41

Visit PACER's other sites: Teens Against Bullying | Kids Against Bullying

Translated content: Hmoob/Hmong | Español | Soomaliga/Somali

    ©2023 PACER Center, Inc.