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I Care Because
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i am victim of  bullying and it  hurts to see others hurt and going through the same situation that you going throughj

tasha - 17 - castries/saint lucia

People just don't even know how bad it hurts to be put down every day.
And I think nobody should ever feel this way. Because people can start to self harm. Its a terrible feeling. I think this should all stop.

Sarah - 12 - USA

I was cyber-bullied  last year by one of my use-to-be  friend and she sent me mean e-mails when i tried telling her how she hurt my feelings that's when the mean e-mails started i was crying for a while once i had enough and told my parents it had ended but now she won't even speak to me she ignores me which i keep trying to talk to her sometimes it doesn't work though that's why i think that bullying and cyber-bullying is wrong because it can hurt kids in all different ways nobody deserves to get hurt so that's why i think it's important to stop bullying.

Riah - 14 - USA

I've been bullied at school and I decided to speak up and talk about it to my class mates and my teachers to stop it cause I don't want anyone to go through this. We can make a change! Bullying needs to stop! something needs to be done. I know that most of the people which are bullied are shamed and don't want to talk about it to their parents, family, or friends but it can be really dangerous and you're not alone, WE ARE HERE. Nobody deserves to be treated like it. It's okay to be different. You're perfect, you're beautiful in your own way. WE CAN CHANGE IT. 

Poli - 15 - Fr

...I have been insecure since I have been bullied in School. I always look up to my role models on what to do, I listen to inspiring music like Demi Lovato's Song because it really got me through it. It really hurts when you find out that you already feel that it's true on what they tease you. I developed eating disorders because I was called bones and skinny then I also developed Hypertension and self-harming. I felt alone which I never wanted. We need to raise awareness for this because it was never okay being bullied.

Yong - 15 - Philippines

I have delt with bullying ever since I started going to school with other students, at first I was in third grade and there were differant groups I was in my own little group of one I was alone all the time I got called names and tried to stay away from people. I went back to homeschooling during 4th, then I went to a public school in 6th grade I was pointed out and picked out by bullies I was verbally and physically bullied I didn't have any friends I was the kid who got along with the teachers only, when I went to 7th I had made a few friends I argued with one of them all the time and I still do then in 8th I dicovered cutting I cut everyday trying to take out my emotions that I kept bottled up everyday then I started becoming annarexic I would barely eat I convinced myself that I wasn't hungry. Then I went to 9th grade and the first few weeks were fine then one of my friends turned on me she eventually turned the whole school against me I was able to convince a few people that everything she had said about me wasnt true I moved schools in the second semester thats where I met my boyfriend who has  helped me through a lot and is still helping me because I still have people bully me My point is I have had every form of bullying happen to me it has slowed down but I still have the scars of cutting and emotional I am still very selfconscious don't bully its not cool stop!

Megan - 15 - Virginia, USA

I was bullied in elementry school through middle school and went into high school in a new state and became a bully. I then was sent to a therapeutic boarding school and worked through my past and route cause to my down hill life and it was all because of bullying. I don't want anyone to ever go through what i went through.

Diana Bernstein - 16 - AZ/Scottsdale

When i was younger i was made fun of and called stinky brearh and stringy hair and laughd at and my two oldest kids was hit andcalled names and now my youngest been hit by fist and had knots and been smacked with marks and teachers say or do nothing     my son has fear goin to school now      please help put a end to it

aaron and vickie - 2012 - dontwanttosay

I stand up to bullies now because when i was younger i was bullied a lot. I got choked and called names. I dont want people to go through the same things as i did.

Sarah - 16 - washington

I have been bullied because i was different. Because I was who I wanted to be. Nobody took the time to know me and so they ridiculed me for what they saw. Everyone says that sticks and stones make break my bones but words will never hurt me. That saying just isnt true. Bones can heal. Bullying leaves a permanant scar on a persons life. It can change them or keep them from doing what they are meant to do. I care simply because I dont want to sit by and watch was was done to me. I want to stop this horrible act. No one should feel that they have to comform, that they dont matter, or that they are an outcast simply because they are amazing in THERE OWN WAY. Bullying has got to be stopped!!! 

Aleah - 18 - CA

i was bullied in 8th grade and now i have a lot of kids sticking up for me. especially my friends i never told anybody but my friends did and i went to the police.
i will recomend you going to a teacher or councler or teacher.

david scot - 16 - new york groton

it just really hurts that you can't be who you wanna be simply because of the fear of getting bullied and left alone.

Patrick - 18 - Philippines

I know that people have taken there lives away, self-harmed themselves, and have lived there life worried about going to school because they are being bullied. NO ONE should feel this way. Bullying is never okay. IT HAS TO STOP. 

Daysha - 13 - USA

A couple years ago at camp my tent mates and I were discussing our bad experiances with bullying when one of my friends started crying. After we calmed her down she told us that in elementry she was very depressed because of something going on in her familly. She was so angry and scared she decided to join a bully group. Her frist subject was some girl she didnt know. She was mean and heartless like smacking a pillow against a wall over and over. She actually felt a little better until it was time to go inside and she saw the girl crying all alone. Insantly all good feelings were gone. She ran over to comfort the girl soon crying more than her. The two are now friends but my friend is tourmented every day for how cruel she was. Though I had a few bullies as well I now feel kid of bad for them what were they going through that made them so mean? And why was I  mean back?

Emma - 14 - utah

No body should be bullied. Everyone has the right to be who they are! (:

Katie - 20 - South Bend

schools are not doing enough to prevent kids from being bullied. I have a 14 year old son that started to get bullied when he was 12 and he is not the same care free happy go lucky child anymore. He played sports for 7 years, had freinds over every day, and we always went out and did stuff as a family. Now I can't even get him out of the house and he had to go to a tutor for school for 1 and 1/2 years because he was bullied so bad. Even counseling does not help because he constantly wonders what people think of him. It is very sad to see him like this. i just want to say to bullies that not only do they ruin the kids life but they also ruin the family's life of the kid because we have to suffer just as much as they do if not more. We deffinately need to educate more on the effects of bullying!!!!!!!!!!

wendy - 40 - ny

i was physically, socially, and verbally bullied for seven years. It stopped once I entered high school. But now I have an anxiety disorder and just speaking to new people is terrifying and I know it shouldn't be. And the fact that other people are being bullied right now... It makes me want to cry. I really want anyone who's being bullied to know that they should go see a teacher they REALLY like and trust, and talk to them. Please, talk to them about your situation. I didn't. I thought it would make things worse so I tried to ignore the bullies. But now that I'm out I remember and know that telling a teacher would have made things MUCH better. 

Please find someone to talk to.  

Hannah - 15 - Canada

I care because i got bullied. In fifth grade this girl who was my old friend got my 3 other friends to turn on me and bully me. One was my ex best friend. I knew she didnt want to do it, but what other choice did she have? she would come fter her if she didnt. After a while she got the whole class to hate me. I felt so alone.. so wothless. I cut, and i had thoughts of what it would be like if i was never born. It hurt so bad and i dont want it to happen to anyone els. 

Renee - 11 - Sterling Heights MI

i get bullied and sometimes i am the bully. but that all changed when i saw my friends getting bullied 

sidney - 11 - ia I care anymore? Is it normal to feel so alone on your birthday? Is it normal to feel alone everyday where ever you go? Is it normal to feel like you just want to leave everything behind? For me it is. I haven't felt happiness in so long I've forgotten what it feels like. But....I know for a fact that there are many others in the world who deserves better, who needs happiness. I want to say, don't lose faith...there could be others like you and you wouldn't know it. Don't worry, you're not alone. I care because I want to help others not go through the same life I have.

Elizabeth - 15 - California

I've been there, I have felt the pain. I know what its like to have nobody. I know the feeling of not knowing what to do because thing have gotten so bad. I know the feeling of wanting to speak up but being scared it will make things worse. I would get physical sick from cryng so much because of all the things I'd read online all the looks I'd get walking into school.I know things can get so bad and the pain is unreal to deal with but trust me things do get better. Even when your at your breaking point thinking that nothing is gonna stop it and always blaming yourself for being different and wanting hurt yourself because of it. But always remember you will get through it one way or another and it takes time but remember NEVER GIVE UP!!! 

Lissa - 16 - Ma

  This is my life, my friends,my family and i want everyong to have a safe enviroment.

leng - 15 - mpls,MN

I was bullied when I was in highschool. I tried to commit suicide because it was that bad. Recently I met a boy who is 15 and he was bullied so bad that he is in a coma at this moment. The bullies nearly took his life and they currently unprosecuted and run free. There doesn't look like ever will be charged. Bullycide is very serious and I am trying to raise awareness. This should never happen to anyone.

Darby - 20 - Pa

im sick of beying the one they laugh at all the time they make jokes that arent even funny they are just stupid and people alwse turn me down alwase .

shelby - 14 - fl palatka

No one in this world ever deserves to be bullied and brought down by people. And no one deserves to hold in all those situations that have happened to them. If you are being bullied open up and talk about it.I know it is hard to do but you are not alone. Others get bullied and know how you feel. People love you and will listen to you and be there for you. Stand up against bullying today.  

Jessica - 19 - MIchigan

There Is A Lot of bullying going on not just in person but now on the web. You Don't feel safe anywhere , anymore and that's not how it should be stand against ignorance, and bullying not for it. Our voices need to be herd something needs to be done bullying should end worldwide we should all be united.

Carina - 16 - Brooklyn , New York

I was bullied when I was younger because I was quiet, nerdy, a chubby little girl with her nose always in a book. I was made fun of for my mom, I was never picked first for any sports, and I hated P.E. I was a teacher's favorite, I never wore brand name clothing, and I didn't conform to anyone else's standards. I'm still quiet, I graduated fourth in my class, I'm still a short girl with her nose in a book. Nobody makes fun of my mom, I'm still not picked first, and I definitely don't like P.E. I was still a teacher's fave, I have maybe five things that are brand name, and only because they have to be brand name, and I absolutely do not conform. I stopped caring what people thought of me a long time ago, and when I did that, bullies lost their power. I started to stand up to bullies at my school when I was still in middle school. Nobody should be treated like a leper because they are different. I refuse to turn the other cheek like teachers do when I see it happen, and I will not stand for it when I become a teacher. Some things are kids just being kids, but many times kids go too far. If those who are bullied stick together, and stand up for one another, then no bully will stand against them. It's not violence, but a show of unity. No kid should cry himself to sleep ever. 

Jackie - 18 - Texas

you are all beautiful.  What others say or think should not ever determine your self-worth.  Bullies are predators; the best way to beat them is to survive them.  Hold your head high knowing that, while the bullies at school may not seem to care, strangers all over the world do.  I do.    

Macy - 22 - Michigan

It hurts to be bullied I was bullied before a lot I currently am not getting bullied to a level that I can't Handel every once and a while I get called names and I had a friend who was a bully I don't think she knew she was bulling she got in fights called people names and talked behind peoples back I did not stand up for the people she bullied I didn't want to loose my best friend now I am very ashamed that I didn't but now I am 100% agenst any type of bullying and I do stand up for kids even if my best friend is bullying I have talked to her but she doesn't do anything so we aren't as close anymore o really dislike bullying and I'm here to stop it I want to help and I'm ready to help

Layne - 12 - Columbus Ohio

i am been bullied

daniel - 15 - pa

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