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why do people bully

delia - 13 - san diego

we are trying to stop bullying in our school. We just had an assembly on Bullying.  We are serious about thinking about what might happen before we say or do anything mean to each other.  We plan to keep meeting once a week to learn more about what bullying really is. We also want to check in with each other to see how much bullying is decreasing in our school. It would be great if we could have a small group of students who can talk to someone who is bullying someone else - maybe that could help.  The teachers would support the group, but it would really be Teens talking to Teens to find solutions.The kids who are the bullies could have had something bad happen to them so they're acting out - but really they might need to talk to a peer that cares.

Alaska History Class - 15 - Hydaburg, Alaska

i have been a bully and i saw the efects on the people and how they felt after they were bullyed and then i told myself that i will never bully again.

Jozlynn - 13 - Hutchinson MN

I have been bullied for about 3 or 4 years. Im not sure why. i am like everyone else. i was on the cheerleading team. i had lots of friends. and one day everyome just turned. The worst feeling ever is coming up to your locker to see Horrible names Carved into it. I would never want someone to feel as low and horrible as i do. i want to help kids feel confident again. 

Abby - 16 - Illinois

I have been  bully in the past.But when i was bullied i hated that feeling.Ever since then i have made an effort to stop bullying.I care because no one should be treated diiferent.We are all human.End bullying!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mayra - 13 - USA,Texas

I was bullied when I was younger. Everyone of the boys teased me because I was overweight. I felt alone because I didn't know who I could talk to about the bullying. Now that I am older, I realized that kids tease others so they could gain popularity, feel like they have to do it, and because they felt threatened by my size. Just be yourself. There will be no one else like you in the world. You are unique. If you are being bullied, talk to your parents or adults that could help you with your problem. Just be yourself and no one would ever bother you again.

Stephanie - 16 - Indiana

I used to be bullied all the time, but I finally spoke up, and it stopped. Anybody out there that's being bullied speak up. Any punishment those bullies have gor you is nothing comepared to what you will have to go through if you don't speak up.

Nathan - 10 - Huntsvill,Alabama

iused to be bullied everyday i would come home crying it can come from even your friends

oyinda - 9 - canada newfoundland

I am being bullied at school right now and i just cant take it anymore. It;s so hard because people are being mean and aggresive and disrespectful to me and i am afraid to speak...I just need someone... :'(

Christofer - 15 - Athens, Greece

its gutting to be bullied. people dont realise how much they hurt u. yeah sure youre smiling on the outside--but crying/dying on the inside...:(

taze - 16 - new zealand

I've been bullied before and it has made me do some things that I would not like to say. But, I know how it feels and others shouldn't have to feel such meanness for doing nothing. I stand up to bullying. 

Brianna - 13 - Indiana

i once was bullied i dont want no one to feel hopeless like i did i want to help the victims and others.. We all have a story and it needs to be heard. It is not fair to the parents who lost a child because of bullying its not fair to no one we need to stop bullying before its to late for others and our loved ones

brianna - 17 - Holden Mo

Bullying should just stop in general . What`s the big fad about making people feel like crap every day? I find it useless . I will admit I have bullied , who hasn't ! But we all learn from our mistakes . But either way, this NEEDS to stop . 

Katie - 14 - Ontatio

I care because every human being has the right to be comfortable with who they are!

Tomika - 25 - Lumberton, NC

I care because most people that are bullied don't deserve it. Bullying goes in a circle. And the circle is just gonna keep going and going, and there will be really no way to stop it completely. BUT everyone should do everything they can to help put a large majority of it to a stop. Even just the smallest things could make the biggest difference. 

Ashley - 15 - Vermont

I care because I was verbally bullied. I am a special ed kid and I mainstreamed in fifth grade. In middle school, I got teased a lot.  In addition to being a special ed kid, I have a speech impediment. People called me marble mouth and all sorts of names. I felt alone. I got angry because I never was really in fifth grade because I had back surgery and never had to deal with teasing until middle school. My mom told me to not react, but I did. I acted. Three years of bullying got to me. I hated myself, cried a lot, and had  no self-confidence. Two years later, in the summer, I went  through a dark period. I was judged in middle school for my weight as well. I went on a diet. My weight became my obsession. I broke down and went to rehab for depression, eating disorder, and anger management. I care because I've been there.  Today, I am happy, but never fixable. I'm stronger and on a speech team. I also am taking my second ap class my senior year. There is hope. I will fight for  the end of bullying. Everyone deserves a chance and mine was unlikely. I checked into rehab with my parents thrown into shock and now, they are proud with the progress I have made. I'm still alive and I have hope because I care.

Jessica - 17 - Chicago

I've been bullied for several years. Infact I still am, and it's just not verbally, but also on the internet. Words DO hurt. I've been bullied for my size, they way I look, and just being diffrent. Pledgeing can make a diffrence even though it may not seem like it, but it does. Stand up for yourself. Understand that everyone is not gonna be your friend, so you don't need everyone to make your life happy.  Smile, cause your diffrent. and being diffrent is what makes a person a better person!

Katie - 13 - Ky

Bullying has been effective in my life, i kept it to myself and that causaed me to be hurt and pain emotional. No one would know, because i kept it inside. Eventually, someone noticed and that ended. You shouldnt hold in your bullying, and keep it to yourself. Stand up if someone is harming you in any emotional or physical way.

Nalynn Boutviseth - 14 - South Sioux City, Nebras

Bullying is becoming a terrible factor in peoples lifes, but with help our generations can stop it!

mount zion area - 13 - mount zion

Hey you. Yeah you. No not him or her. I'm talking to you and only you. I think you know what time it is. It's time for a change.  Time for a difference.  It's time we take charge. Take control. Let's take a stand. a stand for the silent S.F.T.S stand.for.the.silent. let's take a stand for those who can't. let's change this world for the better. Let's stop bullying. Let's create hope for the victims of this cruel game. It's make a point. To make a statement to the world that you care.......................................this is only one paragraph of the 5 pages front and back that i'm posting on facebook........twitter.........myspace......and best of all im going to tell it over's time for hope .....time for dream.......time to save those in need of saving. LETS STAND>FOR>THE>SILENT>

Dustin - 15 - Louisiana

i was bullied and what is sad is people dont know how you will turn out im a marine now that bully regrets evr doing anything to mme dont give up  people do change OORAHHH!!

hayden - 19 - arkansas

ive gotten bullied before so I took a stand just because you're bigger than somebody you don't use that weight to push them down you use it to pick them up.

zhoe - 11 - Florence,SC

My brother has Autism and can not speak.He is bullied at school.

Jasmine - 8 - Vermont

My brother has Autism and can not speak.He is bullied at school.

Jasmine - 8 - Vermont

I DONT LIKE BULYING AT OUR BUS STOP THERE MUST TO be a way to stop that at bus stops get a supervisor or something i just dont like it


zach davie - 13 - marion,ohio

I don't want people to get hurt.

Gabby - 4 - Pennsylvania

i am 14years old, i am 5ft8 and i am the tallest girl in my class, and i think in my entire school and everytime i try to talk to people who are not in my class; i mean who are not my close friends, the first thing they say to me is not hi how are you! No! They say: Why are you this tall? or  OMG you are so tall! and some of them make jokes on me and call me bad names! just because i am taller than them! and at first i act like i didn't care or laugh at their jokes that  they made on me to sound cool but in fact, it hurts! it hurts really bad!! i ground myself to sleep everynight and i am crying most of the time! and i cut myself!! i did it 12 times so far!! just because i am tall and skinny! and i can't talk to anybody because they'll think i am crazy! and becacuse of the cuts i have on my wrists i am always wearing bracelets or long sleeve sweaters even when it's extreamly hot!! 

yasssmine - 14 - tunisia

I have also been bullied. It goes on at school every single day I can say I have been picked on because I am smaller than some of the kids my age. By smaller I mean shorter. It hurts and it is NOT fair. I have been kicked, hit, and shoved. I have been hurt by people's words and the thing they say to me. I have been bullied and it IS NOT okay. 

chrissy - 12 - springdale

When I was little, I was bullied for being too smart. By everyone, students and the teacher. I switched schools and it was better for a while, until recently. Last year and this year I've been teased and picked on verbally. I can never tell whether or not people are joking or trying to REALLY be mean. These are people who I thought were my friends. Now, I'm not so sure. I admit I can be mean from time to time, but never on purpose, or to one specific person. It's been bringing me down for a while now. Stop bullying to help yourself and others <3

Em - 13 - NY

Bullying should not be tolerated under any circumstances, it's time to put an end to it and start saving people's lives.

Morgan - 17 - NV

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