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I Care Because
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I'm in year 9(8th Grade) and i suffered from sexual bullying for quite a long period of time last year when i was in year 8. I started to become friends with a boy in my year because he had barely any friends and i felt really sorry for him. A month or so after my friends and i had welcomed him into our, for lack of abetter word, group, he started to behave in an innapropriate way and harrased me sexually. I was an easy target as i tried to make him feel as welcome within my friends as possible and i am quite shy. I didn't know how to tell anyone but my friends helped me and it got sorted for a while and he stopped, but then he kept harrasing me again after a month or so. I was also bullied through out primary school. I don't want anyone else to go through what I did. Bullying HURTS. 

Laura - 13 - North Wales

i cry every time someone dies because of bullying. it does not just affect the family of the decesed it affects all kids everywhere because it's sending a message to kids and teens around the world that bullying is only getting worst. I believe with the voices of us all that we can make a difference if only if we could be heard as a solution and not as children. The reason why i say this is because the government is only taking action after a disaster happens not before. if only we could be heard and not told to stay in a childs place then will the bullying stop because it's happening to us as the youth not the adults they have been though it maybe maybe not but we have it worst than ever imanged and with all said and done we could change the world with one voice at a time and STOMP OUT BULLYING FOR THE KIDS OF THE FUTURE .

Lakiesha - 14 - Arkansas

I have been bullied for 2 years and all this year. My parents always hollard telling me to fight but that would make things worse.  I was always myself and now i cant be im not my self cause i get picked on. They call me fat and ugly, stup'id, whore and so on. I come home crying not wanting to go to school and my p'arents never listen to me. I wanted to take my life. I didn't eat at all i was always depressed. I dont want someone else having to feel that way its horriabl'e. i cry my self to sleep every night. Bull'ying needs to stop'. i care cause its risking kids life hurting kids. 

Allaya - 13 - clover sc

I care because NO ONE deserves to be bullied. Imagine you in their spot & how they feel. I have been bullied before people called me fat, it actually hurts a lot. They will never know how it feels because they didn't feel like how i felt. 

Rainna - 14 - Canada

i care because ive been through it for all my life. i hate seeing people down and getting into worst things like cutting and at worst taking their own life...sigh :( ii joined this facebook page "Have a HEART and STOP Bullying" everyone there is a friend, older brother or older sister..there wonderful people...i think everyone who gets bullied or wants to help should join and defo spread the word :) 

Ben - 19 - London, UK

I care because I've been bullied before. I let it go on for weeks before I said something. But once i stood up, the two bullies stopped making fun of me and everyone else. It only takes one person to make a big change.

Keylie - 10 - Barrie

I have been bullied all my life because i was akward and acted strange. I would always play at recess and would never played kickball.... or played jump rope. Instead I would sit down and just sing because i loved it so much. So of course girls where against me and never hung out with me..... Finally 6th grade came along and i was hoping that it would be a great time to make a facebook account 2 weeks before school started. I added everyone who goes to that school and it was awesome... untill... i got a message from this girl named Nikki. She said that it was lame how i added her... i ignored it and logged off. It was lunch time and I was in line when Nikki tapped me on the shoulder and said it again. I explained to her that I was just trying to make new friends and she rolled her eyes and then started talking bad about me. Anyway, the point was that I started calling myself stupid and useless. It wasn't only her it was basicly everyone. So i was made fun off, pushed around, and even the guys kept making fun off me. i never got a break... i'm in 7th grade now... i still get teased but i have more friends now. But the saddest thing about all of this... is that everyone treats bullying like a joke at my school. Even Teachers sometimes.... im glad i realize i am not alone and i will

Skye - 14 - NA

I've seen it happen and i just hate watching it. I myself have never really been too push down by any one. Seeing it happen is just enough for someone like me to stand up for that person. In my writing class we are each doing a debate, and my topic is bullying. I want to prove that it's wrong (not that any one in my grade is a bully), i just want to be sure everyone truly knows there rights from their wrongs. I just know any understand that its hurtful and that NO ONE should have to go through this.        

Lauren - 12 - Arizona

My 13 year old brother has Autism and is marked as a target for bullies because he's different.  School life for him is miserable, and he doesn't have friends.  I believe the bullying affects other parts of his life like school work.

Haley - 15 - The United States

i care because i see my friends getting hurt everyday. some peopel just odnt know how to quit and im done with being the only one who tries to stop it. its like everyone at my school is so use to bullying, that noone really seems to do anything except talk behind poeples back about it 

marq - 14 - maryland

My 13 year old brother has Autism and is an easy target for bullies.  He is the most kind and gentle person I've ever met.  I can see that the bullying affects his ability to concentrate in class, and it affects his moodiness and attitude at home.  He was bullied very badly in 5th grade, but his school was not doing anything about it.  My parents then homeschooled him.  He's now in seventh grade and enrolled in public school again at the local junior high.  He still has problems with bullies, especially when he's in gym class.  My speech and media class is researching different causes and advocating for them.  I chose bullying awareness for my brother.  Though bullying is an issue that most people would like to overlook and ignore, we can't just stand by anymore.  There are too many people hurting and suffering from it.  Too many lives are being lost.  Now is the time to speak up for those who are victims of bullies.  Not tomorrow or the next day, now! 

Haley - 15 - Indiana

I used to bully, too ( 5th grade)- but I didn't know it was bullying. The kids in my class and I always made fun of the mentally challenged kids when we passed by their room because of the wierd noises they made. We'd imitate them, then laugh at them. I wasn't the ringleader, but I really don't know who was. When I realized that it was bullying, I stopped, but then started again, In 6th grade, I realized how wrong I was and stopped. I can't imagine myself in one of those kids' shoes!

Gabby - 12 - Mississippi

my big sister was bullied and I see a lot
of other innocent kids being bullied.
It's not cool cuz probably the kid
has it hard enough already. I want to
make a difference.

Cristina - 12 - Hawthorne, CA

Bullying has caused people to feel insecure and not beautiful the way they r 
Words stay in there mind forever !!!!! And it honestly scars u 
People get disorders and commit suicide when will people notice that bullying is a matter of life or death 
I want it to stop because no one , no one should have to go through that 

Maddy - 12 -

No one deserves to be treated like dirt. No kid should be left out of a activity or afraid to go somewhere because they are bullied.  Even if the bullies have stopped and gone away the mark they make never goes away. 
We remember.

Hannah - 16 - Alabama

I hate bullying  because it hurts other kids feelings

Kimira - 13 - 285 bronx new york

I have been bullied for all of my life. It started affecting my health, and my parents pulled me from public school. I now go to school online, and things have gotten better. But the bullying still continues online, and it is hard to see other people go through the same things that I have myself. I wish that no one would ever have to experience what it is like to be bullied. I don't want anyone to ever have to feel alone. I want to help as many people as possible who are feeling as hopeless and sad as I was, and sometimes still am. 
"Never forget; somewhere, someone is fighting for you. As long as you remember her, you are never truly alone." - Madoka Magica

- 16 -

I feel that many get bullied online i want to take action, please if you can show me. my school hardly physically bullies, but there are hurtful words. And comments online. I feel like my word wont make a difference, but i feel like i will be the only one who feels to take the risk of speaking up! I want to take action.

I do not want to share my name - 16 - NJ

When I was in 8th grade I was bullied, picked on, made fun of, and excluded from intramural sports all because I was not as tall as most of the boys in my grade. Each time the bullying happened my feelings were hurt and my self esteem began to go down. I now have a life threatening disorder and I have to receive counseling and medical treatment in another state, away from my family. I am also not able to go to high school like the other kids my age until I can regain my  ability to control my thoughts and my sense of self worth. Bullying goes a lot further than just the day and time the negative actions occur. Please don't bully. Tell your friends to not bully people,and for that matter, tell any stranger not to bully. Putting people down can go a lot further than you know. Being bullied can be life altering. LIFE ALTERING. Please don't bully!

Sawyer - 16 - California

I was Bullied and my whole life change.Bullying is disgusting and it is wrong and should stop here and now.

Olivia - 14 - Hawthorne,Ca

I did not get all the help i needed when i was being bullied so now my whole life is different than i expected to be.I am only a fourteen year old child and i think things about myself that even professionals cant not understand.I think it is important to make everyone around us feel special and important and worthy of life.Not only will it make them feel better but it would make us all feel better.I never had anyone around to tell me i was beautiful as i was being bullied.I brought upon myself to handle my issues and it turned out changing my life drastically.I can never understand why no one helped so i want to show other kids that they are loved and make them not have to ask themselves that question.I want people to be able to walk home feeling safe.Wake up feeling Beautiful.Go to school to learn and not get picked on for it.I want Bullying to change and i want to help by starting with myself.

Olivia - 14 - Hawthorne,Ca

My older sister was bullied growing up. She had virtually no friends up until high school and used to get in the car after school and cry nearly every day. It was beyond painful for me to see her deal with that and I would never wish it on anyone. I went to the same school my sister did and my best friend, Bekah, and I decided that we were going to eliminate bullying in our grade. We started by finding the kids in our class that were tortured the most by our classmates and ate with them every lunch. Then we started to partner with them on projects, talk to them outside of class, and hang out with them after school. Some upper classmen saw what we were doing and joined in with us. Together we formed The Table, a group made up of a mix of the most popular and most bullied kids from 7th grade to Seniors. The people I met by forming this group are some of the best people I have ever met and are all still my friends today. The youngest of the original group all graduated last year, but my sister, Bekah, and I passed on the legacy to our younger brother and to this day bullying in our school has all but disapeared. I want to encourage everyone on this site that it can be done. We can stop bullying in schools. Take a stand, and never give up. You are more brave than you give yourself credit for.

Rachele - 19 - Texas

I started a small organization at my middle school in the USA. I hate bullying it is so unfortunate to see innocent people being picked on for what they believe in and what they look like. People need to be respected for who they are and what they do. People bully because they want to feel superior about themselves. We can stand up to bullying. I attended he stand up to bullying rally for the student council at my school because I need the hate to stop.

Kara - 14 - Massachusetts

i'm being bullied at school and no ones doing anything about it! ive told my mum, my head of year, headmaster and closest friends. i wish someone understood my pain! i've been slapped, kicked, abused even by family! i didnt committ suicide yet but dont know what to do! everyone hates me and no ones there to help me :(

Megan - 13 - LONDON

It hurts. I was bullied in 5th grade. A boy I never talked to called me horrible names..beast,and,freak,were the most painful. I don't want anybody to end up with an anxiety disorder like I did. It hurt,it hurts,and,the anxiety is overwhelming me. I want nobody to go through that.

Suzy - 14 - Florida

I know a lot of people, including myself, have been through the struggles of it.

Kelsie - 13 - Nevada

I am bullied about my weight and people have told me to kill myself. I don't want anyone to go through what I have gone through. Bullying isn't fun. There are so many people out there being bullied and committing suicida and self harming because of it. I wish people could see how much their words hurt others. I want to help make a difference in the world and I'm trying to start at my school. 

Allyson - 13 - Wisconsin


shanya - 8 - 60 PLONADON 6E

There is no need to bully someone, so why do it? Does anyone really think that bullying helps,well if you do think again bullying hurts and does not help.If someone is being bullied help them or get a adult. People all around the world hurt or kill themselfs because of this thing bullying
Stand up for yourself and others. Treat others the way you want to be treated and you would not want to be bullied so do not bully others. Bullying can not do any good but it can cause harm. Please speak up and remember be a buddy not a bully.Bullying needs to end sometime, so why not try to make it end now!!???

Acacia - 14 - United States

When I was bullied, it hurt.I used to do it too, not knowing I was bullying. Now, I want to help anyone who is bullied. This website is what directed my attention to these facts, so thank you.

Gabby - 12 - Mississippi

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