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I Care Because
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when i was little a group of girls and boys would make fun of me calling me fat and ugly but i was like a toothpick but i still felt fat so i started eating and eating alot, then when i got older a grop of girls  would chase me if i would stand up to them and just bullied me for year and it afetted me alot so i dont want anybody to have to go through that thats why i care.

lesley chambers - 16 - NY

hi my name is kailey i git bullied evev day i have a lring disubiling so peolpe  bullied me and that my story

kailey - 10 - indiana

I am a part of this world, I live in it and I love it and the people who reside in it. Especially those who are abused in any way shape or form for we all bleed red and we all hurt and we all deserve to feel good about ourselves despite our differences...we all breathe. Our differences are what makes us unique and special. For there is no one like me.

Robin - 53 - Michigan

I've dealt with bullying for a lot of my life.  I've never fit in, I've always been different, I'm quieter, just an ideal target for someone hungry to  bully someone else....It hurts, like for those who don't understand this really it's just this super deep pain you feel.  I've had several kinds of bullying, verbal and cyber.  I blamed myself for so much of it when it never was my fault.  I've considered several times wanting to switch schools, but I always told myself it would get better.  And it has gotten better.  I've felt so down low I considered things I shouldn't have, and I did harm to myself also.  It wasn't worth it.  It took the pain away temporarily but it never helped much because I always wanted to do it again and again.  I eventually got encouraged by people who started to admire things about me, how there was no fear of being different, and not changing because of others want me to.  It was a rough journey but I think I have made it really far.  People really appreciate you being your true self, so don't let others bully you from it.  Stay strong my friends, and stand up and speak up for those afraid of it.  I never had it, but you can be that person who can help change so much.  You can be the life changer who could save someone from so much pain and misery.  I love all you random people who I don't know!  We stay strong together, united.

Kirsten - 15 - Michigan, USA

when i was in year 5 everyone was jealous of me so i got bullied i thought it couldnt be stopped and in got really mean messages i heard about demi and i thought if she could overcome it i could and i couldnt tell any one because i got threatened i love demi lovato and she is my idol thank you for listening to me

rachael - 10 - england,london

All through elementary school I was bullied and I know how it feels. In class now, for our bell-ringers we have to write a paragraph everyday and almost everything I've written has been about it. People don't seem to realize the words they're saying hurt. I went through it and I know how it is.
I'm planning on getting my school involved. 
I care because that was me up until I moved. 
I feel it too, guys. Remember that you're loved. <3

Jenna - 13 - Mississippi

I'm bullied and it is the most painful thing i have ever endured, at first i never told anyone which was the worst thing as it gave the bullying a chance to escalate. I would just blame it on myself and tell myself that i had done everything wrong it was all me. Then my mum one day noticed i was acting weird, i wasn't eating and throughout the 6 months i never told anyone i went down from 8 stone 9 pounds to 6 stone 2 pounds, all because i thought it was my fault. She questioned me and eventually it all spilled out in a tearful conversation. she acted instantly phoning the school and discussing it with my guidance teacher. i had food chucked on me i was physically assaulted, nearly killed, but you could brush those things off in a few days, its the name calling that hurts the most, it eats away at you. It is all you can think about. i would fake being ill just so i could get a few days of no name calling, the gay the homo darren mcqueer, my second name is mcqueen. i lost trust in everyone, even my family, i fell out with most of my friends and begged my mum to let me move, now im glad she stuck to her guns and kept me where i am. my reason for that is it made me stronger, i eventually had enough and fought back. I discovered bullies are jealous and lonely people who are so uneasy with them selves they need to make others feel the same way. My mum agreed (she is so supportive).

Darren - 14 - Edinburgh,Scotland

i got bullied by a girl when i was in 4 th grade its not easy saying this,   i  got locked in the bathroom .In that time this girl didint like me i was juging my self or bleaiming my self because she would not like me. When this day she cried and said that i made her cry i didint understand y she did that ,so i hid in the bathroom.When someone told her that they saw me going into the bathrooms ,so she gathered allot of 5th graders and when i got out they pushed me into the bathroom nd asked rudely what i did to her and i said nothing so she raised up her fist nd about to hit me right in the face but the bell rang so i could leave,i left running in tears scared that they will try to hit me agin if i told something i told my mom i was scared that she would do something'' BUT YOU KNOW  IS GOOD TO TELL UR PARENTS THAT U GOT BULLIED DONT BE AFRAID''.you will get help nd say NO TO BULLING..........

abigail - 12 - el cajon

I know how it feels to be bullied. Others think it's not bullying since they don't see me show any negative respond to it. I know it is not easy, especially when the your emotions get involve. You start crying when your alone, and you try to hide it to not make a big fuss out of it. But now, I have learned to stand up for myself. There are still times that I get bullied though.

Jennifer - 18 - Philippines

I have been bullied for as long as I can remember. I am finally "fitting in", but think over how much it hurt to be called names and to be made fun of, well, it really hurts me to know that others go through the same thing so I signed the petition so others don't have to go through the same things as I did.

Kayla - 14 - Ohio

I was bullied in school because of my religion. I'm Muslim and people talk to me like im mental and tease me by calling me a terrorist and telling me to go back to where i belong. I'm going into the seventh grade and last year when Osama bin Ladan died people started rumors that i hate America and that i wanted to kill all Americans. By lunch time everyone hated me and they were calling me fat and saying they were sorry for my loss. I told my friends about what was going on and one of my friends told her mom that i was being bullied and she called the school. The next day i was at lunch talking to my friend Ashley  and the princapal talk to me about the bullying  and the bullying stopped. I happy to be who i am and Demim Lovato is my inspiration to stand up for myself.

Rema Shakhtra - 12 - Ohio

I care because I have been bullied all my life and a friend of mine commited suicide because of bullying. Stop it now!

Evangeleene - 14 - Australia NSW

I care about this because!
I have been through alot on my life , and I have being call weird , crazy , stupid .

And you need to be free , dont let no one , to destroy your self -esteem
you are gorgeous , free the way you are.

It's not your fault , But if you have being bullied

we need to be against bullying


Veronica Michelle - 17 - Puerto Rico

I have never been bullied, but I have seen it happen in my high school many times. After seeing some of the stories on this page it made me want to do something about it. Some of these stories literally made me tear up. Next time I see bullying happen in my school I will stand up and say something. 

annonymous - 16 - Cedartown, Georgia, USA

I have been bullied and I still am, I want to help this team so I signed the petition. My friends say they care about me and then they go and tell the bully about my private life and secrets. They are obviously  no longer my friends but it hurts me to lose them one by one.. When I saw Demi Lovato's video on facebook I came straight on the website. When I get called names like fat ugly and much, much more I cry all time but when I listen to peoples comment I realize that I ain't alone, so people who reading this sign the petition. The worst moment for me was when I was walking home alone The bully would step on the back off my shoes and make me fall to the ground and when I fell to the ground they would laugh but then when I got up the called me a bisexual. Please help people like me cuz everywhere in the world their is a person crying for help but no one is listening so LISTEN!!!! Please help because I can't take it anymore.

Rebecca - 11 - England/Crewkerne

i am bullied  really bad becaus I am an overweight child i am 265 lbs and am only in 6th grade :( everyone tortures me i am ashamed 2 leave the house every day  i have a very supportive mom though she helps me through these tromitizing events                              

brittany - 12 - northfield NH

i get bullied alot i hvae had 12 years of it i wanted to take my life at one stage and then i listend to the gift of a friend sung by your truly Demi  Lovato and it made me rlize that i have friends who care about me so i signed the petition to help stop bulling. 

The World Says NO to BULLING 

Jennifer - 16 - Australia

When I was little I was bullied. I didn't think much of it cause they were just trying to scare me. But one day the two boys beat me up and as much as i fought they won by putting a seatbelt around my neck and clipping it shut. I was being choked and the guys doing this to me were just laughing. And no one helped me until i was strapped in for a good two minutes. Though I know everyone heard me because I screamed for the bus driver to help but the bus was so loud that he couldn't hear me. They finally let me go when a little girl screamed to stop. At first I thought she was my savior, but now that I'm older I see that she was as bad as them because I was already strapped in for a good couple of minutes before she said anything. I got off the bus but the damage was done. I had lines where the seatbelt cut into my throat. The worse part about it was that they weren't suspended or expelled. They only got two days off of the bus. I'm a loner and still probably will be bullied. But, my parents are here to support me as long as I don't throw the first punch. Sadly, most parents aren't there for their kids or don't even know their being bullied. It needs to stop, because as much as it makes people stronger, it also weakens them and makes them seperate from everything that could help them.It makes them build a wall to protect them and I know they hate it as much as I hate wearing it. 

Gabrielle - 13 - CT

I've been bullied and I have bullied others.
I didn't realize what I was doing was bullying at the time, but after i took some time to look at the situation and re-think the things I'd said I understood how it was bullying. Honestly i was just jealous of the girl I bullied. I appologized to her but she never did forgive me, not that I blame her, I probably would have done the same thing in her postion.

I've been bullied most of my life, eventually it kind of just stopped bothering me. People would make fun of my hair and my weight. They called me awful names. I just stopped caring what they think. 
The only thing that kept me going was knowing that I would only have to put up with it for a few years.

I'm homeschooled now, I chose to homeschool so I could get the education I need without being ridiculed for being smart.

Britt - 15 - Canada

Some stories I hear are people who have been bullied for years and years. I've only been bullied for a year. Yet, I am so affected by it. I was just talking to my friend over texts and all of a sudden a girl started to text me from their phone. I've been called ugly, anorexic, manly, a fish, easy, and they told me I should kill myself. Then she gave my number to her friends who then started to also call and text me the same thing. Bullying hurts. And all I needed was someone to talk to.

Hannah - 13 - Massachusetts

I was first bullied when I was in 3rd grade.. There were 2 girls that i knew in New Jersy that were pretty mean, so I talked to my mother and I told her that i wanted to go far, far away from that school and thats what she did and I thought i was going to be happy then but... I went to portugal, the place that I was born. I actally didnt know how to talk portuguese anymore,  So i was bullied of my accent and how i was dressed, beacause the fashion was really diferent. Then when people started to know me there were other 2 girls ( i dont know why i am always bullied from 2 girls HARD!) that didnt like me at all they would put people against me and call me names. When I would work that out they would me my friends for weeks and then it was over. I got tired of going home crying so I asked my mother for help and it got worse, they started teasing me saying that I could not defend by myself so we moved to spain and here... is actually better, because they dont make fun of you accent, they try to help you, they are nice and they think that having one more (me) is great and here i am  happy! I am now in 8th grade, imagen the pain i went threw.

Ana - 12 - Spain

i have been bullied about my weight for a long time. not always to my face but behind my back which is sometimes worse because they know what they are doing is wrong. whether its cyber bullying, verbal bullying or physical bullying it always hurts. you may not always want to tell somebody because you dont think they would care but trust me they do. trust in others to help you. you dont deserve to be bullied. nobody does.

jenna - 13 - california

I was bullied in school...but I started making a fool of myself so than others began to talk with me and they finally know who I really am and they stop bullying at me...Now I have friends and I am happy but sometimes I regret that I made a fool of myself now almost nobody takes me seriously...I'm just someone who makes fun and I think that this is not me.

Life is tough for everyone. So why complicate it even more with insults, bullying and hatred among themselves...

Magdalena - 14 - Czech Republic, Prague

the reason i care about this cause is because i have been bullied my self and it is a massive problem in schools all over the world and i think its time to make a stand.

andrew - 15 - uk doncaster

I have not been bullied but I feel sorry for the bullies. Nobody deserves to be bulied. Everyone's the same. We all should be treated the same way.

Shona - 11 - Wales

"I have been bullied about my weight for as far back as i can remember. The only times i ever feel pretty is when im alone and there is no one there to tell me im not. being bullied is nothing to joke about. People say words can't hurt you but they can, and i have known that my whole life. Everyday on my way to school i wonder who is going to call me fat and ugly today. I want everyone to know that bullying isn't right no matter what the reason is. "

Brittany - 13 - Illinois

I have been bullied by a clique of boys and girls who spread rumors and gossip to put people down. It caused many people to avoid me and feel embrassed to be seen hanging out me. Even after switching schools, it has still continued and no one wants to be my friend. They call me a freak, disgusting and other mean things. I never understood why they did this and how the bullies could act like nothing happened after this event. Hopefully justice will be served one day and bullying will be stomped out . No one should ever go through this because it's a horrible event.

Angela - 14 - California

When I first started being bullied it ruined my freshman year. I have always been apart of the popular crowd and I had never been bullied in my life. But it got so bad I wanted to switch out of a school that I love. I never want anyone to have to go through what I went through. I care because NOBODY deserves to be treated poorly. I wish I knew how to figure out how to help the cyber bullying cause. 

Courtney - 15 - Montana

Bullying is an issue that isn't addressed enough. Teens need to realize that even though being in the cool group is what everyone wants, it won't matter when we grow up. Stand up for what is right!!! We can change the world.  The fight against bulling starts with me. 

Delanie - 12 - Nashville, TN

   I know what they're going through. I still am. I know others who are too. I want to take a stand and represent. Bullying is wrong. It should be stopped because bullying hurts. It hurts lives. It hurts the lives of kids, parents, adults, and others. I AM taking a stand! ♥

Corinne - 13 - Virginia

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