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I Care Because
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In every school there are cliques you know the ones with the so called popular people in it. well guess what im not in those cliques and during the summer i thought i would get away from all of those fake girls and their so called boyfreinds but no my parents sent me to summer camp and im glad they care about me but on my first day of camp i was in a group with younger kids and i new a freind who went to that camp but was in a group with the older kids so since i was in a group with the younger kids i moved up to a group more my age level but that day their was this girl lets call her girl#1 ok so girl#1 started talking to girl#2 and said (like i couldnt hear her.)Omg she is staring at us and look at her ughhh and the they started laughing at me maybe they didnt point at me but i got their drift towards me.But later in the day at camp when the mosquitos came out they didnt bring any bug spray but guess who did me so instead of pointing at me and laughing they asked me for some and i gave them some becaus eim not the type of person that pointsnat people and laughs. And the next day a new girl came into our group and instantly they started doing to her what they did to me yeah maybe she was a little diffrent but in her own my point is dont let the bullies out there intimidate you they dont mean anything and im not just some random person i went throught this also.

ananymous - 13 - united states

I've been bullied before and it does hurt. My friend thinks she's ugly when she's one of the most beautiful people in the world. Adults have made this stereotype that just because kids are young, they are happy. But, the truth is, kids can feel like they don't belong anywhere. Teachers and principals think that school is a safe place for everyone when it isn't. If you are being bullied, wear that beautiful smile of yours and let everyone know that you're stronger than everyone thinks. You're beautiful and loved by someone. Stay strong and DON'T give up.

Victoria - 11 - California

It hurts to be bullied. I used to have classmates throw objects at me from the back of the classroom and on the bus. I wouldn't want any person being put down simply because they can not understand how their words and actions towards others hurt. I would like to do what ever is in my power to prevent bullying. 

Chanel - 16 - Tobyhanna, PA

I used to be bullied off and on growing up... Still growing and having been born with mild/moderate Cerebral Palsy ("CP") it hasn't been an easy journey... And it's far from over... Being born with what I prefer to be called a "Special Need" not a "Disability/Handicap" is something I have to deal with and handle every day of my life... I would get picked at/on and it was never fun... Thank Ya'll and other organizations and people that support Anti-Bullying!

Mandy xoxo

Mandy - 26 - Texas

i my self gets bullied.i am the type of person that if you say something mean ill take it seriously.i have bbeen bullied so much to the point it has ccaused me to harm my self just so i can be perfect. i hope that every young girl and boy knows that ttey are beautiful in some way ~stay strong 

chesee - 15 - north carolina

I know what it's like, and no one should have to go through that. 

Lauren - 14 - Indiana

I've been bullied and it hurts. No one deserves it. EVER.

Erica - 16 - Idaho

never let yourself be a victim dont be a bystander and definaetly dont be a bully 

isabella - 12 - burbank/CA

i was bullied all though high school and intermediate they would push me down i would get up and walk of the girls that bullyed me could give crap but couldnt take it .
but the girl that did it the most got abused by her dad at home and i fley sorry for her. 
its ok to be differnet, its ok to be you and you is great !!!!!!!

maddie - 17 - nz

You don't treat someone like that. Have respect. Don't let people walk all over you. You deserve respect. Not stupid jokes. It's not funny. It's mean. I don't like it. It reflects poorly on them. They are weak to pick on other people. I want to feel happy. Not feel hurt. People don't know what it's like to have people mock them. It's not funny at all. I dislike people who do it. I have no respect for them, they treat people like crap. It is so unfair. I work so hard. It seems no one even notices.

- 14 - Cheyenne, wyoming

People need to respect others. We all have our strengths and weaknesses. I feel picking on others is just plain mean. I don't understand why people do it. I feel they do it for attention. It is so horrible to treat someone like that. I find people do it to feel superior and better than the other person. When they are clearly not.

Renee - 16 - Denver, CO

My friend was bullied so badly that she fell into a depression. She started cutting herself. At the end of the year, I found out that she was planning on commiting suicide. I was SHOCKED that she was planning on doing this. She emailed me saying that she had been bullied a lot by this girl and that she felt that the only way to get away from her was to kill herself. She never had told me that the girl was sending her mean emails. I was scared and worried. 
In the end, I have convinced her to not commit suicide and am now helping her get out of her depression.
I care about bullying because it affects tons of people. Just like my friend, victims fall into a depression and sometimes commit suicide. Let's help save loved one's lives by STOPPING BULLYING!

Talia - 13 - Washington

I care because I know what it's like, I know how it hurts, and I want to stop it.
I'm so glad this site was created because I'm so sick of Bullies and bullying! It makes me SO mad and, from the bottom of my heart, I want to put an end to it.

Let me tell you my story:
Back in Kindergarten, there were these two girls who were pickin' on me, calling me out, making fun of me, and calling me chicken! And I didn't fight back.
You know what? I'm stronger now, I'm a fighter now, I will never allow myself to be a victim and other kids shouldn't either!

It is so sickly wrong to bully others just because YOU are unstable.
I want this madness to end, because I don't want anyone else to feel the kind of pain I felt.

Nattaly - 11 - Delaware

i dont like bullying i have been bullied almost all my life and no one should feel bad

jaron - 12 - new york

i care because i use to self harm my self and thanks to freinds and family has help me throu lets end the cyle against bulling stop it now!!

dee - 15 - tahlequah

I care because I was bullied. But instead of failing I stood up for myself. And I am no longer a victim. I want to help kids who are going through what I had to go through. I want to help them stand up for themselves. I want to help them be strong. I don't want them to be depressed like I was. I care.

Abby - 12 - ohio

I have been a victim of bullying myself and at my adult age, the emotional scar is still there. I care because I hate to see young people get hurt physically and emotionally. Nobody deserves to be bullied! Spread love! Stop hurting each other. 

Maria - 45 - Las Vegas, NV

Bullying really sucks. I think that many students are against bullying. I was once bullied and try not to go to school. I actually cried all the night before i went to sleep. Everytime when i am in my room, i can hear those bullies callling me names from the window. i cover up my ears. It had happened a lot of time. Those bullies thinks that they are so strong to insult people. I was broken down and decided to write a letter to the school principal about how i was being bullied. Then soon after a week i came back to school, those bullies that bullied me and other students din't dare to call me names from my window, bullying me at school and all that stupid stuffs they did to me before. I was glad hearing the news from my mum that she begged the school principal to disciplined them. I had no idea where my mum know about it.

Nurul Aliah - 11 - Singapore, Yishun Gardens

I have been bullied since 2nd grade and it hurts in 6th grade I have been cyberbullied and I have been getting rude messages and calls. The  bully got in trouble but till this day I still get bullied on I never cut and I'm not planning to. I know they always say things get better but it doesn't seem like it but I know it will get better. The people who are in the same space; hopefully you feel better and things will get better. 

D - 13 - PA

its not worth hurting yourself,beating yourself up every day people put us down as if we are the dirt on their shoes but really they are proving them selfs wrong and showing us how much better we are than them STAND UP TO THEM ,be your self your beautiful never forget that your here for a reason !<3

becca - 14 - uk

I was bullied terribly for 5 years, and I know what it's like and it's awful. To fall into depression, and self - harm. Stay Strong <3

- 13 -

c, even friends make a difference... u can 2

Pearl - 14 - Canada, Calgary

i just want to say ,anyone out there who is reading this and is being bullied ,dont listent to them keep your head high and show them you can still smile because your beautiful no matter what .No one is perfect and you are so much more closer to being perfect than the ones calling you names and putting you down, i was bullied i still am because im not skinny enough and i have braces behined my smile was a head full of thoughts ,thinking im not good enough and im stupid i had no idea what to do .TELL SOMEONE just make sure someone does know they will understand ,the girl that bullied me has no one ,she has no friends ,NOTHING !
we can get through this your not alone im here ,your beautiful dont forget that you must always tell your selfs that they are wrong believe what yo want to believe not what someone else wants you to !!!!!!!!<3<3<3

becca - 14 - uk

I am a strong person that hates when bullies make fun of  people and so people think they HAVE to be the bully's friend so that they will not get talked about. But it happens anyway. People like me stand up for people who cannot but just as a bully arrives they forget what i done for them and how i stood up for them. Just because the bully sometimes decides they do not like me. It's sad and i hate it.

Allysa - 13 - England

i have been bullyed before by little kids. i finally know how it feels to bullyed. It isn`t right at all. i like what Jozlynn said, it was good that you quit bullying, it was the right thing to do. I will never regret it and you won`t either.

Madison - 10 - Saskatoon

My best friend was bullied because a boy in my grade spread a rumor she was lesbian. Not only was it mean to her to bully her, but it was also mean because they said it like being gay was a bad thing. She didn't want anyone to know, and she was a bystander to herself for a long time. From that it got worse, until me and my friend stepped in, and I've learned to never be a bystander. 

Jessi - 12 - Massachusetts

I care because i dont think anyone should be bullied for who they really are.

menawara - 14 - egypt

I care because I know that it hurts and that it isnt okay. I have not personally expierienced it but I have stopped it before and will continue doing it forever.

Avery - 15 - Florida

It's jus t not safe. I really don't like bullying. The words "Sticks and Stones might break my bones but names will never hurt me" is not true. Bullying counts the same BOTH mentally AND physically. So let's stop it together!

Alex - 13 - Baltimore

March 3, 2013 my best friend committed suicide due to past bullying. I've been bullied since kindergarten. All of my friends have been bullied at some point in their lives and we have made it a mission to stand up for anyone that's being bullied. Anytime and anywhere... I know how it feels to feel alone and worthless , so to anyone that feels that way, or even if they don't , I'm just here as a friend to anyone and everyone.

Skylar - 15 - Georgia

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