Bullying prevention resources for K-12 youth, families, and educators

Know extraordinary people who should be recognized for their bullying prevention work?

Free, online classroom resources to create safe and supportive schools and communities.

Take the Pledge
Pledge to treat others with kindness and be more accepting and inclusive.

Kids Against Bullying
Innovative, educational website for elementary school students to learn, engage in activities, and be inspired to advocate for self and others.

Teens Against Bullying
A website created by and for middle and high school students, with ideas to address bullying, be heard, and lead change in an important social cause.

Questions Answered
You asked, we answered! Response options include images, 60-second snapshot, longer articles, video and poll.

Students With Disabilities
A comprehensive overview of addressing and preventing bullying and harassment of students with disabilities.

Free online, year round toolkit with a new classroom lesson each week! Create environments in which each student is INcluded, INvested and INvolved.
I Care Because
I've being bullied for being skinny. Everybody at my school spread fake rumours around the WHOLE school and make it seem as if it was true, it was 100% not true at all. Even new kids at school started hating on me, i felt so neglected. I even tried commiting suicide one day. I felt worthless and hopeless. I don't understand why do anybody would want somebody else feel bad about themselves. It's just so cruel! The bullying i went through was horrifying, everysingle day after school I cry! Even my friends doesn't help me, they support the bullying... :(
Depressed :(, 15, SY
I was bullied. I know the feeling I use to get when I walked into that school. The feeling like a rock dropped from my throat to the bottom of my stomach. I remember the words they called me. Even tho it's been 3 years since I was in grade 10, I can recall every harsh word that was said to me. Feeling like I wasn't worth anything and I was useless. Telling my parents I had missed the bus when they heard I wasn't at school, because there were just some days I couldn't handle it . I feel for everyone who's going through that right now. But know there is light at the end of the tunnel. Even when it seems your whole worlds in darkness, I promise there will be someone who will bring you a candle. Just wait. Know you are beautiful and someone out there loves you....for you.
Ashley, 18, Canada
its not fair
Michelle, 14, Denver,Colorado
all the time i see bulling and all we have to do is to stand up for each other and also put an END TO IT never be alone. for the people who was bullied we all can hear you and you are not alone
deanna, 13, wny
As a child I was bullied pretty harshly in Elementary school. As I approached High School I became the bully. It was a terrible cycle that played out. Now I am older and as I look back I see that cycle. I cannot help or change what I experienced or did in the past. I cannot heal the hurt I have caused. This I understand.
Randy, 55, Oregon
...when I was in school. ( 6-10th grade) I was bullied. I was different. Always a little chubby, with glasses and I was creative/ artistic. I was picked on for how I looked and for the interests I had, in the arts. This experience not only affected my adult relationships ( makor lack of trust) But, it has subconsciously kept me from following my talent. I will do whatever I can to protect young people, from the same fate.
Christopher , 46, Raleigh, North Carolina

Carmen’s Corner
A series of six educational videos designed for young audiences. It features characters from PACER’s Kids Against Bullying puppet program, highlights key concepts of bullying prevention, and promotes social-emotional learning. Educator guide and student worksheets accompany each video.
“What You Can Do”This 4-part handout series provides comprehensive information for students and adults about how to help someone who is experiencing bullying, as well as how to address bullying in the community.
Spanish Translations |
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- Bullying Prevention 101, A Quick Guide:
- Bullying Prevention Slide Show and Quiz
- Notifying the School About Bullying — Using a Template Letter
- Student Action Plan Against Bullying + Guide for Using the Plan
- Common Views and Myths about Bullying
- What if Your Child Is the One Showing Bullying Behavior?
Support Kindness, Acceptance and Inclusion for All Students

Become a Champion Against Bullying
Join the hundreds of nonprofits, schools, and community groups that collaborate directly with PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center by using and sharing our bullying prevention resources in their communities.
Survey Monkey Contributes to NBPC
Sign up and you will receive surveys by e-mail from SurveyMonkey customers who need your opinion. For every survey you take, SurveyMonkey will donate 50 cents to PACER's National Bullying Prevention Center, plus you'll get a chance to win $100 in an instant win game.