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I Care Because
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I too have been bullied in the work place as have others by one single employee.  She continues to get promoted and the rest of us sit in limbo because the top management is afraid of her lies and fabrication of events.  
This made me stop and think of all those who are vulnerable and not able to do anything about Bullying.  
Thank you for highlighting this issue.  It goes to show that bullying comes in to all ages, and in every single walk of life.

Kathy - 65 - Minneapolis, MN

I care because my daughter is a target of bullying.  I see how it has changed her from a normal, average preteen, into a depressed, anxious, and intraverted 12 year old.  I hear the stories of not only the children inthe school but also the teachers bullying my child and I am left to pick up the pieces.  I care because I love my child and know NO child should go through this.

Candice - 29 - Maryland

I have bullied a girl before.. which by then it was not too late to realise what I had did, so I said sorry to her, and made it up to her piece by piece, though I understand what I did was wrong, as after, I got bullied by a gang of people... I'd come home crying, self-loafing myself. Karma I guess, but a number of times i've seen people being picked on and stood in to tell them to stop, as the other day I was at my dancing class and this little kid when to another one 'HEY, YOU CAN'T DO IT RIGHT!, JUST WATCH HER. EUGH!, THATS THE SECOND TIME YOU'VE GOT IT WRONG', and I thought that was not right, I was about to stand in, but this girl who had been shouted at looked at me and smiled, I then went over to the other girl and said, 'don't be so rude, not everyone can get it in the first try, not even me' -this girl was 9.

Tara - 14 - Scotland

my mom toke me out of school iam in cyber school now

dorema - 12 - hazleton

hey im kayleigh, i just want to start of by saying i think this website has really made me overcome bullying and just try my best to ignore it. I think that the Demi Lavato's story really helped me the most i saw what she said the bullies called her. i myself went through the same being called fat and ugly and a minger, but now i think to myself i got my friends and family thats all i need and as jessie j says the the haters hate! there is no point in making someone feel bad to make you feel better! thanks demi you have really helped me over come it all! bigggggggeeeessst fan kayleigh evans from bragoed in wales!

Kayleigh - 12 - wales

I used to, and still am being bullied for multiple reason's.
I literally HATE crying, It makes me feel horrible inside, and i'm not much of an emotional person when it comes to people picking on me, But for the past 10 year's i have, no joke, been bullied.. non-stop.and come home crying almost every single day.No one has done anything about it, Iv'e talked to so many teacher's, Iv'e tried to deal with it myself which didn't get me far. People should not be bullied because it is not only a bad thing for you, but it shows you who that real bully is, A messed up person....only making fun of you, Just make make themselfs feel better. So whom ever reads this...Obviously has been, or has visioned bullying and WANT'S To make an end to it... I'm one of those people who want bullying to stop.
I, Jamie, Will Absoultely NOT Let bullies Bring Me Down. 

Jamie - 13 - Florida

i have seen many kids being bullyed and i feel so bad,I have been bullied alot by people in the 6th grade!It Hurts!I sometimes come home and cry and wish i would never go back,but i have not missed a day unless im sick,i cant even count how many times i've faked a sickness.My mom takes my Temp. I have to go to school!I Support All Causes Against Bullying!!

skyanna - 11 - Michigan

I want kids to love going to school. I think bullying is wrong to do and needs to stop. People need to get involved, we all need to put in an effort to end this. We all know it is bad and wrong to do but we do it anyway. Not for long, our world is going to change that!

Nia - 14 - pa

Bullying is one of the worst things one Earth.  I want to stop it.  I was bullied and it hurt.  I have been depressed and worried.  My dad has cancer and bullying makes it worse,  I am righitng a persuasive essay right now just to stop it.  I am almost doen and can't wait to see everybody's reactio. 

Alex - 12 - Missouri

My childhood has been a disaster. I get bullied the entire grade school years. They tease me queer and always make fun out of me. Know what, I always cry and cry and ask my mom, "why they always do it to me?"

Randy John - 18 - Philippines

I grew up with alot of bullying, with my brother to kids at shcool.
I will stand strong along with you all and show you all a great deal of support. We can do something about this if we all stand togeter!!

Tracy Goddard - 25 - Washington

my friends and famliy are beat becuase there deffrent and people just watch i get tired of it and i ask why do people not care.

allen - 13 - dallas city illinois

Everyday in my school discriminating words are thrown around the room or in the halls as jokes to their friends. If they are confronted they do simply find it jokely, they may not to have taken it seriously. But others around maybe feel hate or hated for feeling abnormal inside. Once hate builds up in a child or teenager it can feel like the world is crashing down on them. It's ignorance for not taken responsiblity for one's arrangement of words. Otherwise bullying at my school is not only jokes thrown around   it's rumors or harrassment that starts about as if it were nothing. Besides those factors I support the cause due to the fact I see it everyday, and everywhere even if it's not on school grounds. I used to think I was worthless, weak and so forth. I have been physically bullied and harrassed. But I have always stood up no matter the cost of what would happen the next day.

Whoever reads these comments please take them in consideration and stand up for those in need.

Amber - 15 - NY

I used to be bullied in elementary school and middle school. I have disabilities so I got bullied for that. Bullying needs to stop and schools need to step in to stop it. My middle school did nothing to stop it. 

Allison - 16 - MD

I lost one of my friends to bullying. They don't think that it hurts. Well it does and it changes a person's life forever. Like mine did. Put an end to bullying. 

Shelby - 16 - Appletn

I am a School Social Worker and I work with high school students in a Special Education Program.  I see students with different abilities every day and I care about each and every one of them.  I look at my students and see their strengths, but so many others do not do that. My students have been harassed, teased and bullied for being different for virtually their whole lives. It makes me sad and angry that I cannot do more to help prevent it. 

Meghan - 30 - Syracuse, NY

i used to get bullyed when i had glasses and short hair now that i have contacts and long hair i dont get bullyed u shouldnt get bullyed on ur appearence well u shouldnt get bullyed in the first place we should work togeather to stop bullying!!!1

bud - 14 - arkansas

Hi all - I'm a high school math teacher, and I was bullied often in middle school, mostly because I cared more about success and my grades than being popular.  I remember coming home from school crying to my mom because someone wrote "For a good time, call (my phone number)" inside a bathroom stall - in the GIRL'S bathroom!  

With the help of some great teachers, my true friends, and family, I grew up to be proud of the person that I am, and to not let what other people say hurt me.  Music and theatre was my outlet and I found acceptance there.  Now I am married to an amazing man and have wonderful friends who love me for me - especially for my dorky and weird side!  

Just want to encourage anyone who feels bullied to TELL A TEACHER YOU TRUST AT SCHOOL!  I would hate to know that I could have helped one of my students in an awful situation and not have the opportunity - although we look for signs of bullying there is so much we don't see.

Alison - 24 - RI

When I was bullied, everything was dark and I was lonley and afraid. But, then I realized that whoever tried to bring me down was already below me. And I stood up against bullying.

Sebastian - 14 - Mexico

I do not like seeing people get hurt,  i have aspergers syndrome. I am home schooled. Not every one has that option. Bullying is wrong.

Rachel Allison - 13 - GA

Bullying is a very cruel thing. No bully knows what it feels like to be bullied. I am takinng a stand against bullying and putting a stop to it when I see it.

Kelcy - 14 - Kansas

My kids matter as well as every other parents kids. And one of my kids is on the Autism Spectrum - the invisible syndrome. We all need to care and reteach our kids some of the values we were taught.

Tina - 44 - Reno, NV

People never realize that words hurt. They always bring you down until you feel so worthless. Bullying is very cruel and im taking a stand agianst it.

Ashley - 15 - semour, mo



i care beacause what if one day i get bullied i mean you never know 

ashley - 13 - texas,richardson

"Everyone is unique in their own special way. Everyone should feel cared for and loved. Don`t judge others unless you know their exact situation, and if you do judge, be positive. Say good coments. Just helping some one when they fall, or saying "Cute T-Shirt!" can make a HUGE difference. Some poeple say somthing nice but then start laughing , beacaise they`re faking it. Don`t fake kindness. Show real kindness. We can all make a difference. Even if you don`t say somthing mean, say somthing nice. Don`t ignore someone. That is just as bad as bullying. Defend someone when they are being bullyed . Don`t be a bystander. Don`t hate bullies, learn what they are really like. Most of the time, bullies have somthing bad in their lives. Like a bad home life, or mean parents or older siblings. Be friends with bullies, be friends with those who are bullied. Be nice and kund to everyone. If you are bullied, it gets better. Tell an adult or a friend. Confront the bullie publicly. Others will act too. You are not alone.

Alexandra - 12 - Alabama

I care because I've experienced bullying first hand, and I know how hard it is to speak up. We need to give other teens the confidence and educate them about how important speaking up is. Now, after being bullied I have the confidence to speak up, however I wish I had it years ago. 

Kat - 15 - WA

I don't think my principle doesn't like me because I have special needs and need help.  She always excludes me from events at school and does not speak to me.  She makes things up to exclude me that are not true.  I was bullyed by another kid who use to hit me and other girls in our class.  My lip bleed.  I had bruises on my arm. Because my family told on her she now excludes me from things.  

She refused to let me audition in the school talent show.   She said I did not turn in my forms. That was not true.   She won't let my 5th grade class come to the play I am in about bullying at our local theater this month.  Me and a 4th grader are in the play.  The 4th grade classes get to come see the 4th grader in the play but not the 5th grade class.  I am in the 5th grade.  They say the teacher made a mistake.  I won a contest for writing an essay for a language program.  I was suppose to present it to my class but I was not allowed to.  Sometimes it's not only children who bully it can be teachers, principles and children.  No matter who it is it hurts.  

Lana - 10 - St. Paul, MN

at first, I was bullied for my size. Then I was bullied for my effeminate qualities. Although it was sometimes a hurtful experience, supports were available to help me through the struggle - my family, my teachers, and my lifelong friends. Help is out there. Hesitation is a deadly habit. I will only push forwards and reflect. Work on bettering yourself and work on growing to understand a bully. You have an incredible means of problem solving. You will face various adversities in your life? You are not alone; don't stray from your ambitions. I love you. Work at it and keep strong.

Piotr - 23 - Illinois

"I know what it is like to have the fear of what will happen to me next. I used to come to school and I would keep my head down and just walk on by. I wouldnt talk to people and I would never go to any of the school activities. I have been assaulted, bullied, and harrassed, but that never stopped me from doing what i do best.....being me. I care because I know that I am not the only one out there that goes through things like this. And I know that I can not change anything, unless I take action. So I did. And now I am respected by my fellow peers at my school. I am a senior and I am proud to be a gay teen living in my town and going to my school. I do realize all that I had missed out on through out the years, but I am not gonna let my past control me, and neither should you. You are the writer of your own book, not those  that want to put you down or hurt you because you are different. My whole life, I have seen the cruelity of man and I have come to realize that it doesnt matter what they think. what only matters is what you think and do in your life to make you known around the world. Be the best you can be. And you will rise to the highest peeks of the world.

Forrest - 17 - Indiana

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