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Middle and High School, Starting the Discussion Toolkit

Monday - Bullying 101

Morning Announcement

Today's topic is "Bullying 101." Bullying can take many forms. It can be physical, and it also can be emotional and social—using words to hurt someone, leaving someone out, or gossiping and spreading rumors. Bullying also happens over cell phones and the Internet. In your classroom today, you will learn what bullying is, how to identify it, and why it happens.

Classroom Education and Activities

Active Learning and Discussion

Bullying 101 – Review what bullying is, how to identify it, and why it happens.

Common Points of View About Bullying – Share these often repeated statements, followed by insight into the real story.

Discussion Questions:

(To make sure all students participate, you may want to break the class into groups of 5 to 8 students. Appoint one student in each group to take notes and report results to the class. Consider using that feedback for future bullying prevention projects.)

Video and Discussion

Watch “Teen Talk on Cyberbullying” Video. Discussion Questions:


Share or print Bullying Prevention 101: A quick guide for middle and high school students

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