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I Care Because
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i got bullied when i was younger and know i'm getting bullied ans i don't have a lot of friends. when i was younger i was populer but then my friends changed and i became the target they call me names  and stuff. i don't get to be happy at school so i care for people like me  so if they call you name fight for you'r rights :)

francesca psaila - 14 - malta

i see people at my school get bullied every day. Just recently a boy at a high school brought a gun to school and killed two people. This boy was the target to bullying every day. Bullying hurts people more than you think. So stop bullying. Bullying people ruins lives. It hurts them, and the people who care about them. 

Ryleigh - 13 - Nebraska

I used to get bullied and its really horrible and i don't like to see other people get hurt or bullied

Sev - 12 - england

I hate it when people are hurt, it makes me hurt. I well try to stop bullying at my school, its si wrong.

Skylar - 13 - Labrador City

I am happening for this, the terrible thing that is and since it can manage to damage your life. Since a comment of any person can be ruined. Many persons do not realize the mistake on that they comment on having done bullying. I try to be strong but already I cannot.

Fernanda - 14 - Ecuador

i cant stand seeing people get hurt it breaks my heart. hurting someone else wont make you makes you the causes way worse than tears it costs people their lifes...stop it people!!your hurting more than yourself! its not right! peace...

Kyiana - 13 - gilbert/az

I have been bullied my whole life by my friends. I am an athlete and my freshman year of high school I made the varsity lacrosse team. They all stopped talking to me saying that I've "changed". 8th grade, i went through hell. 6 months I went to school dreading every moment of it because my one friend for mad at me and then everybody else around me did. I didn't have anybody. They would text me and bully me and make comments to me in school. I went home crying every night. Bullying is something that cannot be taken lightly. We aren't perfect, noone is but for someone to bully them is just untolerable. You shouldn't have to be scared to go to school. Bullying needs to be stopped and hopefully sometime in the near future it will.

Kelly - 16 - NY

People should not be bullied everyone is BEAUTIFUL they should never give up, BECAUSE we need to put an end to bullying , the person being bullied need to remember that theres always someone out there to help them.

Trinity - 13 - Virginia

i am fat people say that to me and it hurts even my parents my friends my family they say mean things to me i tried to..puke my self but i coudln't because i love the person deep inside me but it wasn't enough to stop me from suicide from trying the CUT  i know some other people have biggger problems people already kill them selves but bullying is such a stupid thing 

selma - 12 - algeria

i am bullied everyday its really hard to grow up like this

Patricia - 12 - Toronto

i have say bullying every day in my school and its not stoped

justin - 13 - labrador,NL

I absolutly hate seeing people hurt. If i ever see this happening i will do my best to stop it!

Christine - 14 - Georgia

i love weab sits like this it showes that avery body is stroing.

nara - 17 - pg

my friend was 12 and just committed suicide on feburary 12.. 
Bullying is a HUGE issue that does need to stop. i'm going Anti-Bully.. for you payton!(:

Kimberly - 15 - Wisconsin

ever since 3rd grade I've been bullied. I've been bullied because I'm different

Kaylee - 16 - IN

When I was younger, I was bullied. Then, just this past year, I realized that joking around with one of my friends, it was actually considered bullying, what I was doing. As soon as I figured that out, I stopped. But I still feel bad. Bullying can be unintentional. It just probably isn't common.

Erin - 12 - NC

I care about bullying because when i was younger i was bullied and i also saw a lot of my friends get bullied. I know that i effects people negatively and its not something as small as people think. If we all stand up against bullying we can help those who are bullied so they dont have to be put down any more. you are better than oyu think and your vioce counts. 


brianna - 17 - il

Bullying is the worst thing that happens in school. People say that words dont hurt people, but thats not true, words can hurt more than pushing someone. please stop bullying. think about other peoples life. your ruining their lives!

Rabbea - 10 - Qatar

Bullying is a cruel punishment bestowed on weaker/younger individuals. Whenever I was in sixth grade all of the seventh, and eighth graders would make fun of us since we were younger. Back then I thought it was normal for them to bully us, but since I'm in eighth grade now I've found out this behavior is unacceptable! Kids never should feel that bullying is normal, and nobody deserves to be put down.

Lydia - 14 - Tennessee

My Daughter Taylor gets bullied in school, she's had her head glued shut,she'd been bit, pushed off benches, called names. and made fun of the worst is that the school turns the other way and my daughter argues with me everyday about going to school. I've had several meetings with them and it falls on deaf ears. It needs to stop and more people need to take a stand against bullying. My heart goes out to all who endure the physical and emotional abuse of a bully.My daughter included.

Joann - 42 - New jersey

When I was in elementary school I was bullied, it bothers me how people can get away with hurting someone.Words do hurt and it's time people understand that. No one has the right to tell you your Imperfect and that you need to change. You're perfect just the way you are...Don't let anyone tell you, you need to cahnge to fit in.    

Carolina - 13 - FL

Bullying is not supposed to happen. No one is supposed to be inferior to another by any means. No one knows what happens in your daily life, so why would they judge? I'm going to do an assembly at my school about bullying and hopefully be able to spread the news to other schools in the United States. Words hurt. The end.

Kelsey - 17 - Maryland

I've been picked on since I was in 8th grade.  I've been called some really mean names.. I've gotten phone calls through the night telling me to die cause no one liked me.. I want to help people, because I don't want them to go through what I went through.. It was some of the roughest times of my life, and no one deserves it.

Bree - 16 - Indiana

I care because bullying is a serious issue that NEEDS to be stopped.

Maria Nieves - 16 - Connecticut

Dont give up on bully if... tell someone everyone will care whether big or small.. little or bigg..

Austin - 13 - Sc

Bullying isn't a very easy thing to get rid of. More than 50% of students are bullied every year. But with the help of the community, our school board, and the students we can end bullying. I have been in your shoes, bullying was something I couldn't bear in 6th grade. So everyone do your part and end bullying!

Sam - 13 - South carolina

BULLYS ask your self this WHY do i bully? it makes no sence to do. Your saying that since someone thing happend to you doest mean you havet to do it to someone else. consequences of your actions can be good and bad... you choose.

shawn - 13 - South carolina

its not good to do that!

alfred - 7 - germany

People I know are always under attack and it hurts to just stand there and watch it happen.Plus i just am sick and tired of me getting bullied cause I help them.But I also get bullied cause what i wear and how i am diffrent and how i dont care what people think of me.I love my self but it still dose hurt and i go home and cry and scream in my pillows.So i have signed up and here i am fighting aginst it and i am here to help.

Brit - 12 - sedalia,MO

I care because a lot of people don't even know the half of whats happening and this issue really needs to be brought up more than it is because, the bullying that happens causes over 4,000 deaths a year. I know this is old but the story about the girl who got punched in the face because she didn't like a group called ICP (Insane Clown Posse) and its not like it was another girl either, it was a 15 boy who was on the wrestling team.

Megan - 15 - Florida

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