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I Care Because
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Know one deservs to be bullied. I know some people at my school that get bullied. But most of them get bullied behinde there back. I used to make fun of people but then i stoped becuase i noted how bad it het them and so now i hang out with them. soetimes i stand up for them. If your a person that gets bullied tell a teacher or an adolt if they dont do enything about it then tell a parent.NO one needs to be bullied.

Tiffany - 12 - North Bend N.E

i got bullied hurts alot because everyone sees you in pain and they try to do somethinq but they cant because then the bullies will follow them and do somethinq to them....
my best friend emiluy helped me and supported me the whole time even though they judged her she didnt care at all....i think?? but she was ALWAYS there for me...
THATS a TRUE FRIEND riqht there

michael lover<333 - 13 - chicago/school

 my friends got bullied and it hurt her... and me everyone gets affected so i wanted to do something and i did i told the teacher and when they diddn't lisen i told my parents and so did my other friends and my parents took a stand to help when my friend and i both needed it i could not stand her being so upset so i did something about it now the question is are you?

anna - 12 - iowa

Nobody deserves to be treated like that.
Also if he/she is fat or too skinny.
Also if he/she dresses different.
Also if he/she doesn't act normal.
Also if he/she is too little or too tall.
Everybody is perfect in there own special way. 

Elianne - 12 - The Netherlands

I  care because I care.....Its important....

Armando - 13 - Texas

Ibeen bullied

PauSchawgMilitia - 10 - El Paso Texas 79938

Ive been bullyed most of my life . I was sad and mad and dident know what to do . I felt Lonely and with no bosy to talk to . 

Luis Bamf izzy - 14 - EL paso \ Texas

Beacause I was once  a bully and I regret doing it. I had to do a powerpoint about bullying then I realized how bad it was so I stoped, beacause i felt really bad.

Izzy Parker - 25 - Teaxas

I typically dont get bullied, but it happens around me. I know it can get annoying, but just keep your head up. Let those haters hate.

The Rad Lad - 16 - Port St. Lucie

i hate the sight of someone being hurt and it make sme angry every one is equal and everyone is amazing. i've never been bullied but my heart my heart goes out to all of you who have i love you be strong :)

Cara - 15 - Texas

I don't like getting bullied because I'm different it hurts, and all my friends would agree with me. They don't want to see me kill myself or cut my self anymore, I just need help with my bullying :'(

Tonni-Marie - 16 - Kars Ontario

I have been a bully. I bullied a girl on the school bus after school every day in 6th grade because that was my way of dealing with problems at home, and just a few weeks ago, i saw her facebook status, saying how she wanted to kill herself. and i felt awful knowing that i was one of the causes of her considering suicide. if she actually went through with it, i don't think i could've lived with myself. i felt disgusted that i didn't have the respect to not put her down and tease her all the time. so i messaged her and apologized for everything i've done. we're now friends. she didn't commit suicide and i am so thankful for that. but it's sad how someone killing themselves is what it takes to open the bully's eyes on how serious this can be. if you're being bullied, there is hope. you're perfect just the way you are and there's no excuse for anyone to bully you in any way.

Tabitha - 15 - Ohio

I've been bullied and because of these persons, I lost confidence about myself and I've become introverted... Why do people hurt other people?! I just don't get it! There are worst problems in the world, why should stupid people create problems which are less important than the starvation in poor countries, than the wars, than the unemployment or the crisis?

Joanna - 16 - France

on a daily basis I see 200 students pass through my care.  I want them to know that bullying is not acceptable, and there is support for them.  I was once the victim... and I don't want my children or the children I care for to be the victim.  

Laura - 32 - PA

i dont want to loose anymore friends! seeing pain and sadness once our love ones are gone, and even relizing i didnt know about all of their pain .. hopeing that i could of stopped it. i care because i want bullying to stop 

Justus - 15 - Kansas

i don't like standing on the side lines whatching others gett hurt, and not doing , anything and now i realsie i have a voice and im going to yuse and now its time.

tamsin - 14 - uk

bullying is a bad thing and people shouldn't be doing that it can cause you a lot of damage 

kimberly - 15 - massachusetts

i may have not been bullied but i do that it sucks! being bullied doesnt just hurt you it hurt hurts your friends! 

tristen - 16 - oregon

i dont'like violence and bullying and in my school we talk about this ,
and i have to make a good speech for the ways to stop violence at schools so let's stop violence at school

amani chouchane - 14 - tunisia

Never should a little girl be afraid to go to school in the morning, or cry herself to sleep the night before. No one should wnat to kill themselves because of a few simple but harsh words out of a stranger's mouth. 

Ingrid - 13 - CA, USA

ive been bullied in year one and it hurts im sick of acting all strong and hide my feelings and fake a smile im really sick of it, if something happens i blame myself why? cuz im used to it. I got into a fight with one of my friends and then she said that im a stone without feelings, i hid every thing until one day in gym class i shouted at  her till i cried then i told a teacher that i really trust but first so nobody can hear i told her that i cant breathe but then when i went to her office and i told her everything and my friend wrote to me that i cried so everyone can hate her. but words really hurt and then another wise teacher told me that you musnt be afraid to show ur feelings so people can see that you are strong but you also have feelings becarful with their words.

Shaika - 12 - qatar

hi my name is mitchell in school  pople will tell me i my fat . and fat  all day  i cam aeromexico  i got  sad  very day  popie make fmmy of me because i had add  . but demilouto and me went threw the same thing  2 yers i  was happy

mitchell - 10 - patutugai

people at my school constently bully me and my friend and iv tryed going to teachers in elementry scool but it never worked and at dawes middle school in lincoln NE tons of my friends and even people who bulled me are getting bulled and i want to put an end to it demi lovato has said alot about bulling and i want to be like her and go against bulling.

Elizabeth - 11 - Lincoln NE

I was bullied since the Second Grade. Friends who would like me before now thought I was a horrible person when I didn't do anything. No one believed me, and the rare people that did didn't say anything. To this day, even though she bullied me until a few months ago, my best friend never said a word to her. I didn't know what a true friend felt like. She started rumours, she said things to me on facebook, she yelled at me in the hallways. I went to the counselors about this from elementary to high school. Until last year, my administrator suggested to go talk with her parents for the last time, and if things don't change, then he'll would have talk to her personally. After we talked to her parents, she stopped being so obvious about it. We didn't go the administrator, things were ok. I care because I know how much it hurts to be alone, to have people judge you, talk about you, ignore you, and be mean to you from 360 degrees, all around. I care because I want this to change. 

Mythri - 15 - il

I care because I was bullied a lot when I was younger. I was physically and verbally abused everyday and even when I changed schools because of it, I still was bullied at the new school. When I was twelve, I started cutting because of the past and I still do... but I don't want anyone to have to endure bullying. There is hope. I hope everyone knows that.

Steff - 14 - CA

Every day l look around and see people getting teased just beacuse what their wearing and how they look. There are some days that I don't even wanna go to school  beacuse I rather avoid all this drama!! Sometimes I fell like every ones the same like we all have to act like one another just beacuse were afraid that people will tese us beacuse were different. In my school u can never be yourself people think that being vain is a good thing but it's not beacuse the real beauty is in the inside so if u are one of those people who care more about vanity than anyone else the truth is you're not so "beautiful" afther all.The real beautiful people in this world are people who don't pay attention to what they wear. All they care about is the kinda person they are

Brianna (FYI :inner beauty97) - 12 - Virgina beach va

I don?t want other kids to be experiencing bullying and how devastating and hurtful it can be. I have experienced bullying both at school and online. Others students teased me because they thought I was a little kid. They teased me because I loved Disney. People made fun of me because of my glasses. Many students are home schooled because of what bullying has done to them. These students may never enjoy the pleasure of school. Some people cannot take it, so they risk their own life. It only takes one word, one word, to hurt someone?s feelings. The saying ?Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me? is not true. Words can hurt more than anything else in the world. I hope one day, bullying will come to an end. There are already many lives lost. We don?t want to lose another because of a hurtful word.

Jenny - 16 - South Pasadena

There are so many beautiful people that change themselves for other people and turn themselves into something that they are not and it just makes me sick that some people would sit there and pick on them and hurt them and go OVER the limit  that that person has nothing to live for!!!! And when those people arent there anymore those bullies didnt even have a chance to say sorry!!!! And i know it isnt right to think this but i hope those bullies live with that in their head and i hope they feel terrible about it!!! LETS STOP BULLYIONG TODAY BY SIMPLY GOING UP TO A PERSON THAT IS BULLIED AND TELL THEM THAT EVERYTHING IS GOING TO BE FINE AND THAT YOU ARE THERE AND THEY ARE SAFE KNOW!!!! SO LETS STOP THE BULLYING AND TAKE A STAND!!

isabelle - 11 - new york

people deserve to know they are beautiful it's hard enough for people to get by not knowing who they are but when people try to tell them they aren't good enough they believe it WHICH IS NOT TRUE! 
I care because as a teenager I know what it's like to be on all sides of bullying it's not cool and it hurts.
I care because if I didn't I won't have the heart to stand up for myself and everyone else who is being mosguided into thinking they aren't extraordinary. Beauty and Worth isn't measured but skin, looks, money, it's about who you are inside and as much as people think it's corny the sappy deep stuff people tell you is true you are beautiful. Your beautiful not because of the things you have but because of the thing you do and the things you say. I care because no one should have to fear being them selves in their life you are meant for greatness, you, you, you not a copy and original. You are priceless you are a truly unique you. :)

Jasmine Brown - 16 - Cananda/ Ontario

People always look at me like I'm the stupidest kid in school. Sometimes they don't say it directly but the way they act just meant a lot. Actions do speak louder than words.. these bulllying need to be stop! Just threat people the way you want to be threated.

Noorul - 15 - Malaysia

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