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I Care Because
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i don't like bullying it's so sad and I mean why do you do it? I want to stand up for the people who are getting bullied because this is not ok! And this is not a joke! Even a random tease is still bullying!

MayLee - 9 - private

I was bullied for all of 6th grade .It was hard , I felt alone .It hurts so bad to hear these ugly words come out of  people's mouth. I felt like I didnt want to be alive or be me anymore.I didnt wanna be hurt .I care for this organization because I wanna stop bullying , I dont want anyone to feel like I did , Cause words hurt.

Haivyn - 13 - California

I have been bullied all my life. Whether or not some people can see it, I have and I know what it's like to feel like the smallest person in the world. Including my friends who have made me feel this way, I would do bad things such as self-harming myself. I care because I've been there, still am here, and we should all stand together.

Samantha - 15 - Ohio

elementary to middle school was torture. being over-weight, having bad acne and being a quiet person was "wrong". i had rocks thrown at me. from the age of 12-15 i was suicidal and cutting. why because bullies made me feel like scum, when really they're the ones acting like scum. no one is better than anyone else. i promise though, if you stick it out, it gets better. when you become an adult those petty things don't matter anymore. it's time teens realized that at a young age...before the bullied become the bullies, before someone else dies because they can't take it anymore. it's time to teach these kids compassion and understanding, like i was taught from a young age. i care because our children, nieces and nephews, cousins and friends are hurting...we all have to change and stand up, let everyone know this is wrong.

Christina - 21 - Houston, TX

I get bullied alot because i have autisum 

amie - 12 - beccles

This is to anyone who's ever felt bullied. Please don't worry about who loves you and who doesn't. The best thing you can do is to love yourself. Loving your self is one of the greatest things in life. Once you do that you will find your self happier. Don't worry if you are different from anyone else. Just think of your self as unique and one of a kind which is priceless. Don't worry about being black, white, yellow, brown, straight, gay, bi, etc. No one came into this world with a label, so why go thru life with a label. We all are one of a kind so live your life the way you see fit. You owe your life to no one but yourself. Free yourself to be yourself. Life is too short so be happy and love yourself.

Anonymous - 30 - Anonymous

I've never really been bullied but I have seen it take place. I've learned alot from research and experience, that it is one of the worst feelings ever. I feel like most people bully because they have nothing better to do, and putting people down will help them gain confidence.. Bystanders have the most power.. Telling an adult can save a life, and alot of struggle. Most people probably don't see bullying as a problem but, it's serious. And, it continues to worsen each day it takes place. No one deserves to be bullied or harrassed in any way at all. You have the right to feel safe wherever you are. If someone makes you feel uncomfortable, don't avoid it. It's unhealthy to hold in pain. Tell an adult.. You're reactions can make a difference.

Briana - 13 - Louisville, KY

Bullying is sick and mean. I hate it when people make fun of you all the time just because you're different then everyone else. This morning my brother was making fun of me. Sometimes I let it go. Sometimes I can't. I break down and cry. I used to make fun of people. Now I'm a new me. I help people who are getting bullied. Hey, it's worth it. Some people can be mean. Others nice. My friend Sam is nice. She gets bullied all the time and sometimes she doesn't say a thing. I feel bad for her. I help her out as musch as I can because my friends are like family. You help out your family as much as you can. Bullying needs to stop! It makes people feel bas about themselfs. :( 

Josie - 12 - Minnesota

When I was in middle school, and high school as well, I was severely bullied. They told me I wasn't good enough, they went to my house and started to say hurtful things through my entrance door. They also prank called me every day of the week. I had such a low self-esteem, I cried myself to sleep every night, I was always in pain, crying, suffering. They also bullied my parents, saying such horrible things about them as well. Bullying is not just only getting beaten up by someone, or taking your money from you. Words do hurt cause they hurt me. Every time I hear someone is being bullied, I compare my experience to them. To understand what bullying really is, you must go through it first. Everyone told me to get over it, but it's not that easy. This is something that stays with you forever, and it affects people in many different ways. For example, I can't talk about my bullying experience without breaking into tears, like I'm doing right now. To stop bullying, I was part of a campaign in school. I explained others how bad bullying is so they don't do it. So please, many people have been hurt because of this. Some people manage to go through it like I did, but others don't. So don't say bad things to people just to have a smile on your face, i pity that.

Laura - 20 - Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

I think bullying matters because alot of kids think it is funny to hurt others but it does not just hurt others it can cause alot more then that! If we can all work together bullying can end!

jessie - 11 - USA

I've had a friend who was bullied severely and the pain that she felt is something no one should ever have to go through. It almost resulted in suicide and for someone to experience a feeling that strong is cruel and should not be tolerated.

Bekah - 16 - Texas

I have been a victom of bulling and i was the bully i learnd that two rongs do not make a right. I knoew how much it hurts yet i did it because i tought getting back at them was right. I have been called fat ugly loser retarted and i have thought about doing things i was put on medication for a long lime to get my depression undercontrol i still some times struggle with it i want to help I know how it feels to be on both sides of the deal and it hurts to know i was that person. But i can make a difference with what i do i am proud of the way i am and i want people that are going through what i went through and are sitill going throught some times to know they are mnot alone. i want the world to change and i takes nore that just one person to change the world :) so join because we care.

Karah - 15 - Cheboygan MI

We all deserve happiness.

peggy - 18 - New York

I care because everyone is entitled to their own opinions, decisions, and lifestyle choices, no matter how different they might be. The world is filled with explorers, artists, and people who are willing to step outside of the "in crowd". They should not be punished for doing what they want or what they believe in. I'm not saying you have to like it or even agree with whatever they're doing, but you should at least have the courtesy to respect them. Stop the bullying. Spend your time trying to better important things in the world, things that will matter and make our lives better. Don't waste it on trying to fix perfectly good people or trying to make someone feel like garbage because of who they are. They have enough pressures of their own. Please, help make the world a brighter place to live in and stop bullying. <3

Terryana - 15 - Illinois

I'm one of those "quiet types." And there was this one girl in my class who thought it'd be cool to bully me. She choked me against the wall, gossiped loudly about me in class, and she even had the wits to get her friends involved. I was far away from her seat, keeping to myself. Her and her friends turned around, stared at me, and began talking about me while I was looking right at them. She then walked towards me, leaned very close, and whisperd in my ear words I can't repeat. I fought back tears, b/c those words hurt! Well after class, I ended up fighting her. I've never used violence before, but she wouldn't leave me alone. I ended up getting a severe punishment, she just got a few days out. The school didn't nothing about the bullying, so once again I was being mistreated. Bullying has to go. NOW

Isis - 15 - Georgia

Deliberately ignoring or leaving other students out is bullying. Teachers and Staff are just as respondsible for not being responsible for the protection of the children in their care during the school day .  As a child I was bullied and believe me you don't forget how it made you feel . Our Public Schools need to start Communicating and remembering the Golden Rule, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you ." dld

Concerned - 50 - Nebraska

I care because, I have been bullied every year since I go to school.
And it hurts realy bad but I also know that being there for each other,really helps. it doen't take the bullies away but it eases the pain an bit. knowing there is someone out there who cares, makes you care less. thats why I care to ease the pain off others. (and a bit of mine )

Kristiena - 22 - antwerpen belgium

all deserve the same respect and nobody can judge us not by fat nor skinny nor tall for nothing all deserve respect I have no respect but it will get I love you demi  te AMO DEMI eres la luz de mis ojos y gracias a ti hoy en dia  me quiero mas te a gradesco por que enserio me has regalado vida TE AMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I LOVE YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU

lina - 17 - colombia Bogot

i am bullied everyday by different people and my teachers do not do anything about it...we really need consequences for our bullies actions because it might push someone else to the edge

Taylor - 13 - georgia

Bullying needs to stop. it will never stop compleatly there will always be people out there who are negative. Stand for the silent is a program that has just begun to start at my school. Bulling is mean an crule. cant people just get along! 

Holly - 13 - Duncan Oklahoma

When I was nine, I was bullied A LOT. By my height, shoe size, even what headbands I wore! But then I realized...with bullying, you can't just let it happen, but you have to stand up for yourself and say, "Hey, stop that, it's not nice,", or go see a teacher. It's not something that'll just blow over in time.

Vienna - 12 - Miami

I feel bad.

Haley Fedele - 14 - Virginia

I used to be bullied in 4-6th grade. I have a over bite and used to get called nasty names like Donkey, Beaver, Buck tooth and alot more. You just have to stand up for yourself and Improve. Im in 8th grade now and part of the "Populars" All because.. I changed. You can change too.

Terra - 13 - West Branch, Michigan

There is enoght violence in the world.

Nadia - 19 - Boston

i care because my best friend got bullied an almost killed himself

john - 17 - southflied

When I was in second grade, I was bullied so much I never wanted to go to school. Whenever the bell rang for recess, I would beg my teacher to stay inside and make up an excuse so I could. But now I'm in 7th grade and all my problems are over. But there are still mant people who still get bullied everyday. My brother was bullied by his best friends during the winter. They threw ice balls at him, kicked him, and beat him 'til he cried. It was happening for at least a month until I went over to his house and told him to stop. But the next day he did it, so I went over to him and punched him in the face. I know I shouldn't have done that, but I just couldn't take it any more. He's doing fine now and they are still best friends. But bullying is not a cool thing and it should be stopped. Love you FJH <3

Annie - 12 - Farmington, Utah

I was a bystander but this site inspired me. I want to thank you because of you I have helped victims of bullying

Julia - 19 - Ontario

i have not been bully before but one of my friends did when i saw that i felt bad for and i talk to the kids that was bullying  her to stop and i said to them treat people the you want people to treat you after that my friend now know how to stand up for her self and other people

cece - 12 - naples

My little sister is bullied at school because she is very small and underweight for her age. She doesn't have a disorder or anything, but she has trouble paying attention in class, so she has to take these pills that make her not want to eat. She's going to be 13 this month and she is only 4'9" and about 60 lbs. She only has one or two friends, and she often comes home with scrapes and bruises on her knees from being pushed down in the hallways. She never seems to see who is doing these things to her, so she just keeps quiet. It's up to the school to crack down on this issue so in instances like these, bullying victims can be brought to justice.

Keeli - 15 - Indiana

I care because I have been bullied. I hated being pushed around and made fun of, but I eventually turned things around for myself. The stupid part about it is that I became the bully and I didn't even realize it. Just because he/she is laughing doesn't mean it doesn't hurt. Just because others are laughing doesn't mean it's right. 

DJ - 17 - Alabama

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