Skip Over Table of Contents
Table of Contents
- Pg1 – Intro
- Pg2 – Start – IEP/504/None
- Pg3 – On IEP and The Discipline Is?
- Pg 23 – On IEP behavior manifestation team determination
- Pg33 – On 504 and the discipline is?
- Pg46 – On 504 behavior manifestation team determination
- Pg55 – Not on IEP/504 – evaluation status?
- Pg56 – not yet complete
- Pg57 – Status pending
- Pg58 – None of the Above – Before this incident
- Pg61 – None of the Above – Before this incident
- Pg73 – Conclusion
- Definitions

My Child Is on a Section 504 Plan
: Intro > IEP/504/None > ...
After meeting with the manifestation team:
if the school district orders a change in placement for your child:
Anytime the school district proposes to change your child’s current placement, an IEP meeting must be held to discuss the proposal. At the end of that IEP meeting or at least 14 calendar days prior to changing your child’s placement, a school official must send you Prior Written Notice (PWN)* of the proposed change of placement. This notice must contain a description of:
- the proposed change
- why the IEP team is making this recommendation
- the data, test, records, or report the district used as a basis for the proposal
- other placement options considered by the IEP team
- other relevant factors, if any, that are not already listed in the notice
Remember, all placements, even those for disciplinary reasons, must:
- be appropriate
- meet your child’s needs
- be calculated to allow your child to progress on his or her IEP goals and objectives, as well in the general curriculum
- include the provision of special education and related services as specified in your child’s IEP