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I Care Because
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Leilani - 14 - FLORIDA

I want bullying to stop just because we are unique and different doesnt mean we can be picked on or pushed around!

MaisieBlewitt - 11 - StalyBridge

i think bullying is wrong I know what it feels like because i've been bullied for the past 5 years

Mill - 13 - Canada

i have been through alot in my life and i know alot of people who have been bullied , me being one of them from a young age , i lost all my friends in school and i felt so alone , i didnt have a proper friend and i didnt know what it was like to have someone there who really did care untill i met my best friend caseyjade  she is amazing she went through exactly what i went through in fact even worse and she knew exactly what it was like , i dont know what i would do without her , she made me the strong person i am today. When im feeling down or im starting to overthink i think about demi lovato and what she has over come and how she is such an inspiration ! i put on her music and i feel so much better hearing her voice and reading her quotes is what helps alot of people today that dont know where to turn to and find help and i want to thank you demi you are an idol ! x

julie - 15 - northern ireland

No matter how badly people treat you never drop to their level, just know you're better and walk away.I survived bullying, so let's work together so one else has to ever declare this again. 

Belem - 17 - New Mexico/Las Vegas

I have a son that is special needs and in high school now.  I am worried that he will come a victum of bullying because of this.  I hope I can find help and hope fast.  He is only a freshman  but, we all know how fast high school goes.

Lisa - 44 - Carver, MN

I have been there and i know how it feels to be bullied, and everytime i see someone i dont even know or getting bullied i stop it and say to the bullies, "have some respect" and they always back-off.
I believe that bullying needs to just stop completely and I know plenty of people would agree with me 100%. I feel so strongly about this subject because i was at that point where i wanted to kill myself due to bullying and yet I overcame the bullying and i am stronger than ever! I have set goals for myself to wrestle at the University of Iowa Hawkeyes after highschool and i plan on joining the military next year when im junior. Yes i have had a difficult life (not as bad as others, but still quite bad), but im not gonna just stand around and let the opinion of one person shape my life . I have created a anti-bullying page on facebook for my school and i feel that it has helped! My advice to everyone is to STAY STRONG!

Jacob - 15 - WI

I want my son to grow up in a world were bullying doesn't exist but that's asking for too much.  If people stood up for each other..spoke up when needed...cared just a little more...and simply thought of the future maybe it would stop.  When you see bullying DO SOMETHING bc if u dont ur being part of it.  The victim is someones brother/sister, daughter/son, friend...what if they were ur friend,sibling, child...wouldnt u want some1 to stand up for them?!? I care because I hope for a brighter future for each one of u who I dont even know...

Aig - 23 - Texas

people who have been bullied deserve respect we should all come together and prevent bullying

destiny - 11 - piqua

Ive been bullied ever since i was little, because i was 'different' than the rest. even now,  even today, at gym. I'm not very good at tennis, and everytime i miss, the 'populair' girl would scream and tease  me about it because i was so terrible at it, they even called me 'handicapped' and i just knew, they were aiming to hurt me. It's horrible. I don't know if i can take this longer....I just hate it because you hear everytime in the news that somebody died from suicide because of bullying. they would say "oh how horrible" and "Hurting people is so wrong!"  When they're fully aware that they do the same thing....It hurts. Everybody who has been bullied out there, YOU ARE NEVER ALONE. YOU, YES YOU, SITTING THERE, ARE IMPORTANT TO SOMEBODY, please don't forget that... Never give up.

Vanessa - 15 - The netherlands

i think bullying is hurtful! i does nothing but hurt someones feelings and makes a bad statment about you

jacob - 11 - virginia

I am bullied at school and at first i did not want to talk, all i wanted to do is cry. This girl kept bullying me not to play with other people and just her. So after school that day I started being friends with other people and she saw me. She gave me the look and said  why!  I said I can be friends with everyone and she rolled her eyes and walked away and ever since then i have been killing her with kindness and I haved never been bullied by her or anyone!

lexi - 10 - draper

I got bullied too. I know what it feels like and i know what they're going through. I want to be able to help when someone is going through this crap. I want them to feel like they are loved and that they fit in and that they are good enough. 

Ejay - 18 - Illinois

I have been bullied before and it's the worst feeling ever, being scared to even go to school. It started when I was really young, I never told anyone... but I regret that now. One of my best friends, she brought in a diary, which she gave to her group of friends as she went to the bathroom... this was during break in school. She came back out, they stared at me, I was alone at the time, they began to laugh, read out comments about me, calling me fat, ugly and stupid. I know that may seem stupid, but I was young, those names stung! This bullying carried on until 1 year ago, when I snapped. I stopped going to school for the whole day and teachers got suspicious, I told them lies... like I was sick. I would go to school although my mum told me I looked pale. I still never had told anyone... My friends found out by themselves and gave me advice. I am glad I took a stand 'cause if it went any further... I don't know if I'd be alive right now...

Kirstin - 12 - Scotland, Glasgow

i have always wanted bullying to stop becase it hurts peoples fellings so please stop that not just one person everybody needs to stop ok if you agree try ok just stop that ok everybody needs to be nice or you will have no friends                                                                                         a ture story i gets bullyed every day i try to stop it it just want happen but i will be nice friends whith them so they would stop that

keykey - 12 - kansas city

Please do something about bullying! I am getting bullied at school. I am getting bullied so bad to where i start to cry because i dont know what else to do about it.

mackenzie - 13 - home

I was the bullied last year and I want to stop it. I came home and cried myself to sleep. I have also bullied someone. I was about 6 at the time and my friend had dragged me into it because she didn't like the person. I regret it and even though we're friends now, it haunts me.

Maddie - 10 - Tronto

I care because I teach students with special learning needs and I wish everyone could appreciate them the way I do.

Susan - 32 - Whitby ON

It is simply wrong for others to think they are better than the defeneeless and innocent, i believe something should be done to end this cause that is affecting millions of kids/teens. Bullying in schools and Cyber Bullying is wrong. 

Joe - 16 - TX

I have been bullied for about five years now. At the school by many of my class mates. They are saying really ugly things to me, and it really hurts. Beacuse of them I have no real friends and almost everyone is going away from me when they see me coming. They have switched my name with different things. And I just can't wait to get finished with High School and hopefully the bullyng will stop there, but this will always be on my mind, and I will never think that I'm good enough or pretty enough just beacuse of them.. And there goes almost never a day without me crying my self to sleep because of them...

Emma-Julie - 14 - Europe

i will never let anybody get bullied by anyone

jenn - 13 - california

I have been bullied before, last year. The girls that bullied me beat me up, they hurt me, and even though I was only 10, I did a small amount of self-harm. But my best friends helped me thorugh it, and now the bullies are some of my best friends! I have just moved up to comprehensive school, and I'm astonsihed. There is a boy I've seen walking around the playground on his own. I've seen some boys say some pretty horrible stuff to him, just because they seemed to fell like it. Just today, I saw them throwing plastic bottles at him. I really want to help this boy, but he's in year 9, and the bullies are in year 10! I feel like I really need to tell someone, and that's what I'm planning to do. So, if you are being bullied, or if you can tell somebody else is being bullied, don't just let the bullies carry on. Tell someone, or stand up to the bullies yourself. Trust me, it WILL help.

Just a Girl - 11 - Britian

My older sister was bullied from Jr. High and all through High School. She would come home crying all the time and my mom went to the school countless times to inform the princpal and teachers what was going on. However, they didn't do anything about at the time, so she started cutting and she was depressed. Having to see someone I look up to go through something like that was heartbreaking. She was always there for me when I was hurt or sad and it hurt not being able to stop those girls. She graduated her Jr. year of high school and now, she's a top-notch nurse at numorous nursing homes and she's getting married to her high school boyfriend. She finally stopped listening to those girls, and they gave up on getting a reaction out of her. I'm proud she was able to fight against getting bullied and I'm proud to call her my sister. 

Kelsea - 18 - Texas

I want my daughter to NEVER experience bullying.  I hope I can help her to be strong, confident and compassionate to everyone especially the ones who need someone to be strong for them.  It is wonderful to be different; have a variety of friends with different interests.  I sometimes think how boring it would be to hang out with a bunch of "me's"! :) I know it seems great to be "popular" but it is more important to be a leader - make the popular ones follow u!!  

Lisa - 36 - Detr oit, MI

bullying is wrong. I know a kid that is bullied every day that kid now cuts her wrist just to release her pain. She has scars everywhere. She is totured day to day and worse yet she is a senior in high school and had to deal with all her life. Bullies everywhere need to be aware of what their bullying causes. They also need to know that they probally have no friends or allies because they torment everyone. So bullies grow up and give the other people a break. Also to the kids bullied I feel for you, I was bullied o. Now my friend goes through it and I help her however I can. So other people help your friends if they are going through bullying. Also if your friend is to scared to stand up for themselves, take up for them it is the best thing you could do. All n all just rememeber that karma comes back and if you bully now you will be bullied before the end.

chelsea - 17 - south carolina

I care about ending bullying because I don't want other adults or other kids to suffer. I want no one to feel lonely. I don't want other people to feel sad. I don't want anyone to ever feel so bad that they would hurt themselves. 

Spruce - 11 - CA

I think that bullying should be illegal because kids are harming themselves with there lives. Kids are being bullied everyday and the best way to stop it is to address it before it starts because if you do then the bully will not be able to do anything about it. Bullies usually pick on kids that are younger than them because they feel like they need to have power over people. This should not be happening because every day a kid gets bullied they are in danger of harming themselves or someone else so they can be accepted by the person that is bullying them. BULLYING MUST STOP!

Tylan - 11 - Alpheretta

I know what it feels like to be pushed around, called names, or have someone harass is one of the worst feelings in the world. 
I think every person should know that everyone deserves complete respect and understanding. Bullying is a seriosu issue that many people take lightly. There is nothing light about it. It is often done out of jealousy or for attention. 
If you or someone you know is being bullied; do something about it. Tell a teacher, tell your parents, stand up for yourself.
Bullying, name-calling, or fighting is not the way.
It's a cliche for a reason: Treat others the way you want to be treated, because there is nothing in the world that hurts more than someone saying or doing something to another that is pure evil.
Stop bullying. Start understanding. Keep living.

Andrew Lee Vincent - 17 - Lafayette, Louisiana

Hey! I'm from Spain and i was bullied when i was seven in school and at this sumer since one month ago...
Two of this persons was my ''best friends'' and hurted so much, maybe still hurting me even i know that i have to be strong.
indirects on twitter, leaving me alone, talking wrong to other abot me, callings...
Until  i say STOP, now i know i'm strong even i have to be alone, i know i can't, even hurts me. And i hope that the people who had or have bullying try to be strong :)

ivanelly - 16 - Spain/Europe

I think that bullying is unacceptable because I think that it is unfair for normal kids to be bullied like this. Kids with disabilities are usally one of the highest targets because people think that just because they are diabled that they have no brain or a friend well that it not true everyone has feelings and that they deserve to be treated right because they are just like us.

Tylan - 11 - Alpheretta

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