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I Care Because
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Bullying happens all around the world. At schools, outside of school or even at home. Bullying is horriable and it needs to stop. I myself have never been bullied and I'm glad for that but i have witnessed it. Many of my friends are bullied because their different so i have been able to see the effects of it. The sad thing is most people never even realize to do something about it. People need to rise against bullying and do something about it. People deserve to live a happy life without fear or sorrow. Be proud for who you are and never let anyone else tell you any different.

Elizaveta - 15 - Florida

"I am a high school Vice Principal and I want children to know that we care and will listen and more importantly do everything in our power to protect each and every student. Please communicate with your parents, teachers, counselors and/our administrators. Let us know as soon as you are bullied or if you witness bullying. You are not tattling or ratting. Understand that the school and your parents have resources to help by stopping the bullying and helping you develop confidence and coping skills. We can contract the police if we need to. We can suspend the bully and require counseling for them. If someone threatens or bullies you through social networking. Print them out and give them to your parents and school administrators. If you can't, take a screen shot or keep it and show an adult. Please block these people or better yet, cancel your accounts. Give your parents access to your accounts so they can monitor. We truly care and will do our best to protect you but we need your help. Parents do not accept"boys will be boys". Bullying needs to be rejected by all and has to be seen as abnormal and unacceptable behavior. The people that have the most power to stop bullying are the witnesses and bystanders. "

Don - 45 - PA, USA

Kids already have low self-esteem as it is, and to have someone constantly telling them they're not good enough is not okay. Every life is precious no matter who they are and we all need to stand up against bullying

Hannah - 18 - Louisville, KY


allison maio - 10 - ma

I was bullied.
It is still going on and I hate to see people go through any of that.
I kept it a secret for years and I started to get really depressed.
This has been going on for three years now and I stay strong and not let it get in my way.
I have started a club at my school called, "The Next-Level-Up Club".
This club has helped me so much and I am now back to normal.

If your being bullied please say something, don't keep it a secret.
Trust me on this.
Tell some one you trust.

Allison - 14 - WI, West Allis

I care because when you watch the news and hear that a kid killed themselves due to the affect of bullying, it sad. The bystanders claim they saw nothing. Unfortunatley i guess they dont have the guts to stand up for someone. They couldve saved a life if they spoke up. Its great that marisa, michael, hayley, demi, rj, and kylie are doing something. itsbecause of them that people try to stop bullying. R.I.P every one who was bullied to death, and god bless their families.

Tatiana - 12 - NY

no one should have to be bullied or outcasted just because they are different. we were'nt made to fitin. we were made to stand out. if we try too hard to fit in then we eventually fade into the background and lose a sense of who we really are. we should use our differences to become people of greatness

hektor - 18 - texas

I've been there. I know how hard it was to wake up not wanting to get out of bed to face the world. I let the opinions of others get to me and i started to believe it myself. I struggled from an eating disorder and my self-esteem quickly shut down. i felt like i needed to be perfect to it in. I'm happy to say i have overcome that struggle in my life. I realized that you must learn to love yourself for who you are. You are here for a reason, a purpose, and no one should tell you otherwise. You must know that you are so much stronger than you think. Surround yourself with people who are positive and who love you. Just know that YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL ALWAYS !

Elise - 18 - California

I care because I'm going through it too, like thousands of others are around the United States, and I'm a firm believer in putting an end to it.  People need to get through their heads that bullying and harassing is WRONG.  You can ruin someone's life for absolutely no reason; the sarcasm, the name calling, the hurtful comments, the rumors and lies, they can all lead to drastic consequences, in some cases, some kids who are being bullied will choose suicide, a perminant solution to a temperary problem.  I never realized that I could be so depressed just because of a few mistakes i've made.  People take situations and make them into a bigger deal than they need to be, and half the time they'll add to the story and it won't even be true.  Same with rumors; they'll make up a complete lie about you that isn't even true, or something about you that you never even did, or never even happened. People are cruel nowadays.  I believe we can all get along, and put an end to this huge problem around the country, but it takes everyone's effort, not just a few.  It needs to stop guys, EVERYONE deserves to have a friend, and NO ONE deserves to be bullied. Everyone is beautiful, or handsome in their own way. <3

Jade - 15 - Michigan

Bullying is such a common thing and the society isnt recognizing the extremes people will go to! There have been so many suicides from kids that dont even know why they are being bullied. And half the time they are being bullied its not even their fault! It has to do with the bullies. Maybe their life hasnt been perfect or they have abusive parents. Kids these days dont even tell their parents whats going on at school, fearing they will get made fun of for being a "tattle-tale" and then get bullied even more. Society doesnt realize what the extremes are. Like Columbine High School shooting is a very big example. The shooters were victems of bullying one way or another. And that day should have effected the society and showed them that this is what happens when adults, teachers, playground monitors..etc are not aware of what goes on during that "regular school day". I AM A VICTEM OF BULLYING AND IT NEEDS TO STOP. NOW.

Kolbe - 15 - Ky

I have been bullied throughout 5th and 6th grade. i wish people would stop. :-(

Amanda - 16 - New York City

I know people who were bullied. My close friend attempted suicide because she as bullied. Innocent people are getting hurt everyday, and for what reason? The satisfaction of the bully. Why should I let someone suffer when I know I can help stop their suffering? Why do I have to be bullied to do something? Why should I let others control my judgement? The answer is, I shouldn't. So I am going to be the change I want to see in the world.

Tazz - 13 - NY

Everyone - and everything - deserves compassion.

Jaimee - 48 - PA

i care because i dont like bullies they should know how to protect them selves from bullies when they are being bullied

michael - 20 - new jersy

I care  because  bullying is a wrong thing to do. Its just why do they do that, is something wrong with them or they just need attention.

Patrick - 13 - Chicago, IL

everybody gets bullied one time in your life. And I have also have been bullied. When I was bullied I was very sad and very hard to listen and not being able to walk away.

morgan - 12 - minnesota

hi iv been bullyed before and i did not like it so i think you guess and girls should just move on and don't look back and i like how Demi lovato and all of those other good peolpe are helping.Im a girl in my school horizon science academy who is trying to stop bullies im even makeing a play and every teacher think that is a great idea to stop bullying and im doing every think i can to stop bullying. Im like the best studen in the school who tryes to stop bullying and i love who my prisipol likes all of my ideas and im like a teahcer in my school and class i hope you kids out there like what im doing form my school and you just like i sayed never look down and keep moveing.

Esmeralda Ramos - 13 - ohio/lorain

I've been bullied a lot just because I dress differently than most girls. I'm also made fun of because I have a "boys name". A name's just a name. I'm also apparently to emo to be normal. I just laugh at them because I am myself. Not what people want me to be. 

Vladimir - 14 - Arkansas, United States

i have been bullied alot and i go through alot... its hurtful and stupid.... but thanks to demi lovato for helping me and inspiring me to help others and for me to never give up on myself and rise from the groud... thanks demi lovato...

katie - 18 - missouri

I care because my friend has been and still is bullied. I don"t want to see her break down and try to hurt herself. Whoever is a bully out there, you should be ashamed because it's not cool, or funny to bring someone down to make yourself feel stronger. I've been bullied before and it totally sucks. Demi Lovato rocks because she is one of the few celeberties that want to put a end to bullying, and I admire her for that. PLEASE  STOP BULLYING TODAY, AND SAVE A LIFE.... PLEASE!

Tatiana - 12 - New York

I care about bullying becuase i was once bullied. I will tell you, it's not fun. Beautiful kids are put down everyday. Remeber, there are over 4 billion people in this world, and dont let one of them hurt you. 

Erika - 13 - Minnestoa

it's a big deal to people. beautiful lifes are taken because some kid thinks he's tough. Hey all bullies there's always some one bigger and badder.

Drew - 16 - ATX

I care because I have had personal experiences  with bullying. It's not right to put someone down just to bring you to the illusion that you are better than them. I hope that those who bully will eventually realize tat what they are doing is wrong.

Michelle - 14 - Arkansas

I was bullied by almost every person in my class. No one else deserves to feel as lonely as I did.

Sasha - 15 - AR, USA

i am against bullying because so many people are hurting there selfs. When people bully other people they think its cool until somebody gets hurt and they want to start blaming others for there work. Being bullied does'nt hurt just you it hurts your friends too. I care for the sake of others and there feelings. well hope they feel better. Alright Alright Alright STOP THE BULLYILNG IT'S REALY NOT COOL THINK ABOUT YOUR FEELINGS

Jessica - 13 - new jersey

I was verbaly bullied when i was younger i know how words can hurt. I have this big thing about bullying i hate it. I want kids to know that they arent alone and someone does care. I wish that people would do more for bullying bc the more they dont the more teen deaths increases. Its not cool or funny to hurt someone. I hate to see someone get hurt. i know how it feels but i know it will get better just i hope they never give up and show them that you are better than the things they say and do to you. Keep your head and defeat the label

chasity - 14 - Auburn

i was bullying at school
so many times
,everybody is diffrent
and everybody not deserves

michelle - 16 - The Netherlands

If Your a bully then please stop for us because there will be consequences if you dont stop so please stop!

Dont want to - 12 - sc\goose creek

I agree with everyone else

Tahya - 14 - Maryland

so many people get hurt everyday beacause of bullying.bullying can cause stress,bad grades and even worse never happened to me but it makes me so sad to see all those parents how have lost their kids because of  bullying.

ramaya - 12 - south carolina

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