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I Care Because
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I know we can make a difference! Stand against bullying. There are so many great causes to be a part of but i think everyone can do something to stop bullying. First you can start by using kind words when comunicating with others. Parents should be aware of children's behavior any changes is mood or not wanting to go to school can be caused by bullying also the visible causes like bruises or any physical injury! Ask your children whats going on in there life. Communication is the key. If you are being bullied take a stand! Tell your parents, teachers or and adult you can trust. If somebody is not using nice word or saying mean things ask them to stop and to be polite. Remember you are not alone and there is people that care for you. Nobody deserves to be brought down. Lift your head up high and dont be embarrassed to ask for help. Stop the bullying spread the word.

Eva - 21 - Alabama

I think that bullying is the worse invention ever. And you know who started it. You. So now you are the only one that can stop it.

Bernardo - 12 - Dallas, Texas

We all bully. Every one of us. Even though we may be joking around with someone, it still might hurt them. I've always been bullied, even though people just might be joking around. I even realize that I bully sometimes, I once I catch myself I stop and tell the person I didn't really mean what I said or did. I know what it feels like to be bullied, and I admit I have bullied, but if we all just try to catch ourselves when we bully, and apologize, the world will be a much safer, and better place.

Aaron - 15 - California

I know what it's like to be bullied. I was bullied growing up because I was never good enough, pretty enough, thin enough, etc.
They say that people who bully others do it because they're insecure and it makes them feel more confident. I don't understand how. They (bullies) know what it's like to feel deeply insecure so how does knowing that you're making other people feel just like you do make you feel better about yourself?

Karla - 16 - Alabama

i've have been bullied alot and still do, there's all these people who say mean things to me and give me looks when i walk past. This one typical girl pushed me out of my chair and then smiled. Also boys are very mean and agressive but thats just typical boys! I like to stay strong because i know if i do i'll actually get somewhere in life and the people who think they're so cool won't. I care because i know bullying is a terrible thing and we should just stay strong and say NO! to it, Don't give up you're still worth it! 

Caitlin - 13 - Dubai

I was bullied and it caused me to bully but then realize what I did was wrong and that I started losing my friends. This caused me to change and now I support all the people who suffers from bulling.. 
I recently had a friend's friends who shot himself 4x because he couldn't take it anymore. He was called so many names at school. One's life shouldn't be taken away from people who looks in the outside of the person.

Abegael - 13 - Jax, Fl

I was bullied through middle school. I was constantly moving from group to group because everyone thought I was annoying. I never had any realy friends. Now I have friends. My friends that I've made in the past 4 years are so much better than the "friends" I had for 9 years through elementary and middle school. I now feel like I belong somewhere and I've never felt as close to people as I do now. 
People should support the cause to stop bullying. It's not right, No body should feel like they are worthless. Everyone is here and everyone is here for a reason! Are you the one who will make a change? I am.

Rachel - 17 - VA

My friends used to isolate me for not doing what they were doing(i knew we would get in trouble),or stereotyped that I wasn't cool enough for their group, so I stopped being friends with them.As much as I didn't want to be their friends,they started to bully me even more.They try to act cool so that they can get more people to be in their group.I noticed that the reason why they do this is so that the more of them can bully me, and so that I can't get people to help me with their bully problems.  I've reported them to our guidance counselor three times already, and have had several conferences, and I've told my parents, but they still do it.But this time around,they do it when nobody's looking, so they don't get as much in trouble as they usually would.Please help me with my bullying problems, because they're affecting my grades and now I don't even want to go to school anymore because of them.Please, I don't want a bad year!Stop bullying,because this is national bullying prevention month anyways. 

Ethan - 11 - Florida

i was bullied in elementry school and moddle school, i was also the one who bullied the bullies. bullies dont understand what they are doing is hurting the person inside, they think its a joke. well its not. its one of the most horrible things you can do to someone. i remember all the name calling. that i let slide, untill it was everyday the same thing being said over and over 20-30 times a day. yea i had people to back me up, but that didnt stop the feeling inside of me... that feeling of something being ripped out of you..... that feeling being ripped out of you is your self pride being shatterd. your self confidence being wiped away like the dirt on your shoe. in high school i participated in an anti-bullying convention we held at our school. we made a whole day just for this and made the whole enitre school attend. and we all told our stories. after that everyone started to make a change then it stopped..... now its time we all make that choice and stand against bullying

nick - 18 - Connecticut

I was born with a physical condition. Facial paralizes. And i was bullied threw kindergarden to high school.  And if people ask me questions it still hurts.
I wish i coulda change things in the past but i cant. I feel i take all my anger out on everyone cuz no one did nothing to stop it. It would come to the point where i would think of suicide. You see what you can really do to some one ober the years.
i really hope they get what they deserve!
Right now i feel happy cuz i got my parents that love me and my bf that supports n cares for me alot. (: i love u curtis.
If i ever have kids i will not let them bully no one! I will also teach them to deffend themselves. 

Mayra - 20 - Ca, Santa Cruz

I was bullied by mean girls in junior high/high school nearly a decade ago. They spread nasty rumours, tortured me at school and even went so far as to bully my little sister just because she was my sister. They were relentless and made every day of going to school a terrifying and incredibly depressing experience for me. I felt like there was no end, that I was worthless, and that life would never get better. For a long time, I let them win. 
I care because I am now 27 years old. I graduated high school, moved away to go to university and discovered a life where girls like that didn't matter. I am finishing my final degree, I am engaged to be married, and I have a wide circle of friends and family that love me. 
To this day, I have still encountered bullies. They are always around. But what I have learned with age and experience is that BULLIES are the ones that don't belong. Bullying has no place in our society, and hopefully with time and reflection we can all learn to stand up and ignore it for the toxic and useless activity that it is.

Kate - 27 - Canada

Nobody deserves to be treated like they're nothing. Everyone has a purpose in this life. Everyone on this site inspires me so much, you are all so strong. Don't give up now, prove you are more than them. 

Victoria - 16 - Illinois

I think it's wrong to bully  people. No one should feel down , sad , or hurt because someone else is bringing you down. Never feel like your ALONE in this world BECAUSE YOU ARE NOT! There are MILLIONS of people who are more than willing to help you fix and get through your problems. You do matter and you are important. Never forget that. If anyone ever needs someone to talk to I will be more than happy to talk and help you out as much as I possibly can.   STOP BULLYING!!!!

Antonio Hernandez - 18 - Weston , Florida

No one should feel alone. No one should be sad, mad, hurt , or down on themselves because of the actions of a bully. You RE IMPORTANT AND YOU DO MATTER! Keep your head up. Never forget that there are people who care and are willing to help and listen to your problems. Don't be afraid to reach out for help. I want to make a difference in this world. I want to help people being bullied and picked on. Don't stay quiet if you see someone being bullied. Stand up for them and lend them a hand or go get help... you just might save a life one day doing so.... STOP BULLYING

Antonio Hernandez - 18 - Florida

no one should have to hate going to school.

Ciara - 21 - Pittsburgh Pa

No one should be forced to feel like that

Megan - 16 - March

I've seen lots of people changed by bullying! Anti-Bullying month is very important to me; to spread the awareness that bullying is only making matters worse. I've been bullied from a young age and It really affects who you are as a person!

Krystal - 12 - Australia

I care because I was bullied. People wore pins at school saying how much they hated me. I care because my brother is 7 & is bullied far worse than anyone should be at that young. When you're in 2nd grade it's supposed to be fun to go to school, see your friends & have recess. Instead its about being tied down to be beaten up and choked. I care because I didn't complain I was bullied and 13 years later I'm seeing my brother be bullied. If I did something then, maybe my brother wouldn't be bullied so that is why I care. I care because I want things changed.

Mackenzie - 20 - California

My grandson was being bullied and the school never did anything. My daughter moved to another county just to keep my 8 yr old grandson safe. He was being attacked on the school bus also.

Vicky - 47 - WI Tomah

Nobody deserves to be bullied, and nobody should be bullied. It is just not right and its not fair, so if u see bulling, do something about it. Anything because it needs to stop.

Paige - 12 - Nebraska

"Pepole are trying to be popular but they can be just mean.never one of those kids that are being bullied stay strong we all know how you feel."

Amanda - 12 - NY

I cant stand when i see people bully others. I dont understand the reasoning behind does not make you stronger, its just plan-ole-mean! If you have ever been bullied just know that your family and friends always love and care about you. Dont let someone (who probably doesn't really KNOW you) decide your fate!!! Stand up and talk to a teacher or you family... They are there to help!! Dont let it go! STAND UP!! With lots of love xoxo

Gabrielle - 18 - North Carolina

I was bullied when I was younger and it affected me a lot. I'm scared for life. Anyone being bullied should speak up........ anyone who's being bullied should know that WE DO CARE.

Anna - 13 - USA

I care because everyone, no matter what the age, is not immune to hurt, anger, cruelty, BULLYING!  Our differences should UNITE us, not destroy us!

Tammy R Tescher - 49 - Beulah, North Dakota

bullying makes me sad

will - 12 - illinois

it matters

karrah - 14 - arkansas

I get bullied at school, and I don't like it so why should anyone else.

Ally - 12 - Pennsylvania, Lancaster

I care because I've been hurt, and I know what it feels like to be hurt - not good. I absolutely abhor mistreating people and it frustrates me when people crush each other's morale without remorse. How could you? People forget that it's not about who's the prettiest or who's the funniest because being pretty and funny doesn't change the world for the better. Being considerate of others does. Understand that if you don't build the others around you up, how could you expect to climb any higher yourself? I care because I understand that no one should ask me to. I care because I want us ALL to grow as people, as a nation, and as neighbors on this Earth, for the better.

Kanisha - 16 - AL

First grade through fourth grade I was bullied and everyday I came home crying my eyes out. My mom and the school didn't believe me, but one day my mom saw it happen. She tried to get the school involved but they wouldn't so she pulled me out of private school and put me in public school. I'm still bullied sometimes but it's not as bad as it was. I have a lot of friends now. No one believed me at first and it was horrible. I feel for everyone whose being or been bullied. Every time you see someone being bullied, Help. Even if you don't like the person, you need to stand up. Would you want to be bullied every day of your life and no one stand up or help you? Think about it.

Maggie - 16 - Arkansas

First grade through fourth grade I was bullied and everyday I came home crying my eyes out. My mom and the school didn't believe me, but one day my mom saw it happen. She tried to get the school involved but they wouldn't so she pulled me out of private school and put me in public school. I'm still bullied sometimes but it's not as bad as it was. I have a lot of friends now. No one believed me at first and it was horrible. I feel for everyone whose being or been bullied. Every time you see someone being bullied, Help. Even if you don't like the person, you need to stand up. Would you want to be bullied every day of your life and no one stand up or help you? Think about it.

Maggie - 16 - Arkansas

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