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I Care Because
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i always feel like i dont fit in. i get made fun of for a lot of stuff and now my brother is also being bullied. i always feel so alone. i dont really know what to do. i feel like im invisible and like i dont even matter to anyone. its horrible and NOBODY deserves to be bullied in any way. STAY STRONG

jayden - 14 -

I feel sad all the time because people from my class dont like me because I am ugly but i am not ugly i always be bully all days they told me if tell the teacher they well hit me more and hard :(

Luis - 11 - Racine Wi

My friend is being bullied and the fact that they make her feel like trash is just not supposed to be a way of life

Natalie - 14 - New Jersey

i used to be bullied until i stood up for myself now i feel much better and more safe i hope bullying stops

tanner - 15 - michigan

Nobody wants to be bullied. Nobody needs to be bullied. We are all equal as individuals and we should all be treated the same. Everyone is differnt in their own way and thats what makes us special. We should never be judged by what we wear or what kind of music we listen to.  

alexis - 14 - no where

Bullying is a crucial thing in the world and it needs to be stopped. I strongly believe that if everyone helps out to stop this major issue, we can make a difference! So everyone who ever sees bullying, prevent it by bully proofing! Stand up to him/ her, and make a difference!!!! :)

Katherine - 12 - NY

I have been bullied and it wasnt because I was socially awkward of because I did anything I wasn't suppose to... I wanted to be normal and to fit in but I couldnt I was bullied for the worst reason any kid my age could think of, I was great at sports, an good drawer and a nice person to everyone, but I had just gotten to the USA from Mexico I didnt know any English and my life was a hell I didnt know the names they were calling me and had only 1 friend who later on the year moved and I was alone no one would defend me and I would be the lonely girl in the corner that wanted to be left alone, I was beaten up everyday by everyone I could remember my own cousin too... Through sixth grade I managed to learn English and I wanted to learn more by my 7th grade I read to senior (12th grade) level to later on be the nerd and be bullied for that again in 8th grade I became a "trouble maker" I was able to fit in and no one bullied me and I didnt bullied anyone but one day I stood up for someone that was being beaten up and from there they bullied me... but this time I didnt care, until high school when i thought my life was suppose to be better as a freshman i was shoved into lockers and I was tripped and maken fun of I was not the cool kid as a sophomore now I stand up and I support people that need me I wanted to be someone and make a difference, I did and now I am able to help others 

Diana - 15 - West Chicago IL

Bullying is a crucial thing in the world. It needs to be stopped and I think if we stand up and say something, we can really make a difference in the world. And for bullies out there, why pick on kids that are smaller than you? I really think that if you stop, the world will be SO much better for the kids who FEAR to go to school, just because they get bullied. I personally never been bullied, but my friends have. It was a boy (not surprised, no offence the boys) that isn't the nicest kid in my grade, but he made fun of them because of their race. What's wrong if you're a different race then someone? That shouldn't matter! 

Katherine - 12 - New York

i want to make a law to stop bulling!! its just not right to bully why do people even do it!! did you know the bullys are always go for the weak people and the ones that are younger then them and that are not that smart to know how to tell a teacher!! i was bullied since i was in kindergraden it does not feel to good to get bullied!! please who ever is reading this help me spread this message and stop the bulling!!!

girl - 22 - arazna

Ive been bullied for so long and I actually punched someone because it was  so bad. This should not happen to anyone so this stops here and now.

Robbie - 13 - Arcadia, Ohio

I've been bullied for as long as i can remember, whether it was because of my weight,height, or some other ridiculous thing that i couldn't prevent,i always remembered how that felt and how badly i felt about myself because of the relentless bullying, NO ONE SHOULD EVER HAVE TO FEEL LIKE THAT!That is why i care.

breanna - 16 - new york

i was the victim of bullying. just SMILE live your life. it doesn't hurt, show the world, you're beautiful! it's not about them, it's your life don't let others control your life altough your life is not like what you wish .just live it, you control your life not them.xoxo<3

margaret - 16 - Ind

omg i read this whole thingb and it made me cry and relize that bullying needs to stop now!!!

dasha - 12 - mexico

I have been bullied before. It's definatly not something that you can get over easily, and not many people understand that. For my elementary school carrer, I went to a public school in my town. I was bullied a lot there, but I didnt tell my parents because I didnt think they would have understood. In sixth grade, I started going to a private school. I was so happy because i thought there would be a lot less bullying, but I was wrong. One day I found a  very mean-spirited note in my locker. I had to spend my whole day in the dean of student's office... I wasnt allowed to talk to any of my friends. I dont want anyone to get hurt anymore, it doesnt make any sense to me of why anyone would even think about doing anything like this, knowing thst bullying takes away peoples lives. Its time for us to make a difference in our community. We need to start now.

Kelly - 11 - ME

Right now, my school is doing some anti-bullying projects. Bullying doesn't have to be physical, emotional, or cyber. It can also be social. What I mean is, leaving someone out is also considered bullying. I've been bullied a lot this year and I want to feel like I fit in. Girls will look over at me and start to whisper and laugh, and when I try to hang out with them, they just completely ignore me. I don't want anyone else to feel this way.. It hurts really bad.

Jadin - 13 - Washington

I have been bullied before, and it felt like it was never ending. I didn't want to live. But then I met my great friend Sydney. She helped me so much and I don't know what I would do without her. I just want to let everyone know, that someone is out there who cares. Just because you have a bad day doesn't mean you'll have a bad life.

Amellia - 15 - South Dakota

When I was in the fifth grade, I was bullied to a point where my name was written on the wall, along with the boy that I had a crush on. I was terrified, and from there till now, I've been pretty bad with relationships, even just you're ordinary friendships. I know how much it hurts to be bullied; I ran to the library at my elementary school, sobbing. Now, I just try to stand up, because the person who's standing next to me may just be bullied sometime soon, and after that, I won't know what may happen to them. If that person committed suicide, I don't know what I would do with myself. Bullying can really only hurt people, both the victim and the bully. So I'm gonna try the hardest I can to stop it from here out.

Jeni - 15 - Wisconsin

One of my really close friends is being bullied and it's even worse for her because she just lost her uncle she was really close to. She started cutting not to long ago and she tries to stop and she can't. It brings me to tears evryday watching her. I told our guidance counsulor about her and she got her help. My friend has stopped cutting and realized the people that pick on her just have nothing better to do in their lives. She is so much better now and helps anyone with bullying.

Olivia - 14 - North Carolina

I care because I was bullied when I was younger.At the age at 12 my classmates make fun of me ,because I was too thin,the boys beat me after class,they even throw chairs after me.Soon I stopped going to school,because I felt ashamed.There was no one to protect me.
In high school I began to gain weigh and kids began calling me that I am fat.I thought I was ugly,I was bad and no one wants to be my friend because I was fat...
It caused me years of self-convincing that I deserved to be loved and liked.
My teenage years scar me forever.I will always remember people who make fun of me,who insulting me...
But that makes me strong and I manage to overcome this...
To all the bullied kids I want to say-You are beautiful and strong and nobody will hurt you unless you let them!!!Love yourself and never allow other people steal you inner light!!

Superbia - 27 - Bulgaria

ive been bullyed for five years, its not fun having your frends stray away from you becuase there affaid to get heart from the bully that bullys you. for the past year i have started a bully system with my gidence counsler. 
here is something i wrote

Scars heart, But the scars you cant see heart the most

Corey - 13 - Ohio

I care because I witnessed my best friend being bullied and it ended up involving the cops because these bullies tried to beat up my friend and I 
was the one who stepped in, I tried to stop this from happening to more innocent kids because I care. THIS HAS TO STOP!!!
Good luck out there guys, I hope this ends before it goes too far.

Tyler - 13 - MN

i go through it everyday! i have a disorder that doesnt let me walk young than make fun of me cuz i'm diffrent. this 6th grader said,"hi i'm not handicaped." and that really hurt.sometimes i think suicide is the best think but then the pain will still follow friend stood up for me thou,i love him for that. i alway cry when i get home. i wish i get walk maybe just for 15 min. it hard to get bullied but to me its hard to recover.

keanna - 14 - Florida

I used to be a bully until i realized how wrong it was Then i stoped and then others bullied me i now realize how mean and hurtful bullying is.

Ambraja - 11 - Usa

I care because I was bullied when I was in 3rd class. It stopped when I was in 5th class though. I'm a muslim and proud to be! Stop bullying me!

Alaa - 11 - Ireland

I was bullied. At the time, I was afraid to get help because the bully was using cyber-bullying against me and not physically hurting me, so I felt like maybe I was being over-sensitive. In reality, ANYONE who intentionally intimidates or harms you is bullying you. My advice: stand up for yourself. Get help/support from your friends and family. You shouldn't have to deal with bullying alone. Don't be afraid to stand up to the bully. If you don't stand up to him/her yourself, he/she will never stop. After I stood up to the bully, I felt liberated and finally able to be myself again. Don't just run away from the bully -push the bully out of your life. 

Samantha - 17 - NJ

I have not all ways been bullyed but when I was I felt so alone that I coudn't do anything to stop it. They wouldn't stop no matter what I did so I care about bulling because people need to know how we feel about being bullyed. Being bullyed is a serious thing you shouldn't be pushed around by people just Because they are bigger or because they think they are supeier. Sometimes adults may not take us seriously our not get us don't let that take you down you are worth it. the bullys at my school are bent on making my life as miserable as they possibley can it seems. I just want to punch them until they know half the pain I know. But I resrain myself and relax I act as if nothing had happend it has been happening ever since the first day of school. these bullys got me suspended for somthing I said yes it hurts to be bullyed but tell a trusted adult who will actually take action in Michigan they do have anti bullying measures but they are not heavily enforced. 

Mason - 13 - Michigan

I care because no one cared about me. I care about changing the lives of others, because I wasn't able to change my own. I care because I know what it's like, to want, to need, someone to care. 

Christina - 16 - Minnesota

I was bullied through school, it was the worst as a senior in high school. My brother (in middle school) was also going through it. No matter who we went to, no one helped us. The school did nothing because they had no proof. My brother and I were alone and picked on every day. I stand against bullying for those who are like us.

Kendra - 19 - South Dakota

its sad to watch people get bullied for no reason. they self harm cuase they cant take it. the risk their own lifes for no reason. its sad. i wanna make a change!(:

Kadie - 13 - Pennsylvania

I've been bullied since I was born pretty much. I've lost everything because of bully's. I've cried so many times and they just never stop. It's been 15 years. And none of them see what they do to me, but it kills me on the inside. But I don't show on the outside.

Heather - 15 - Saint Joseph

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