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I Care Because
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I was once too a victim for not being born with full vision and always having to wear glasses. My condolences reaches out to anyone who is/was also a victim. Bullying whether it be physical or verbal changes the person. Society depicts perfection is obtainable. That is probably the biggest deception there is in life. Always be yourself and never try to mimic someone else. I met my BestFriend in 3rd grade. She's been there for me since then and I hope she will forever. Although I am young, I specialize in computer technical and by comments of teachers and friends, I "am highly successful". Bullying should not be tolerated anywhere. If you see a victim of bullying, anyone who commented before along with me would most likely strongly urge you to report it to the nearest administrator of your school. Sometimes all one person needs is a friend to stop them from making the biggest mistake of their lives.  

Daniel James Ocean - 16 - California

i care about bullying because i see some bullying in shops,school,bathroom,hall,and more....did you know that i get bullied every day even in holidays ...i got bullied in the park yesturday by grade6 girls i was crying ... but i saw a girl who was aginst bullying i asked her for help and she helped me ... now now no one is bullying me.. yeaaaah. 

lima abdul aziz - 11 - i care about bulliing

     I hate bullying...look what it has done! I want to STOP it!

Pearl - 9 - Kiev, Ukraine

I was bullied alot last year but i stood up and ade a difference now i help others 

Caitlin - 9 - tx

bullying is wrong. period. no matter what form it is, it is still wrong. i have been bullied in the past and it does not feel good. if you are a bully put yourself in your victims place. how would you feel? not so good, huh? point: bullying hurts.

allyssa - 14 - Tennessee

I was cyber bullied, verbally bullied, and sometimes physically bullied because I went through pubery early. I was abandoned by all the people I thought were my friends and I hated it. I didn't go to an adult and I regret that. I care because I don't ever want anyone to feel all the pain and suffering I had to go through. I care because I want people to know that they aren't alone. That's it is okay to be different, because you are you and that is beautiful. 

Kimberly-Jami - 12 - AL

Hello there! Bullying is a horrible thing and it drives me crazy that kids do that. Just because someone is different doesn't mean they aren't a good person. Stand up to bullying and be an active bystander!

Kimzie - 12 - United States of America

I care because I was bullied all through middle school and high school. I remember how it made me feel. I would not wish that on anyone. Not even the people who bullied me. It hurt me mentally and made me think so bad upon on myself. Still to this day I still look at myself and hear the awful names I was called. I hate the fact that some poor innocent teen is going through that as well and I wanna do something to help them. 

Annie - 20 - Mass

I hate seeing people treated horrible.I just want to see peace in this world.Now a days kids and teens are being bullied,to take their pain away they do drugs,alcohol,or even suicide.I don't want people being insulted,bullied,or annoyed be people Nast comments.
They have all their life's to live for and they don't want to spend their childhood badly.That is why I would like to make a difference in this world

Frida - 12 - United States,imperial beach

I lost my best friend from being shoved against lockers, and called ugly names. People can be so imature at times they think they can take it out on other people. Why don't they just talk to someone about it? Yes,I have stood up against the bully; but they still bully. I guess some don't know when enough is enough...

Halley - 13 - Alabama

Emotional hurt is so much harder to fix than physical hurt. Cuts fade to scars, and scars and bruises eventually fade to nothing. Emotional scars we bear forever, in our hate, our insecurity, our self loathing and our fear. Words can hurt more than any blade, and their effects are felt for so much longer. They are harder to forgive, and the hardest to forget. Words are the most dangerous weapon yo
u can arm someone with, and the most damaging when used against another.
But emotional trauma is also the hardest to see. It leaves no finger prints and so it goes unnoticed. You comfort those with physical bruises and marks, but no-one sees the ones with no scars to bear for their pain. No-one notices as the light behind their eyes dims as they realize that no-one will ever recognize their struggle to stay afloat in a world that is slowly pulling them under.

Bullying does more damage when no-one notices, and I am glad that I have people who helped me through the aftermath of mine. Some people who are bullied have no-one, and it should NOT be left to go unnoticed and unpunished when it is noticed.

Raine - 19 - UK

Bullied target me since 6th grade to now. One same person, that person would never leave me alone, so I know how it felt... I care because I through it. 

Jessie - 17 - Oregon

I am against bullying when i see it i stand up for them not justthere and watch one day a little second grader was pushing this little boy up against a brick wall that day i had to stand on the wall and wasnt aloud to get off but i had to because i saw someone bullying and i told them to stop then i went to a teacher he stoped the whole thing . I am against bullying

lauren - 10 - piqua

I care because I know what it feels to be bullied. I know this because i'vebeen bullied. This hurt me a lot and the bully was in my class sometime I didnt want to go to school but I didnt tell no one so I had to go to school.

Ashley - 12 - New York

I care because i've experienced bullying, i was bullied during 3 years of my life, going to school was hell, just imagine hearing those voices whispering (sometimes even shouting) offensive comments, calling me names in the halls, was the worst thing that could ever happen to me, the school bus was a nightmare for me, people throwing me sandwiches, bottles, newspapers, books, notebooks, even shoes. When i got home, i didn't want my parents to worry about me, i didn't want to be another problem for them, so i kept it to myself, i'd cry everyday every night till i fell asleep. It left me problems, lack of confidence, anorexia, low self esteem, antisocial, depressive, suicidal. But i have to say, the moment i left that school, the moment i entered my new school everything got better instantly, i started making new friends, people didn't know my name, so they didn't bully me, it's been almost 3 years and my life has made a 360 degree turn, i'm happy with myself, my self esteem has gotten better, i have friend (not many but true friends for sure) my confidence is back, i can talk to people without feeling judged, i can walk through the halls without being afraid, and i see life in a totally different way, i can see myself with a future. I have hope, YOU JUST HAVE TO STAY STRONG. Those bullies, are NOTHING. It definitely gets better.

Alex - 17 - Mexico

people need to stop acting tough when thay r a littl scare of the person thay r bullyin and its not fair to that person cuz thay did not do 

bryan - 13 - piqua ohio

i dont want people to feel like they have no purpose in this world. everyone has a purpose. everyone has a voice. and everyone deserves to be heard. whether your 12 or 22 or any age you are you deserve to feel loved and cared for and to have hope. bullying hurts. it makes you feel alone. it makes you feel sad. and if we can stop bullying i hope that self harm or suicide or self harm could decrease or stop. nobody deserves to be hurt. speak out. tell them your story. stand up for yourselves or others. be proud of who you are. no matter what anyone else thinks. your beautiful and your worth it. stop bullying today.

hayley - 15 - nebraska

I care because I don't want people to get hurt!

Will - 17 -

I have been bullied. I know it hurts. People can be so cruel for no the smallest of reasons. Standing alone to bullying is almost impossible, and I know that now. Sometimes standing with friends who don't care about yuo can be even more excruciating. So I have advice for everyone who is being bullied BY "FRIENDS".  A true friend cares, about you and those around them. If someone asks you to change yourself or to change others around them BY HURTING THEM, they are NOT true friends. It took years for me to truly grasp that. Now I have 2 best friends that I KNOW care about me. Today, me and my best friends stand UP to bulllying, and we do our best to help make our school a better one. 

Tanitha - 13 - Alabama

I feel bullying is a horriable thing. I wish it would stop as a teen that is bullied i wish it would stop nasty emails and texts are bad my mom and dad dont care about bullying they say its a part of life it hurts alot

Emily - 14 - Maine

I care because my sis and i have both bin bullied and i finaly realized you should speak out and not be afraid because you will feel better than egnoring it. So i do believe that you should speak out even if u are afraid  and or tell your best friend and have them do it.SO Speak out even if u don't whant to it will make a diffrence in your life because i know what it feels like because i have bin through it.

dasha - 14 - colorado

being bullied is not the way to go .. when you talk about someone and you don't know anything about them , things can go wrong .. you know nothing that happens to them behind closed doors on a daily basis .. so put a stop to what you do . it's sad , i've changed because i was bullied and it hanged my life and outlook on life it doesn't feel good to be hurt so just make a difference in your community . reciently i've started to make my school realize that bullying is getting out of hand .. i want to make a difference to all over the world and prevent bullying from happening because EVERYONE is equal and the same . NOBODIES perfect .. you are you and just remember that <3 love your self for who you are & stand upto bullying.

Camryn - 13 - Delaware

hi .... i've just found this website .. i have been buullied before and it sucks . you don't relize how much you hurt someone when you talk about them until it happens to you . i've learned over the years to change and become a different and better person .. i want to make a change and help those who need to have someone to be able to talk to when they need help .. i want to have the trust in someone to be able to just vent to and tell all my problems to .. you need to stop the bullying and relize how much it hurts other people .. your nothing better .listening and hearing all of these stories everyday , upsets me .. it needs to become to a stopping point .. i hope it does and SOON.. but you can't change a persons mind or actions , because that's them .. put a stop to bullying and become a better and stronger person !

Camryn - 14 - Virginia

Bullying. It's the most talked about problem nowadays. Everyone talks about how they want to stop it, yet they stand there and watch it happen. Most people don't help stop bullying, they just talk about wanting it to end. That won't help anything obviously. So that is why we all need to step up and actually do something. 

Kelsey - 15 - Indiana

Bullying. It's the most talked about problem nowadays. Everyone talks about how they want to stop it, yet they stand there and watch it happen. Most people don't help stop bullying, they just talk about wanting it to end. That won't help anything obviously. So that is why we all need to step up and actually do something. 

Kelsey - 15 - Indiana

I know how it feels to be bullied. I bullied someone once i feel bad for doing it.

jessewright - 11 - bennett

me and 1 of my best friend had got bullyed before it was hard to even think about coming to school every day.

jalynne - 10 - piqua

you can stop preventing bullying so start now all you have to do stop it will start to stop everywhere.

haley - 11 - piqua

Bullying is just wrong and people need to stop it.

Jaylen Hensley - 11 - Piqua,Ohio

I don`t like watching people sad , I wish I can help
and I became happy if I was the reason of someone to be happy and
I never want to be that mean girl
I just love helping people 

lana - 14 - syria

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