What Should You Do?
Middle and High School Students: How should you handle these bullying situations?
Overview: An activity designed with hypothetical bullying scenarios (that are based on real events), which students can use to think through responses and solutions.
Goal: Students are presented with video and written scenarios, then guided through response options. The objective is not to find the right or wrong answer, but rather to have meaningful reflection and education about how to handle difficult social situations that are common for many students.
Steps to use:
- Download the Educator Guide
- Provide everyone with a copy of the Student Handout
- Invite students to watch the “What Should You Do?” videos
- Instruct students to follow the prompts in the video, thinking through each response option and the impact that it would have on the people involved. Have students record their thoughts, as well as which option they would choose in real life.
- Encourage students to then read scenarios one and two in the student guide, which are cyberbullying focused. Ask them to decide how they should respond, explain why they would choose that response, and think about the impact that response would have on those involved.