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I Care Because
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no one should feel worthless. Hearing Jamey Rodemeyer's story really touched me. No one should have to deal with cutting words about their race, gender, sexuality, religion, or appearance. We often don't realize how our words and actions impact others.

A.J. - 17 - Arizona

the people being bullied are living something awful :'(
this has to stop now, is so sad to see all those things are happening, I used to be bullied & I know how it feels.
Sometimes I just cry myself out thinking what society has done :'( It's just so sad.

BULLYING ENDS WITH ME <3 I'll do anything to change this, Olivia didn't die in vain.

Sharon - 15 - Mexico city

I was bullied when I was a kid, and it has really affected me now. I was always called "fat", "chubby", and "ugly". Once I grew up, I always compared myself to the girls on TV, the magazines, even girls that walked by me at school. It's really sad when kids bully other kids when they're only 9 years old. The bullying got to me so much, I was thinking of suicide, I felt like I didn't belong, I felt worthless. The only things that stopped it were my family and friends. And hope. Another reason I wanted to commit suicide was my diabetes. I noticed I had it when I was about 10, and whenever I had to give myself a needle.. everybody would look at me. I felt like the odd man out. I say that bullying does need to stop. Remember, One Million starts with One. :)

Kendra - 15 - Ottawa, ONT

My son was bullied to the point where this other child broke his hand last year.  He cried every time he went to school or came home from school.  We need to teach our children to embrace diversity and individuality.  Parents-you are the role models - teach your children well!

Christine - 40 - Minnesota

bullying someone makes them feel low about themselves; makes them feel ashamed to be themselves. And NO ONE deserves to feel like that. Sometimes they feel so low about themselves, that they start to feel worthless. They end up committing suicide. I care because a lot of these victimes dont even make to be 15 years old. Bullying NEEDS to STOP! I'm sick of it!!

Dylan - 18 - Miami, FL

its not right

kolor - 12 - new iberia louisiana

I am not personly effected by bullying, but I have seen what it can do. My older sister was driven to be home schooled in the 7th grade because people were so mean to her. And I  watched her come home from school crying because she was so upset. I know that most of the people who say those things are either saying it because someone else is, or saying it to make themselves feel better. So really I feel bad for them, and I know that to be better than them, I have to just shrug off whatever they say, because I don't have to care.

Breanna - 13 - Ohio/Lima

People think I'm different because I'm not exactly like them. They think I'm weird. They make fun of my clothes, my thinking, everything. i've been bullied since I was 11 years old, now I'm 18. 
I grew up without a father at my side, I was insecure. Bullying should stop. It's worldwide problem and we might be different, which is cool, but no one should be considered weird. Afterall, we're all just humans.

catherine - 18 - slovenia

my bro was getting bullied when he was 8-9 because he couldn't read very well. i knew i had to help him because his grades started dropping and he started faking sick because he didn't want to go to school. after a few years of helping him, he is the best reader in his class and nobody bullies him anymore because his is a very polite person.

caleb - 13 - kenton ohio

Bullying is one thing that gets to alot of people. i used to do it all the time. till i looked back & thought how bad i was hurting people. its not a good thing to do at all . you can get in alot of trouble for it. & not only that it hurts alot of people. most people pick on the kids that arent good looking, or the ones that dont have many friends. people that make fun of the kids that dont look good , you never know what could have happened to them , such as car wrecks , birth issues... etc . bullying needs to stop ..

Caitlynn Uhl - 14 - Lancaster Ohio

in 5th grade i got held back because my grades weren't good enough, so when i got into 6th grade, all of my old friends were calling me 'failure' because they thought i failed. i decided to talk to one of them because she was the only one that understood that i didn't fail. she and i convinced the other kids  that i didn't fail, my grades just weren't good enough. so every day, i always thank her for helping me

caleb - 13 - kenton ohio

Bullying is a HUGE issue at my school. Its everywere, and it bothers me alot. I speak up for a lot of kids, but it doesnt help. I want to do a speech or write an online article on our school website on the effects and causes of bullying and why it hurts. Cyber, verbal and physical. Its all wrong, ! 

Tiffany - 14 - Indiana

It's not fair to treat others diffently 

Richie - 11 - Ontario,Canada

I was bullied and hurt and depressed in high school. It's not always outright. Sometimes people are quiet about it, people are cruel. I have little sisters and a two year old daughter that I want to grow up in a kind world and a better world. 

India - 20 - Utah

  to end this problem we all must unify and accept eachother. We all have diffrences. if not we would all be exactly the same.  dont let bulling get you down. stand up for yourself and be yourself. you are beautiful the way you are.

Cara - 16 - NY

no one really understands how it feeks to be bullied until it happens to them, its not fair on the people that have to go through it no matter who they are, it has to stop, we cannot give the bullies the satisfaction of getting to us and bringing us down

Anum - 14 - London

i care because i had to watch my best friend get bullied to the point to where she quit school because she could not take the pain of going each day! this should not happen to anyone!!! and i want to stop it from happening to someone else

Alicia - 23 - GA

I care because I can not stop thinking that maybe the person who bully someone..doesn't really know how much pain he/she makes. Maybe they think that they words can not hurt the people. But they do. I have been bulying...and it's one of the worst feeling ever. I lost my mom, and for somehow it's pretty cool to make fun of that..I support people who doesnt feel very good..and for somehow it's pretty cool to make fun of that. And finally, I'm not perfect..and it's pretty funny call me a "STAR" {5 tips, fat, ugly, weird} yeah..words can be painful. so be careful the next time you say something

Stay strong people!! and keep never know who can fall in love  with your smile.

Noah - 14 - California, Los Angeles

I am doing a article about bullying prevention month for my school newspaper. The reason why I picked this assignment because my little sister was picked and bullied on in school. I remember her coming home crying because a boy called her names and I could do anything about it because I went to a different school. I told her to tell our mother but she would not tell and I promise her that I wouldn't either. Well two months passed and she was going to kill herself because of what they were writing about her on Facebook. I finally had to tell mom and we got her into to a group of students who have the same problem as her. We went to the school board because it was a serious matter. Now we convinced them to make it a rule in all the schools that if you bullied you were kicked out of school. This is the reason why I picked this story to write about because it is a personal matter to me and my family. After that day we are now closer than ever.

katie - 17 - Florida

It is just mest up to be mean or rude to some one even if its the truth.
I see it ever day and I do stop when and if I can. High school can be hard telling older kids to stop, but its the right thing to do.And it makes you a good person and people will like you more, 

megan - 14 - Co.lamar

Ijust got in middle school and i get bullyed on the bus all the time and nobody does anything . >:

Levi - 11 - ?

When I was little there was this Kid named *Katlynn and she was always being made fun of becuase of her weight. She finally got so sick of it she just became one of those kids that keep to their selfs.....I tried to be her friend but she just shrugged me off and told me she didnt need friends she had her brother........Bullying is Ruining lives~! 

Amanda - 17 - indiana

Bullying has enough made some teens feel insecure. We HAVE TO stop it right now!

Muthia - 14 -

 One of the most important times in a person's life is when they are a teenager. I don't think anyone should have to look back to those years and the only thing they remember are horrible memories of being bullyed. I care because teenagers let alone children shouldn't have to be constatly worrying about what people are going to say or do to them.

Elizabeth - 16 - SC

I have been bullied throughout my life. I also had to watch my twin sister get bullied but as that bully started to make her cry i walked right up to them and told them that what they were doing was not okay and that any pain that they are suffering is not going to go away bu inflicting pain on others. That was 2 years ago, that partictular bully came up to me today after not speaking to me for 2 years and not seeing me for one she came up to me shook my hand and thanked me. She said that thanks to me shec onfronted her problems and stopped bullying others. So to all of the people out there that wittness people being bullied, speak up because you could save someone years of tournament by just sticking up for what you believe in. 

Ruth - 15 - Auckland,New Zealand

My self-esteem was crushed my classmates and even teachers because of how I look and the way I act. They made fun of me pointed out every flaw there was in me and practically made me a loner. Everyday at school was torture. Everyone in class made fun of me, toyed with my emotions, laughed at my face, and tell me that they'd rather die than be with me. That was 3 years ago. Now that I'm in college, I've realized the kind of torment they inflicted on me and I don't want that to happen to others. Together we are better than them. 

Johannah - 18 - Tacloban City, Philippines

i've been badly bullied in school before when i'm at the age of 12. That is the time when singapore have national exams for us to graduate to secondary schools. I'm a small size girl and i'm not even reaching the average height i should be and girls in my school start laughing and start spreading rumors which is not true. I was hurt from time to time. The girls who bullied me ask me if i want to join them in playing catching so i agreed and play along with them till lne girl ran to me hit me so hard that my hand at the elbow got dislocated. So yep i'm physically abused too... So i'm here all the way from SINGAPORE to support the cause against bullying :) i'm sure you guys can do it too!!! :)) 

always remember that everybody like your family, friends whoever they are there for you all the time. As you can see now, i'm perfectly fine!!! as i've ignored all those rumors and the hurt i've been recieving and now i'm okay!!! hope you guys can do it too!!! 
love, Cheryl Lim Hui Xian

Cheryl - 14 - Singapore

I came close to suicide three times. But I survived. I was bullied for four years, mentally. I was very emotionally unstable. Bad self-esteem, I couldn't even hold eye contact, I burned inside.
But I survived.
And if I did,
anyone can.

Jackie - 17 - California

kids are just cruel... i had a group of BOYS call me fat and ugly for almost 4 years and now im anorexic and i abuse diet pills. dont let them get to you, or they'll ruin the years that are supposed to have  good memories

brittney - 14 - New York City


Connor - 13 - Edinburgh

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