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I Care Because
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I care for people who are bullied so badly..... I want a change and it will start on us we need to make a change.Demi Lovato thought me to stay strong I was a bully before and for me its just a joke but then I realized a simple joke for me can cause a lot of damage to others so I want to stand against bullying and I want one day to be like demi Lovato I dont want to be a victim again one day I will join PACER against bullying!!! 

STAY STRONG everybody!!!

Gabrielle - 13 - Philippines

i've been bullied all my life so just know u r not alone

ayanna - 16 - massillon, ohio

I have a heart and i dont like to see people hurt.

Michelle - 18 - Texarkana, Arkansas

I was a bully. I targeted these girls because they were easy. They did not stand up for themselfs. The time I figured out I was the bully was when my very own friend tried to take her life because of a bully doing the same to her as I was to this other girl. That is when I knew I had to change.

Emily - 16 -

I used to get bullied in the 5th grade. I didn't have many friends, and this group of girls kept saying mean things to me. I kept telling people about it and none of them seemed to care. I just told myself to hold on. Then Middle School came, and I made some friends. Their all so suppourtive and really nice to me. Don't get me wrong, my life isn't perfect. But I'm 100 times happier than what I was. If there's one thing I'll promise you, is that it gets better. :)

Megan - 12 - Missouri

I've been bullied since kindergarten. I was always so afraid to come out of my shell because my whole life I was always made fun of. In kindergarten I was hit, tripped, pushed, etc. and in 4th grade I was threatened to be killed. I'm made fun of because they think I'm different. They've even made fun of my music, called me ugly many times, and just tried to bring me down and make me feel unimportant. After a while I started to believe all those comments because for so long that's all I heard so I became insecure. I still sometimes will go home and just cry, sometimes I'll even cry myself to sleep at night. I don't want that to happen to anyone else. I've seen what happens. I've seen so many stories on the news saying how teens commit suicide because of bullying. It's not right. This kind of stuff shouldn't happen. I know how much bullying hurts and even though I haven't had it as bad as some other people might've, I want to help. I want people to realize that they're not alone and that there are people that will be there for them. No one deserves to be treated like that. So, I want to help make a difference to stop bullying once and for all.

Brea - 14 - Virginia

Bullying is just wrong! Nobody should make anyone feel inferior. Everyone is equal and putting people down is dumb. I have never been in a serious bullying situation, but my heart breaks for the people who have. Feeling unappreciateed, unloved, and stupid stinks. I also hate bing embarrassed. Who doesn't? People bully others because they have no outlet to their own jealousy, sadness, and other feelings. When I got my braces off I was feeling super confident and happy. Then one of my friends (We're not exactly friends anymore) made a comment about how it was "a good thing you got your braces off! They were unattractive and you spit all over! Ew!" It was not my fault my braces made me lisp. I felt so dorky and dumb. But I stood up to her. I told her this: "You know what? You need to be quiet. Nobody likes to be embarrassed or made fun of about anything! So why are you doing that? Nobody wants that. You don't, and I definitely don't! So lay off." She did. Anyway my point is, bullying is wrong.

Gabriella - 14 - Missouri

I am getting bullied by these kids in my history class. i brush them off and ignore them but i don't want anyone to bully anyone else. Bullying is not me

Johnathan - 16 - Texas

I was bullied by the princpal, the teacher and my peers and I had to switch school my Senio year of High School... and I don't want it to happen it to any one else

Jordan - 17 - Florida

I was there, bullied and skeptical of all people. So scared I would let someone in and then they would use me. It was an awful feeling, I can not even tell you how many times I cried or was heart broken of what people I thought were friends once said or did to me. But I will tell you one thing. It. Gets. Better. I can honestly say I am so much stronger and stand so much taller than I did in those years. I express how I feel openly,and let me say, there is nothing like putting a person in their place when you tell them exactly how terrible they are making you feel and how you are so much better because you aren't them. We are strong people with feelings, dreams and lives and because we don't have the same body,love,speak,look,believe the same way doesn't make us the outcast, it makes us unique. Middle and High school are tough, but it is of great pleasure to realize I am a survivor of all the ugliness that came my way and to remember that I am who I am because of those experiences and it makes it so much better. 

Ashleigh - 26 - NY

I gone though it myself. I once dreaded going to school.No one deserves to be treated badly. It is just plain wrong. I would NEVER want anyone to have felt what I felt. Living in fear,feeling helpless,its unbearable..but you can either let it control you OR you can overcome it. I believe love conquers all!-- TOGETHER WE CAN BE THE CHANGE,WE WANT TO SEE IN THE WORLD!!--

Dezi - 16 - Texas

people shouldnt be treated like that just beacuse of their age race sex or whatever else  its sad because some people get treated like that for no reason  and they have no control over it and they are scared and shy  TELL SOMEONE!!!!!!! we all have the right to be safe in school and in life. pray for an end to bullying

phillip martin - 12 - N/A

A kid pushed me on a stairwell almost making fall down. I gave him, not a push, but a slight shove, and he said I had issues.
Its funny, if you fight, you have issues.
4 kids were talking about me a few yards away, and I heard almost everything they said. After gym, I walked up to them and said, "another thing to gossip about me during gym, I have very good hearing."
It gave me a sense of triumph to watch them scramble of each other to try to clear their names, and than to blame each other.
I was walking past a table in the cafeteria, and a kid looked past me and said, "hey!" I turned around to see who they were talking to and everyone at the table started laughing, and I heard a few kids whisper, 'she doesn't know we were talking to her.'
A kid in my class, who I sat next to in science for nearly the whole year, was throwing pieces of pencil at me, and they hurt. One almost hit me in the eye, a hit I had started to bleed from.
I was in a group with a bunch of mean kids PSA and our topic was bullying. They said the girl who would be bullied had to be ugly, wear bad clothes, and gross. Everyone looked at me and said I was the kid. I got the teacher to switch my group.

For me, every day is a war. Every insult a battle.

A war to keep true to myself...

Otherwise, than who are you?

Louisa - 13 - New York

Other kids started to bully me about 4 years ago. They started to call me by names. Those names hurt me really much. Everyone starts to call me by the name. At the start only my classmates called me with it. Then everyone i knew in the school. Then people in my new school. And now.. Almost 70 different people had called me with the name. It really hurts and i dont know how i can do this. 2 years more an i can finish my school and forget all my schoollife. 7 years of being a mean name. I often cry myself to sleep..

John - 17 - Europe

I was bullied for 3 years. I was already insecure and down and I had been for a while because my Grandad passed away and my parents divorced all with in a few months of each other. Throughout those 3 years i was teased by many different people. The head of my year recieved frequent visits from me and my mom. She would speek to the bully but in a few days someone else would start. It was mostly verbal but one time i was physicaly abused. About a year ago i decided enougth was enougth and I moved schools. And it stopped for the majority of the year, but then a few months ago this one girl started shouting stuff at me while we were playing rounders. I begain to panic all that i could think was that it was starting again. almost immediatly most of the class jumped to my defence. A lot of them told me that she had done it to them many times, so instead of bottling it up i went to see my schools pastoral manager with not only my experience with this girl but with the other girls aswell. The girl stopped and she hasnt said anything mean or hurtful since.
Bullying is a horrible thing to have to go through and it should never happen. It needs to stop! A lot of schools claim they are anti bullying but then do not take appropriate action when cases are reported. Its so hard to ignore mean comments and they do get to you but things do get better. 

Jade - 15 - UK

I think Bullying is wrong, I am Miss Central Texas PreTeen and my Platform is " Taking A Stand Against Bullying" I am speaking to kids at my school, Churches, and anyone that will listen By taking a stand 
I will tell Teachers, Parents, and Adult when ever i see Someone getting Bullied.I had a friend who was teased daily until her mom took her out and she was Home schooled that is why i care it is a ugly crime, and it needs to stop.

Isis Mitchell - 10 - Texas/ Austin

I care because i want to help those kids that are geting hert out there in the world and people dont know about it and im one of those kids that was geting bullied im geting bullied by my family she makes me cry everyday 

haliemilam - 14 - westvirgina

I was bullied all through middle school, because of my race, because of my hair, because of any little thing people could find that they didnt like about me. Due to a hormonal imbalance my face was plagued with severe acne which left horrible black marks on my skin, thankfully now it is all cleared up. Kids can be so mean, so heartless, and without a care in the world they WILL hurt someone just to make sure that they remain in the 'inner circle' i am sad to say that since i've moved schools the bullying is picking up again, i've always been a shy person so i guess that makes me an easy target? but i will let everyone know this. I WILL overcome this, i WILL never runaway from it it's something that i will have to face in adolescense and adulthood. It's okay to be different we all reserve that right what is not okay is to judge people's differences. If enough schools speak about the emotional turmoil of bullying i believe that our worl could improve we are all beautiful and it breaks my heart when someone thinks they reserve the right to tell someone otherwise. just be you. :)

Lauren - 15 - Texas

I have been bullied since I was a little kid. I had horrible things done to me, but by far the worst was every day in 5th grade. This guy would tell me the world would be a better place if I was dead.  I believed him for a really long time, and tried to commit suicide multiple times in 6th and 7th grade. It also lead to a struggle with cutting that is going on 5 years now, as well as stuggling with depression.  As I sit here thinking about everything people have done, I look back see the reasons why, and see none. But now, I'm getting help. I try to give back to the very world that hurt me so long ago by becoming a role model for younger girls to keep them from becoming bullies and being bullied. Bullies have a need to feel superior, and they have a need to have control, because in their world they have none. There are many things that could of happened to someone to cause them to crave that control. I know, because I craved it once myself. I still struggle with feeling like I'm unloved because of going so long without having any friends. But what hurts the most, is the fact no one tried to stop it. No one stood up for me. Demi Lovato is a huge inspiration to me,  because she's been in the same place I am now, and she beat it. When i heard her story for the first time, it gave me the motivation I was looking for. I honestly see her as the kind of person I would want to be.

Courtney - 15 - North Carolina

I care because bullying isn't right in any moral way. A long time ago, I was in middle school. Every day I was bullied because I was different. Yes, I read a LOT and yes, I was a nerd. But I didn't let bullying stop me. I was in control of that sitation and only I could stop it. So, I went to my guidance counseler and told her the things that were said to me. To this day, no more bullying has happened to me.

Brandon - 15 - Roanoke, Alabama

I care because I've heard so much about bullying. I've read books and seen movies. I know you probably don't think I will ever know the feeling and how horrible it actually is, but people isn't nice to me. They give me looks and stuff and my "friends" isn't nice to me either. I wouldn't call that bullying but I don't like that they aren't nice. I want to stop bullying because if I feel horrible and cry because of my friends and the one's who give me looks, I guess it is a thousand times worse to be bullied! So therefore I want to help. I care about people and I want to help!

Emmy - 15 - Sweden

I think everyone is awesome and one is a vitim except for the bully themselvs...we should help those who are bullied by not fighting but by telling someone its happening...if you leave it quiet,,, you problems only gonna get worse. I love you all as friends and hope that you will rise against bullying without fists and weapons but with that of the kindness of your own soul to speak up against it...i was bullied almost my entire life,,,a kid even beat me and i didnt keep it quiet,,,when i did, it got worse every day,,,i always got beat until i said something about it. so stand with me in the fight against bullying.

Leonard - 15 - Cuba

I care because I was bullied ever since I can remember.  I never cliched with others because I found the others to be fake and immature.  I didn't smoke, drink, or party.  I worked out both in school and out yet I was president of chess club and socialized with the "outcasts."  I didn't fit and I was too peaceful to fight back.  I took physical and emotional abuse from upperclassmen and even some of my fellow classmen.  It became so bad that I took a knife to school and was ready to kill the next person who picked on me.   Bullying is not some virus, it can't be cured, it can only be stopped by those who have been bullied.  We have to stand up for ourselves.  Once someone sees they can pick on you they will continue to do so.   The only way to stop it is to confront them and force them to see what they are.  Parents need to step up as well and raise their children more admirably.  Remember, until you stand up for yourself you can't expect the bullying to end.  Now if I see bullying I stand up for that person no matter who they are, because bullying stays with you forever and no one should have to endure it.  Being an anti-bully will not make you popular, it will not win you awards, it may bring redicule and anger others, but change will not happen if we don't make it happen.  Step up and stop bullying, not because you want to feel good but because they deserve better.  

John - 21 - MD

The first time that I was bullied, I was probably 8 years old or something like that. I'm actually bullying at school. I loved school but now, I hate that.
I'm sceard to tell that to my parents because they don't care. And I want to be home school but I'm sure that my parents won't, even I tell that.
I know gils who was bullied ( I don't know now) and they are my friends. I don't see her now, but I love them. I have some friends who don't care about that. When I tell to her that I'm bullying, they are like : "Cool. You know what, I don't care !". And I'm going crazy. They freake me out, but they are my friends.
I love Demi because she was bullied and now, she wants to stop it. She's my idole, I'm always looking her on posters or at the television, and I say : "She's beautiful, I don't understand why they bullied her. She was so cute." I always says "Bullying is stupid, I hate that.".

                                                                                          Stay Strong

Demetria - 12 - Paris

i think the best advice to give someone is to be careful who you tell it too but always tell someone. people always say tell your parents or a teacher/ but most would never tell them...t i think it is better to tell somone in your family.... cause they will alway be there for you.... your family isnt just your parents... i know i wouldnt tell mine...  but people dont usually say it but if you have an older brother or sister, tell them.  theyl  understand more than parents .... or if you dont have an older brother or sister tell a cousin... for me i tolld my older brother, hes 19.  even doe we fight i know he loves me and is always right by my side when i need him... thanks ian :)

samantha - 15 - carlow

I was bullied a lot as younger kid, there was a lot of stress in my life at this time, I was moved away from home during my parents divorce. For years after that until I was 10 years old I never got over the bullying, I had no confidence until winning a pageant. After having many accomplishments I began to realize that those mean and harsh things people said about me WERE NOT TRUE. No matter what your going through always know you are not alone.

Katherine - 17 - Russellville, KY

I am not a bully and I am not bullied but anti bullying is sooo important to me. I recently watched the video where the middle schoolers make fun of the bus monitor and make her cry. That's jjust awful and seeing that video really made me aware of what a danger bullying is. It doesn't matter if it's verbal abuse or physical. I just want to end it. It's serious news. Many people commit suicide and the thought that it happens a lot scares me. I just wish everyone could understand what bullying does to people.

Emily - 12 - North Carolina

So...Lots of us have been bullied. But according to a survey, half the kids who are bullied have bullied another. I'm not saying I haven't been both. I have.

Alix - 11 - USA

I once was a bully, I will never forgive myself for the things I said and did. The past few years I have become a victim. It's the most horrible thing i have ever experienced.
Seeing people that think they're superior of others because of their size, dress sense, athletic abilities or confidence is just wrong.
It's a shame that I didn't realize the seriousness of bullying until I was faced with It.
But now I want to make a difference, only it's a little hard at my age. The thing i hate most is when others make stupid decisions like bullying and it affects innocent people, so i'm doing the best i can to stop that, i just wish more people would take me seriously.

Brock - 15 - Australia

 If you have been bullied  or curentley getting bullied.  I know how you feel I have bullied for years. I even got shoved once against  the wall.   The worst was in school ninth grade. The rumor went around people wanting to punch me and kill me.  I told the head Of Speaical ED department of the school,the storie. And I said to her, "what are going to do about it? And told her Iam afairad and I cried to her. The head told me back," first of all don't worrie  till they do something to you, and secound I can't do anything till they phyically hurt you". Is that sad a  head teacher told me, a kid getting bullied, don't worrie, and I can't do anything till they hit. When they punch me in the eye and I can't see, i'll be to late.The head never said,"I care and will take  care of it". Oh after I talked to that head, I still worried about being harmed. If your a teacher, or school staff, we need to tell kids who get  bullied not," don't worrie and I can't do anything,but,"I care for you, I'm doing my best to take care of it"! Because as a teacher you need to care about kids if your working in a school. And  you can do something, as Suspension for threating to hert a kid. Not all teachers are mean. In 6th grade I had a teacher named,"Mr. Linnehan. He
 told the class,"if you get bullied talk to me, I'll be your as a brother"  
 Is your school saying  no to bulling? If not U say no


Keke - 16 - MN

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