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I Care Because
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I actually finished watching a movie and I cried for so long I didn't even know. I couldn't stop and I realized I'm never ever going to let bulling happen while Im around. So many people are bullying and I can't help but cry everytime I see something so sad. 

Jill - 12 - Texas

I was bullied before I switched class. I know how hard it is. I cried through four years of my life. The worst part was not having any friends. No one should have to suffer through this.

Sara - 14 - Sweden

i have been bullyed all my life and i would crawl on my hands and knees across onehundred miles of broken glass to keep the pain of bullying out of kids lives 

tyler - 16 - south carolina

I to have been bullied by other children. Because of my appearance and my country background. But i do not have to much room to talk because when i was in 4th grade up to 6th grade i always bullied the same girl. I" called her a variety of names i should not of but i guess i got what i was in for. Bullying isnt cool guys it doesnt impress girls or make you seem like a jock. Bullying is a reason for suicide. Imagine if the person you bullied commited suicide to day because of you. You would have to live with that for the rest of your life. So stand up and rise against bullying. And MAY THE ODDS BE EVER IN YOUR FAVOR

Robert - 14 - west virginia

I care about ending bullying because Ive seen my best friends get bullied because of how they dress or who they hang out with or even what music they listen to and I have been bullied and I am still getting bullied and I am becoming a better person thru these websites talking about bullying I want it to stop innocent children are taking their own lives because of this and it is just beening pushed aside We Need To Make A Difference

Zack - 18 - Ashland NE

We all have a choice on how to treat others. Choose being KIND.

Yoeshi - 26 - Atlanta

bullying shoulf stop it is wrong!    
i am learning about bullying in my school and i spoke out saying that i got bullied before but its stopped now :)
so when you see someone getting bullied tell your teacher or your parents or stick up for them and dont join in with the bullies

shakira - 10 - united kingdom

I was bullied in elementary, middle and still now in high school I wanna make a difference so the world can be a better place for my little sister and for other kids around the world. I would hate to have to see her or other kids go through what I went through c'mon guys let's make a difference and stand up against bullying 

Rigoberto - 15 - San Diego,CA

I was one of those childern who got along with everyone and would help the kids which were getting picked on. I would hang out with them and introduce them to other people. I have kids and this past month we had a child kill themselves offer being picked on. My children are to small to attend school til next year and this scares me. I am one parent which will stick up for my kid by any means.I started teaching my children to stick up for others no matter how different they are. If parents and schools could work together instead of letting it go like it hase been doing we wouldn't be getting so out of hand. I tell my kids people differ in every way imaginable, but they are still people and need to treated as so.

noelle - 25 - alaska

It's not fair that a place where you go to learn (school) is filled with pople that want to make others feel bad. I want to help stop bullying, because I know what it's like. I have friends and my bullying was minor (in elementary), only because i stuck up for myslef. Some people don't have that ambition and courage to  speak up, but I want to be their voice along with many others who will join me. Bullying is just wrong and it should be stopped.

Fallon - 13 - North Carolina

my son was bullied from elementary school to the present (9th grade). He is now in an alternative school at night and hates it. He justs wants to be like every other kid. He hates it so much, he wants to go back to the high school where he was being bullied, even though he knows it will continue. I feel helpless to stop this nightmare. I too was bullied in school and fought back against my attackers, both verbally and physically, for years and it wasn't till I left that school, that it all stopped.
I wish I could help my son to stop the abuse, but he says I would just make matters worse for him.

Bonnie - 42 - New York

I care because one of my friend who is a girl get bullied all day in school and doesn't do anything. She doesn't talk to her parents, she has no friends besides me, and has nothing else to do besides cutting her self. All i want for her is to be happy with her life, not being judge by the way she looks and the way she dresses. I don't want her life to end right then and there. I want her life to end happily, not ending her life short just from a person calling her ugly or she should go kill her self just for being "Different"

Kody - 15 - Park City,UT

I too was a victim of bullying during my elementary to middle school years and I believe that no child needs to live in fear of their peers, in fear of going to school because they will be hurt that day, nobody deserves to mistreated for any reason. It needs to stop.

Anarose - 23 - Los Angeles, Ca

i've been bullied all my life. thing got reallly bad a few months ago and i self harm. this website has shows me im not aloune! i started getting bullied when i was about 3 and i moved primary schools,i kinda got bullied there but i kept it in and i have ever since! i thort there was no one to talk to. i dident tell my mum and dad because they would worry!i'd cry my self to sleep! i'm happy i've spoken up. all i want is people to speek up and to stop bulling! thank you!

rachel - 13 - UK

 People do care. I care. All though I don't know who you are, I know that no one deserves to be treated that way. Keep in mind that you are not the only one and that if you ask, people will help you.

Stay strong.

Leana - 15 - alaska

i have been bullied by an old friend , wich has caused me more drama , and she made fun of me because of that i have a pink highlight , i am tall , i wear short skirts and because of my last name (wich isn't even weird ) . i kind of solved 50% of my problem , but i hate seeing my friens get bullied

nouran - 12 - egypt

I have been through so many scenerios and I have seen what some of the stuff I have been put through reflect on other people, and I wonder how much stronger they are because of it. I have been cyberbullied, verbally bullied, physically bullied and pretty much everything else. But it really starts to scare me when I start to believe the things those cruel people say about me. This year has been a major fall through for me and I really am learning from it. Girls are harsh, and I have come to learn that whatever you say, whatever you do, what you wear can make them go after you in a second. I have been depressed, lonely, friendless and I still try to see the bright side of my situation everyday. One time, in math class this year I even wrote a note saying that I didn't want to live anymore, it was so tempting. I saw it as a way to escape all this pain that these people had inflicted on me. And just me. I thank my parents everyday though for helping me every step of the way to a better & healthier life. I know it may seem hard but teens really need to have a trusting relationship with a parent or guardian because they can actually really help your cause. I believe no person should have to experience the true pain known as bullying. Ever.

Kaylyn - 13 - Canada

i care because i have been bullied too and i know how much it hurts..but i had good friends a nd an amazing family to help me get through it i know that if i did it so can you

jess - 13 - wy

A kid in my class is always being bullied. The boys don't listen to me when I say anything, they just try to flirt. I hate watching it happen and I just wish it would stop. I'm sure every bully would hate for what they do to other people to happen to them. We all deserve respect and happiness. 

Jordana - 12 - Edison, NJ

There are so many people i hear that get bullied at the school  that im going to next year . I pledge to  stop the bulling that I see , even if it means i get bullied

Ashley - 11 - Maryland

Its the Little things we don't notice, like cuts, like bruises, like feelings. These little things that we don't notice. But yet we do. Stand up for bullying 

It's The Little Things - 15 - Unknown

bullying affects peoples lives around the world and no one should feel less about themselves or insecure about themselves. everyone is beautiful and perfect in their own way.

Sara - 17 - NY

its not  fair that kids has to walk around like victims and i dont understand why that teachers and panrents or principls are not making a big ndeal about this we all need to strand together and make a change because we dont there will be more kids hurting them selves or being sucidal its time to voice are opions

zanora - 14 - irving tx

I know what it feels like to get bullied. I get bullied everyday. No matter what anyone does, it doesnt stop. I wish it would all just stop. But no one seems to care. 

angel - 16 - Oklahoma

I was bullied. I was in a bad place before i was being bullied & i was trying to get better. I have a best friend who lives in CT. when i moved out to NV she got bullied hard core. She is currently suicidal because all of our old friends left her. Im across the country & she is like a sister to me. I love her & i cant lose her. IM TAKING A STAND FOR HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kait - 12 - Nevada

I cant stand the way people can bully other people. Me thinking about it makes me want to cry. To all the people being bullied, theres hope. In darkness theres always light. Please dont commit suicide. Those people are bullying you because thier jealuos. I was bullied because i didnt have the right clothes or the right hair style. When i told my mom, she said im beautiful and those little girls are just jealous. I kept being myself and everyone started following the way i looked. So please dont let them put you down. Your a diamond that just needs the right light to sparkle:-)

Alecia - 12 - fLORIDA

I know how it feels to be bullied. My friends get picked on and I try to make the bullies stop. Sometimes it works and sometimes not. Just the day before yesterday, this boy called me "Josie-Nosie." It's a mean nickname they call me at school. I hate it when people make fun of me. It makes me feel sad. I've almost been bullied my whole life. It's not funny. In the beggining of the school year, I felt worthless and down. Everyone picked on me and it didn't feel good. BULLIES IN THE WORLD, STOP BULLYING!! It's not funny. 
I try to tell bullies that bullying is not funny. I try not to bully others, I don't because I know how it feels. WE NEED TO MAKE AN END OF BULLYING!! :D <3 

Josie - 12 - At school, Minnesota

why do people bully? they are juat making other people feel bad. i get bullied at my school and it hurts. but when im not bullied i feel like a whole new person. i stop the bullys get to me and now im even better then ever :)

Destiny - 11 - thunder bay on

I remember I was bullied all through middle school, for being different, and for being tall.. I would hate going to school, but now in high school everything got so much better! I love it! And Hey, my height landed me and interview as a model in a commercial. 

Alejandra - 16 - Denver CO

I though i was going to lose my big brother, people can be curl but people can learn too. I want to help stop bullying!

Annie - 15 - Australia

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