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I Care Because
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I care because I'm sick of it. I've been bullied by one of my friends, several times. Imagine, you like a boy, and because you are fat and dress as a goth, someone who is suppose to be your friend says "Well, your courtship's impossible, but try". It's not the first time I heard stuff like that, and when I remember this, the only thing I want is crying. I always do a lot for her, but the only thing she can do is put me down. And everytime she have a boyfriend, things get worse. She only talk about him, and throw me some looks, like "Eheheh you should envy me, I have a boyfriend and you don't, I'm the best" and millions of etc's. Now imagine that all your friends have boyfriend, and you are the only one who don't interest to anyone, never, and because of that, you are always picked up. And why? Because you don't exist to anyone, except for your family. School can be a nigthmare. Have I reasons to smile? No. I smile? Yes. Because if I care about that, I will be depressed for the 2nd time in my life (this first was when I have 14). I tried to not care about that, but I can feel that I'm become depressed, but I'm trying to fight against that. Wish me luck...

Oriana - 17 - Portugal

I've been bullied alot and I'm tired of it. I had a game made up about me in the 3rd grade and everyone knew it and even my teacher didn't care. I hate being bullied because it's not right. My favorite quote is "I may not be the prettiest, smartest, or strongest, but at least I'm me, and don't pretend to be someone that I'm not meant to be." Remember that everyone is unquie in EVERY way. No matter what color, what you look like, or how you act. If they don't know your past they have no reason to judge. And if you stand up for what you believe in, no one can tear you down. Remember "You Were Born This Way". -Lady Gaga.

Kira - 14 - Virginia

I have been bullied since I was in 2nd grade. Once I was pushed into the middle of the street.. I was always bullied because I was fat and ugly. I want all of you to know that you don't have to look like everybody else to be beautiful, love yourself and believe in yourself. Don't let haters hurt you, let them motivate you! It may be hard but you just have to stay strong.

Amber - 13 - PA

i have been bully alot and by more then one person.only if they knew how i felt every time they bully me.bulling is no hurts,its mean,and the bully don't know how much it hurts the other person. i have been bully for 5 years and i'm glad that there is a way to fix it.i hope some day that bullying can stop.i know two people have my back.

jamie - 10 - Oklahoma

Last year i try try to kill myself because i being pick and some other problems. Picking on kids and calling it hurts all. I know. Cause I was alway pick cause i was different and because i was in learning center. They very hurtful names. IT can kill someone. even you dont mean it to happen it does. they safe way to not hurt. Just dont say a bad thing about them.

Catherine - 18 - Us

the smallest words can scarr us for life internally because It's a long and hard process to pick up all the peices of a broken heart, that is why i think hearts should just be full of joy and love x <3

sabrina - 14 - London

I have been bullied a few times . Nothing too bad . But after getting bullied by these 2 girls that were a year older then me . . I was too scared to go to school . Not even an hour into school I could last . I was crying and in tears by 2nd hour . But since then , everything has been on the easier road for me . Until 7th grade begun , I lost friends because of obnoxious rumors . I was hurt . I was so sad when I went to the bathroom and noticed that there were writings in there about me . I was heartbroken . But now that that was settled . I support everyone in my school . And I try my best to help my friends and family recover from depression or recover from the state of being bullied . <3

Angel - 13 - Minnesota

I've been bullied and I know how it feels; I don't want others getting hurt from being bullied. 

Via Mae - 14 - Hawaii

I care because NO ONE deserves to be put down by other friend has been bullied so much and he thinks that people dont even want him in this world anymore. Now how cruel is that. I am sick of people treating other people like dirt. He is a wonderful person that i would not like to lose in my life. <3 

Lexei - 13 - Missouri

I was bullied by someone who use to be my bestfriend. I know what it feels like. And now i dont want ANYONE to feel what i did. It had to end.

Itzel - 15 - Texas

People dont know how the statement "you're fat" or stupid can really hurt.  
Stop bullying!

Shania - 15 - new jersey

I know what it feels like to be bullied. It pretty much took over my life and I hate it. I don't want anyone else to feel this way.

Randi - 11 - Illinois

I am bullied and i feel lonely. My life has been miserable since that day on. My grades went down and there's nothing to live for. The words are stuck on my mind and its killing me inside.

Grace - 12 - IDN

I've been bullied when i was 8, people called me " fat ". Words can hurt so bad!  Make a change, stop bullying.

Yousra - 13 - Morocco

I was bullied to the poimt of starvation, I'm never going to be what they want me to be. Eating use to be so simple, not now. It's a fight. Everyone tells me how sickly thin I look, to me I'm not thin. But It's not all about looking thin, its about control. Those people ruined my veiws on life, and I couldn't watch anyone go through the same as me, It'd be too cruel.

Chloe - 13 - England

I've been bullied a lot before and I want to help people who have been in my situation. I want to make a difference in the world and help people. 

Anonymous - 12 - USA

I myself have been bullied and it's not a joke when someone get their feelings hurt.

Ryan - 13 - California

i know what it feels like to be bullied

nia - 11 - mi

my mom will not let me even have a Facebook account because there are so many people no matter how old or young their are that are bullying

shannon - 13 - MO

ive been bullied science i was 5 it got so bad that i did homeschool 

danielle - 16 - arziona

I think bullying is wrong because you would not like to be treated like that at all so lets stop! and make the world a better place 

mihivan - 15 - fargo nd

I care because, when I  was in kindergraten and grade 1 I was bullied all the time. And they did nothing! I mean it was horrible the girl that bullied me called me fat and stuff! And you would go to the teacher with somthing like bullying they sayed" well it'll get better " .But even when she was bullying me i guess i didn't care because i knew it wasn't true. So after when my parents broke up,  I moved. I haven't seen her since but now I  guess there was no point in bullying me cause she got no reaction out of it. now im in the best  middle school  ever, with some of the best freinds i've ever had!!!  

Franny P - 11 - Canada, N.B.

stand up and speak up or you will never make it out. thats what my brother always tells me. i am bullied a lot, even though i was voted most athletic in my freshman year. i will resend my bros message. stand up, speak up, and help others.

Patrick - 15 - New York, NY

I care because I'm the person who gets bullied. I live everyday with kids calling me fat and ugly. I alway feel like I'm worthless. But when I get home I see my mom and dad and brother and sister and I tell myself that I have everything I need. I'm going to grow up and find the right person who loves me and I'm going to get a great job. So don't hurt yourself just because someone says something or does something mean to you because most of the time you're a lot better then them. 

April - 14 - Amherst, NY

Ive been bullied my entire life since 5th grade.  I just wanted it all to stop, all on its own, but i realized that for it to stop, you have to make a move.  A lot of my friends are bullied for the people they are.  They are called names that are horrible, even though most are smart, have great personalities, and have some popular friends.  So i work out a lot so that i can protect myself and others.  Speak out if your getting bullied, dont just sit there and wait for the rainbow after the rain.  Thats what i always say.

Ian - 13 - Charlestown, NH

I was bullied throughout my life AND STILL AM. I hate the feelings of depression I get throughout the day. Sometimes I don't want to go to school because I'm afraid. I care because I know the horrible feeling one gets from getting bullied- and I HATE IT. Why can't people understnag we have feelings :( . Instead of bullying people, STICK UP FOR THEM.

Kathy - 14 - Chicago, IL

everday bullying accurs to people every including me time to time. ive stood my ground but i cant say that to all students. Ive recently found out how my friend kelisha died. she hung herself from kids who bullied her. When you look at someone you dont think they are really build, but changes are they are. I see bullying around my school
Lawerence road middle school in Hemstead, New York. they dont do anything. they also dont know or take the time to observe and sort out the problem. i will do anything to help out. No matter gay, straight, Bisexual, Fat, skinny,ugly, pretty, cute, black, white, spanish, asian, or idian. you dont deserve whats happing do something stand up. Im not just saying something im doing something not as a someone who just wants to play along but a friend.

phillip - 12 - New York/long island/ baldwin

My friend got bullied alot in elemantry school. She is a sweet person  so it made no sense to me. I hate bullying, being a victim myself. I am trying to stop it and it is hard. But with everyones help it can be accomplished. Bullies try to be cool, but anyone who bullies isn't truly cool.

April - 11 - Connecticut

Millions of kids are bullied, And sometimes commit suicide. It isn't funny, It's wrong.

Adriana - 13 - IL

i get bullied all the time, i've been called just about every name there is...i know how  all of you are feeling, the bullying hasn't ended yet but i have hope that someday it will. i have an 8 year old brother and a 10 year old stepsister, they already get bullied and i can't stand it, so i'm trying to go into the schools and talk to the students there.  bullying needs to end, not a single person deserves to feel the way i /we do. i hope that everyone that gets bullied can someday look back and know that it only made them stronger...<3

mackenzie - 15 - bristol. ct

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