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I Care Because
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I hate when people bully because it makes me mad. WHen I am involved into it, I do not eat, talk, or have fun. I just sit there, sulking. Deep inside, I would be crying and saying "Why me? What do I need to do?" I am always fearful, and do not stand up for myself. I've learned that I need to tell someone and stand up for my self and others. 

Natalie - 11 - Missouri

I "ve been bullyed and the bullyer for the last 7 years 
and i hated it and all ways will

spencer - 12 - georgia

I've realized through my bullying expereinces is that everyone, no matter how old, young, intelligent, strange, or beautiful, should be treated the same. Everyone deserves respect.

Ali - 16 - Massachusetts

i care because i think that bullying is really mean.

vikki - 13 - school

Even though I'm 22 and soon graduating from college, I still remember that horrible feeling I would get whenever I was bullied in middle school.  In fact, it's perhaps the most unfortunate, vivid memory I have from those years.

Jamie - 22 - California

I was bullied. I know the feeling I use to get when I walked into that school. The feeling like a rock dropped from my throat to the bottom of my stomach. I remember the words they called me. Even tho it's been 3 years since I was in grade 10, I can recall every harsh word that was said to me. Feeling like I wasn't worth anything and I was useless. Telling my parents I had missed the bus when they heard I wasn't at school, because there were just some days I couldn't handle it . I feel for everyone who's going through that right now. But know there is light at the end of the tunnel. Even when it seems your whole worlds in darkness, I promise there will be someone who will bring you a candle. Just wait. Know you are beautiful and someone out there loves you....for you. 

Ashley - 18 - Canada

Hey well right me and my best mate were walking in the playground when my best mate needed to get something from her bag, so we went to get it but then a group of boys started teasing and pushing us around we tried to get away but one pushed me so hard i fell to the ground i stared crying then i got called nasty names a teacher came by and fixed it all but if she wasn't there then we may have got really hurt 

Mia - 10 - Channel islands

I belive they bully because they have a lack of selfconfidence and a poor foundation of support When i say poor i don't mean in money. A bully can be any one. Same goes for the target. Bullying is like a cold, you can catch it, or you can prevent it.

Taylor - 12 - Nebraska, USA

My best friend got bullied really bad she had to change schools seven times.And then she came to my old school and i was the one who stuck up for her and i got bullied by a teacher too at that same school, because of my brothyers friend pranked called her on my phone and she told me that she was going to make my last few years miserable so i had to switch schools so now i am at this school and i love it.

lexi - 11 - omaha,nebraska

i think that you should stop bullying because it makes people very sad and sometimes scared and angrey......

connie - 11 - prenton high

I think its terrible and nobody should bully anybody else. People only bully because they are jelous of you, or are having trouble at home. I only know this because I was bullied once upon a time. So, even if your a bully and are having trouble at home, or didnt get the newest blackberry for Christmas or your Birthday, and are jelous of someone else, STOP BULLYING! You don't know how much one little thing can hurt someone, whether it be name-calling, physical hitting, or cyber, just stop, or you could be hurting yourself, as well as the person your bullying. No one should ever bully, because it is a bad thing. If you bully people younger than you, then your just cruel, and cyberbullying, is the worst kind, you can act braver than you are over the internet, and the things you say to people over the internet, are things that you would NEVER say to that person's face. So, basically, even if you act like the Queen of England, you should not bully! Whatever surcumstances it means, DON'T BULLY!!!!!!!!!!! Bullying is bad!


No one has the right to bully you, physically, verbally, or through the internet!! STOP THE BULLIES!!!!!!!

Jaymi - 11 - England

Me and my brother both have atisum and bullying has effected us greatly I was picked on so bad I would not make any friends school was like prison were the weak stay weak and the strong get stronger. One time the police were involved because a kid threatened to kill my brother if he did not give him money. Now we both have help and a have a group of amazing friends. But I don't want anyone to go what we had to go threw. I am now writing a fiction Noval called thunder rose and am happy. So please I hope this ends soon. :(

Haley - 14 - Detroit Michigan

I was bullied for most of my life. And it has a lasting affect on me I am working with my therapist to help forget some of my memory's of bullying not just from other kids but even some grown ups picked on me. I became a lone wolf and did not make friends until recently because I was afraid of other kids. Now I'm righting a Noval and getting high grades. I hope this stops.:( from h.s 

Haley - 14 - Bloomfield hills mi

I am not a bully and im not being bullied as well, but finding out that others are, makes me sad and upset. It doesn't make sense for someone to hurt others. They have no rights to hurt others. The victims shouldnt committ suicide because of it though. They should be able to live their life without being bullied. Their are alot of people who are against this, as well as i am. If we bring more awareness to the world, we will see a major difference in this world, we call home. We can end this. It only takes one voice to bring awareness, a million voices to make a change. 

Ky'wann - 16 - Ohio

Thanks for sharing Jackie. I was bullied as well and reading your story I almost thought it was me who had written it. Thank you for being passionate and trying to help bullying victims. 

Dav - 13 - florida

i see bullying at my school and it makes me feel like theres no good in the world, so i told a techer and i never saw the bully bully someone again i,m proud of doing that

augusta - 10 - alabama

I would like to stop bullying because me myself use to get picked on alot but now i just stick to myself then i told my teachers but they didn't believe me so I told my mom and she handed everything so now i have nothing to worry about but now i wonder how many other student that go to my school or adults or anybody else feels like when I see bullying that happens i fell really bad for that person so i tel right away and that is my story.

Kiajia - 9 - Huntsville Alabama

I have been a victim of bullying and I've been a bystander.  And i don't want to see others go through what i did. It changed my life in horrible ways until i was able to get over everything. And getting over it took time.

- 17 - Pennsylvania

I myself Raymond have been bullied for literally eer since I was 9. When I was younger I used 2 get called names, I was called fat, ugly gay on numerous times, when I was in elementary school up until now it goes on sometimes, I mean it hurts, it hurts ALOT, even by family members, that's when I reall lost it and just literally gave up on everything school, life, family everything, I've tried suicide many times, it didnt work the way I wanted it to, I must be here for a reason still, I've developed an eating disorder didnt know guys can suffer, yes they can, I have I lost ALOT of weight I mean from 160 to 130 I've lost ALOT, but Im here to inspire others who go through the same thing everyday I'm here, I'm one one your friends, I know how it feels, bullying need I be stopped now.

Raymond - 18 - La

since I was 6 I was picked on. I had thing thrown at me. people called me names I moved place to place because of it. I am still getting picked on. I let it bother me I cut,I had a eating disorder. just like demi Lovato when I  heard her story it made me think who cares what other people think. I love that demi Lovato come out to people and helps them through it. she my inspiration because of it. she my role model because of her I quit hurting my self and I won't to help fight against bullying. I was also picked on because I dint have a lot of money. but I don't let that bother me. when I'm upset I listen to my music and I put on demi and helps me. I have a great mother who stay by my side when I fell like hurting myself I talk to her and it helps. so don't let those bully's put you down. some one once said ?your beautiful for who you are and to STAY STRONG? and that person was demi Lovato so I want to help fight against bulling. I recently stuck up for a friend of mine he is in special ED and he talks to himself outloud and a girl said SHUT UP, and so I pulled him closer to me and have him talk to me until the bell rang and I told his teacher and thing like that bother me. that why I want to help fight against bulling. thank you for caring and listening.

Caty - 18 - USA

i strongly dislike bulling. NUFF SAID.

Macey - 22 - Saturn

I care because it hurts me when I see people being bullied.  I want to help, but I'm to scared.  I get sad and scared when I see it.  When, I see bullying it reminds me of the Karate Kid.  Where he can't fight back because he is to scared.  

Trinity - 12 - Florida

ive been bullied my whole life and im almost 15 and now im starting to stick up for myself hope hope other people do to

alektra - 14 - Michigan

I care because i care. No one should ever have to go through with bullying. NO ONE. Just because they are different or stand out from the crowd doesn't make bullying right. Stand up for the ones who don't fit in. Stand up for the ones that don't feel loved. Stand up for the ones who don't think life is worth it. No one should ever feel that way. Bullying NEEDS to stop. Everyone deserves a true friend. Be that friend.

Jaxie - 16 - CA

When I was younger I was bullied for 4 years, but then I switched schools.
When I started at the new school I tried so hard to not be bullied that i became a bully. After that i got bullied for what i did to other kids and it follows me around until today. We need to put an end to bulling because all it is is a vicious cylce where noone wins

Savannah - 13 - Florida

i care because bulying happens way too often now. i care because i get teased and called names everyday. i care because keeping it bottled up is not an option. i care because Demi Lovato cares and shes brought my attention to how bad bullying can be. i care because this has to stop!

Shania - 12 - Scotland

I know what its like. I know how much it hurts. How much it kills you. I know, first hand, what being bullied can do to someone because it has destroyed my life. I don't understand why people feel it is ok to bully because honestly it doesn't prove anything besides that you are a complete jerk. The fact that you can single handedly ruin someone's life and not even give it a second thought makes me sick. 

Robyn - 14 - Massachusetts

when i was a little kid alot of paople would pick on me cause i wasnt like any other kid in the whole school and i got that no one was alike and no one ever is but they would pick on me for just the littleest things that i was ugly or fat that i bearly had any friends and it hurt alot and i want to help kids like that to help through all the pain that i went throught and get them to feel better about themself and egnore all the bad that people think about them and just put it behind them

- 13 - terre huate,IN

i think its mean it makes kids feel like they can knock down their dream

Amy - 12 - ireland

I was bullied... I hated it! Every time I go to school I keep worrying about just one person. My friend sticks by me,He actually experiences me getting bullied. He even tried to help me... and it pulled off! I love being me now!

Angel - 12 - Allenstown,NH

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