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Middle and High School, Starting the Discussion Toolkit

Tuesday - Who Is Involved?

Morning Announcement

Today’s bullying prevention topic is "Who is Involved?" Everyone knows that bullying situations involve the student who's targeted and the student doing the bullying. Did you also know that many situations involve bystanders — students who aren't involved directly but see what's happening?

Bystanders are powerful. In fact, more than half of bullying situations will end if bystanders take action. Direct confrontation is one way to intervene, but is recommended only if its feels safe to do so. Indirect help — such as not encouraging the situation or offering support to the person being bullied — is also effective. The most powerful acts to take are giving support to the person being bullied. Bystanders can also let other students know that bullying is not okay. In your classroom today, you will be learning about different ways to respond to bullying situations.

Classroom Education and Activities

Active Learning and Discussion

Are you being bullied? Bullying can happen to anyone – and it’s not so simple to recognize. Review this checklist to determine if bullying might be happening to you. An important note here is that students should complete the checklist and not be required to share results.

Could You Be the Person Bullying? There is no typical student who bullies. Review this  checklist to determine if any of these questions apply to you. An important note here is that students should complete the checklist and not be required to share results

Person First – Explain the importance of recognizing the person first, then his or her differences.

Discussion Questions:

(To make sure all students participate, you may want to break the class into groups of 5 to 8 students. Appoint one student in each group to take notes and report results to the class. Consider using that feedback for future bullying prevention projects.)

Video and Discussion

Watch “Advocacy and Self-Advocacy” Video. Visit > AdvocacyForOthers .

Discussion Questions:

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