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I Care Because
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for a long time, i've gone to school scared. I've been ditched, had my phone smashed, my bike helmet destroyed, my bike broken and so muxh more. I know people out there have got it worse than me, and thats why i think bullying should stop. I respect everyone whos in situations like this and i know how it hurts. I'm eleven years old and i'm still scared, im still worried about everything. But i'm getting better. thank sx

Madeleine - 11 - UK

i dont like being bullied either

amani - 11 - milwaukee,wisconsin

I have been bullied throughout junio high school and highschool and just because I was different.But being diferent is not wrong, bullies are.
You can't judge a person unless you really know her well but it is not the case with bullies.I still remember their look while they were laughing at me and making me feel like a monster.I used to go back home crying and I was afraid every single day.I even started to think that life wasn't worth it.But I was wrong.I quickly understood that I had two choices: either let them break me or be over it and become stronger and more confident.I choosed that last option and my life is way better now.I can't say that it doesn't hurt me anymore cause it left some serious wounds but I can handle it now cause I know that it is the best thing to do.And that is why I care so much about all the people who are still bullied at school or anywhere.I am so sensitive to their pain and I want them to know that everything gets better in time but for that you need to speak out and let the bullies know that you are not afraid of them and that you are stronger.

Sara - 18 - France

My son is in the 4th grade and he is being bullied. the school in not taking it serious enough in my opinion.  I am working in the board of ed but he is really upset.  I worry because he said sometimes he wished he didn't exist.  He also want to hurt the kids bullying him...I am very worried...

Susan - 46 - MD

i know what its like to be bullied , words cannot describe it. You feel hated and worthless for most of the time. I was bullied in 5th grade up to 8th grade. I never had any friends in middle school. I lost all my friends that i have made since 1st grade. Its hard. people would call me fat and ugly. They would spread false rumors about me. They would laugh in my face all the time. I hated life. Today i stand strong. I want to help end bullying. It is a serious topic that really needs to stop. I have a twitter account. @donyafox. I help people on it & i let them know that they are loved. If you are reading this please know that you are beautiful just the way you are. Dont let people tell you that you cant do something you are amazing & i DO CARE. Bullying is horrible and no one should ever have to go through it. Everyone deserves a friend and everyone deserves to feel loved.

donya - 17 - CA

Tell your parents. Tell a teacher. If that doesn't work, then tell a different teacher, tell the principal or tell the counselor. And keep on telling until something gets done to stop the bullying. Don't keep quiet about it. 

Mrs. Smith - 40 - Texas

Nothing angers me more than seeing bullying happening around me. I've always considered myself pretty docile and passive, but for an issue as pressing as bullying, I'm not staying quiet anymore. So many teens and young people's lives have been cut short because of hurtful words hurled towards them and it's heartbreaking. It amazes me how bullies feel no shame or guilt over the fact that they, themselves, have killed someone. We can no longer ignore the issue, it's time to take a stand. 

Lily - 17 -

Just two days ago as I was driving, a woman in the car beside me yelled, "FREAK!" as I drove by. This person had no right to call me any name. I've never seen her before in my life, and I probably will never see her again. Not only does bullying from strangers hurt, but it hurts even more when people you thought were your friends bully you to your face, and even behind your back. Words and actions hurt. Even as an adult I am victimized by the way that I dress, my piercings, and my tattoos. An outward appearance does not show the way you are inside. I am a firm believer in bullying prevention and people seeking help because of bullying. Don't ever give up. You're better and stronger than the people bullying you. I love every single one of you.

Alyssa - 20 - Arizona

Up since middle school & now i am still bullied. but more back in middle school. it mostl likely stopped when i got to high school. but i was still ridiculed & haunted by what people called me. I can never put away what they have haunted within me. I only wish to be able to talk to some one. But i have no confidence in myself. I have always been afraid to speak up. I hurt people because of what i have been through in my past & what i am still going through now. I only wish that  someday i can be a better person. I know that, that can only happen if i start making some good new changes in my life. But it is so hard. 

Marie - 19 - california

Demi lovato you are an inspiration to everyone. You have changed many peoples lives. I only wish you the best in life. You have gotten so far. Your fans & your family are so proud of you. I wish to become like you one day. I wish to face my fears & to speak up to someone about my darkest fears. Obesity is my problem,i am insecure & i am ridiculed everyday. In middle school i was bullied by people who i thought were my friends but really weren't they betrayed me & called me annerexic as if it were some type of joke. They would always make fun of me. I tolerated all of it...& now that i am 19 i still do tolerate rude comments from people. i know i shouldn't have to but i do...being bullied has affected me emotionally. But being insecure about myself also has affected me & the weight on my shoulder of always wanted to be thin. I have never weighed less than 150. i only weighed that much because i went through surgery for my tonsils. back in the past i wanted to go through surgery just so i could loose some weight. just like the fact that i don't eat when i am around my family says i should be aroud them more so i don't eat cuz i eat so much to hide my feelings to make the things in my head go away. I have so many things bottled up in my mind its too much. I only wish i find the confidence to talk to someone about EVERYTHING i go through. obesity/bullying/family/friend

Marie - 19 - california

My daughter is currently being Bullied.  My Pet hate has always been bullied. I have decided to meet with the head of the school to get to the bottom of this.  I dont want to come to a website like this and read one day "  I dont care I cant live with it anymore"  like one of the previous posts here for a 13 year old in Beligium.  That is the age of my daughter!  Its so sad!  I want to get to the bottom of it before it ever gets to that stage!  It makes me so sad and so scared!  I never bullied people at school.  I never allowed it.  But I am a string character.  Some people did try and I did not like it...but I used to face people straight up and say BACK OFF!!!!! usually they did!  But there were always some that were not able to do it...I used to take those kinds under my wing.  I hope I can do the same for my lovely daughter!  She is a good person.  She wont say anything bad about the girl who is bullying her.  Im so proud!  I just hope we can work through this soon xxx  To anyone out there hold out... you will end up being those bullies doctors or something like that one day!  You will be bigger and better!  To the little girl in Belgium be string and talk to an adult.  You are worth so much!  You are the world to someone! xxx 

Bibi - 35 - USA

I do not like seeing others hurting. I care because any type of pain for a child or teen is wrong and needs to be stopped.

Kateena - 39 - texas

I remember being bullied through grade school and High school and always feeling alone. I never knew who my real friends are and who i could trust. I always felt like people who were not bullying me openly pushing me against walls or calling me names were talking about me behind my back and most of the time I was right. Being bullied affected my friendships today not being able to trust anyone and now i don`t let anyone close to me because i don`t want to go through pain again all of this came from being bullied. I don`t want anyone to go through this kids should be able to not worry about who`s talking about them and i hope one day they never will.

Justin - 18 - Pennsylvania

Bullying is wrong. Even though it is disgusting, I feel for the bullies they have either been bullied them selves or just not cared about and couldn't do anything about it. So now they take it out on smaller weaker victims. And what I'm saying to the bullies is to stop and talk about your problems. It will make you feel better and help prevent futer bullies and bullying.

Jonathan - 11 - Minnesota

I'm still being bullyed and I jest icnor it so walk away if they still do it get a mom or dad or a adult or any teacher step up stop bullying.

Michael - 11 - Minnesota

I am a victim of bullying. I have been bullied since 5th grade I am now a senior. I want to help others and let them know they are not alone. I am actually going to be going to college to learn phycology and help teens get through that rough time. In 2010 I tried to commit suicide because it had become so bad, I don't want to see any teen go through what I went through. 

Carmen - 17 - Stockton, CA

Bullying is the worst thing to ever happen to anyone. Being in the situation myself, arriving at school everyday not hving anyone to feel comfortable around or happy enough to tell whats going on in life. It leads to doing horrible things that might not be capable of stopping. I just want to make a change in the world for everyone, so that everyone feels perfect in there own way!

Demi - 16 - New Zealand

I have been bullied this led to me self harming and eating disorders i dont want anyone else to go through that.

Fergus - 13 - Northern Ireland

I have been bullied since I was 10 and finally when I came pass this site it made me think I have someone to talk to (type to) because all my friends don't listen to me when I need their help. They call me Skinny Skeleton and all the boys in my class tell me to Go on a date with what they think  the uglyess boy in the school.
I am soooo inspired by Demi Lovato I am so happy that she made up an anti-bullying team. 
I was bullied by the whole school because my name most of the time they thought becaue I have this name means that I could be popular and they might not be so they bully me and start to make others not like me so I hope that this will finally stop.

brittney - 16 - New Zealand, Auckland

I was bullied in High School, I thought it would end once you become an adult. Not a lot of people realize that a lot of adults also do this to one another. No one should ever have to go through this, no one should ever be put down, because you are your own individual and special in your own way. We shouldn't accept this kind of behavior at all. 

- 21 - MN

There are so many little things that people can do that hurt. Sometimes you think you aren't hurting anyone, but you actually are.  People need to be careful about what they say and do, because you can get carried away.  There was a girl at my school who was jealous of a lot of people and so she would spread rumors about them and tell people about how d horrible they "really were".  I was one of those people.  I was so upset about the things that she was saying, but I didn't let it get to me.  Like my idol, Demi Lovato, said, STAY STRONG. I talked to my friends about it and they helped me get through this. I used to think that she only hated me but this year I found out that she does it to multiple people. Yesterday she did something HORRIBLE to someone, one of her best friends, if people found out, her reputation in school would drop so quickly... I think that eventually for doing something bad like bullying, you will pay for it.  Not everybody will bow down to the bullies, some of them will stand up to them. And when they do - they will stand up taller than any bully will ever stand.

Ally - 14 - California

I care because... I have been in the situation that many others have been in everyday, I have at one time felt that unimportance, left out, hurt, broken, torn, pushed around, dropped feeling. And I can say it breaks my heart when I see all these comments. Theres millions of stories that have never been told, and there have been tons of stories that will never be told because nobody was able to help a child in need at the time. Bulying is in a case as you can say, mostly out of hand. It can be very dangerous, and can be scary! I was at the point 2 years ago of wanting to die, I tried for days and eventually ended up in the hospital becuase I was called 1 of many words that always gets to a girl... FAT! No girl EVER wants to be called that, I cut myself and I starved myself. After a month of not eating I was in the hospital for 2 weeks. Just to recover. I cut for about 6 months. And I leaned toward drug. Meth, pot, coke. It was no fun because up to a year. I can't remember a thing that went on the past year. I drank everyday, got high everyday. And I can say 1 from many. Don't ever lean your own life against alcohol & drugs. But for the past year has been better. I was in rehab & I got clean and now I know. When I am in need. I GET HELP! 
If you victim of bullying PLEASE get help!

Jade Maree - 16 - Ohio, Xenia

Both Emma and I are apart of clubs in our school that promote anti-bullying. Over our experiences in our clubs, we have seen a major difference in bullying. Kids are now being respected for who they are, not what they look like and others are finally seeing that we are all equal. Although bullying has not stopped completely, we know that with the help of our fellow students, club members, people like you, and this website, we are making a change for the better. 

Emma Bernier and Jeannie Davis - 17 - New York, USA

i think we should stop bulling because its not respecting others personal life

shawn - 15 - lamar,mo

Just because I'm a Senior in High School doesn't mean I don't get bullied. Some people in our society over look that, and think very little of it. However, my community think it's a huge issue, and may I add, being bullied was the worse thing to ever happen to me. I didn't let it take me down though like most people would expect. What did I do to pull through this dark time in my life? I wrote a poem (in my Junior Year), that was later on seen on a local News in my community. Ever since then, I've been my school's Anti-Bullying Spokesperson and I work with my Superintendent. All-in-all just remember, there's people out there who care, and when you feel alone, just write or do a hobby that makes you feel 'on top of the world' and just remember YOU ARE AMAZING and a GOOD PERSON.

Kari - 17 - New York

I care because I have a 7 year old sister who gets bullied constantly and half the time cries herself to sleep. It's very heartbreaking to know that people patronise and terrorize her, it's sickening and I hate that everyday she comes home with tear filled eyes and says she's been hit or verbally abused in certain sorts of ways. It's sad knowing children of all size, shape and form bully everybody. Just because people are insecure about themselves does not give them the right to bully children. I also have a little brother he is 6. He just started first grade and he gets bullied on the playground. He comes home and reminder a 6 year old child is asking me why he isn't good enough. That's sad and heartbreaking. I have been bullied but I'm more concerned about my younger siblings. Bullying needs to stop. And I am all in for it! -Passion.

Passion LeeAnn-Carder - 16 - Ohio

I lost all my friends last year. They all started leaving me out of everthing they did. It was the worst feeling ever. I became really sad and down on myself thinking i did something wrong and it was all my fault. This new school year has been really tough for me just getting out of bed and going to school. Its hard to walk around the halls feel like you are not wanted by anyone. 
I want to make a difference in ending bullying, because ive felt the effects of it for a while and i dont wish it on anyone. No one should ever be treated like this ever.

Kayla - 16 - Massachusetts

I care because....Someone cared about me

April - 26 - Killeen, TX

 I was bullied alot and not just in the school, even on the playground.  Bullies are everywhere! And they make you do bad things. Like selfharming, they treat you like a dog and make fun of you. I was told that i was fat, gay, stupid and a lot of other words. I didn't tell anyone even it was bad. I keept it away from them, i told my best friend about it cuz i needed someone to lisen to me. So speak up! Don't let everyone make fun of you. Be the winner :).

Catalin - 15 - Romania

I have been bullied relentlessly, and despite the school's bully prevention program. In a private elementary school and junior high, I got called names, taken advantage of, and left out on a daily basis, simply because I had a talent. I was bullied from second grade all the way until the end of eighth grade. I eventually lost my talent, but they wouldn't let my label go. They made me believe it was a bad thing to be unique, to be different. They bade me believe that I truly was useless, that the world really would be better off without me. They made me believe that suicide was the only option.
I struggled through and made it to high school, where I was finally free. I made new friends who showed me it's great to be different. Being different makes us who we are.

Bailey - 18 - Orange, CA

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