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I Care Because
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i self harmed beause i was being bullied at school for three years  

tamsin - 15 - england

I've seen what bullying can do first hand. I wasn't the recipient but my little sister was. She would go to school and get harassed by girls who thought they were better than her. She would come home in tears and wouldn't talk about it to anyone. She would draw and write about it but the bullying never got better. It actually got worse. It kept going down hill, she started to go through major depression. One day she woke up and said she didn't feel good and my mom let her stay home from school. She tried to kill herself because she didn't feel there was any reason to live any more. I felt so helpless. I didn't know what to do to help her. Talking to the bullies didn't seem to help. So now I'm going to start an awareness in my school and community to show people that the words they say can be like two edged swords that destroy others. Nobody should have to go through what my little sister had to. I don't want anyone to have to see themselves or their loved ones be torn down at the expense of others.

Chelsea - 17 - Freetown, IN

All too often, I hear stories about children being bullied who don't know how to cope with the stress and torment. Growing up, I was bullied and became an introvert. I wasn't strong enough to realize I allowed them to take away my spirit. I want children to understand that they have a right to stand up for themselves and they are strong enough to stop the bullying today. 

Leslie Wiernik - 26 - Pittsburgh, PA

Nobody should judged anyone else because no one is perfect <3

Karen - 15 - Canada

people get hurt very often and i think it is wrong to bully im sayin this from the heart

lil d - 17 - richmond va

i never had a happy time before i turned 8. my sister alma tries to help me. i understand she was bullied but not by being called fat. i weigh 260 pounds and whenever i walked around my schools hall i saw people point at me and laugh. i dont want this to keep going on. Now im 8  and still bullied but i lost wieght and i have many friends. i dont care anymore me and my friends stand up for eachother and others too.

genesis - 8 - florida,hollywood

Bullying ruined my life. I look I'm okay now, but I will never have my childhood back. At the age of 6, I declared to my classroom I wanted to kill myself. I now realize that wasn't a "normal" thing. No one should go through this. Everyone deserves kindness.

Jonina - 16 - Philippines

I care and want to help because bullying can bring someone to their lowest low, and I don't want anyone to ever feel the way I used to.

Lauren - 15 - Baltimore, MD

I care because I have been bullied before. It was only from one girl, but she made me feel so ugly. My weight, posture, make-up, and hair wasn't right. I finally stood up to her and she eventually stopped. I then started standing up for other students and teachers as well! This is an amazing program and please help high schoolers graduate with a smile.

Sara - 18 - Couch, MO.

i care because being bullied is not fun, and i really want to end bullying, its sad how people went through for being bullied, i just wanna help them to end bullying.

John - 17 - Waterbury, CT

I have been a victim of bullying and it's really hard to deal with. Going through it alone only makes it worse. I know how it feels to have feelings of hatred directed at me. I remember the thoughts of suicide. I just want other people who are in the situation that i am in that it gets better. Just talk to someone, PLEASE. Don't do anything crazy. Someone can help. Trust me. I Know...

Lyonel - 17 - Donaldonville, LA

i care because there are people who are pushed around everyday and no one notices. They need a chance to live and enjoy their life. What you do when some gets bullied can really change their life. So when you see someone getting bullied sont just stand there, DO SOMETHING!

Anonomous - 15 - il

I care because I'm going through this right now and I think no one deserves this.
Bulling is nevre ok.It hurts people a lot.
I am shy and I don't want to tell to my parents what's going on but I think that here is the right place to write it.
Something needs to be done.

alessia - 13 - italy

I just to think it was okay to call people "gay" or a "faggot" or a "retard" but ever since i have been watching Glee, i have noticed that these things are actually wrong and that it is bullying. Noone deserves to feel in a way that makes them think they aren't worthy or lower than anyone else. I think bullying should stop. For Good.

Jayd - 15 - Hertfordshire

Bullying happens to everyone. Even the kids who think they are popular. We all have a life outside of school or anything. Show your feelings. ~(Stand up! Speak Up! Say it LOUD!)~

Jaryn - 11 - Amarillo,TX

I care because NO ONE desserves to go through the things I've been through. No one.. it hurts, it really does. I'm fed up and something NEEDS to be done. 

Sara - 16 - Michigan

...I've been cyber-bullied recently. Teenager use to be mean with some people just because they are frustrated or they've been bullied too.  But this is not right! And I think this is what we should to right now: making people understand bullying is not a normal behavior! We just lost too many lives. It must stop!!

Joanne - 16 - Romania

I useto get bullied 24/7 and i felt like it was my fault for years and i thought it was ok to bully other kids cause i was angry in the inside but as i got older i learned more and realized that bullying is not cool and it hurts alot of kids, so yeah thhis is why i cared and people feelings are important too.

lesley - 16 - bronx

Bullying is never okay; despite how angry someone may make you feel, that doesn't give you the right to try to bring someone else down. That just makes you look sad, and unloved.

Fatima - 14 - Atlanta

bullying is never, EVER acceptable. I came to a point where people would constantly call me fat in school, and even my family at home. I became bulimic and have been for 5 months now. I just want everyone to know that simple words can hurt people and affect their lives drastically. Bullying and teasing has to stop.

alyson - 14 - malaysia

One of my best friends has to be homeschooled now because of bullying. She didnt want to come to school or be at any of the school functions because people kept telling her she didnt belong. She went to the school administrators and they wouldnt do anything about it. Being a bully makes you no better than anybody else. Bullying needs to stop. Now.

Megan - 17 - London, Ohio

Bullying is NEVER okay anywhere! Not even cyberbullying, sexual harassment, physical and verbal bullying, public humiliation, and many others. I might be able to stand uo to end bullying in many places around the world. I can change what's happening in my school.

Malu - 14 - Florida

Not only me who's being picked on but my friends too, this must really stop in the whole world 

Ibrahim - 12 - Jordan, Amman

i care becuase i had to get homeschooled because of bullying people calling me name's spread the word stop bullying :) 

Jessica - 18 - Dillonvale OHio

My friend was being bullied by a group kids in high school and because of bullying i lost my friend. People always forget how much words hurt to people . We ALL need to put an end to bullying.

Jacky - 14 - Radcliff, KY

My highschool years were destroyed by people I thought were my friends. I had been bullied all year to the point where I was becoming unhealthy. I isolated myself and became depressed. I know now that I should've gotten help. Now I can take a stand and make a decision to make myself better and inform other people.

Amanda - 17 - Florida

i used to be bullied but now im a pro baseball player and every body wants money

tj stears - 18 - michigan/batllecreek

I have been bullyed before its not funny it hurts and it is rong so dont be a bully and if you see someone bullying tell them not cool and be someone that is being bullyed friend

William R - 9 - OHIO

it hurts being bullied I HAVE been bullied before because one time i got my bangs cut and everybody made fun of me words can hurt stop the bulling dont bully it is not nice it hurts peoples feelings

hannah - 8 - wilmington oh

I was bullied, and i think i might have been mean to some people that i didnt want to be mean to. We need to put an end to bullying because its not right 

Ev e - 13 - Australia

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