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I Care Because
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I hate it when I experience someone picking on my friends. I've experienced everything happen. This happens every day. I'm sick of it. I keep on telling this person to stop, but they keep bullying my friend. 

Dylan - 12 - Allenstown,NH

I care because I definitely been builded my whole life by people from school and even my family and no one should ever feel the way I'm feeling everyday because no one deserves that. Everyone is beautiful dont ever forget that never let anyone take your happiness away because remeber your not alone in this. 

Tabetha - 17 -

''when i started kindergraden i thought i was going to be okay. i used to have a friend which she was my bullied. i wonder why she was my bullied i told her everything that i have. now im in grade 7 the bullied is still bullllying me. but guess what i did............. i told her everything that i dont like about her. i was so close to killed my self but i relzied i was worth it i so beutiful no matter what and im not fat . Whoever is reading this dont let the bully bring you down you are so better than them. BE WHAT YOU WANT TO BE. IF YOU SEE ANYONE BULLYING SOMEONE JUST DONT STAND THERE SAY SOMETHING TELL THE TEACHER I COUNT ON YOU GUYS.

Azara - 13 - canada

I want students to feel safe in and out of school. Bullying is a problem that I realized yesterday I should get up and try to fix. Bullying is a terrible thing. It needs to be stopped as soon as possible

Austin - 12 - Harrisburg, PA

i myself am a victim of bullying to this day. But thanks to my friends, parents and teachers i feel much safer and happyer.

MELANIE - 13 - fresno CA

I care because...  I was bullied for four years. Being bullied leaves scars that no one can repair. Being bullied leaves you vulnerable to the harsh things in this world that can change a person and not always for the better.  My graduation paper/project this year is on bullying and teen depression.  Bulling is serious and anyone who takes it as a joking matter needs to look into the lives of those affected by it.  Stand Up.  Speak out.  The End Of Bullying Begins With Me.

Chelsie - 16 - Cranberry TWP, PA

I see bullying at my school a lot. We have this thing called Advisory every friday that everyone is riquired to go to but everyone just doesn't get it. It doesn't have to be phisical... its mostly emotional. Like for me.... other girls would always gossip behind my back and never treat me like a true friend. But now I feel as if everyone at my school thinks its only in movies and doesn't happen in real life. IT DOES. 

Skye - 13 - USA

Hey there. Just stop bullying.

Josh - 12 - Maryland

My sister who is in highschool was bullied for the people she hangs out with. Shes different and people don't like that. Be different. Don't let people bring you down, be yourself.

May - 13 - Minnesota

I Am too a victim for being bullied.... i get picked on everyday because f my body and my characteristics.... being as small as i am is somthing that i take for granted.... in middle school people try to do things that make them look cool =... like bulling  i have been pushed, hit, thrown, and spit on and i have recently gone into magor depression, my mom has done as much as she can to help me and i am on the road to recovery...... for all of you poeple out there afraid of standing up , afraid of everything dont be if you need a helping hand follow me on tumblr at charlOtte-russe.... im here and awlays will be thnks for reading my story and lets stand up to those bullies because they have something in their life thats hurting them and just want to have the feeling of other people hurting with them ... bulling is a thought that fears teens everyday so lets get rid or that fear and when kids go to school to not be afraid to be glad that they are somewhere in a safe and educational enviroment:)<3

Ashley - 14 - Florida

Im recentley getting bullied at my school. Like just the other day someone gave me a threat online that i was goanna get it and another person said that they want to hurt me phiscally. Theres so much drama at my school that needs to be handled. Even though im in a younger grade i agree bullying needs to be taken care of. Because im sick and tired of it.

Maddie - 11 - USA

People should not be bullied because of how they look or what they like, they are the same people as you so people should stop bulling and be friends to each other so if your reading this lets stop bulling together.

Morgan - 12 - flordia/davenport

Oh dont get me started on last year There was a kid who bullied me every day im so glad i moved I HATE BULLYING

Garrett - 11 - greenville sc

bullying is happening everywhere and no one deserves it. everyone has the right to be themselves whether you like it or not. 

kristina - 17 - Michigan

I am bulled myself, and no one knows. no one notices. 
it is mostly emotoinal and mental, but that is worse that physical. with the emotoinal pain. every day, i dread going to school cause i starts all over again. the pain is awful, and no one notices. the worst part is that my parents abuse me as well.  i am all alone, 

Regggie - 13 - USA

reading these stories has really tugged at my heart, knowing that regular people like you and I go through bullying everyday is heartbreaking. I remember back in fourth and fifth grade I would get bullied because I was breakable and I didn't know how to respond to hurtful words or mean girls. I take a look back and see how much things have changed for me and how I rarely let things get to me. Don't let small meaningless words get to you, don't let words like that define who you are. You must define yourself, you are your own person. Most importantly you cannot let people treat you lower than you are. They are insecure of themselves and bringing other down builds up their self-esteem. One day you will overcome this, maybe not now but you will. You are on this planet for a reason, you can't let others put you down, its unhealthy. Remember actions speak louder than words. Good luck!

Hannah - 15 - PA, United States

This girl at school gets bullied a lot,(she is pretty much the only one that really gets bullied)because of her diabilities(wich aren't that bad). I care because every day someone kills themselves because of bullying and I don't want that to happen to anyone I know.

Hannah - 16 - Mississippi

My name is Estefania and when I was 13 years old I was bullied. I was a little fat and wore glasses and short hair. There is nothing wrong with those things, but when you're bullied you feel like there is. At school, there was this one girl who would push me around and sometimes knock me down. Teachers would tell her to stop but she'd eventually start doing it again. Another girl would call me names and yell at me for everything. I was scared to be with her. I was lucky to get into therapy and become a better, healthier version of myself. Now I don't let people push me around and I want bullying to stop for everyone just like it stopped for me! 

Estefania - 18 - Mexico

I was bullied once , they used to call me fag and gay and make me feel less than my ownself.Until now,some the people in school and even my friends sometimes call me names and as much as i dont want to care ,it's still penetrate and hurt me deep inside . once i sleep in a toilet for a whole night in my hostel because im too afraid of being bullied but now i stand up proud and im liking whoi am.nobody can stop me ,im the vice headboy in my school,i win a double national debate championship and a public speaking national champion.Though theres still few of them who's trying to insult me and let me down just because im not like the any other guys.i dont really care at all cause in the end im the one who's going to stand in my own way . Being different is the best part of me , i want bullying to STOP ! cause i know how bad it hurts . 

Sharul Syafie - 19 - Malaysia

I definatly know what it is like to be bullied. It is awful, and words cannot describe it. Everyone has suddently turned on you, and you feel worthless, and sometimes people go to the limit and commit suicide. Just yesterday I was cyber bullied on Instagram. Some random kid I don't even know made an account that said, "Kill yourself Drew". At first I was shocked, and I didn't want the same thing to happen to me again. But then all of my freinds stood up for me and told the person to stop. The person kept on insisting that I was fat, ugly, and should just go drink bleach. The person kept on saying that a lot, and I eventually gave into it. I felt worthless, fat, ugly, and just plain awful. That is how I felt in second grade when the boys would call me fat and a piece of junk. Then they would beat me up. No one stood up for me then! Even in second grade I felt like commiting sucicide. My mom was the only person who actually cared since my dad isn't here anymore. She tried to tell the principle and even HE didn't do anythiing about it!! My mom and I were shocked so I eventually changed schools. Since then no one has beat me or called me fat or ugly till yesterday. BUT I am not going to let it get to me. That person can say all of that stuff, but it is just going to make me stronger. always remember that

Drew - 12 - California

i care because ive seen people and once before have been bullied a bit. im not sure if its counted as bullying because it only happned a few times but it was by the same person. im sick of people around me being bullied and i want it to just end.

annonymusguy97 - 15 - Illinoise Rockford

i am being bullied, and have been since i was around 8, i have told so many people yet nobody seems to care, now i have given up telling anyone and nobody knows what is going on in my head anymore, i don't trust anyone anymore,i cry myself to sleep thinking of the next day ahead and what will happen i don't want other people to feel the way i do everyday, i want bullying to stop, not only for me but for everyone in the world, bullying is a huge things and it needs to be stopped, my life has been ruined by it and nobody elses life should be torn apart for something that doesn't need to happen!<3

sophie - 14 - england

I know what it is like to be bullied I was bullied for eight years before everything stoped.. wors can not describe the pain and frustration I feel when I hear of some one being billied. No one deserves it and now that I am going to a University, and I can see how much Anti-Bullying awareness there is and I help as much and as often as I can. I wish I knew of this when I was younger, but I love that there is more and more outlets for people. And the community is really uniting to fight against bullying.

Moriah - 20 - Texas

People don't realize how bullying hurts. I was bullied, and I am 17 years old. High school can seem terrible, but with the help of my two sisters and friends I was able to pull through. However, some people do not have that privilege. To each and every person who is suffering hurt and depression I say this: "You matter in the world. Everyone matters." 

Kaitlyn - 17 - Arkansas

I care because I know how hurtful it is to be bullied. And also because I know first hand what bullying can do to you. I have scars all over my body that I have to face every single day for the rest of my life. Scars that my children one day will see and ask about. Scars that were caused by the demons I got from my bullying experiences. I care because bullying is a horrible thing that is affecting thousands and thousands of girls and boys everyday all over the world. I care because no one deserves to go through it. I CARE.

Isabella - 19 - Dallas, TX.

We are human. Each one of us are special and nobody should tell you different. 

Allison - 15 - South Dakota

In seventh grade I thought that life was great and that the world was fine but that slowly changed. At first the year was great and I had tons of friends and was even considered one of the "popular" girls. Then one day everything changed. Out of no where all of my "friends stopped talking to me and I didn't know what I did wrong so I kept hanging out with them. One day we were all sitting at lunch and they started picking on me, insulting my clothing and how i looked, so I got up and left. I thought my "best" friend would follow me but she just sat there and laughed with the rest of them. I felt really alone but pretended that it didn't effect me. I stopped going to lunch and would just sit in the library at that time, then I stopped eating all together. One day my "best" friend walked up to me and asked what was wrong and when i told her that I didn't want to talk to her anymore she said she and her friends were going to jump me after school. I had to call my mom during class and ask her to come pick me up because i was so scared. They didn't jump me but everyday they would push me in the hall and slam me into lockers, even knocking my books down the stairs. My mom went to the principle and stuff but they didn't do anything so my mom pulled me out and i now go to school online

Hallee - 15 - Unknown

people need to know that they matter no matter what other people want to say! u ru and that is all that really matter ! stay strong !! u are loved ! :)

??? - 14 - TN

I'm always trying to defend friends against bullying.

Genesis - 11 - SC

I have been bullied since the age of 6 and it still goes on. I know that im not alone in this situation and you shouldnt feel like you are. im here for all you guys xxxx

Brooke - 17 - Scotland, UK

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