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I Care Because
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Well Im A Junior in high schhol and I've been bullied since Elemtary school. They would tease me about being fat, ugly, and not wareing the cuteist clothes in school. I've never really had alt of of friends but the ones i do have are real, but i have acroosed some friends in my life that wernt really my friend and some that has turned their back towards me. 2 years ago i lost my mom and my little brother is 9 now but 7 when it happened and his so called "FRIEND" would tease him about it when they got into fighs and say " At least I Have A Mom". My little brother was a mommys boy.then my dad got remarried and i didnt feel i dont belong and her kids tease me about being fat and ugly and no one sees that im hurting inside . sometimes i dont what to and i think about... would they be better without me? should i run away? Ive Thought About. but i dont i stay there and just ignore all of it.. 

Isabella - 16 - NA

i have been bullied my whole life. I know how it feels to fell like there is nothing for you, and that you don't have future. i have tried suicide a lot. i always had my friends to stop me i have very few friends but the ones i do have r loyal. i am so loyal to them. All the bullying did was give me bad depression i self harm a lot. my friend jacob that i have kept him from killing himself many times. it feels good to know that u don't have to be famous to make a difference or to save a life all you need is to be kind and a good friend. my dream is to help people. i always get emails say how fat ugly stupid and worthless i am. it hurts really bad, but i use that bad energy to help my friend and i feel like i can help a lot of people. have an amazing day.

morgan - 14 - oregon

I've been going through alot i just wish someone could help me i've been teased picked on and made fun of i've been keeping this a secret for a long time and i still am i tried to commit susicide 2 times but cutting my self but it didn't work i've been really depressed about my self whenever PE starts you got to dress in the locker room whenever i had to dress out they would tease me of how my body look's i just wanted to share my story so here it is i lost hope and courage and have very low self esteem due to the harrasment.

Atil - 14 - Florida

my bulling is diffrient i get bullied from boys and I'am a girl i cant belevie how any one could do such a horrible thing :'(

mirette - 15 - egypt

im here becuase i was bullyed last year and i did not like it and i thought if im not being bullied why should they?

jordy - 10 - midland

i was once a bully but then the coined flipped and i was the one getting bullied and i know how it feels and it hurts .

mia - 10 - 85345 peoria AZ,

I care because I was bullied for 4 years and i dont want it to ever happen to anyone again. i understand the pain. Everyone should care!!

Sara - 15 - Tennessee

I'm 6'-10" and weigh 300 pounds, but even I was bullied growing up. Older kids picked on me, so I picked on others. Looking back, what hurt the most was BEING a bully. Speak up. Reach Out. Be a friend.

Jim - 51 - Tifton, GA

I'm 13,I been bullied for 6 years. They bullied me because I have speech problems and I'm different. I come home crying and angry because kids at school talk like crap and angry because words hurts,I wish kids at school would leave me alone,on bus,in the classroom,in the hall way.they all way picking on me. I got so tired of it and i couldn't keep it to myself so i talked to my parents. So now I'm finally have someone to talk when I'm hurt about it and when I talk about it I feel better.I'm still bullied but I keep head held high because their is always someone to talk to.

Ashley - 13 - VA

I hate when people bully because, it's sad to see it happen! I sometimes imagine if I were in that position, I know that I would'nt like it at all. My friend got bullied for being different!! You are you, and only you, being the same is boring! Don't copy someone because you like their clothes! And most importantly DON'T LET ANYBODY CHANGE WHO YOU ARE!!!!!!!!! If you are getting bullied, tell a teacher or parent right away, stand up for people!

Anna - 12 - San Antonio, Texas

I've been through alot in regards to being bullied. Alot that people don't know. It can take a great tole on your self-esteem and the way you interact with others. Nothing will ever hit as hard as life but I was willing to get hit and rise above it rather then let myself fall. I thought I didn't need help but most us do. That one helping hand can help turn your life around. You have to learn to accept who you are and adore that person you see in the mirror. The things people say about you are mere opinions that are nothing compared to the way in which you see yourself. :) You can be strong like I was and take the scars you were left with and use them as motivation towards a better life, helping others along the way. Think of everything you went through as a mere obstacle in the way of someone who is capable of doing anything they set their heart to do.

Angie - 17 - California

 I am active in my school with a program called the buddy program. the buddy program at my middle school has the eighth graders helping and mentoring the 5/7th graders. the eighth graders are called the big buddies and the littler kids are called the little buddies. I am so excited for the fall so I can get started. working with them and helping to make my school a better place. For most of the little buddies you are one of their only friends so you need to be there for them. once I herd that you could sign up right now me and 2 of my closest friends said that when we got out of class we were going to the office to sign up. 

maddy - 13 - maine

My school does not have alot of bullying and it is punished very hard. I care because I never had to go through anything like that and it makes me sad when other kids have to go through it. I

Alex - 14 - Md

I know how people feel when they are being bullyied by others. When I was 13 I was cyber  bullyied by my x girlfriend. I had thoughts of hurting my self but then I thought we'll she might be jeloues of me. But then she kept on doing it so I ignored it. I had to stay strong. So for all you teens that are going through bullying I want you to just ignore them and tell someone at home or somewhere where there is an adult. 

David - 15 - Williamsport,Pennsylvania

Bullies think that they are cool by picking on other people but BULLYING IS NOT COOL.Sometimes bullies come from violent or disagreeable families or think it is the right thing to do but it is not . I recently have been bullied by a girl at my school but she has become kind of friendly now which i am glad of. She used to write my name on the board for no reason and be unkind to me what I dont understand is why she was nice to everybody else and not me . Nobody stood up for me but one girl who saw me lingering around the board wanting to rub my name off she told me that i had done nothing wrong and to rub it off so i did . I never have any friends anymore but i really like reading so i read in break time . REMEMBER YOU ARE NOT ALONE TELL OTHERS ABOUT BULLYING AND PREVENT IT .

Maryam - 9 - NSW Rooty hill

I care because I lost my best friend. I care because when I walk down the hallway, people give me weird stares. I care because I know how it feels. I care, because I wanna make the voices that can no longer speak, heard. 

Samantha - 12 - California

I care about this and a lot. When I arrived in Panama I got bullied. Not phisically but emotionally. I would go to my new school and people would just look at me through the hall and put faces like "she's so weird", in fact they called me "the weird girl". The first day of school I was in lunch line and to girls in the back called me, I turned around and they started laughing at me and whispering. These people have destroyed me, they made e feel insecure about myself, before I wasn't like this, I just wish I could be like I was before. When there were group workd and I would say something, I was ignored, because for them I was just "trash". I came home without saying anything to my parents, I didn't want them to suffer because I was suffering. I would get to my room and start crying looking at the pictures of my old friends, and wondered... would I ever get memories here like the ones I got in  the country where I lived before? I want to be strong, I wish I could be stronger. I realized that even one of my friends manipulates me, and that I never said NO to her. I know being bullied is not easy, and it takes a lot of courage to face it. I'm trying to find that courage. 

Laura - 15 - Panama

i am known as the happiest and friendliest person in my grade but they dont really know me i have been bullied as a small child and i did nothing about it. I guess i just got used to it... One day i almost got into a fist fight but luckily someone spoke up for me and he became my best friend. If he hadnt spoken up for me I would porbably still be suffering. Now im living a hapy life but still has some ups and downs of course, im getting over my depression (i had been diagnosed when i was 8) and im making new friends almost everyday!!! So speak up you can make a huge difference and be positive the cause stops now.

Ari - 12 - NY

No one deserves to feel worthless or be bullied. No matter what they did, I was bullied so I know the pain. Thinking of the people about to attempt suicide because someone told them they were worthless.
But I think people should also remember bullying doesnt just go on inside schoolgrounds by kids your age, its online, in your home, it can be everywhere.
But no one should have to deal with bullying, whether they have been 'good' or not. And its sad that people are usually bullied over things they cant change. 

Sinead - 14 - Ireand

I care because i feel no one should under go bullying.  I beleive that if we all take a stand against bullying we can make a change. 

L - 12 - California

I once got bullied, too. everyone does at some point, but mine got serious. I got bad grades, I thoght about suicide many times, but somehow I got through it. I have many friends now, but I would like to be a frend to the bullied :)

Marisol - 13 - Illinois

when i was in 4th grade i got bullied.
it was the worst year ever i didnt understand and till this day i dont 
know why they didnt like me i came home crying everyday trying to forget everything theyve said or done and i was to afraid to get a teachers help so this lasted for a while.


carey - 12 - laveen az

bullying is a sick thing none of use should be bullied  i was bullied for haveing adhd and studering  cant help it its how i am and none of us should have to go throgh all the things i went through i was bullied so bad i got everything from names  to cyberbullying i was even  pushed down a stair case i never had eny friends in school please dont be a bully if you know what it fell likes yo know what more then half the worlds populations of kids fell but if we all stand together we can put an end to bullying please
                              HELP MAKE A DIFFERANCE

tabatha - 13 - united states

I was a victim of bullying. Between the years of Kindergarten and the 7th grade I was teased, taunted, and tortured. I'm currently in the 11th grade and the words once said to me have scarred me for life. The words play back in my mind like a constant cycle that is never ending. I've been permanently damaged by the words of others. I am a cutter. Self harm has been a part of my life since the 5th grade and I still to this day can not let it go. I call my cuts "battle scars" and I guess I'm still at war. I've suffered from an eating disorder and are now fully recovered. But I still currently suffer from depression. And all of this, because some kids didn't know how much their words hurt...

Esther - 16 - Maryland

Bullying isn't an easy topic. It's not a happy topic. It's serious. People take there own lives every single day because of those bullies. But what makes a person feel good about theselves when they know they are destroying another human being.  Would you feel good if you made kids cry themselves to sleep every night, scare them into not going to school, feeling insecure about themselves, putting them through depression.?  They don't deserve any of this. No on does. No matter their age, weight, where they live, how they l

Isabella - 13 - il

I've been bullied since 1st grade. They call me fish girl because I have eczema on my wrists that look like fish scales. Bullying really hurts and it needs to stop.

Aileen - 12 - MO

I've been bullied before when I was younger because of my weight, but luckily I had friends to help me stop it. But ever since then I've been super insecure about my size because I'm not size 0... It's never okay to bully someone just because of the way the look, or the way they talk because you don't know their home story. There an old saying that I like. "Don't judge a book by its cover."

Katie Jo - 16 -

I have been torimentented sence I can remember. No one! No one! deserves to feel as alone and as scred as I did. I was blamed for being bullied and its not your fault your not alone. Wipe the tears off your face and stand up and make a difference, you could help a kid like I used to be. Someone out there needs your help. And even if no one understands theres a man above who does :)

Makenzie - 13 - Bristol,Indiana

I was born with a kidney illness and now i get made fun of when they found out i cant have pop i needed help and the teachers would not do anything you know what i did i started a  anti bulling club with my friend.  

Erina - 12 - Ohio

I am a mother of a 16 year old teenager who has struggle in the past year and a half in having an addiction in cuting. We have also been through the process of mental hospitals, therapy, I just wanted to share that she looks up to Demi as a survivor and inspiration her  to being hopeful of overcoming such an addiction. 

Jennifer Guerrero - 34 - San Antonio

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