Introduction to Assistive Technology
This webinar was held 9/8/2011
Want to know how to get started with Assistive Technology (AT)? This workshop will provide a brief overview of the many tools and devices available and how AT can improve the lives of people with disabilities. Participants will learn about a number of statewide resources available to help people of all ages acquire and fund needed assistive technology.
Bridget Gilormini, Tenley McDonald
Running Time
90 minutes
For project evaluation purposes, PACER may email webinar viewers a brief follow-up survey in 3 to 6 months.
Funding for this webinar is made possible by a grant from the Minnesota Department of Education. The source of funding is from federal award, Grants to States-Special Education CFDA 84.027, P.L. 108-446 Individuals With Disabilities Education Act.