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I Care Because
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yes it tarted when i was in six grade i was about 12 going thru puverty so started Ganning a little weight my nose got bigger and i also started developing men boob wich a got ma kefun of every single day by people the were suppost to be my friend and often people the ididn't even know but the one the realy hurted me  were the one from my female cusing they started making fun of and callin me name at first i tough of it as a joke but them it got real serious what started as joke it end up as bulling. they started calling me ugly everytime they would see me. i couldn't stan it nomore my self coffident was in the ground. everytime  would go to my cousin house would go back to my house crying cause of the name calling i took enough insult from them so i stop hagin out with them. when the summer came i had more time to reflect about my weight so i went in to and streme diet and work everyday i would go to the gym and work out none stop for about 2 month the when stoped i i had lost about 10 pound but the did'tn stop  them from calling me ugly. but it was not only my cousin the started calling me ugly eben my grand father started saing the allok like a dog by the size of my face like if wasn't enought the call every ugly by my cousin and in school no body seen to undestand my pain the i was goin thru when igot to eighth grade my bullyin got worth people started callin me gay for no 

mike - 15 - pensilvania

2 months ago i almost lost my sister well not only my sister my twin my best friend we fight and argue but i love my sister and i also almost lost my older sister because she starved herself they were insecure because  people/bullies are judgmentle i was too but my friends got bullied and i did too so i realized i needed to stop its not cool people just think your lame and stuff  and people are scared because they wanna be popular it doesnt matter what people think you aint going to live with them the rest of your life so i want to take a stand its not right someone tried to kill herself at school i felt bad because everyone picked on her i did too but i said sorry and i actually ment it. ilove my 4 siblings and i almost lost all of them2 of them because of bullies and critisism and 1 from diseases and my other sibling from depression..and depression i believe takes a stong part in being a victim in bullying!

Amber - 13 - oklahoma

I dont want to see people hurt by other people. Especially at this young age, I dont think kids have to endure this from OTHER kids. We should all try to work together to stop bullying and make us all one. 

Jina - 13 - South Korea

I was bullied for all of my primary school life. So much that i had to move schools a few times. 
But no matter which school i went to I couldnt escape the bullying.
And it even continued through high school.
It got to a point where my sisters had to threaten the bullies to stop.
And because of the bullying I have become bi-polar.
Now i have to take medication and do lots of stuff to keep myself intact.
Bullying ruined my school life and possibly my whole life but that doesnt get me down anymore, now when i get bullied i walk away or just tell them straight what i think about them bullying me.

Rebecca - 17 - Australia

I know how it feels. I was once "mentally" bullied by my friends when I was in Middle School back in Indonesia, I just moved to the United States few months ago. I never got physically bullied, but the name calling and knowing that people are gossiping about you and talking bad things about you can really make you get depressed. I know how it felt being alone, without having anyone to support you behind your back, I really struggled to stay strong and keeping my head up high. That is why I care, I was a victim and I want kids and teenagers to be able to go to school peacefully.

Anissa - 17 - Washington

I care because I have been bullied and still am and I don't want other people to want to do the stuff I want to do. 

h - 14 - ny

I kind of bully a friend of mine sometimes but I regret it EVERYTIME because I know it makes he feel awful. I wanna stop but he's so annoying sometimes... I don't know what to do I can stop if he stops.

Sara - 14 - Portugal

I used to be bullied. I was bullied ever since i was seven. It hurts a lot. I know how you guys feel. 

Lizzie - 16 - SC

I have been bullied all my life.. Being called fat, ugly, useless, dumb, and slut... Now i am still bullied but i am starting to learn how to handle it correctly.. Bullying literally ruined my life.. I was leaning towards cutting my wrists and thinking about suiciede everyday..  Now i have reliezed im not the only one and now im here reading all these stories and reliezing how good i have it... there are people with much worse stories than mine. but bullying is bullying and it should all be stopped ASAP. you are beautiful . remember that. follow your dreams and never give up. I have learned how to control my actions and love life and you should too.

Sophie - 13 - louisiana

"I bully people all the time and i realized that it only make me look bad and people look down on me for that..(:"

Katherine - 13 - Florida

I was bullied when I was in grade 6, so I had no friends. I tried to befriend them...but they didn't like me because of my look. So I also care for people who are also bullied like me.Even if you don't feel or you don't think you are beautiful....You are beatiful.Beauty is always in the inside.

Maddie - 13 - Philippines

 I care because I know many people who are bullied. My friend Brady has been bullied close to every day at school, since second grade. It is summer, and we are going into 8th grade. He is sad a lot, and I can see right through his plastic smile. Another friend and I saw the movie Bully, and it made me cry. We are starting a permanent anti-bullying program at school. I encourage you to see Bully. Or start an anti-bully thing at school.Remember, the end of bullying begins with us.

Lauren - 13 - St. Louis, Missouri

i dont like to be a bullyng because its bad , agressive,  They are people who dont cares anybody,bullyng makes feel sad to the other peaple  who are insulted, joked, and hit by bullers. Its a way of agresive behaviour against others.

joaco guedes

joaco - 10 - argentina

im in 5th grade about to go to middle school and im terrified . this 5th grade year iv'e got bullied and its been HORRIBLE . people have called me inappropriate names that i cant even say . i would come home every day and burst into tears . iv'e watched people get bulled but i didnt really say anything and i regret that so much . next time i see someone get bulled i will stand up for those people . people dont notice what they are doing . this needs to end .

Brianna - 11 - lousiana

Back in Mid-March My son was acting overly Angry and out of control. Turns out he was being bullied at school. I'm not sure how long before this it was going on but it has made him a very Angry young man. What was done about the bullies? well according to my son they've just moved on to the next victim. The teachers and principle keep an eye out for bullying where my son is concerned but what's being done about the bullies? from the looks Nothing. My child's emotional well being has been damaged and they stroll on to damage someone else. My child who is now angry at the world gets in trouble while they go on to torment another. just does not seem right. his life has been made miserable and "unlivable" as far as i can tell the bullies paid no price what so ever.  and Now i have a child threatening to use kitchen knives to kill himself. (he told the principle this ) he's now in counseling. Bullying hurts and it can KILL. I just hope my child can come back from this terrible experience. 

Shannon - 42 - Maine

Bullying is wrong and everyone who is being bullied should hang in there and stay strong. Who cares what bullies think? You should be proud of yourself and keep your head up! No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. My advice? Don't hurt yourself;just keep your head up and always tell somebody.Don't struggle on your own. I wish to all of you the best of luck!

Allexa - 16 - Romania

I know what it feels like to be alone, to feel worthless and to be hurt. I've been bullied for 3 years, and the 3 years after that weren't any easier. I got into a depression, I was on the verge of killing myself for a long, long time. I was one of the lucky people that learned to live, I am one of the lucky ones still being alive. But there's so many people out there that don't have the strength I have, and it feels terrible knowing I probably can't help them.

Chaya - 15 - The Netherlands

I was scared of going to school because of bullying. But now I am part of a Bully Provention Club and now I help others that were in my position. Try to start a Bully Provention Club at your school and help others in your position. I wanted to make a difference and now I did and there is going to be bullying all around the world but soon there will be no bullies around the world. One step against bullying. Is one leap for the people who got bullied.

Caitlyn - 12 - Maryland

I am six. I am in Kindergarten. This boy won't leave me alone. He is mean and choked me so hard it left rings around my neck. I don't want anyone else to get choked in school.

Joseph- written by his mom - 6 - Montana

I used to cut myself, I sometimes still do at the thought of it all, I got bullied and it ruined my life, I got bolemia and I self-harmed and nobody cared, I was all alone and thats why I want to make a difference.

Isy - 12 - London

Hello, everyone who is being bullied out there, be strong because me and so many other people are with you, we'll support you, we'll help you through, just stick with us all through to the end. :) 'No one can make you feel inferior without your consent'

Sneha - 12 - Australia

I care because I don't understand how someone can be so mean and feel okay about it. Sure, high school can be a really tough time fore everyone but that doesn't give anyone the right to bully someone else because they're different. There are other, healthier ways to get your anger out. There is no excuse for being a bully. I want it to stop.

Olivia - 18 - California

Hey for who ever is reading this, im in year 7, a friend of mine is getting bullied at school and people are saying they are going to bash her and stuff, and shes terrified of going to school everyday shes one od my good friends, i want to help her but my mum said not to get involved, but i dont want to sit here and watch her get hurt, get threatened, i want to help her but i dont want to phissically hurt people, but i dont want to put a stop to it! Please tell me how to stop my bestfriend from getting bullied, i really need a reply. :(

Angelina - 12 - Melbourne

If your "friends" make fun of you too,their not your friends at all.

bianca - 18 - CA

My sister and i have both been bullied , im tired of it the kids make fun of my sister cause shes different . I have been bullied because people think im ugly or they talk about me . Im tired of it , Im sick of seeing people being bullied . I speak out against bullying because the people who are bullies have no life and think they can bully somebod for no reason what so ever.

Gabby - 13 - Columbus O

The reason i speak out against bullying is because i recently became a fan of this organization called "Life Vest Inside" and when i was reading about it one of theyre main goals was to prevent bullying through kindness. When i saw the video i was so touched that i started going through to more videos! I just started crying after every video knowing that there are people out there who can treat others that way. So my new motto is "lets stop speaking against bullying but for kindness". We NEED change NOW!

Celia - 18 - New York

It's really hard for me to talk about my feelings but I'll try because I used to be there. I've been bullied for six years. I've done things because of that and now I'm trying to change. I started to cutting, hitting, killing my emotions, and suddenly things began to lose meaning then I've tried to kill myself three times. I was so close to death, and I didn't care because I was died inside. People said me I was fat, obese, stupid, useless and sometimes they tried even to punch me. I was so scared to go to school, I feared my classmates and their words. I used to be afraid. Now I'm stronger, even because I'm thinner and older but it's hard to be like the other ones, it changed my life so much and nobody cared. Nobody seems understand. Now I'm trying to be a better person, I'm pretty hard worker at school... I wanna make my future. Remember, no matter what you've been or what you feel inside, bullying isn't the way. Bullying won't make you stronger or coolest, bullying is for losers. Never forget, you can made a life.

Sorry for my bad English,
I've just tried to share my experience. I actually care. 

Valentina - 17 - Italy

i am bulled all day at home and school the bully lives by me he hits me all the time  like to day i till on hem but no one cares :'(

octavious - 13 - duluth

bulling has happen to me and I dont want anyone to be in the same shoes as i did, it hurts  alot 

jose - 13 - california

i dont enjoy walking down my hallway & seeing people being bullied, it can lead to some very, very dangerous things, such as.., deppresion, fighting, and even sometimes if it gets too out of control, or if worse comes to worse, suicide.  && i think that no-one should have to be afraid to go to school only because they are getting bullied...EVERYDAY.! just recently me and a group of my friends started a group at our school, called "Teen 2 Teen" where anyone can come & talk to any of us and tell us anything and everything, about them being bullied..and we do our best to help them and to put a stop to it.!!

Savanna - 13 - Ohio

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