Meet Jean, a 7th grade student who has Down Syndrome and a hearing impairment. She uses an iPad as a personal planner, and to help her do her school work and take tests. She also uses Boots, which attach to her hearing aids so that she can listen to audio books on her iPad. (4 min)

Assistive Technology
Using assistive technology can help in your classes, in your job, and even in your free time. To understand more about Assistive technology, and how it can help you at school, at work, and in your daily life, watch the videos in the Let’s Talk about Assistive Technology collection below.
Assistive Technology & Me
Meet Elle, a 14-year-old student with cerebral palsy. She uses a Dynavox to help her talk with her eyes, a head mouse, and a tablet. Watch this video to learn how Elle looks at different pictures on the screen to talk with her family, her friends, and her Teachers. (4 min)
Meet Joe, an 11th grade student who has dyslexia and dysgraphia. He talks about how the apps Read2Go and Learning Ally on his iPod have helped him read books successfully not only for school, but also for his own enjoyment. In this video, he also shows you how he uses Read2Go and Learning Ally on his iPod. (6 min)
Sam Graves is a college student and a sports blogger. Sam talks about how he uses assistive technology not just to succeed in his college classes, but to a fun and active life. (4 min)
Meet Nick, a young man with cerebral palsy who runs his own lawn care business. Nick shows you the adapted van he drives, with a driving knob on the steering wheel, custom foot pedals, and hands-free controls for the turn signals, the windshield wipers, and the headlights! Nick also shows you the adapted lawnmower he operates for work, and the adapted computer he uses to email his customers. (4 min)
Meet Jared, a young man with cerebral palsy who runs his own graphic arts business online. Jared shows you how he uses a sip and puff switch to type, control the mouse, and do anything else he wants to do on his computer –from designing websites for his customers to playing checkers in his free time! (4 min)
Craig was in a car accident, and had a Traumatic Brain Injury. He had to learn how to walk, eat, and talk again. In this video, Craig tells his story about how he returned to work as a welder, with support from an Employment Specialist at the Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Office. The Employment Specialist helped him get accommodations at work. (4 min)
Rachel Magario on Assistive Technology
As an adult, Rachel shares how assistive technology has advanced her success. Rachel talks about how assistive technology got her through design school and business school so that she could become an Assistive Technology Specialist. She also talks about how she uses assistive technology to really connect with other people. (3 min)
The Job Accommodation Network: JAN is here for YOU!
The Job Accommodation Network (JAN) is a free service of the U.S. Department of Labor's Office of Disability Employment Policy. JAN helps people with disabilities get accommodations at their workplace so that they can succeed on the job, and many of these job accommodations are different kinds of assistive technology. This video uses simple drawings and easy-to-understand language to explain how JAN could help you. (4 min)
How Can the Simon Technology Center Help Me?
Would you like to try new technology or learn new ways to use your current technology (phone, tablet, computer) to help you at school, at a job, or just in your daily life? PACER’s Simon Technology Center can help. Check out the following links:
Technology Consultations
A technology consultation is a great way to explore assistive technology devices with help from the friendly and knowledgeable staff at the Simon Technology Center. Click here to find out how you can request a consultation.
Technology Lending Library
With more than 1,500 devices, the Simon Technology Center Lending Library lets you try out and borrow some of the newest assistive technology, so that you can figure out what works for you. Click here to find out when the Library is open this month.
Individualized Training Sessions
Do you have an assistive technology device, but you need help learning how to use it? The Assistive Technology Specialists at the Simon Technology Center can give you one-to-one support to teach you how. Click here to find out how they can help you improve your technology skills.
Video Series
Simon Technology Center Videos
If you have more questions about the world of assistive technology and how it could make a difference in your life, STC has created a video series with the answers that you are looking for! Check out Simply Said, an ongoing video series that explains important topics related to assistive technology with simple drawings and easy-to-understand language. AT In Action is a series of video stories told by young people with disabilities about how they use assistive technology. Or try the AT Minute Videos, to watch demonstrations of a variety of assistive technology devices.