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I Care Because
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No one deserves to be bullied. It is just not right and fair. I had a friend who was bullied and i came to help and stopped it. When you see someone being bullied please tell an adult or try to stop it yourself.     

Bob - 19 - North Carolina

I've been bullied way to much at my school and I'm tired of it. My piers are scared they will get bullied to! It is to annoying to wake up in the morning and feel like not wanting to go to school or hoping the bully isn't there that day!! I'm done with the bullying.

Alex - 13 - FL

Im now 23 years old and I still remember being bullied like it was yesterday. It started in elementary and all the way up to high school. Some years were better than others. Finally my senior year it wasn't so bad. It even went on in college. Don't be afraid to talk to someone about the way you're feeling. If you hold it in it'll only build up. You don't want that to happen and eventually build a hate for those who bully you. Talk to the bullies and ask them why. Let them know that it bothers you. Whether you believe it or not they may be dealing with problems which is why they pick on you. Its not right but it happens. Stand up for yourself by telling someone and sitting down to talk about it. It doesn't make you scary and or snitch... it makes you STRONG!

MANDI - 23 -

Help the cause and telll everyone abou the PACER

hannah - 13 - ky

I care because I have been bullied in school my whole life, and I didn't have enough nerve to tell someone or do something about it. It is not a good feeling to be bullied, and I know that no kids deserve being bullied, so I want to now take a stand against bullies for all the kids who don't think they have a voice, like I didn't.

- 12 - California

I care because I have been bullied in school my whole life, and I didn't have enough nerve to tell someone or do something about it. It is not a good feeling to be bullied, and I know that no kids deserve being bullied, so I want to now take a stand against bullies for all the kids who don't think they have a voice, like I didn't.

- 12 - California

i dont like seeind others get picked on sometimes I want to help out but i am scared i will get bullied to. I love helpig little kids out becuase it helps them become a better person in the future. I dont want anymore bullies in my school so i am going to start preventing bullies from being rude to other students. If a little kid gets bullied he/she might move away because he/she is getting bullied and I want to prevent that.

Hunter - 11 - Illinois

nobody should get bullied. If one of your friends is a bully tell them to please stop bullying for the sake of our youth.

Hunter - 11 - Illinois

i got bullied last year in 3 grade but now the bully and me are bffs but she dont influence me to do bad things like a bully you just have to talk to the person.

tatyanah - 9 - fort myers

I care because I was once bullied. This girl would always pick on me everyday. I hated being bullied. I felt like a nobody. Others must have been treated even worst. She would push me around. One day she said to me in gym"Do you want me to hit you with the ball or with my fist."I said neither because I was afraid of what was gonna happen next. I was scared then now I am not. But now she teases other kids. I am in middle school. But I never forgot I will always have friends by my side. They will always be there fort me till I can deal with my own problems I can now but it's hard to be all alone. And I will always be by there side no matter what happens in life. You should never ever bully someone else. 

Lexi - 13 - New

I care because I was once bullied. This girl would always pick on me everyday. I hated being bullied. I felt like a nobody. Others must have been treated even worst. She would push me around. One day she said to me in gym"Do you want me to hit you with the ball or with my fist."I said neither because I was afraid of what was gonna happen next. I was scared then now I am not. But now she teases other kids. I am in middle school. But I never forgot I will always have friends by my side. They will always be there fort me till I can deal with my own problems I can now but it's hard to be all alone. And I will always be by there side no matter what happens in life. You should never ever bully someone else. 

Lexi - 13 - New York

I've never been bullied because I'm one of the populars. But not all the populars  in my school were bullies. Only one was.It actually turned out she was bullying my bestfriend. So I told her to leave her alone (and more but it's sorta inapropriate). So she listened. And my bestie is no longer being bullied.

Amber - 12 - Philadelphia, Pa

i was all ways pick on because was fat and small

jordan - 13 - iowa

A few years ago I was bullied and i know how it feels. NO one should be bullied. if you are bullied don't let it hurt you and go tell an adult like your teacher or your parents and remeber they know you aare the better person


Until you have walked in every person's shoes on earth then no one should put others down, not even yourself.

Jennifer - 17 - Alabama

I care because I watched people bullied others as I just stood and watched the suffer.I beleive that children/teens  should be able to live a life free from bullying and harassment and it is time that we all took a stand against this.

Lilly - 15 - Mighigan

whe i was on the bus with my mate the way to school i was playing with my friend but i went to far i had hear head phones  and give them to the bys who wear bullying her but i didnt realise i was doing it as well untill i was waching vidoes that is why i care about bullying 

jasmine - 12 - england

I have been bullied all my life, and i dont want people to feel the way i feel because almost every day i wake up unhappy. I want everyone on here to know that they are beautiful and deserve to start the day happy. Love you all!

Jeanna - 13 - USA

I was bullied very badly as a 2nd grader. My little sister is now a 2nd grader and it is hitting home. I don't want her to have to go through what I went through when I got pack bullied. 

Brianna - 18 - Dekalb, IL

I was bullied(and still am) every year starting when I was in 6th grade. The others on my bus would call me names, make fun of how I talk, act, and even walk sometimes! My bus driver never did anything to help. She would just watch them call me names, pick trash up off the floor, take my stuff and throw it somewhere, I remember when I was in 7th grade, I got on my bus and sat down next to a girl I knew and is my friend. I wore my favorite orange jacket that day and don't have it anymore. And here is the reason why: the people decided to take the trash can and found an unfinished drink and poured it all over the jacket. Then, they took the trash and it was like they just dumped it on my head. If it wasn't for my older sister who is in college now, I don't know if I would still be here today. For why they bully me and others worldwide, the world may never know; but the people being affected by it to this day know better than the others.  I just wish that the entire universe would take bullying more seriously.

Destini - 14 - Culpeper, Virginia

I care because ive been bullied a few times it isnt as bad as some other peoples situations, but it isnt good.
I think no one should be bullied, people dont need to take their own life because of something that you said.
I mean was it really worth it? 
How would you like it. Your right you wouldnt so i mean they dont either so come on now and do what is right actually take a stand. it hurts. I wanna challenge you guys. Go to church school home just anywhere and give someone a nice comment and see how nice of a compiment you will get back.
Then you will see how it feels to be nice.
Come one guys you can do it no matter what people say whatever you think you can do you can do....
Dont judge someone till you walk in thier shoes....
                      Thanks love Jessie:) Pain is temporary when quitting is forever!!!! Have a nice day!!!!!

jessie - 14 -

Bullying of all forms is not right. Whether it's with abilities, gender, race, beliefs, hobbies, or looks. Everyone has something alike. We are all humans, and we have feelings

Veronica - 12 - Illinois

because we need to stop because there are many people who love to pick with peolpe and i be pick one becuse of my speech... and i will stand up to bullyings

markist francis - 14 - la laffettet

I have been bullied about the way I dressed and I am too skinny and that my family pick cans up for money not too my face but behind my back which is sometime worse because they known what they are doing is wrong. I just want the bullying too stop

stephanie - 21 - waterloo, iowa

I have been bullied since i was in 7th Grade. Now a high school Junior and a Freshman In college. Although life has hit me hard I keep my head high. I don't let anyone step in front of my dreams. People have called me every name in the book , told me die even told me I'm worthless. Almost everyday i would cry, cry for hours, and cry myself to sleep. People began to call me fat my freshman year of high school. I began going days sometimes even weeks without eating. My mom stopped me and told me it wasn't worth not eating. I thought of every possible way to commit suicide ?NEVER went through with it. As the years pasted? of all the cruel people . I am who i am today because of what happen. I don't know where or who i would be if this didn't happen. Im not proud of everything i chose to do in my past but I'm happy now. I'm ready to stand against bullying. I put my foot down and don't let anyone jump in front. Be true to yourself. My name is Emily and i was a VICTUM.

Emily - 17 - Anonymous

I care because, in all honesty, I used to be a huge bully.  I made fun of this guy on my bus for a few months in, like, 3rd grade or something.  I definitely am not a buly anymore, and thankfully, I am now friends with the guy I bullied.  I know how much it hurt him when I made fun of him, and now I just look back on that, and not only do I regret it, but I know now how stupid I was.  I get bullied now, sometimes.  It's not severe, but it's still bullying, and it hurts.  I'm thinking about organizing an anti-bullying fundraiser that I would have people perform at...

Janie - 13 - Long Island, NY

When I went into middle school there was a boy who everyone just "decided" to pick on. He would always sit alone at lunch and never once had a friend to call his own. But I never said a word. I was too scared to lose my friends... I was too selfish to help someone in need. A few years later I remembered how many times this boy had tried to talk to me... it made me cry thinking of how alone he must of felt like. Never again will I EVER let anyone decide who is " worthy" enough to be happy and have friends. And I want others to learn from my mistake. When you see someone down on the ground, have the courage to be the hand that picks them up.

Angela - 16 - Des Moines IA

From freshman to where I am now, a junior I was bullied for 3 straight years and as always the bullies never once gotten in trouble What's even more sad is that those bullies used to be my friends until I found out that they were all just using me and said so many horrible things behind my back One of them was like my best friend since 6th grade too It was unbelievable, at first I thought I was just having a nightmare but was all true I would cry almost everyday and hide in the bathrooms And when I try to stand up to myself or even confront them They would tell any teacher that I was close to and say "I was bullying them."
And they believed them (bullies)and I was hated and I no longer can see the caring eyes of my teachers...just cold,icy looks Because in their eyes "I was the bully"  when I had done nothing at all And my teachers would forbid anyone from defending me And now I'm just stuck :(

Anonymous - 15 - Anonymous

Kids and teens, I am 25 and I was bullied almost all of my life up until my junior year of high school where I switched schools. Every single day of my middle and high school life I was talked about. They talked about the way I looked, my hair, my skin, what I wore, that I smelled, that I was ugly, talked about my birthmark I have on my face, told me I was worth nothing and that I was a loser. They offered me gum and later on I found out it was from the floor. They smakced me in the back of my head with rubber bands, threw paper balls in my face. That all changed when I moved to another school. It has gotten even better after high school, when I entered college. In college everyones alot more mature and I made alot of friends there. I am doing much better now and days, I have my Bachelors degree, and am working on my Masters degree in the IT field. Life is moving forward and now it's moving great. Hang in there guys, it gets alot better as life moves on. Don't give them the satisfaction of hurting yourself or letting them see you cry. Stay strong!

Marcus - 25 - Boca Raton, Florida

I care because no one deserves to be afraid to go to school like I was, and nobody knows that the victim might have a disability or problems at home. I speak from experience..

Ali - 12 - Tennessee

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