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Bullying was affected  by a ton of kids in the US. If we don't act now, Bullying will keep going on. Let's stop bullying!

Alex - 12 - Maryland

Bullying doesn't go away. Even if the bully stops, the words or comments or bruises will never heal. They leave scars that no amount of scar cream will erase. It's not a passing phase or right of passage. Nobody should ever go to school and feel like they're not loved and appreciated. The hardest part for me to comprehend is that bullying IS entirely preventable. So think before you and your friends leave that mean comment, or send that anonymous text, or tell that boy in the hallway he's worthless, or shoving the girl who's dating your best friend's crush into the locker. Just think about what you're about to do to that person and the scars you'll be leaving behind. Just THINK.

Rebecca - 13 - Massachusetts

I used to bully people my self , when i was younger & than " I walked a mile in thier shoes " & I did not like the feeling. So I stopped & tried to get my friends to stop too. I realized I'm not the only one who has feelings & watching all these young teenagers take thier beautiful life because people dont't know what to do with thier life, hurt me a lot. & Then in school I watched bully documentary , my heart dropped. Kids taking thier because nobody wants to do nothing? You should not be judged because of who you are and what you look like. Were teenagers we all make mistakes but you shouldn't get teased or judged for that. " You don't know what somebodys going through until you walk a mile in thier shoes " Bullying should stop today, kids don't have to take thier lives for somebody to notice what thier going through. I apoligize, I never knew what it felt like to be bullied until I was a victim my self. 

Pamela - 14 - NY

I care because when my son was battered on the school bus the school didn't do anything about it till I stood up.   I care because some times the people who should, don't.

Anne - 47 - Cascade, ID

i care because there are millions in pain and are afraid to stand up. They are abuse but no one seems to care until they are close to death.Thank you for giving me a chance to help stop bullying

sana - 13 - tx

No one and i mean no one should be bullied i care because iv been through it and in all honesty i don't think its fair to people to be put down called names ect. People are different if we were all the same then this world would be so boring everything and everyone doing the same thing day after day.I care because im a caring person also because i know hpow it feels to be builled it makes you feel horrible people should be there own people and not someone who someone says for you to be. Be yourself and be pround to be yourself remeber the only person you should be trying to impress is your self.

Jason - 15 - VIC

Stay strong no matter what happend ! You're not alone. I've been bullied for 3 years. It had really important consequences ! Bullying shouldn't even exist <3

Ness - 14 - france

Bullying hurts people. I know this from my own experience, and from my friends' experiences wirh bullying. I was bullied because I absolutely love reading, people would call me a nerd. I really didnt like it. They even commented on the books i read. Also, boys on my brother's hockey team would make fun of my skating, but truth is, I was just as good as them. And once i showed them that, they stopped. Some of the kids still make fun of my skating, and it hurts. Just because i am a girl. Im just as good as them. Sadly hockey season is over now, but once the ice rink opens again, i will prove myself again. So dont let bullying stop you from doing what you love.

Cassie - 13 - Michigan

I was bullied in elementary school and middle school. As a 4th and 5th grader I didn't know what it was but I didn't like it. Bullying got worse as I entered the 6th grade. For 3 long silent years, I wished I didn't exist. I cried every night and prayed that I wouldnt wake up in the morning. In my sophomore year in high school, the silence broke at the wrong time. I realized keeping the silence inside wasn't doing me any good. I was digging a hole so I could bury myself. As a junior going on my senior year, I look back and see the damage I've done to myself and the people around. Now, I am willing to help my sister and everyone who is being bullied to break the silence and not dig a hole to hid in. Bullying is wrong.
Hugs to everyone

Betty - 17 - Texas

I am tired of having no friends, or having friends who dont care. It hurts, it hurts when you are stomped on and mistreated. Having no one to have your back. NEVER EVER hurt somene because it makes you feel good or you want to impress someone, it is not and never going to be worth all the pain you cause to a person.

Grace - 13 - Alaska

i am currently suffering from acne, acne has destroyed everything ! from my self confidence to about everything else. In middle school you see ton and tons of girls put on make up to cover their acne and its sooooo tempting to fit in, but i hate to think that im just letting socity get in my way to become care free and just . . . happy. I did get sucked in to it, but since this week, I WORE NO MAKEUP !!! and im keeping it that way for a long time! I was so absessed with my self i havent really focused on my studies, although i always had higher than a 3.5 gpa, i believed i could have done alot better, with a straight a sister, you have to be challenged! So im on my way to a 4.0 gpa this quarter! 

katie - 12 - ca

this needs to stop!STAND UP FOR YOU AND OTHERS!

mia - 8 - RIVERVIEW FL

Bullying effects the lives of so many because people feel stressed and can suffer from depression. When people risk their own lives because they have experienced bullying. Bullying not only effects the the victim but also their family and friends. Bullying effects the lives of so many also because of the rude and nasty comments said by the bully. The comments said puts the victim in a position which they don't want to be in, and therefore they risk their life because one person can't control what they are saying to others!

Katrina - 12 - NSW

Bullying is mean and nasty, it can affect the lives of so many. People who get bullied are affected in so many ways, some including; depression, anxiety, stress, sadness and anger. When someone gets bullied it can either happen online (cyber-bullying) or face-to-face. I firmly believe that bullying MUST stop because when i experienced it, i felt sad and useless. So to all bullies out there who think they are "cool" because of bullying stop and think to yourself. What's the point of bullying? To feel better? To become popular? Well your wrong, because you will NEVER feel better. Instead the only thing you know how to do is to make others suffer?...

Kat - 13 - Australia

I get bullied everyday and i hate it , i really have nothing to look forward to now . I can't even go to school and feel safe 

Tori - 15 - Oh

Don't be afraid. You're stronger then them. Find a teacher/adult and be brave for your friends that are getting bullied.

   -peace out girl scout.

Courtney - 13 - private

Many kids hurt themselves because of bullying and their are a lot of kids that sit by themselves at lunch I bet YOU would make their day if you sat by them. And remember WORDS HURT.

Maranna - 13 - Ohio, Galion

i was bullied for 3 years it was cyber and at school. It was terrible i am still very self concious about myself. I felt so alone because all of my friends turned on me so i was vulnerable. Demi lovato has inspired me to be a better person and to see light after the storm

daisy - 15 - ca

I was bullied this yer and still am every now and then. It stinks and I don't like it. I want to talk to someone and get help and discuss how I can get some help. I'm too afraid to tell my parents because they won't believe me or they will say something else. I just want to cry when it happens. What should I do and where can I get help?

Britney - 15 - South Dakota

I am fortunate to have minimal experiences with bullying. Because of that fact, I want to help those who are being bullied. I have been a bystander in the past, and I came into a realization that being a bystander doesn't make me any better than a bully. I care because I have witnessed what bullying can bring in a person's life. Tragic, isolation, and loneliness all sums up due to bullying and portrays worse case scenarios like suicides. I care because I myself is a child, a daughter, an aunt, a sister, a cousin, and a part of this community, and would not tolerate any bullying to those who I care about, or for those who seek justice. Therefore I pledge to take actions whenever I witness any bullying. I pledge to help stop bullying one step at a time. 

Clarisse - 17 - Colorado

ive been bullied.. its makes me sad... i lost 69 pounds because of my weight... i dont eat..i used to cut but now i dont because now i dont care what other people think.

jessica - 16 - Utah

I have been bullied since the 2nd grade, and now being a freshman in highschool, I still am. I care because I was constantly threatened and I was scared to go to school. Eventually, it got to a point to where I didn't want to live anymore, because the teachers and sometimes my parents weren't any help, let alone the friends I DID have. It pains me to be picked on because of silly and unneccesary things like skin color and the fact I have aspergers. 

Kobe - 14 - Las Vegas NV

I have been bullied all my life. just say this " who are you to judge the life i live? i know i am not perfect and i dont not live to be  but before you start pointing fingers make sure your hands are clean. ~Anonymous"

Kayla - 11 - New York

My 16 year old daughter is bullied on almost a daily basis.She is depressed, no motivation, failing subjects that all stem from constant badgering and name calling. Yesterday May 13, 2013 she was hit and the school, teachers, administration did nothing.  I am removing her from the school but this won't be the last time they hear from me. We have to stop this behavior before we lose another child.

Eileen - 43 - Arizona

when I was young I got teased a lot about how many people were in my family and how we all played the same sport rugby league but now that im older i dont give a crap about whether people dont let me play or how they tease me about how big my family is because i started to think how other people were teased 100 more times then me so now I dont care if people tease me

moufid - 11 - lebanon

I've seen kids in my class being Bullied.It feels very bad
I'm doing the best to help them!

Sonia - 9 - Pafos,Cyprus

I was severely affected by cyberbullying. It took over two years of my life and I don't want anyone to go through what I went through. I never found out who it was or why. I enjoy helping people through the bullying, but it can be prevented. Tolerance is key. I don't want anyone to turn to self-harm or have suicidal thoughts because someone is being inconsiderate. 

Katrina - 18 - NJ

My 14 year old daughter is a bully and it is horrible to find out she is doing this at school. I will do everything possible so she can understand the impact of what she has done to the beautiful person she has done this to. If all parents can step up and take a stand against bullying by working with other parents and schools, we are on the way. The toughest part is finding it in yourself to believe that your child is capable of behaving so terribly.

Michelle - 45 - Australia

everyone needs to be treated the same. No one deserves to be picked on at school or at home. What did they ever do to you? Even if you have a reason, just leave it alone and then you won't get in trouble. 

Emily - 13 - Texas

I used to be the bully. but I told myself I wasn't. I would watch out for everyone else, then come home and push around my little brother because I could. I'm a fighter, I was always taught to use what I learned to protect other people, and to never hurt them. One day, I came home after a long stressful day of finals. my bro said something about my mom that was rude and I just went off. He did martial arts too, but I was bigger. he ran to his room, and as I burst through the door, I saw the look on his face. he was terrified. since that moment, I have always protected him. I never lose my temper. True strength lies in the ability to remain calm, and protect those who cannot protect themselves. for my other brothers, Hoorah

John - 18 - Colorado

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