Conclusions and Acknowledgments
As you raise your child with a disability, you may think you cannot make financial plans because you simply don’t have the time to do it or the income to make it matter. And considering high health care costs you deal with, you might wonder what value there is in planning for the future. The value is knowing you did everything you possibly could do for your child.
It takes courage to plan. Watching financial resources dwindle can crush the spirit. Through your bravery you will find empowerment and inspiration for creative ways to meet your family’s needs.
Try to work steadily through each planning phase. Pick areas you think need the most attention, then try to be methodical about implementing a plan. You will accomplish what you set out to do. Depend on your mind. It is a powerful tool. By being as determined as you ultimately want your child to be, you will accomplish things that surprise and delight you.
One final note: Your circumstances may not be easy. Only you and other parents who have similar experiences can know how really difficult they are. Stay connected to parents you meet through your local Parent Center, other parent groups, and your community. They are part of your lifeline of support, just as you can be the same to them.
Thank you for using this publication. Throughout our research we tried to anticipate what questions you might have or topics you would find most helpful in improving the financial well-being for you and your family. We wish you luck in seizing opportunities to accomplish your dreams and goals.
PACER Center
PACER Center enhances the quality of life and expands opportunities for children, youth, and young adults with all disabilities and their families so each person can reach his or her highest potential. PACER operates on the principles of parents helping parents, supporting families, promoting a safe environment for all children, and working in collaboration with others.
With assistance to individual families, workshops, materials for parents and professionals, and leadership in securing a free and appropriate public education for all children, PACER's work affects and encourages families in Minnesota and across the nation.
National Endowment for Financial Education (NEFE)
NEFE is an independent, nonprofit foundation committed to educating Americans about personal finance and empowering them to make positive and sound decisions to reach financial goals. The National Endowment for Financial Education, NEFE, and the NEFE logo are federally registered service marks of the National Endowment for Financial Education. For more information about the National Endowment for Financial Education, visit www.nefe.org .
Possibilities: A Financial Resource Guide for Parents of Children with Disabilities
This publication is intended to provide general financial information; it is not intended to substitute for, or supersede, professional or legal advice. The specific needs of every disability or life circumstance have not been covered in this publication. The best course of action must be based on individual circumstances.
Note: The content areas in this material are believed to be current as of this publication's writing, but, over time, legislative and regulatory changes, as well as new developments, may date this material.
© 2010 National Endowment for Financial Education. All rights reserved.