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I Care Because
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I was bullied every day in Junior High, and it pushed me to the point of self-harm. I felt the only way to get rid of the emotional pain was to cause physical pain upon myself...I was wrong...The mixture of daily bullying and then the self-harm I eventually wanted to end it all: suicide felt like the solution. I did not want to go to school was awful. I was called gay and pushed around all because I had more friends that were girls and that I was in choir.. I care because I want this horrible act to end. I care because no one deserves to go through what the victim of bullying goes through. I want to stop this, and I really think that we can and will!

Colton - 16 - Louisiana

I get bullied for being fat! it hurts alot. I always become so insecure of my self that i almost cry every night. it hurts alot, i can't say that i am enjoying it! i get very embaressed. Almost every day i ask my sister or my mother if i am fat or not! now a days i don't eat that much anymore i actually would get happy if i eat less! i know that i have this whole life in front of me that i really want to move on! and sometimes i bully someone without knowing it, i really don't realise it because of what i've bein thorugh it just feels like im not born to be somebody it feels like im not a person they want me to be i am so sad that i just wanna disapear from this world and jut wnaa cry all day! IT HURTS! and i really want to stop bullying!

Cristine - 11 - Philippines and Norway

I was bullied non stop through my years of school. I still am, though I am a Senior in High School. I want it to stop. I want to end bullying, not just for me, but for everyone. I care because I don't want it to effect my little brothers once they get into school. I want them to be as happy as they can be without all the negativity from bullies. I want it to stop.

Alyssa - 18 - Arizona

bullying is something thaat will effect a person for the rest of their lives and has serious consequences. I knew a girl in high school who was consantly bullied. She would tell teachers, but nothing changed. She became depressed as a direct result of bullying and ended up taking her own life. Please don't ever let this happen to someone you know. Bullying is a serious problem and needs to stop!

Jordan - 21 - Washington

I was bullied to so I just wanted every one to know that their not alone in their fight to be treated equalys one.  

Brittney - 11 -

i was tormented throughout elementary school and part of middle school. the girl that bullied me the most made me feel worthless and usless.

Emily - 12 - USA

I bully people and i have been bullied a little but it is not right and it doesn't make you feel good  no matter what. It hurts many people and it could hurt you and I want it to stop because nobody is better or more powerful then anyone else so we need to all just stick together and be friends and STOP BULLYING! you wouldn't like it if it was your best friend, cousin, brother, sister, or even YOU committing suicide because of the immature people who think they are all that. It needs to end and people who bully need to get help and stop all this drama and picking on  people!

Veronica - 13 - NC

I hate bullying..It sucks...For all you bullies out there, have you ever thought how the person you bully/bullied (victom) feels when you bully them, how many times they have been bullied? They are different people. Everyone is different in their own way. They have just about as many rights as you do, even is they have cerebal palsy. 
Sometime bullying leads to sewaside. No one wants that.
Do you? I've been bullied before and i hated it. It makes people feel veeerrryy upset. I know I did.

Breanne - 13 - Belleville

I know how it feels to have people who don't know the first thing about you… absolutely hate you… for a reason you have no idea. I myself know what it's like to come home from school every day crying, and having to put on that fake smile again the very next day. I care because I feel closer to the people posting on this website more than anyone I've ever met in my life. 

Laura - 14 - Melbourne, Australia

I was bullyed then tured arround and did it to someone else...i dont want anyone to do the same was a big mistake. 

Amelia - 14 - KY

i wa bullied in my childhood once cause i was different from the others and the way i spoke especially they would call me a nerd cause i was in a spanish school and i knew english so i would always pass english with A+ or A 

Dom?nica - 14 - rome, italy

i have been bullied for 8 years of my life i am now 14 and then i found this website hopefully it will help me out

Donovan - 14 - canada

So-far in my  life i have seen people bullied and abused by others who mistreat them just because they can. I have seen gay kids beat up, and what some like to call nerds forced to do home work and beat down upon to the point where they may have drawn blood or broke a bone. I cant stand the fact that people no matter what there age feel that can take advantage of others and do what they please. At my high school i was the cool kid, the kid that got all the girls, got good grades and was a pretty good athlete. I was popular you could say, yet i would hang out with those that were bullied and mistreated. Most of these kids were really my friends , but i hung out with a lot of them to make sure that no one would harm them. No one messed with me, so no one messed with them. To the kids that bully, we are all people and to be on the other end of stick or to be the one bullied can effect your life in a dramatic negative way. To make someone live with fear and hatred in there hearts, where joy and happiness should be just ant right. Just remember that karma makes its way around and hits you 10x. To those that are bullied hang in there and don't take any abuse from no one, get help because there are people out there who can help. Last to those like me who watch from a far, help them.

Scott Rose - 18 - Monsey New York

I've been bullied for many years and my friends have been bullied, I'm still bullied ;I've been called names that have hurt me a lot. I've been able to get through it thanks to my friends sticking up for me and telling me those people were wrong. I've been judged because of my looks and its not right   ,and whats worse is they think my pain is funny. I've been outcasted by a lot of the people in my school, I know what it feels like to be hurt and I hate it when I see it happpening to somebody else and I hate it more when I see somebody I care about geting bullied. Some one found out my phone number and bullied me by prank calls,and fake apologies. I was pushed to far once and almost hurt somebody luckly for "them" I had enough to self control to stop myself. I just want to see it stop, I don't wanna grow up and see my children get bullied like I was.

Rachel - 14 - Oklahoma

I have been bullied for many years because I was not the most fit or maybe not even the prettiest, but what has really affected me was seeing my sister go through so much torment in middle school. She had been bullied because these girls thought it was funny to start a rumor about her being this nasty girl who will do anything to get attention from guys. I came home everyday seeing how this effected her. She would come home crying so many nights, she was afraid to go to school because she didn't know what to expect from her classmates the next day. As she figured out she had no real friends, I was the only person (besides our mom) that she could confide in and know that I wouldnt turn my back on her. The bullying got so bad that she decided to switch schools, this was not her original plan but it got way to bad for her to handle. After moving schools she was a lot happier and nobody was bullying her any longer. After seeing the effects in my own household I have decided to take a stand against bullying, because it is wrong and hurtfull not only to the people getting bullied but to the ones they love as well. I love my sister and I am so glad that she no longer has to put up with the bullies at her old school.

Catie - 19 - Lancaster

" I care about my freinds i dont like that thay been bullied and never told any one:( "

yareli olivas - 13 - washington

I was constantly bullied all throughout my life. At one point, it got so bad that I started becoming depressed. Then, when I got to middle school, I decided I would be one of the "cool kids" who used to bully me verbally when I was younger. There was this one girl, who I ignored on purpose, who still stood up for me when I was being bullied despite all the bad feelings I had caused her. And that girl, is now my best friend. Because even after all I have done, she still stood up for me. So now, I am full heartedly against bullying. When I see someone alone, I say "hi" or when someone is being teased, I stand up for them. Bullying is never OK. It hurts people and can make them feel bad. Bullying sticks to you, and no one deserves to be bullied.             

Samantha - 12 - Everett. WA

well it is second quarter at my school, and the year is breezing past easly but there is one thing i don't like in my school.there are about 3 to 4 kids that have autisum in my school. they act a little diffrent than the other kids, like today 2 of them were passing by the band room and one of the kids reacted to the noise by shaking and covering his ears. i know that kids with autisum can react to noise diffrently than us. well this bully who was in my class started laghing at him and at least the rest of the class but me started laghing at him, too.
i felt so bad for him, what can i do to help this stop and make my school welcoming to all kids

Lizzy - 13 - United States

We have an 11year old son that is being bullied in school now, It was his best friend. We are very scared and very worried about him and his health. His school work is not like it used to be. We as parents care so much for our son and worry about him every day. Sometimes I sit and just cry all day. He goes to a school 20 miles away from our home. We would be there in a heart beat to keep him safe. this goes on every day, after day, there has been stuff written on the bathroom door stall. He finally told his Teacher about it and he had the principal look at it. The teacher cared enough to wash it off the wall, the best he could and was able to get most of it off. He has a very low self of steam of him self, so when he does come home from school we try to tickle him to see the smile on his face and we let him get us back and sometime it helps take his mind off of things for awhile. We love our son so much more than words could ever say. Sometimes he will snuggle and sometimes just goes to his room. We try to keep him buisy to do other things. SO ARE HEAT GOES OUT TO EVERY CHILD OR TEEN AND THE PARENT THA HAVE TO GO THOUGH THIS!! WE CARE FOR YOU TO.. Thank you for listening.... NO one needs to be bullied!!!!!!

Nan M - 0 - Minnesota

violance should never be the answer.

Holly - 17 - NY

alot of my friends have been bullied and never told any one.i ended up telling someone and changed there life .they were thankful but i think that you should tell someone.

dallas - 13 - florida

Bullying=hearts broken,embaresment,crying,scared,and being would not want do something like that to someone.i used to be bullyed and i know how it i will help to stop bullying

dallas - 13 - florida

I am bullied but not all the time. it hurts but I do not tell because parents over react.     I want to put a stop to bullying...................................................

joseph - 11 - va, phenix

On the bus i am bullid by being teasd and picked on. I didnt like it but my friend sat with me on the bus and it happend to her to it happen for 11 weeks and we couldnt take it anymore she told me she told the princable and now the bully doesnt mess with us anymore.

shelby - 11 - keysville Va

"i care because being bullyed is not funny any way a person gets hurt and being afraid in there own school were it is sopse to be a salf place for kids to learn others use school for hurting other kids and trust me bullying is not fun for anyone i know...

liliana - 12 - florida

I care because I was bullied for four years and it made me miserable. The bullying started when I was ten and it has not stopped. It has mostly been from the same girl and her friends. I don't want anyone to have to go through what I went through, and I what to bring an end to bullying. Nobody deserves to be scared, angry, sad or ashamed every day. To anyone out there who is being or has been bullied - even if you feel alone, please never give up hope that things can get better. You deserve to be happy no matter what the bully/bullies say.

Georgina - 14 - England

I care because I've been suffering from bullying for a very long time. Because of it, I've begun to self harm, as well as suffer from depression, anorexia and unrequited love. I don't want anyone to suffer the way I did. Nobody deserves to be tortured in this hurtful way.

Matt - 13 - Massachusetts

I am being bullied right now and i can't do anything about it. sometimes i feel as i want to kill myself. no one understands what i am going through. i want to atleast prevent what is happening to me to others. i want to care and help as i understand  what the victim feels and don't want them to experience that

Laila - 12 - Slough, UK

I want to stop bullying because i don't want any one to feel or see the horrible treatment i do! When people do it to me or some one else its so terrible that you don't want people to see you upset! 

Brittney - 13 - DE

I get bullied by people at school and it doesnt feel very good It hurts me when people say mean things, Sometimes i just dont want to be at school I want to get away from the bullying and the people that hurt me. 

Iesha - 13 - pueblo

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