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School Discipline of Minnesota Students with Disabilities - Parent Information

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My Child Is on an IEP

: Intro > IEP/504/None > Discipline > Suspension and Expulsion

The Discipline is:

an out-of-school suspension* and an expulsion*.


School administrators must give you written notification of the disciplinary decision. In the case of a proposed expulsion, you are entitled to written notice that contains a complete statement of the facts, a list of witnesses and a description of their testimony, as well as many other procedural rights under the Minnesota Pupil Fair Dismissal Act.1

In the case of a proposed expulsion, the IEP team, including you, along with school district representatives must have a manifestation determination* meeting as soon as possible but no more than 10 school days after the disciplinary decision is made.2

Tip: The district must provide alternative educational services to the extent a removal from educational services exceeds five consecutive school days.

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