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I Care Because
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I was picked on from 7th grade through high school. Junior year I started to not care what people thought and decided to try and stop changing so people can like me and just be me :) I want to help children understand that it doesn't matter what people think, true friends will like you for who you are :)

brittany - 19 - illiinois

i have been bulled by people and tthere words really hurt me it made me feel sad and at the same time hurt by there words.i tryed to forget about it but i couldn't because i started to feel the words that those people said.

lacy - 14 - nevada

I was bullied  back in middle school .I was being bulliped for being different than everyone else.i could take being bullied for being different.i made a suggestion to my mother about me bme being home schooled.And she didn't know i was being bullied i finally found the courage to tell my mother that I was being bullied.

JOsiah - 17 - Ca

if you were the person getting bullied you wouldnt be happy. I used to bully people because that was my personality .... not cuz i was jealous or down on my self..(i am down on my self) but because some people stood out in horrible ways that i couldnt stand so i pickes on them. No good came from the start or end but i cant get myself to quit and carma has its ways.

Christina - 14 - ny

I was bullied in the 3rd grade.  I was bullied physically, mentally, and emotionally.  I was bullied physically by these girls sometimes grabbing me really hard by the wrist if I didn't do what they wanted.  I was bullied mentally because they kept manipulating me and playing with my head.  I was bullied emotionally because they bullied me about my appearance and it really brought me down.  But then I realized that I was letting myself be fooled by these girls, and they made me believe they were my friends when they weren't and that hurt a lot. It means a lot to mean when I hear that people are getting bullied everyday.  I care because I know what it feels like and it isn't good.  I'm glad I have good friends that helped me get through it, but still to this day the memories still haunt me.  But this is the first time I'm speaking out publically, and if you are a bully reading this please stop.  You are ruining someones life in a BIG way.  If I can give some piece of advice it's this:  stay strong and don't let anyone bring you down.

Liz - 13 - New York, USA

my bff's life was thretend once she was soooooo scared she didn't talk for days affter that i don't want that to happen to anyone else ever

ashleigh - 12 - Colorado

I hurt people who didn't deserve it because I was hurt, and angry. I hurt so many innocent people and I realized that they didn't do anything to me, and it's okay to let people in. 

brittany - 17 - Greenville, SC

I am recently getting bullied and I know how it feels when you are getting bullied. Ive tried to stop this but it continues. Anyone who bullies just does it because they want to feel better of themselves. Ive done mistakes thats why they bully me and im going down because of that. I want some advice and talk to people who have the same situation as me. I am against bullying and need help if not I might end up getting myself hurt, but I am getting help emediattly. Thanks for listening.

Jaresly - 14 - CO

I care because I have been in bulling accidents threw my life. I always get called quiet and always get pushed around. Sometimes I want to give up, but I know i'm not alone, Everyone is different. Lets fight this bulling together! 

Natalya - 13 - UK

I have been bullied, online and off- it's hard, i know. But what I did is i told a teacher or a parent, and i just pretended like it didn't bother me, because then they would think that they are not bothering you or they do not have power over you. It worked, but only for a short time. I tried it until I couldn't handle it anymore- that's when I told a teacher. People still to this day pass me in the halls or online, saying things that I wish that nobody would ever say to someone, because it is just so hurtful. In our school, we do have Peer Advocates, and I did join, and things have been better lately, but the pain will never go away. It would be terrible to see someone else in the halls or in the lunchroom or somewhere, and they are alone, no one to talk to, so I would go hang out with them, because I know what it is like,  and I don't think that anyone deserves to be bullied.

Mariah - 13 - United States

I was bullied also....and it sucks because i droped out of school.and now i have to take my not being able to graduate...its also very hard if your an easy heart broken like me..but you have to be strong..eventhough its hard..gou still gotta try:)

mary - 21 - Texas

bullying is wrong! Seeing people take there life over this hurts. I know what  it feels like to be bullied and to want to die. But I had great friends who helped me overcome it. 

Teneyah - 16 - Michigan

(I may mess up a little on words because as i'm writing this i am crying)I've always been known as the "Geek." I remember one time in 3rd grade I was walking home from school when one of my best friends was getting beat-up by a fifth grader. So i went and got my teacher to call the police. But before i came back they were both gone. The next day my friend stayed home. "The bully" saw me walking around the playgroung alone right after the bell rang to go home.  He  approached  me and slapped me across my face. He then said "Snitches get Stitches" and left. I was crying my eyes out in pain. I ran home and told my mom about it. She didn't believe me. Things like this went on until i was in in the 6th grade. Because no one would listen i tried to end my life and i would choke myself until i passed out. I also wouldn't eat so i would starve to death. But i never pulled through with it because i always thought about my three beautiful nephews. If i were to commit suicide, they wouldn't have an auntie to look up to. So, i decided to do online school to get away from the bullies. This never really helped because i would get abused online. I would be so emotional at some points of my life that i wouldn't do anything. That was until i heard about Demi Lovato's story. I thought that she was a person like me. And even though i never met her, she saved my life. Now i want to help! 

Avery - 13 - Pueblo, Co.

I've been there. I know what it feels like to think the whole school is after you, that you don't mean anything to anyone. It does get better. My middle school years were the worst years of my life. Even today I try to forget them and can't. I was the school outcast and prime target for bullying. I was taunted, teased, cussed out, even beaten up. But I never gave up hope that it would one day get better. And it did. High school was a new start for me. I made friends and started to figure out my identity. The point is: it may be bad now, but never give up hope, it will only get better.

Wes - 19 - Wisconsin

I from Germany and my son been bullied alot. Sorry about my english it bad. I want my son happy so that we can have good life!

Mr.Schwartz - 47 - California

i care bicause when iwas in the midle school was 8 grade all the kids trate me like weard the first point was bicause i was  hindi so they think bicause im hindi im weird so they starts bulliying me ciber bulliying me and things well now they stop yay now im freedom thanks for make this web site it help me alot from this :( for this :)

selena rioz - 16 - miami

I was bullied all through Jr. High and so far, most of high school. It hurts. Being bullied can ruin your life. I began self-harming myself for it because I was so alone. I only had two friends and we always fought because I was so depressed and I was never happy. Bullying is a terrible thing and it shouldn't be done. It gives you a horrible feeling. It knocks down your self worth and confidence. You end up believing every word they say about you and spiraling downward. It's never an easy thing to deal with. I still deal with it. I'm still trying to overcome my addiction to self-harm as well...

Amanda - 16 - Texas

I didn't get bullied in school, but I saw it happen and I never did anything about it. Guilt and knowledge has led me to realize that I have to end this now. It is my job to stop bullying with every opportunity I have.

Lauren - 19 - Illinois

My son is a special needs child and has been bullied at his school since the first grade.  He is currently in the fifth grade and it is continuing. After many heated battles with the school, we are now seeking an attorney.  If we don't stand up for these children, then who will?!!  Please help stop the abuse.  I could write a book on all the things done to my child and all I get are excuses.  As of Friday I was thrown out of the school due to a heated argument with the principal and vice principal.  I will stand up for my child and any others that are in this situation.  I was very willing to go to jail to prove my point.  PLEASE HELP!!

Tonya - 44 - Arizona

my friends as we speak are being cyberbullied by a bunch of guys who are calling them fat and ugly. I care because it isn't right for such beautiful and amazing people to be bullied. 
We had an aseembly at school with a father talking about how his son killed himself from being bullied, and I do not want to see or heear about anyone going through this. We need to raise awarreness

Sara - 17 - Long Island, NY

I was bullied when i was little and to this day still suffer from the effects. I have self harmed and been anerexic since i was 13. People always say that sticks and stones may break your bones but names can never hurt you. It is so untrue... names and things people say hurt way more than hits. Trust me i've dealt with both. Bullying is in no way cool and i hope with ever fiber in my body that if enough people stand up that it can be stopped once and for all. BULLYING HURTS! 

Jessica - 19 - Canada, BC

everyday for three years i was bullied 
and now when i see little kids being 
bullied it pisses me off. i was mainly
 bullied because i was fat short and 
sensitive. but now when i see an other 
person getting bullied i speak up. because 
i dont want to see another person get hurt 
like i did so thats why i support the anti-bullying

john - 19 - Sinton, Tx

teens r age r getting hurt to much :(

taylor - 13 - cornwalll

Everyday, I witness bullying.  I find it difficult to stand up for others, thinking that if I do, then I will become a target as well.  Now I realize that I would rather be bullied and help someone, than watch them having to deal with the full blow alone.  It is in no way, shape, or form "cool" to bully.  Do not be afraid to stand for what you believe in. You may be surprised at what you as an individual can accomplish!

Lauran - 17 - Wathena, KS

people who bully are usally bullied at home.

So if a friend comes to school with bruises don't hesitate to ask what happened and if they say they were bullied to the point of abuse tell someone..

anastazia - 13 - New York

i have been bullied and have witnessed bullying. bullying is a massive thing and it needs to stop. to the person bullying it may seem like a laugh, but the person who is bulllying it can have serious affects on their life. lets stand up together and fight bullying. Try to help people befor it gets to far, or too late. 

kirsty-lee - 18 - UK

Some people are mean. I used to be Bullied and it really does Hurt!

Brandon - 15 - McColl sc

I wasn't born in Holland so I've always felt like I didn't belong here .
I'm diferent then the rest and I guess that's something that will always folow me

Larissa - 16 - Holland

I care because no one deserves to be bullied. No one deserves to feel like they are worthless. No one deserves to be tormented everyday. No one deserves to be put down.

Everyone deserves to be treated equal. Everyone deserves to feel like they belong. Everyone deserves to know that ther are people out there who care and are trying to stop bullies int thier tracks.

Lets put an end to this.

Kurstan - 18 - Texas

I started getting bullied in Grade 6. They used to call me names and make fun or how I looked, I used to start hating the way i looked and how I was. I changed a few things about me and I would feel self conscious and I would always wonder in my head "What did I ever do to you?" In Grade 8 this guy actually made me cry at school because he said something really mean about my physical appearance. He later apologized and said that "he didn't mean it" It doesn't matter if you dont mean it! The fact that you said it in the first place is just rude and disrespectful! I am now in Grade 10 and i still get bullied sometimes because im not "cool" or I dont act "normal". But I stopped getting angry and started to accept the fact that I'm not perfect, Nobody is perfect and I wish those kids knew. I care about all those kids who are too scared to stand up for themselves. I care because Bullying is Mean and should be put to an end! <3 Stay strong and Be proud of who you are!

Stevie-Lynne - 15 - Canada, Sk

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