Publication Order Form
Items marked are FREE to Minnesota parents of children and young adults with disabilities.
items are free to young adults, high school or older, with disabilities and their families.
Please limit requests for free items to 10 or less per order.
Assistive Technology (The Simon Technology Center)
The Simon Technology Center helps children and adults with disabilities and their families use assistive technology to improve their lives. The Simon Technology center believes that technology allows children and adults with disabilities to keep pace with a rapidly changing world by providing opportunities for communication, education, recreation, employment, and independence.
The Simon Technology Center offers information and resources on assistive technology through:
- individualized technology consultations for children or adults with disabilities
- workshops on assistive technology and related issues for parents and professionals
- a statewide technology and software lending library
- a computer laboratory that members of the community may use
- a training model for early childhood professionals and parents of young children with disabilities, ages 3-8
Brochures & Forms
Accessible Instructional Materials Brochure
Information about Accessible Instructional Materials (AIM) and whether or not their use would benefit your child. 2012. (See Translations Page for Spanish)
Customized Technology Training for Educators Brochure
Information about assistive technology in-services offered through the Simon Technology Center. 2010.
Lending Library Brochure
Information about PACER’s Simon Technology Center Lending Library and the benefits of being a member, including access to the assistive technology items available to try out and borrow.
Project KITE Brochure
Provides information about Project KITE (Kids Included through Technology are Enriched). This is an early childhood training program offered to parents and professionals. 2009.
Simon Technology Center Brochure
Order a free brochure that provides information about the services offered through the center, including assistive technology library, community outreach, and consultations.
Booklets Free to Download 
Accessible Instructional Materials: A Technical Guide for Families and Advocates
This guide describes what types of accessible instructional materials (AIM) are available, why a student may need AIM, the process for making decisions about AIM, and what supports are necessary to effectively utilize them. Also includes what types of specialized formats are available and how to promote their use. 2011
$3 |
10+ for $2.50 | STC-22
Accessible Instructional Materials: Basics for Families
This booklet helps parents decide whether their child needs accessible instructional materials (AIM), what specialized format the student needs, how to access these materials, and what supports the student needs to use AIM. 2011 (See Translations Page for Spanish)
$2 |
10+ for $1.50 each | STC-23
Discover How Assistive Technology Can Help Your Infant or Toddler Learn and Grow
Provides information on assistive technology (AT) use with infants and toddlers for families and professionals. Also includes tips on how to find more information about AT. 2014.
$1 |
10+ copies, $.50 each | STC-21
A guide for parents and professionals working with children ages 3-8 with disabilities. It provides assistive technology activities to encourage inclusion among all students. A wide range of devices and products promote best practices for home and classroom learning.
$5 |
10+ for $4 | STC-16
A guide for parents and professionals who want to help infants and toddlers with disabilities participate more fully in daily activities with the use of assistive technology. For ages birth to 3. 2011
$5 |
10+ for $4 | STC-24
EZ AT II - iBook
PACER’s popular “EZ AT 2” book is now available in an iBooks edition. Complete with video, picture examples, an interactive glossary, and the full support of iPad’s built-in accessibility features, “EZ AT 2” brings creative ideas to life to help children ages birth to 3 with disabilities use assistive technology (AT) to participate more fully in daily routines and activities. Designed for newer generation iPads, the “EZ AT 2” iBooks edition can be downloaded free at the iTunes store.
TOYS, Universal Tools for Learning
Learn how toys can affect the development of a child with a disability. This 12-page booklet outlines buying tips, categories of toys, and learning new skills through play. 2005, updated 2013.
$3 |
10+ copies, $2.50 each | STC-14
Free to Download
| $1.50 per request | 10+ copies, $.50 each
Presentation Handouts 
Created / Updated | |
Accessible Instructional Materials Resources | April 2013 |
Accessible Reading Apps for Android Devices | April 2013 |
Accessible Reading Apps for iOS Devices | April 2013 |
Chart of Educational Tools and OS Compatibility | February 2015 |
Time Tools, Interactions & Methods | September 2017 |
Tip Sheet for Exploring Free Web- and Tablet-based Assistive Technologies | March 2014 |
Using Web 2.0 To Learn Like a Pro | November 2013 |