250 colleges in 41 states are now including students with intellectual disabilities. This video highlights the opportunities and benefits of a college education for students with intellectual disabilities. (3 min)

Training & College Opportunities
Continuing your education or training after high school can help you move toward your career goals. To learn more about opportunities for additional education or training and how to get the support you need to succeed, watch the videos in the collections below.
I Want More Than a High School Diploma
College & Disability Services: Student Feud
High school students parody the classic game show Family Feud. Students team up against one another to answer questions about the differences between how you get support from your IEP team in high school, and how you get support from the Disability Services Office in college. (9 min)
Transitioning to College with a Disability
A high school senior who has a learning disability almost decides not to go to college because reading is so difficult for him. But then he talks to James, a college student with a learning disability. James teaches him about how to apply for accommodations from the Disability Services Office at a college campus, and encourages him to go through the process of picking the right college to meet his needs. (5 min)
DO-IT Scholars Discuss the Importance of College
DO-IT Scholars are high school students with disabilities who stay in college dorms during a summer study program at the University of Washington. They experience college life and work on self-advocacy skills to support their transition to college. In this video, DO-IT Scholars share their own thoughts on why it is important for students with disabilities to go to college. (4 min)
Anita, who is a college student and a full-time wheelchair user, interviews four other college students with disabilities. Carl, Katelyn, Eric, and Calleese share their individual experiences about what day to day life on a college campus is like when you have a disability. (5 min)
Colleges provide accessible dorm rooms for students with disabilities, like Adam. Watch this video to take a tour of Adam’s dorm room. (1 min)
I Am Thinking College (Even with My Disability)
Haley, Bud, Will, and Liz are all young people with intellectual disabilities. They are also all college students at the University of Tennessee. In this video, they talk about their individual experiences at college and share their advice for other students with intellectual disabilities who want to go to college. (8 min)
Meet Brandon, a young man with an intellectual disability who is going to college and working part-time at Kowalski’s. Brandon talks about overcoming obstacles, the impact of caring adults in his life, and his hopes and dreams for the future. (3 min)
Today, over 200 colleges in 37 states are enrolling students with intellectual disabilities. Are you a student with an intellectual disability who dreams of going to college? Watch this trailer for a Think College documentary about new opportunities that students like you are experiencing now at Edgewood College, Kennesaw State University, and the University of North Florida. (5 min)
Disclosing your disability is a very personal decision. It means making an informed decision when or if to tell someone about your disability. Your decision will affect you at school, at work, and in your social life. In this video, Nellie, Alex, Nick, and Mimi talk about how they made their own decisions to disclose their disabilities, and how it changed things for them. (4 min)
Preparing for Postsecondary Education
Are you planning to go to college or a technical training program after high school? The way you get the accommodations that you need in college or a technical training program is very different than the way you get them in high school. Your family can do a lot to support you as you go through the process. This video is made for you to watch with your family, so that you can learn about the process together. (3 min)
Virtual College Campus Tour for Individuals with Disabilities
Colleges and universities come in many different types and sizes, from a small single building technical college to a huge university with many large buildings. That gives you a lot of choices! In this video you will meet Ann, a junior at the University of St Thomas, and Debbie, the Director of the Office for Students with Disabilities at Normandale Community College. Together, Ann and Debbie answer many of the questions that you need to ask so that you can get the supports you need to have a successful college experience. (24 min)
Dr. Right: The Right Way to Discuss Transition
Teresa is a young woman with a disability who is leaving home to go to college. In this video, she visits her doctor to get prepared. Teresa tells her doctor that her personal goals for college are making new friends, fitting in, staying healthy, not getting worn out, and taking advantage of all the opportunities of college life –including studying abroad. Teresa’s doctor works with her to write a health care transition plan that supports her personal goals. (8 min)
Rachel Magario on Postsecondary Education
Rachel talks about her college experiences, and offers advice on how take advantage of all the opportunities you have access to in college. (3 min)
Additional Resources
Mapping Your Future: Creating a Personal Transition Plan
Watch this webinar to learn how to create your own Personal Transition Plan, using online materials and a variety of multimedia tools, such as PowerPoint, Inspiration, Glogster, and eFolioMN [Note: eFolioMN is now myeFolio]. (22 min)
What Can CareerOneStop Do for You
CareerOneStop.org is a website sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor. Watch this video to learn how the CareerOneStop website can help you explore careers, find training, search for a job, and get help in your community with these activities.
Are you thinking about what you want to do with the rest of your life? This website was built to help you plan for your future. What will you do after high school? Will you work? Go to college? Live in a place of your own? By using the tools at this website, you can begin planning for your future right now!
Think College
Think College is a national organization dedicated to developing, expanding, and improving college options for people with intellectual disabilities.
Money for College
College Costs - Net Price Calculator
What is Net Price? Net Price is the amount of money that a student pays for one year of college classes, after subtracting any scholarships or grants that the student receives. Every college has a Net Price Calculator that you can find online. Watch this video to learn how to use this online tool, so that you can figure out about how much it would cost you to go to different colleges you are interested in attending. (2 min)
Federal Student Aid: Overview of the Financial Aid Process
Are you ready to attend college or career school, but need financial aid to help you pay for your education? Check out this video to learn how the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Federal Student Aid provides grants, student loans, and work-study funds to students who are eligible. (2 min)
The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) allows students to apply grants, student loans, and work-study funds to help pay for college or career schools. Check out this video for information about the FAFSA, and about where to get help filling out this important application. (3 min)
Federal Student Aid: Types of Federal Student Aid
If you need help paying for college or career school, the office of Federal Student Aid can assist you with getting the money you need. Check out this video to learn about the important differences between grants, student loans, and work-study jobs, and how these different types of financial assistance can help you pay for your education. (2 min)
Additional Tips & Tools
Student-To-Student Tips for Success in Online College Classes
Navigating online learning can be tough, especially for students with disabilities. Check out these valuable tips from a college student with dyslexia who has triumphed in online classes.
College or Training Programs: How to Decide Tips for Youth
After high school graduation, there are many paths that you can take. You might start a job, or go to a technical school or a college, or you might do a little of both of these things. With so many choices, it can be challenging to decide which path to take. Here are some ideas to help you decide.
Planning for Success in Postsecondary Education Takes Time and Organization
Are you planning to continue your education after high school? Most technical training and college programs have many entrance requirements. Following these steps will help you make a smooth transition from high school to your next educational program.
Visiting College and University Campuses
Are you thinking about going to college? Choosing the right college for you is a big decision. An important step to take is to go on a tour of the colleges you are interested in. Read on for tips to help you plan your visit.
Preparation is Key to Gaining Accommodations on ACT College Entrance Test
The ACT and the SAT are tests you take in high school. Many colleges require that you report your ACT or SAT scores on your application to help them decide if they will accept your application. Sometimes, colleges use your ACT or SAT scores to help them decide if they will give you a scholarship. Are you thinking of taking the ACT or the SAT? If you get accommodations when you take tests in your high school classes, it may also be important for you to get accommodations when you take the ACT or the SAT. Follow these steps to get the accommodations you need.
Tips for College Students with Visual Impairments: Questions to Ask about Disability Services
One key to success in college is finding a college that’s a good match for you. Most colleges have a disability services office, with staff who can tell you about the accommodations and resources they have to support your college experience. Talk to them! The questions in this guide will help you get the information you need to choose a college that’s right for you.