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I Care Because
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I was taken from my real mother when I was about four years old, and placed in DCF cutsody; fostercare. Because of being so young yet still having that attachment to her, I was a very confused child, and often hard to deal with, causing me to move from home to home.  I moved about 24 times between the ages of 5 and 9, and moving so much caused me to always have to start over and make new friends, leading me to be shy and insecure.  Growing up with so many people I adapted different personalities, and though I was a bubbly, innoocent, loving, and gentle spirited girl, I was picked on for being weird, shy, and not acting according to the complexion of my skin.  I was teased and picked on my entire life, leading me to be depressed, and that lead me to hating myself and cutting myself.  With help, I made it through, although there were lots of horrible situations that took place, however, I made it through and am now in college, ready to complete a Persuasive Speech Against Bullying. nI hope to encourage the young adults in my class to also help use this site to take action against bullying.

LaSylvia - 18 - Brockton Massachusetts

i am bullied myself so i dont like see it happen to other people

josh - 12 - ohio

stand up to the person show ur true colors tand tell how u feel.

dezmond - 14 - rochetster

i was ridiculed as a child
everyone was mean to me
but now im stronger knowing that there are people out there who are kind and actually care
thank you

bob - 8 -

Almost Everyday This Kid Bullies Me, I Get Mad Because He Doesn't Stop And Because No One Ever Helps. I've Told My Dad, Mom, Teacher Even Some Friends But They All Say "Grow Up" Or "Stop Being A Baby" And That Makes Me More Mad, But Sometimes I Guess I Can Get On Other Peoples Nerve, But Doesn't Mean They Have To Call me Names or Push me Around It Makes Me Mad.

Tyson - 12 - MB

When I am bullied, it is generally by the popular kids. I used to think they were all nice, how else did they get popular?? But they are actually quite mean, most of them. It makes me sad to see that parents teach their kids to be this way. I sincerely have concern for you all from the bottom of my heart. In fact, I have a YouTube channel with some motivational videos and some funny ones too. Its called "freshstrawberryscone" and I would love if you checked it out! I am about to make my next video on bullying so it would be great if you looked at it :) Thank you all and I hope that video will solve your bullying problems :D I worked hard on it and I hope it helps <3

Meghan - 13 - MN

why be mean to your same kind we are all Humans

Hanna - 11 - toutle washington

 i  think its horrible when people are bullied we need to stand up speak the truth just dont react and ignore them 

katy - 15 - birmingham

When I was in elementary, I was the bully. I scratched people with my finger nails, I bit people. I'm in 8th grade now, and I feel absoultely horrible about what I did. I know I was only in elementary, but it doesn't make it right. 
I now have decided to make  difference in my school. To try to stop bullying. I'm getting rubber bracelets with the permission from schooland my parents. 
There is a  bullying assembly in January. I hope to stand in front of the school and give a speech of my experiences, and other peoples. 

People need to understand.

Hannah - 13 - IL

i got bullied for 2 years i never did anything or had anyone by my side i was alone. but i do now how it feels to be bullied its a feeling that a person may or wouldnt can affect a person so much that it can get to a piont were there just done.and its very important to speak up, stand up ,or tell an adult.if you see a person getting bullied its best to do something tell someone to make them stop  before its to can be hard but its the best thing to do. 

Molly - 15 - California, Riverside

im not one..

megan - 15 - stephenville TX.

i have been bullyed since kindergarden i didnt want to go to school all the time but i knew i have to , to get a career

Kayla Perron - 13 - clifton forge, Va

I care because I was bullied when I was little. I know some people might think that it doesn't matter, that we were too young to actually do any damage, but it's not true. Bullying hurts. It cuts you open, and then it's so hard to seal the wound. Kids used to make fun of me, said disgusting things about me. They would tease the way I walked or the way I looked. They'd say I looked like a boy, and that my glasses were weird and ugly. And it continued, it never stopped. I hated school, I don't have one happy memory of the 1st, 2n, and 3rd grade. They were supposed to be the happy moments in childhood!! But to me they weren't. I was too afraid to talk to anyone, I never even learned their names. Then the next year girls started to kick me and pull my hair, and some of them actually scared much. I was terrified of them! And after the years went by..the bullying didn.t completely stop... And even though they weren't as bad, I still felt incredibly embarrassed, my confidence had dropped all the way to zero.

It's not fair to be treated like this..we're kids and we deserve to be happy all together, bullying is not right and it should be stopped. And I want to help. I know there are cases much worse than mine, which is why i always try to do the best I can when it comes to this, I suport all the victims because i know what they have been through. LETS STOP BULLYING <3

Mel - 15 - NY

I was bullied for years, and i really permanently effected me.  Because of bullying, I've struggled with depression, body image issues, and next-to-no self confidence. Now I've devoted my life to making others feel important and to help the become proud of who they are. so yo all of you being bullied, THERE'S ALWAYS SOMEONE LISTENING.  you're not going through it alone :)

Anthony - 16 - Rhode Island

know one deserves to feel so hurt inside that they cant do nothing about

jhane - 11 - waldorf,MD

When i was still a little kid I was bullied for being muslim, I was bullied because my language to them was "Stupid". I never told my parents or anything like that because I knew that if i did they would inform the principle and it would get worse because they never gave up if you lectured them. It was all verbal and even though there was no physical it hurts. When ever I see someone get bullied I remember everything that happened and the hardest thing is..when I try to help I get bullied instead.

Meral - 12 - Saudi arabia

I was bullied as a child and an adult... Be that person that reaches out to someone who is alone.. You see a kid sitting alone at lunch--go talk to them.. It only takes one kind word to make someone feel like they matter :)

Shari - 43 - Oregon

i always been bullied

esme - 15 -

I currently not bullied in school, but I certainly see others being bullied. The kids at my school bully a special ed kid. He just wants friends, but the kids tease him while the kid doesn't know. The've trash canned him and push him around. I don't understand why they do this but I know they know its wrong. I've told them to not back off but they don't listen. Although I don't know either kids, it really urks me that they do this, and when I think about it I remember that there are kids being bullied for trying to be friends. I hope the bullies know that one day Karma will come and hit them 10x harder. TO ALL THOSE BEING BULLIED: KEEP YOUR HEAD UP AND DONT LET THOSE FOOLS GET TO YOU, BECAUSE YOU ARE 10X BETTER AND SUICIDE IS NEVER THE ANSWER. 

Sophia - 15 - Las Vegas

I have been bullied for years & due to this I'm being homeschooled.  My mom tried to help but people don't communicate and nothing was done.  I feel alone and angry.

Ronnie - 15 - KY

I have sort of been in the closet for my bullying. I never told anyone I was bullied because I was a afraid too and I didn't think people could understand what I was going through. I have been bullied for 6 years and it took me 5 years to finally tell someone that I was being horribly bullied. I need help. 

Madi Johnson - 15 - Minnesota

i care because you should not be afraid of pepole bulliying you because it realy hurts they just want you to get said sometimes pepole bully you because they have benn bullied or things happend at the house dont be frenemies with the bully be friends with the bully take a stand and dont let anyone get in your way.

yesenia b - 11 - california,baldwin park

I care because I know how it feels to get bullied and it sucks. I want it to stop so I am doing everything that I can.

Abbie - 14 - Wyoming, Iowa

My name is Cheyna, i have been bullied ever since 2nd grade. People always called me fat for over 5 years, then i stopped eating..... And i lost over 73 pounds.... Now im finally at a weight people can stand talking to me, and will actually be my friend. I feel like sometimes i can always go back to not eating because people still pick on my weight. But I just want to feel good about my self, and people still today, my freshman year; they still pick on me, and it hard to feel confertable with myself...

Cheyna - 15 - Vermont

I know exactly how is feels to be bullied and the pain that comes along with it. I had been bullied all the way up until 8th grade which hurt so much. When you hear that you're fat, ugly your nose is big, and everything else like that, you start to believe it. I still suffer with self image issues, but I'm getting better. I will do anything for anybody and I will stick up for people, it's not right at all.

Cara - 16 - VA

I have been bullied for many years and my current school has been the worse i am really hoping to get bulling out of the world because i have lost one of my bestfriend because of bulling and i would like it to be stoped because i am a victum of it now and i am trying to stay strong and keep thinking that i am perfect the way i am but its hard when people non-stop are putting you down!!!

sammi - 13 - ohio

I have been bullied, it happened last year in 6th grade I don't know why, but I felt so alone, like no one cared, I've made many friends ,and I'm not afriad to tell my story, I feel like a new person now:)

Kaitlyn - 12 - Duncan, Oklahoma

I have been bullied alot lately. I finally made it public that I am engaged to a female and everybody looked at me like I was a plague. I got called names. And it hurt. I dont want anybody else to go through this but I know they will. THIS NEEDS TO STOP!!

Krystin - 17 - Louisiana

I have been bullied for so long before and I feel sorry for the people who are lonely and bullied.


Sam - 13 - US

I care because bullying is wrong. Being bullied is something people don't want to remember. I remember when I was getting bullied and I don't think I'll ever forget. To the people who are getting bullied and think you are nothing, ugly, or whatever it is. Don't. because I know you are beautiful and I support you. I will never forget the time when I got my best friend. You don't tecnically need a best friend though. I'm here and I support you no matter what kind of decision you make. 

Sam - 13 - US

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