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I Care Because
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I care because sooner rather than later we should grow up and realize all people want is to be happy. Why not make at least one person happy every day and contribute to a better world! 

Jennifer - 24 - FL

I care because I have been bullied partly because of my height in elementary school.  I feel sorry for those who have been bullied because I can have empathy for them since I've been through bullying.  

Anna - 10 - New Hampshire

I was bullied in school from the time I was 10 years old.  It hurt me immensely that nobody liked me at all but when I came to live with my grandparents it all changed for me.  I found people who had things in common with me and I wasn't afraid to show what I was feeling anymore.

Celeste - 35 - Ontario, Canada

While they called me fat, weak, and childish, you called me beautiful and funny. While they called me freak, you called me special. That's all I ever needed. Just for one person to tell me the exact opposite of whatever they said.
After years of verbal, emotional, and sometimes physical abuse, I didn't think I could hold on much longer. No one seemed to care if I told them, so I just gave up. I fought back as much as I could, but because of my sensitivity, I would usually break down crying. 
This is to all of my bullies- thanks for making me stronger.
This is for D- thanks for everything. I love you. <3

Meg - 13 - Virginia

These stories really touch my heart

Hien Minh - 12 - Hanoi, VN

i think its important to stand against the bullies because its hurtful to so many people when they get picked on. take it from someone who knows i was teased and taunted for years about my weight and there was one point in my life when i just wanted to end it all but with help from my parents i moved on and now im in highschool and im still getting taunted but the only difference is i know how to STAND up for myself and NOT TAKE THE BULLYING!. so i will help stand against bullying because you never know whos life you might be ruining. 

Anyssa - 17 - Elmira Ny

"My brother is 16 and has a cognitive disability. All my life I've seen people who bully kids who don't know how to fight back or just straight up cant. I go to school and I see kids with cognitive disabilities who have a frown on their face until I tell them hello and give them a hug, because kids these days and even adults look down on children like my brother with faces that say they don't belong. You can't walk anywhere anymore without getting a dirty look from anyone. I love my brother and I care because cognitive disabilities, Gay, Parentless, and even Homeless kids cant stand for themselves."

Neekole - 18 - Walnut, MS

2 years ago, I was an ugly lookin  10 year old girl. everyone thought the other kids were cute. but actually, they were horrible. I can hardly remember it , but the thing I remember most was seeing my best friend laughing when they held me down to the floor and began beating me, that's why I care. IF ANYONE THINKS OF SUICIDE, IT'S NOT THE WAY OUT! YOU HAVE TO FACE IT! NOTHING WILL GET BETTER IF YOU LET THE BULLY WIN! ONE OF THE BEST THINGS TO DO TO A BULLY IS TO MAKE THEM FEEL SMALL...AND BACKCHAT TO THEM INSTEAD OF COWERING. 

katie - 13 - wales

I have Asbergers Syndrome. When i was in Public School I was bullied by a lot of different people. One day i sat down to pick some dandilions for my teacher in third grade. A girl said move or else, I didnt and she kept threatening me. I walked over to my teacher and told her what happened. Another time i made a friend and she made us do everything she said, if we didnt she would tell all our secrets to the whole school. During the end of the year she joined the cool crowd. So she called me and my friend things like blubber face, losers, and other things. I had the option to be homeschooled. I am now, and will be until next year when i attend high school. I heard she is still a major bully and gossip problem.

No more bullying - 15 - GA

I'm not gonna lie, I've done it once before. But when i got to highschool, it's come to the point where the popular girls make vomiting noises near me and the boys ask me out as a joke or a dare.

Caitlin - 13 - San Francisco, California

Bullying is not something that should be done to anyone. People that like to bully other people are just full of hate. They don't have anything better to do with their lives. I have been bullied before and it isn't fun. People say that My Forehead is bigger then other peoples but I don't see it. But does what they say affect me. I always try to blow it away but that doesn't always help. But I know I always have friends there to help me. If you are being bullied tell someone. Don't just keep it inside. There is people out there that will help you, And it is much needed if you are getting bullied. Tell your parents. teachers, Principals, or any trusty adult.

Alex - 13 - Oregon

I was in fifth grade and had about four girls I called my best friends. We called ourselves a "group" and no one else was allowed in. I was a bigger child. Well about two weeks for the summer, these girls starting telling me I was fat, calling me a pig and oinking at me, and they told me I wasn't part of the group anymore. I cried and cried, but I never told anyone about it.

The start of my freshman year of high school I became anorexic because of my fear of not having friends because I was fat. I was 105 at 5'6. I was hurting my body because of something someone said. Then people started saying I looked sick and I was too skinny. 

No matter what people are going to be mean. You've got to love yourself for who you are. Be who you want to be, and don't let anyone tell you can't. It's easier said than done, though. 

If you're being bullied, PLEASE let someone know. You arent the only one, and it can be stopped! Check out what your school can do for bullying. There are websites, phonelines, counselors, organizations, and people who will listen. YOU DONT HAVE TO GO THROUGH THIS ALONE. 

Much Love,

Amanda - 21 - Alabama

I have been a constant bullying victim due to my views on gays. My older brother is gay and I proudly sport my rainbow bracelets and have my anti discrimination stickers. I hope to one day shed my title as a victim and become a leader against bullying so please if you see bullying dont just let it happen do something!

Ciera - 17 - Port Orford, Oregon

my little sister got bullied. She is six years old, I have been teased about my religon. My little sister was kicked, hit, threatened, restrained, forced to eat non-edible things (like rocks, dirt, bugs, dirty popsycles) and told us nothing. We finally relized why she kept telling us she didnt was to go over their when our mom said to walk her over. I am making sure she dosent even get to look at that girl again

Rachel - 14 - Ga

I care because me and my friend Jazmin started a group at our school to stop bullying.We were in 6th grade and our teacher told us about how bullying can hurt.We wanted to do something.Our group is now popular at our school.We also have 10 members.

Savannah - 12 - Bay City,MI

One day I walked down the hall and my friend walked past me crying. I asked her what was wrong and she started sobbing and told me how she was being bullied. I had her talk to our wonderful counsler so things were better for her. WE NEED TO CHANGE<3

Marina - 14 - WI

We have reached a tipping point when it comes to bullying. This is a totally different era and bullying is not harmless's downright deadly. My heart breaks with each new teen suicide that occurs. We CANNOT simply stand by and pretend this is not happening or that it's "part of growing up". Everyone should do something, no matter how small, to contribute to the effort to stop this bullying pandemic. We all have a lot of little chances that pop up every day in our lives to do something about this. Don't turn the other cheek. Help in any way you can.

Shane - 34 - Texas

I am one of many people trying to help thoughs who have been bullied And i was bullyed growing up i know how horrible it makes you feel. I am doing everything i can to put a stop to this around the communttey and our school has started a campangine  aginst bullying! KEEP UP ALL THE HARD WORK EVERYONE!!!!!~ :)

Jennfier - 18 - Michigan

Because I feel so sad, worry to see my daughter cry every day cry after school, she it's only 8 years and every day she doesn't came back to school. 

Ivon m - 27 - San Francisco CA

I hear the pain and despair from students, and know adults that still hurt from things people did or said in school.  I'm a teacher, and every teacher at every school can make a difference in a student's life by standing up to the bullies.  We have to say no to bullying EVERY TIME, EVERY DAY.  Kids who are bullied can't think about Math or Science.  We want students to THRIVE, not just survive one more day.

Marcie - 52 - California

I think I am being bullied people who I once called friends are no longer my friends for months now they are always teasing me stealing my things calling me names glaring at me throwing things at me making jokes about me behind my back and purposley trying to get a reaction off me (they even said that they were to my face) I tried telling them I dont like it and they just laughed and said that they wouldnt care if it was them and that sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me. Well they hurt me I try to stay away from them but they follow me. However I am so greatful for my best friend because she is being bullied by them to so I know I will always have someone there for me who I know cares

Louise - 13 - Wales

i was bullied when i was small and i still am .. but i tend not to care anymore . i want kids to know that its not thier fault they are being bullied . i wanna make a change and teach kids about what they can do and how they should handle situations like these

stefany - 15 - il/chicago

One of my friends used to get bullied and i saw how much it crushed htem so me and my friends helped them to report it and if we didn't have these websites then she would still be stugling now. They're a real help!!!

Melissa - 13 - England

i know how hard it is to be bullied and have to face the same people day after day. I know how hard it is to have to start over completely. But i also care because i know it gets better, however hard that might be to accept at the time.

Aria - 16 - Cyprus

Bullying takes away all your ego and self respect. Do as much as you can to stop it!

Zulu - 17 - Pakistan

The effects of bullying can be long-lasting and extremely harmful.  Long-term depression, self-esteem issues, and social anxiety can become crippling mental health issues.  It is a blow to self-esteem, to security, to civility.  The responsibility belongs to all of us: Report bullying if you see it.  Talk to somebody if you?re being bullied.  Stand up against it.  Stand up for each other. 

Talya - 34 - San Francisco, CA

im constantly being bullied in school every day. Simply because of being me, i try to keep to myself & basically i'm a loner. People don't understand me so they push my buttons and try to get me to crack. Im down to my boiling point but i know better than that. the best way to handle bullying is to take it up between the person who is bullying you & a guidance counselor. The bully may not be happy with the decision but its best for you. don't avoid serious situations like this because it can leas to worse situations like : suicide,depression,& anxiety. Do whats right !

Jasmine - 15 - Hartford CT

i care becuse when people call me fat are ugly i fell like they hate me and when i come to school i try to stay away beacuse it seems nowon loves me and they whant me to die but when i see are here rumers about me i fell sad and aangry and i cant express myangry or the other kids will laugh aat me i love to sing i have alot of songs but people really dont care and make fun of me beacuse i sing i care beacuse i know how it fells 

kyra - 11 - eden northcarolina

I am against bulluying completely, and yet sometimes I actually catch myself bullying.  I feel horrible when I think about I could do something like that. Making people feel bad about themselves, insecure, and not good in any way is NOT what I want to do. Yesterday morning, when I first saw this act, I though about what I could do to make things right. So yesterday at school I went to all of the people I have ever bullied or put down and said that I was sorry. All my friends followed my lead. Today I was given a citizenship award over the anouncements letting everyone in the school know that I wanted to make a change. People think that you get popular BECAUSE you bully?? Ya right. You would be more popular if you prevented it.

Emily - 13 - Boise, ID

there are many countless people in the world that have been bullied one way or another , no doubt that i've been bullied before too and still is . People have this thinking that if you're bullied , you must be a loser . But for myself , i've the bestest friends outside of school ,  but in school , they judge . As long as one person from a certain clique does not like you for no reason , the whole clique dosen't . Of course there are those who stand up and make a difference in their clique . It hurts , it kills , it was the worst moments of my life & i care so much because i know how crushed a victim will feel . I feel so passionately to step up and talk about teen bullying , i want to make a difference , i want to create an awareness . Words can't explain , but bullying is serious . However , i grew stronger , not totally healed but i learnt how to handle it better , learnt to stay positive and most importantly love myself . stop bulllyinng 

Celine - 15 - Singapore

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