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I Care Because
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No one was ever there for me and  people came along and pretending to be a friend but they only choose me as their target. I endured it all by myself just shutting myself off from the world until I developed a hatred for everyone. I started cutting, taking prescribed drugs,poisoning myself, jumping off my roof and hanging myself pretty much everything suicidal. I recently found someone an actual friend that cares and I feel i should just reach out and help others who have experienced bullying.

Rochelle - 14 - Jamaica

 have been bullied by all the boys in the class.
 girls as bullying but they did not care.
 so they teased me as much as those who did.
 I was bullied fro skin color and that I came from another country.
we need to stop bullying!
It is important

andrea - 15 - norway

I was bullied in elementary and it made my life very different than how it could have been but I`m changing how I feel about myself and forgetting how they made me feel. 

My baby sister is in jr high and she is bullied and she has done things because of it that hurt her. I can`t stand to see her hurt like that.

Natassja - 16 - Idaho

people don't deserve to feel like this! 

Sarah - 11 - Ohio

I know how it feels to get bullied. I know how it feels to feel like the whole world hates you. I was there before. 

Angie - 18 - New Jersey

I've been there, I have been physically and mentally been bullied for two and a half years straight. During that time, I was torn down. The physical pain was hurtful, but the emotional trauma was overbearing, it literally added insult to injury. I started abusing my self, hitting, cutting, burning, and then I came close to committing suicide. I sat in the bathtub, pressing my razor to my wrist. Nothing felt worse then watching your self confidence and happiness being ripped from you. Even now, two years later, I struggle with depression and thoughts of cutting, and even though I do think about it, I try every day to be happy, to smile, to laugh. Be cause I absolutely refuse to let myself be a victim, to go back to that piteous state of emptiness.  We need to stop others from experiencing this horrible pain, we need to speak up an d change the world, open everybody's eyes to the change that needs to happen! to many people are turning a blind eye and that makes it worse! Together, teachers, parents, students, all alike, can raise awareness, and stop this violent curse.  Before it claims more lives.

Darla - 15 - California

I don't think anyone should be bullied physically or mentally.

Joseph - 12 - California

Just yesterday a friend of mine came talking to me because a group of kids his age had been picking on him, and making fun of him, meking stuff up about him, I know how hard that is, I've been through it to, for the last 9 years, until a fwe months ago, when I found out Teens Agains Bullying, it changed my life knowing I'm not alone, I finnaly stood up for myself and it stopped, so now I use my experience trying to help others, and encouraging them to speak out and to defend themselves. Be Strong! I'm with you!

Iris - 14 - Portugal

I was bullied by words and physically beat up, and I didnt have anyone to turn to. For anyone else who this happens to, please get help! Dont hide!

Alexis - 14 - IL

I see innocent people in my school get bullied because they are different. I don't want to be a bystander any more. I want my voice to be heard and speak up for the people who can't speak for themself. 

paige - 16 - rockhill

just las t week i had someone i was close to commit suicide becase a group of people were bullying her on facebook. she was only 13 years old

meek - 16 - jersey

I have never been bullied majorly. I mean, sure I've been called things here and there but so has everyone. I am just really starting to see how HORRIBLE bullying is. I watched the ABC movie Cyberbully and it really inspired me to do something about it. It hurts me to see other people getting hurt. I want to find a way to stop bullying all together. We need to come together to stop bullying. Think of how happy the world would be if bullies didn't exist...

Em - 16 - CO

I know how it feels

Autum - 12 - Oklahama

I want to make a change. I want to remove the insecurities in the bullies, which are making them feed on the bullied. Its a huge problem, its not my concern ,or yours, its all of our concern . Please help (:

Hussein - 15 - Lebanon

I care because, nobody deserves to have their life ruined in front of their eyes and the more they are bullied the more they lose themselves and those standing beside them miss the person they were before. I've read a lot about bullying and it's awful and sometimes I want to scream or cry for the person in the book. Those whom are bullied don't forget, you can always stop bullying, you don't always have to be pushed around. Just start by telling somebody and saying "Stop, enough is enough."

E - 12 - Canada

I was bullied for 2 years by my BEST FRIEND. She called me fat and stupid and ugly and told me all these nasty things, and i started to believe them. And when i would confront her about it she would say she was "just kidding", and she would continue to bully me.. I developed an eating disorder and started cutting too. I felt so alone, alone to the point where i attempted suicide. I am so lucky to be alive, and i have made it a mission of mine to minimize bullying in my area and eventually around the world. If you are reading this and you might be at the point i was, know YOU ARE NOT ALONE. <3

Lauryn - 15 - Pennsylvania

I was bullied in middle as well as my mom when she was in middle school. She helped me through that tough situation from her experience. Although I'm a stronger person today, I recently found out that my little brother is being bullied and that it has been going on for a couple of months. My heart broke into pieces when he told me that he and his friend hide in the bathroom because of this bully!! And the teachers don't do anything at all to help them!! You know, a school is supposed to be a place where kids feel safe and obviously his school isn't doing a good job. It hurts to know that he is in constant fear everyday. I've heard stories about kids committing suicide because no one will listen to them. Someone has to speak out about this and end it once and for all!! NO ONE deserves to live in fear of getting hurt day by day!! This has to end NOW before it hurts more kids. I was a victim, but I am not going to let my little brother become a target any more. Enough is ENOUGH!! And a message for people who are victims of bullying and thinking about suicide: That is NOT an option. Trust me, I've been there. Through time it does get better and the reason why they are bullies is because they are nothing but immature kids! Just Stay STRONG and hang in there!! :) 

Nefertary - 16 - CA


gavriela marin - 19 - edinburg tx

I have been bullied myself when people called me fat a year ago. I started to have a eating disorder and I was anorexic. The doctor  told me I could get worse so I improved in eating and I was no longer anorexic. Still I wouldn't want to be bullied again so sometimes I skip my lunch even though I'm starving..

Daisy - 12 - California

I want to stand up for those who are like me. Teen mothers who get called names and go through school with their heads hanging low. The things people hear is not who we are. We are mothers and most are proud to be just that.

Lauren - 18 - Indiana

I am writting a report on bullying and after reading these coments is making me relize that bullying is a HUGE issue..   Help me prevent bullying!!!! STAND AGAINST BULLYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lorena - 13 - Texas

I have a beautiful young daughter that has been put through hell and back because of being bullied at school. We need to all work together in our schools and stop bullying. It is extremely damaging and it can last a life time.  My daughter is a straight A student, extremely caring of others, beautiful and most people enjoy being around her.  Unfortunatley it only takes a couple bullies that can turn one's life upside down.  So please listen to your children and watch for signs because it could very well happen to your child.  It happened to mine and is still because I can't find any help.  Please let's put a stop to this before it takes any more young lives.

Julie - 43 - Oklahoma

i was bullied and i would be depressed for this reason

yulia - 15 - westburry

  I'm being bullied right now. It's scary, and it hurts and the thought of bullying is always there in your mind. No matter what you do you can't stop thinking about it. I lost most of my "bestfriends" during the time I was being bullied, but now I know who my real friends are. 
     If you see someone being bullied, SPEAK UP. Bullies cannot bully unless you give them the power to do so. TALK to the victim if you see them being bullied. Invite them to sit with you if they're alone. 
    Nobody deserves to live as a victim. You're worth it.  

Penelope - 14 - Toronto

What is this world becoming? I hear these stories that just shock me... I strongly dislike bullies... Everyone should pitch in to help your friends realize that bulling is a big problem and we need to do something about it...

Josiah dahlgren - 14 - Mankato, MN

I was severely bullied in eighth grade. I missed countless days of school and would beg my mother not to make me go. I was alienated and ganged up on. One moment I had friends and the next the entire class was against me. Those who wanted to befriend me chose not to for fear of being next. I sat alone at lunch, cried in the bathroom, faked sick and even contemplated suicide. Kids are cruel. It is impossible for a classroom to be supervised every moment of the day. There will always be small moments of freedom and thats all a bully needs. They are smart, they will wait for the perfect moment to attack and not be seen. The more you complain or cry out for help, the harder they will try to destroy you. I know this because I faced it head on. BUT...I survived :) Im older now, and completely humbled by the event. I have had every single person who ever threw stones at me, apologize. I learned to accept the words Im sorry because I deserved them and it was a way to release the anger I had been carrying for too long. I won homecoming queen my senior year and will never forget my mom wispering in my ear, "I hope theyre watching." Guess what, THEY WERE. If you're reading this and you feel like giving up, please dont. Dont let them win. You deserve happiness and it will find you again. <3

Haley - 23 - michigan

I was bullied even in preschool. My earliest memory is having a bigger, stronger kid pushing my head into a wooden slide. Then from 1st grade all the way to the end of 8th I was bullied for being learning disabled and smaller and weaker than the other boys. Due to bullies and sports, it takes a lot of force just to give me a bruise. My friends knew I could take it so they didn't help me. They were scared. My darkest hour was when I almost brought a knife into school to hurt my tormentor. I didn't and know I am a wary teenager who doesn't trust easy. What I went through isn't even the worst of bullying, and it was still hell for me. Bullying is driving people to suicide, this is murder. It is just like pulling the trigger on someone because they are different. This has to stop. Teachers, parents and the government need to recognize bullying as a national problem and a threat to a persons' life. I was almost choked to death in 6th grade for trying to break up a fight. I have seen good people turn into monsters because they were bulliedso brutally just because they were poorer than the other people. This is inhumane and wrong. IT HAS TO STOP! WE, THE VICTIMS, NEED TO MAKE IT STOP!

Riley - 18 - New York

hi i have got bulled

hanna - 11 - mn

It seems that a majority of the people in my life are bullied, but instead of addressing it my school has the tendency of ignoring it completely. My friend was bullied to a point of near suicide and when her parents went to the school about it they told them to "Deal with it" 
People also like to laugh and poke fun at the special education class and the hallways are an extremely hostile, a few times I've had to dodge a punch just because the person thought it would be /funny/ to hit someone. I care because I hate to see people get hurt.

Lavi - 16 - Oregon

I'm still getting bullied since 1st grade it drove me to not do my homework, and not care about anything or anyone especially myself. It sucks terribly and no one will do anything even my parents. It made me want to die but I'm over that now. It's great to have awesome friends to help you out.

Philip - 14 - Iowa

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