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I Care Because
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When I was in high school, six years a go, I was bullied. My bullies made fun of me about my weight and other things. People who I thought were my friends, "stabbed me in the back" by participating in the bullying that others were inflicting on me. It hurt me a great deal because when you feel like your surrounded with hate, you feel that there is no way out, but THERE IS! Even to this day,now that I am 23, I still witness bullying taking place not only in schools, but in the workplace, as well as, other places. I want to help others who are currently dealing with or have dealt with being bullied because I know how it feels. It hurts! and I DON'T WANT these people to believe what their bullies are telling them is true .I want them to know that someone is there for them and that they are going to get through it and they are better then all of this! It's time to take a stand and end this bullying for good! Martin Luther King Jr. once said, "Cowardice asks the question: is it safe? Expediency asks the question: is it politic? Vanity asks the question: is it popular? But conscience asks the question: Is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular-but one must take it because it's right." DO NOT GIVE UP!!

Rachel - 23 - Virginia

yes. im a teen but i still caree for other people i try for the victims to stand up for them self and not to follow this "game" to tell them stop and go to the prinicipal yeah im quiet and people might think i dont do nothing about the situationn countinue tomorooww 

sanchez - 14 - texas

People or kids should deserve to have a good school experience not go to school in fear or because someone is going to criticize them because they think they are better then everyone else. I lost a good friend that committed suicide because of harsh comments and excessive physical/mental pushes. No one even him deserved that, why make something that kids and teens should enjoy hard and cruel and strike fear to where someone wants to get home schooled. I am currently enlisted in the marine corps yet i still myself get bullied and could react with violence but yet have the mind strength to not act out. However other people might not have that same ability. We have school shootings and violent crimes and or murders mostly because of bullying because those who get bullied cant take it anymore. I think its unfair and kids and teens or older do not deserve that. Why make the world more difficult then it is we should put individuality behind us and go through the tough world as one. Yes we will have war but that does not mean we cant help each other overcome the opposing side instead of bullying people until they wanna kill someone or themselves. I stand up for others in my school or when it is needed. This is why and how i shall always care for those who get harshly bullied in school..

Darian- - 18 - Algobquin IL

My friend Elizabeth and I are best friends. We are working together as partners to end bullying in our school. We are writing speeches,hanging signs, and making shirts. We are tired of everyone getting bullied. Oor school is really bad on it, so we decided to take it upon ourselves to consult our teachers about starting a bullying patrol... And we succeeded. Let's hope the bullying goes down. Because the bullying needs to stop. 

Samantha Breedlove

Samantha Breedlove and Elizabeth Walden - 14 - West Virginia

My oldest daugther who is 15 was bullied at school. It was so bad that she become depressed. It was so bad, that she lost her memory.

Stacey - 33 - Iowa

I care because I went through it in Middle and some in Highschool. I care because I saw people stand on the sidelines some laughing some just staying quiet. I care because I want to help others and not let them go through the pain and tourment I went through. I care because no one deservise to go through that. I care because you are worth it. I care because I can gladly say that it will get better. My life has made a turn for the better. Why? Because I did not stand on the side lines and watch someone bully others I stepped in and helped causing a chain reaction for them to get the courage to help somone else. I care because you can make a diffrence. :)

Megan - 21 - Richmond Ky

I went home every day from school wishing I could die.  I wanted to die.  I knew when I got to school each day they would find me, a whole group of them, and they would attack me.  They would call me Faggot and they would kick and punch me for a while until they got bored enough to stop.  And I wasn't even gay.  "Kids will be kids" is what adults would say, or "Kids can be cruel at this age".  But these convenient cliches did nothing to stop the violence and demoralization I faced each day.  Since no one did anything to stop it, I just concluded that I was worthless and deserving of the abuse because I was ugly, a socially awkward foster kid.  My self esteem simply didn't exist anymore. I was 12.  I was suicidal.

It only stopped because I was moved to another school for an unrelated reason.  There weren't any bullies at the new school. 

I have waited 37 years for the world to stop turning a blind eye to the horror of Bullying, to realize that violence is not something you brush off and sweep under the rug just because it is perpetrated by a youngster on a youngster.  

Why did it take so many years and so many children's suicides for us to do something about it?

My empathy for these children is bottomless, for I am one of them.  

Anonymous - 49 - California

Everyone should be treated equally!It doesn't matter how smart someone is, or what color their skin is because we're all the same.

Glendy - 18 - Aurora, Colorado

I've been bullied all my life. Even by my own family memeber they called me names they teased me they said so many things that i became afraid of them. I never understood why they were so mean to me. As i got older they kept on teasing me even more. Things got worse when i went school people started staring and me and laughing at me since i walked into school. People began calling me names i never understood why they were being so mean to me i remember going home after school and crying. After a while i began thinking i deserved everything they were calling me i was scared to go to school i didnt want people to keep making fun of me people dont realize how hurtfull all the things that they are saying             Bulling should stop they are destroying lifes and causeing alot of deaths i know that i will never be able to get over what people said to me But i dont want anyone else to suffer what im still stuffering                 

Mayra - 18 - Chicago il

I am being bullied by other people.. I feel that every kid that gets bullied should live a normal life without all the bullying. The kids that get bullied should let a adult know and trust them. I get bullied everyday by kids.. getting called horrible names and getting picked on non stop.That is why you should always tell somebody if your getting bullied.

Kiersten - 14 - Pennsylvania

I have been bullied and still are by my sister. Family she is supposed to show me and guide me and instead she is trying to lure me to a depressed state in which leads me in a grave. Honestly it has been more tempting everyday but after reading these stories it has given me hope and courage to stand up to her someday so... thank you.

Depressed - 15 - minnesota

I used to drive school bus and still remember also being a student in high school.  I know for fact that when children are being bullied, most of the adults around know about it.  Kids talk and the adults hear.  Dont let them fool you.  I never allowed a child being mistreated on any of my buses but if you try to intervene, school faculty will not back you.  Sometimes adults are petty enough to enjoy such things.  You really need to get a law passed making every adult around the child, especially in school liable for this action.  I mean it.  Dont let the adults fool you.

Cheryl - 58 - Connecticut

I care about bullying because I've been through it myself. Sure, I know how it feels to say "I wish I didn't have to live through all this anymore." I know how it feels to want to take your life away with a single cut. Trust me, it's not worth it at all. So many people love seeing a smile across your face. Some people can't go a day with out seeing you. To someone in this world, you mean something greater than life it self. One life gone scars dozens more. Please, stay strong, speak out and stay alive. If you feel like no one in life cares.. I do. 

Julie - 12 - NY

No child or teen should ever be subject to emotional torment just because they choose to be who they are.  I don't know when bullying became such a tremendous problem, but it has to STOP!  

Melissa - 0 - Princeton Junction, NJ

I've been bullied throughout elementary, middle, and high school, even into college.  I let others break me down to the point I didn't even know who I was anymore.  I suffered anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts, and eating disorders for the past 13 years - all of which I'm still recovering from.  People do not understand what bullying does to a victim - it is NOT "kids stuff", it is ILLEGAL and IMMORAL - it is harassment, assault, abuse, torture - all of which are illegal and immoral.  Innocent lives are lost every year due to suicide, overdose of substances, and tragedies which can be prevented if we all stand up in the fight of reclaiming our own lives and improving that of others by putting an end to bullying.  As an educator, I will ensure that NO bullying whatsoever will happen in my classroom(s) and in my presence, and if I find out about any such it WILL be dealt with and stopped.  I will create that safe haven that so many dream of, and I ask that you do the same.  And in response to that new bully movie coming out - you really think it's "too much" for students to see that?  They CAUSED that!  If students, children are capable of destroying another human like that then they are perfectly capable of seeing the consequences of their actions. Period. Done. Finished.

Stephanie - 24 - Pa

I'm in my second year of middle school, and my life is hard. Yeah my life may not be as bad as some other teenagers out there, but mine is pretty bad. I go to school get laughed at,tortured,and emotionally abused. I come home to my laptop with all hate comments and videos towards me. Then once in a while i'll get prank calls telling me to die. That i'm worthless. But i'm starting to realize i am worth it. I have friends & family that actually care and would miss me if i was gone. I just want to help all you kids who are being bullied and going through the same thing i am. I can help you. Just remember if you were gone someone in this world would miss you. Even if it seems like there is no other choice but to stop living, there is another choice, talk to someone, get help. Bullying hurts, i know i'm really sensitive and words really get to me but ill always know someone in this world will miss me no matter who it is someone will miss me and thats all that matters. Please, remember that there's alot more to live for in life, so don't end yours now 

jess - 13 -

I've been there, and after these years, I have never forgotten what I went through as a kid! 
Going to and from school was miserable in itself, and just
always having had to be aware of my surroundings, and who was around, and constantly having to watch over my shoulder, as I walked.
In the classroom, lunch room, etc, I had to be careful as well! 
The teacher was not at all a help, as was none of the other students!
My dad went to the bullys houses and had words, but that only made matters worse!
It got to
the point that I played hookey one day, and went and hung out at the neighbors house! The school called and asked where I
was! Mom thought I'd gone to school! 
I knew she would have forced me to go, if she knew where I was! 
I came home at the regular time, and got in a lot of trouble, but to me, it was well worth it!  She never figured it out! 
I'd love to meet my bullies again, and ask em "why"?
I'm thankful to see something is FINALLY getting done with this! No kid should have to put up with this crap, and shame on those who stand back, watch, laugh, and egg em on!!
To all you kids that are getting bullied, there is a light at the end of the tunnel! Remember, it won't last forever!!
Please, ask a trusted adult for help, cause you don't have to
take it!! 
I'm a survivor! : )

Brian - 45 - Tenino Washington

I have been there. I care because I have seen my friends there. I care because I have seen strangers there. It is not a place that I want to be. No one should be there. No one deserves that. 

Jessie - 18 - NJ

bullying can lead anyone to suicide, self-harming, starvation, anything really. Demi is my life inspiration, it is my absolute dream to one day be able to meet or talk to her. 

Meg - 14 - Victoria

I care because I hate seeing someone receiving hate and being hurt. I know how it feels to be bullied and be hurt and it's tough. No one deserves to be treated that way. There are so many people killing themselves because they've been bullied. Bullying needs to stop! To all the people being bullied, I'm here for you, please hold on.

Danielle Ross - 16 - Philippines

i care about bullying. I may not know how it feels but I know how it affects people. People judge each other without even getting to know them. I know it hurts alot. I know bullying someone is enough to kill someone. I know bullying can get people to do stuff that they will regret doing soon. No one deserves to be bullied. Everyone deserves to live their lives without being judged and mistreated for it."

gavin - 13 - boaz al

I have a wonderful, big hearted grandson who has been bullied almost since he started (public) school in NY. He is now 13 years old and attends (public) school in Minnesota and the bullying continues.  He gets bullied in the school halls constantly.  If you ask him what the kids do to him, he says he just tries to push it out of his head so he doesn?t have to think about it.  I don?t really thinks that?s possible and I know that?s not a good thing to do. How can I get him to open up about it?  He recently was pushed to the ground and suffered multiple cuts and bruises to his face at the hands of a 15 year old boy .  This is not the first time that this boy has bullied him.  Once he tried to instigate a fight so that it could be put on Facebook.  This boy takes the same school bus as my grandson to a complex that his is not supposed to be living in, therefore he should not be on that bus.  My daughter and son-in-law called the police and they didn?t seem to be too helpful.  It seems the principal wasn?t very helpful either.  What are the authorities waiting for, for my grandson to end up in the hospital?  You say to tell an adult, well several adults have been told and they don?t seem to care very much. How is this supposed to make my grandson feel, other than helpless?  Which scares me because then he might never tell anyone what?s going on. My heart is breaking because am in NYC and I feel helpless.  What can I do to help stop this from continuing? Please help us.

Nathia - 51 - Belle Harbor, NY

I care about bullying. I may not know how it feels but I know how it affects people. People judge each other without even getting to know them. I know it hurts alot. I know bullying someone is enough to kill someone. I know bullying can get people to do stuff that they will regret doing soon. No one deserves to be bullied. Everyone deserves to live their lives without being judged and mistreated for it.

Mariah Angela - 13 - Western Australia

People say sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me, I strongly dislike that saying. Because of words I started cutting at age 12. Just a month before my birthday, I tried killing myself. I'm bullied everyday. In Georgia with my church group, I got a txt message saying this rude stuft about me. Rumors. One person even called me fat,  I didn't eat for a week and because of that, I passed out and was in a hospital for a while. There's just so much more, I even stayed home today because of it. I support Demi extremely . Following in your foot steps. I'm trying to stop cutting , trying to stop being suicidal, trying to eat better. Thank you so much.

Caitie - 13 - Kentucky

I bully people so i can feel better about myself. I really need help, but I'm not sure who to go to. Please help me!

kyle - 16 - kentucky

I think one of the worst types of bullying is when it comes from your friends. When they leave you out of things, or comment on something that you are doing, or your appearence in a negative way. they are supposed to be the people that you go to to have fun, when the yare the ones that are hurting you the most, and msot of the time they dont even notice.

Julia - 15 - New York

Bullying is something that everyone can relate to. Nobody wants to see someone they love get hurt.  Websites like this are amazing because they spread awareness and help people to see that there are others like them.  I know it has helped me, I will do my best to stop the bullying at my school and prevent it before it happens!

Hannah - 15 - New York

Bullying is more devasting then people realize. Words can hurt and leave an impact on someone's life.If you were to say a hurtful comment to someone think about if you would of liked it said to you. Think twice before you say something. If you see someone get bullied, don't just stand there. Bystanders are just as bad as the bully if they just stand there and do nothing.

Ray - 16 - New York

I am an openly gay high school student so I know what it is like to be bullied. I care because I know what it is like be down in the dumps... No where to run.. No where to hide... No body to talk to... Well guess what.. There is help.. There is a place to run... Someody who you deeply trust or a higher authority figure would be the best route to move when bringing attention to bullying.. You're not alone.... Other people are bullied daily too.. Just be strong and puch through.. You have a lot more to live for :)

Joey - 18 - Kenmore,NY

I care because no one deserves to be bullied. Everyone is trying to get true life and just because someone is not like you does not give you any right for you to be a bully. Everyone should be equal. Don't let anyone bully you, tell an adult you fell comfortable with or even a school counselor. Please dress how you want and act how you want with your friends.

Julia - 13 - Pennsylvania

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