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I Care Because
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I was a victim of bullying for a long time in highschool. And now it's happening to my best friend's sister in middle school. I remember all of those years, I was called a name I didn't like, and they felt I was easy to pick on because I have aspergers syndrome. But there was this one bully who was my friend at first but then broke my trust, permanantly. She called me names, she lied to me, she flipped the bird at me, she even tried to steal the boyfriends of so many other girls, and even bullied my best friend. On top of that barely anybody did anything about it. So we need to put a stop to bullying so they won't have to suffer through what I went through, or what my best friend's little sister is going through.

Catherine - 19 - New York

I have disability called "Spina Bifida". I know exactly how it feels to be pushed by a Bully. Went I was in elementry, lots of kids pointed and laughed at me. They called me all sorts of names. A year or two later, I decided that enough is enough. I went and told an adult, but the bullying continued. So I started to take matters in to my own hands. Whenever someone would bully me, I would laugh along with them and start making fun of myself. Before I knew it, I started not being afraid and not getting my feelings hurt. The bully would started to give up because they knew they couldn't put me down. My social life became so much better. 

Nandini - 23 - Upland, California

I have been bullied in school most of the time. I have been bullied because I'm ''good girl'' I don't smoke, I don't drink... Because I'm ''Too cute'' and nice to people... Well I think it's so stupid, but it makes you a different person. You become very mad and mean and angry... That's so sad to me, so I keep trying to be ME. love you all.  

J - 14 - Lithuania

 well at first hand how it feels for people to say that at times i tryed to brush it off but you cant talk to some body about what our going threw when i went threw that i told nobody  i was very fortunate to have friend  that had my back i was also lucky to have a mom who saw that something was diffrent in he way i talk or the way i act i was also luck to have an aunt that i could talk to about any thing. but now i  learn how to deal with it and the best thing for you is  to talk to any one that you need to talk to so you can get out of that situation.

destinee - 13 - south carlonia

" some people aren't aware of what other people feel. Just because you have no life doesn't mean you can pick on someone. No one deserves to be bullied. So help stop it. Start a nationwide campign. Make your school No place for hate. We deserve to be free to have the rights to be ourselves whether it be a jock, nerd or even a popular kid. Stop bullying! 

Adrienne - 18 - Georgia

some people make fun of me for my weight wich is the same as most girls and how i look on the outside and people say its because their jelous or because their haters so but you cant because their haters so i try to forget about it but i cant because it still hurts your feelings i wish eveyone just knew right from wrong and stop hurting people and dameging there personalities and who they are they deserve ton like their live without people who put them down and get in the way of makind their choices

bryanna - 13 - federalway

i was bullied, i was bullied for being a certain weight, being good in certain school subjects and i was bullied for being nice to people. It drove me to a very dark place in my life and it drove me to make myself throw up {Bulimia} and it drove me to cutting myself. i care because no one should ever be bullied and no one should suffer so much.
i think people who are being bullied and tell someone about it are brave and strong.

Jessica - 15 - Cape Town, South Africa

It's not okay to make someone believe that no one cares. It's so wrong to call someone fat and ugly and a waste of space. this isnt okay. It got so bad for me that i didnt want to go to school. the dirty looks and the loneliness is distracting me from doing well in school. And no one does anything about it. That is why i care.

Erin - 14 - NARNIA

A lot of my friends have been bullied

Juju - 13 - California

Everyone is someone. Someone with a heart, with a family, with someone who loves you somewhere. We are all here together trying to get through this life to move on to the next. I care because NO ONE should live in hell on earth. I care because we are all in this together. I care because we are all beautiful on the inside and out and most people are not told this as often as they should be. We are all different and that is what makes this world amazing. Don't be afraid to be you, don't let ugly things people say get the best of you. The best way to get back at them is simply not let IT affect you! Life is beautiful and so are you... embrace it, celebrate it, and don't let ANYONE ruin this experience on Earth. Life is short and precious. BE YOU AND BE PROUD!

Mandi - 22 - Kentucky

People think they are being funny, when they make fun of other people but its not.

Kailtlyn - 14 - New York

I Care Because... I was verbally abused at school Because I have a learning disabilities.  I learn slower than others, I had glasses that were red and the kid that sat with me called me all names so I asked the teacher to move me and she was like you will be fine but I never told her what he said because he would just keep picking on me and, when I was in middle school I was going to class and someone that did not like me for some reason kicked me from behind and I fell and my ankle twisted and my head was an inch away from the wall and in high school people would say that one liked you and this one likes you and one of them called me a "retard" cause I had a tough time writing the notes in class I could never keep up with everyone else and kids would judge me when I got called a "retard" I started to cry but I never showed it in front of them it was Horrible I will never forget those words and especially the R word. 

Marissa - 21 - Mass


natasha - 8 - AMERICA

I care about people. Nobody needs someone highlighting the imperfections they already see. 

Brittani - 24 - California

at my school i am being bullied && the teachers at my school dont do anything about it! although i have many friends , their are still some people who lack of attention! i know Guam is far from the U.S , but just i want to be heard! here at Guam there are all types of bullying going on, here they dont bully because theyre miserable, they bully to earn respect! when someone is being bullied at my school everyone laughs when it is not even funny! they bully because they of lack of attention! well the only reaso  im posting this is because i want to be heard every where that Guam is infected by bullying!

Otan - 13 - Guam , U.S territory

i know how this feels to be bullied in class it hurts!!!
and words hurt as well and it's never OK.
i also started cutting myself but then i realized that cutting doesn't  sove the problem so don't cut yourself!!
and now i wan't to help the others and i really want to put an end to it 
and for the ones who bully thats not cool!!!!!!!!

crush-40 - 13 - luxembourg

When I was 6 years old, I was bullied everyday of my life. I grew up hating myself so I got addicted to cutting myself by the age of 10. I stopped for a while, but I relapsed just this year and started cutting again. Bullying can actually ruin peoples' lives. It ruined mine.

Jonina - 16 - Philippines

my friends and i are getting bullying and we are sticking up for each other

celeste - 9 - pennsylvania

On this day March 29, 2012 my friend commited suicide at 5:00 am. He has done so because of the bullying that went on in school and online. People from ou school are so curl that they went to his house and wrote all over it. Im done after loosing my friend to this nothing will stop me from ending bullying in all.

Ellie - 16 - PA

I have been a victim of bullying since I was a child.  I didn't have friends until I was in about grade 8 because I was the 'smart kid' or the 'outcast' or the 'loser' and no one wanted to associate themselves with me. All I needed for so long was a friend.  Having no friends made me become a better person because now I am kind to everyone and a friend to anyone who looks like they might need one.  I care because I don't want anyone to have to go through the name calling or the bullying I had. Although it was not physical (other than getting food/balls thrown at me)verbal bullying hurts so much.  NEVER feel like you are less of who you are because of someone else's insecurities about themselves.  You are special no matter what you think-and in the end, you're the one they'll be wishing they treated better-because you are SO much better then that! What doesn't kill you makes you stronger-so although bullying is a less than pleasurable experience, take it for what it's worth and be the best person you can be! Dream big and never give up-because someday you'll get there... it'll get better, and as much as that sounds ridiculous sometimes, it always does :)

Emily Brown - 15 - Ottawa, Ontario

I have been bullied before , is not fun. Everyday I go to school and I see the upper class kids picking on this little kid who is in the fifth grade. I used to just sit around and let it happen but one day i stood up for him, even though iused kinda foul language ifelt really good about myself. i stood up for something i believed in and made a difference. afterwards the kid came up to me and said thankyou. i am graduating this year and he will be alone :( but ihope when itold them to stop and to think about others it made a difference in their lives !! juss stand up for what you believe in guys cause you never know u can change the owrld !!
- Tai'Asia

Taiasia - 13 - new haven , ct

I used to cut myself- a lot. I had always been told I was ugly or fat in school. I never told anyone- not to this day. About the bullying, I mean. I still cut occasionally. It's a bad habit. My parents did find out about my cutting, but my mom doesn't want me to get help. Honestly, I do want help, even if it means talking to a shrink or whatever. For some reason, though, my mom doesn't want that. I don't know why. I thought maybe she didn't care, but I'm not sure. She acts like she cares. It just confuses me. She doesn't know I still cut. I hide it well. Kids are mean. I wish they weren't. I'm homeschooled now, but I don't like it. I don't have any friends. I practically teach myself, and it's hard. I HATE it. It's just awful. I shouldn't have to do this. I just want a sense of normalcy again, but I doubt I'll ever get that.

Jessica - 14 - South Carolina

My 14 year old son was bullied at school for over three years.  I took several steps to resolve issues, from discusssing how my son could handle situations, to contacting teachers, administrators and coaches; and finally school district administrators.  

My child was extremly depressed and was suicidal.  I had no choice but to seek medical help and ultimately remove him from the school.  I have enrolled him in private school where I worry about being able to afford the associated costs - the change in environment, the addition of 3 psych drugs and weekly counseling are where we are at today.  I am researching the option of holding the school responsible.  Ultimaely his health is my concern and I will do whatever I have to to ensure that he has a long productive life.

Laura - 0 - PA

This is to Amber, I am 14 years old and having a rough time to. I started cutting in 6th grade because my Aunt who raised me died. Ever since then I was a cutter until April 14, I was in 7th grade I am now in 8th grade and have not cut in a little while, every once and a while I cut because of the things people at school say to me. I have gotten made fun of for my weight and my looks. You just have to learn things to cope with. I am so sorry to hear about your mother. And if we wnet to the same school I would help you stand up for your self because i COMPETLY DISAGREE with the things people say. 

Morgan - 14 - Ohio

I was severely bullied for 5 years and it was so bad that I had to switch schools. I was at the lowest point in my life and I was about to attempt suicide however a concerned classmate told her mom she thought I was going to do something bad to myself that day. Her mom called the police and right before I attempted to commit suicide a officer rang my doorbell and called my parents. Before that point (about 4 years into the bullying) my parents didn't really think much of what was going on at school. I didn't vocalize my depression and problems at school because I was terrified that my parents would make the situation worse. After they were notified everything changed. My parents did everything they could from writing letters to the principal (who didn't do anything) to going to the school board demanding that I be removed from that school. What I'm trying to say is that I understand what its like to feel so desperate to get rid of the pain and the hurt yet too terrified to tell anyone or ask for help. But I made it through and now I am living an amazing life. I know each and every one of the kids being bullied can make it through and a strong enough to push through this. Bullying HAS to be stopped! It is traumatizing and terrorizing! There NEEDS to be a law in Texas!

Whitney - 20 - Texas

i was bullied all the time when i first started school i was called names, i got beat up, among other things and I hated going to school. until 6th grade when i stood up to a group of kids that hurt my sister and made her cry. when that happend i decided that enough was enough. im not going to stand by and let this happen anyone. if i can do something i will
to all the kid still being bullied i say; stay strong and keep living everyday it gets better! 

jason - 16 - NC

i was bullied alot until i learned to soeak up now i actually have alot of new and old friends

joey - 13 - nj

I used to get bullied really bad in middle school, now that I'm 16 and a junior in high school, it's not AS bad... but I do still get bullied. A lot of bullying happens on facebook once you get older and honestly cyber bulllying is a horrible type of bullying. Every day I see someone on my friends list bullying someone on someone else's status or even posting a status ABOUT someone and bullying them. It's wrong and when I see that, I always step in and have something to say.. I care because I know how it feels and I know what's right. I want to make a difference. No one should have to go through this.

Bridget - 16 - Louisiana

My whole life I have been different. My whole life I have been bullied. Every day I would go home wondering what's wrong with me, wondering that if I die if the pain go with it. 

But not anymore. I am sick and tired of being treated like I'm nothing because I'm not, sick and tired of wanting to just take a pill and die. No. I'm not killing myself because of these kids. I have told someone, and now I'm starting to find out who I really am! I like myself, and everyone should too!!! I'm taking a stand so kids like me don't have to face this!!!!

To every kid or teen who is suffering, there is a way to escape this, and it's not death!! All you have to do is tell an adult. Please.... I almost killed myself more than once, I know how it feels. Take a stand. You can make a difference. You ARE NOT what they are telling you you are. Tell someone, and you'll get through this. And then you start to figure out who you really are. 

To those who help victims of bullying, thank you so very much. No one did for me.... People who get bullied need a friend. Who knows? You might save a life. I dreamed of someone like you. To victims of bullying, you are a hero.

Livie - 11 - Georgia

because no one deserves to feel alone. people can be horrible and everyone deserves someone to vent to and stand up for them so they don't feel alone or not worthy. i care because i've experienced it and it is horrible, it's the worst and it needs to stop. start making a difference by holding someones hand when they need it, it will really help.

Kirbey - 14 - Salem, OR

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