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I Care Because
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I've been bullied, about my voice at school, people would always ask 'why do you talk like a baby?' ever since people started asking me that question, I stopped talking to keep them from asking that. I would only talk for class if I had to read something out loud or only talk to my friends, but now everyone asks why I dont talk much. I just dont know what to do or say anymore.

Angela - 12 - Colorado

There's a guy that Iknow that is getting bullied online. I want to help, but whatever I do, this other guy wont stop being mean. I just wish that nobody got bullied. It just feels really sad.

Grace - 12 - California

i never been bullied and i am not the bully but sometimes the bullies are talking about me behind my back that i am "weird" because i defend the children who are getting bullied. but i am glad that i do it BULLYING IS A PETHATIC THING AND WE MUST STOP IT! the end of bullying starts with US. <3 MUCHLOVE

sarah - 14 - Belgium

I care because i know how much bullying can hurt someone. I have never been bullied, and i have not been a bully. But if i see someone in need i help them out. Anyone can come talk to me and cry to me and just vent if they need to. People just need to realize it hurts. I'm really sorry for anybody who has been bullied, picked on, or just put down. It hurts and I'm here for all of you.

Valerie - 14 - Wa

I've been bullied by my friends, and i know how it feels like
They used my bad memories as their weapon to attack my heart, i'm being down for months, and i feel like i want to die quickly(suicide)
"You're egoist! You talk bad behind me so i don't have friends! Now i'm gonna give you the payback!" that's what he said to me
I am not talking bad about him, it's his own fault, he's giving us porn video, using bad words everytime, and, punching my best friend, and he's calling his mother to scold me
It is very hurt.

Now i try to fight back, and support my junior that being bullied too

Be strong, it's not your fault, they're just wanting you to be a scum, and they're gonna step on your head
You have my full support if you having the same problem like me
You have me on your back ;)

Nana - 14 - Medan, Indonesia

I was bullied in middle school. It led me to do some things that I regret now. I don't want anyone to go through what I went through. Bullying isn't right, nor is it justified, for any reason at  all! I just want to help someone because i iknow i can and it's the rihgt thing to do.

shermaine - 16 - kentucky

When I was 9 years old, my mother brought my siblings & I to America. So basically I started school as a 4th grader & everything was no one had a problem with me of not speaking english. Until I went to 5th grade, where I was jumped by the 2 of my classmates. Everyone in my class hated me more than anything, they treated me poorly the whole class! Until one day, it was lunch period & I was sitting alone, suddenly my classmate slapped me behind my head! Everyone laughed & cheered. Everday after school this guy would hit me! So basically I cried everyday at school & I never told mom not once! Now I'm in the 7th grade & everyone still treates me like crap! but I keep my head up high because I know that I will something someday! & Yeah I was left back a grade that year & I still struglle with everything! But I think about suicide now, because of my mother & just family in general. I'm leaving with pain & everyday I pretend nothing is wrong with me! When inside, I honestly dont want to live anymore. My mother knows I'm in pain but I guess she just doesnt care! its all about her! & what she's been through. I dont have any friends to talk to & never had. We're very poor, I hardly get clothes. SO EVERYONE OUT THERE WHO DOESNT WANT TO LIVE, I WANT YOU TO GO TO A QUIET PLACE & THINK ABOUT YOUR FUTURE & WHAT U WANT! Especially the kids who have supportive families, YOU'RE VERY LUCKY!

Roughuiyatou - 14 - Staten Island

i know what it's like to be bullied, but i over came it. but others never do

destiny - 14 - bronx, ny

in elementary school i was always the "weird" one. nobody wanted to play with me, no one invited me to their house. i had major self-confidence issues. all i ever wanted was a friend. and now thats exactly what i have. :) but i would never with upon anyone, so im going to make a difference. 

Abigail - 14 - Indiana

when i was in 8th grade nasty rumors went around school abou mte, it ruined my life & even till this day the girls who started it still continue it in high school & it suckz, but i learned to get over it & just realize to be me & none of it is true so i shouldnt care what people think ... this goes out to everyone getting bullied, tell someone you trust, dont keep it to yourself, take these matters serious. dont let nobody bring you down ! stay stong & dont ever think bad about yourself, everyone is beautiful in their own special way ! STAY STRONG & MAKE SURE YOU LET PEOPLE KNOW ANY RUMORS ABOUT YOU ARE NOT TRUE & DONT LET IT GET TO YOU.

Angelica - 16 - arizona

I have been made fun of because of my weight for as long as i can remember. People would tell me to gag myself. I would sit alone at the lunch table, as people called me fat. I never felt pretty, i never felt wanted. I wanted to die. I was called every name imaginable. I thought it would go away in high school, but it didnt. these 3 boys in my class called me fat and tortured me by calling me Rose O'donnel. They would laugh and i would pretend i didnt hear, but as soon as id go home i would cry, and think of what it would be like if i commited suicide. but im starting to realize, that im beautiful. suicide hasnt crossed my mind in months. i am beautiful. But im not the only person who goes through this. Bullying needs to be stopped! We need to take a stand against bullying!

Sarah - 14 - california

I have been bullied my whole life and I hate it! People would trip me and pour there food on me I came home crying and covered in what was on the lunch menu you think this stuff is just on Tv but its not now I'm homeschooled but its almost worse because I get cyberbullied now I can't even go on the computer.

Faith - 11 - CA

My freshman year of highschool i was bullied. And the sad thing was it was by my so called "friends". I never figured out why to this day they decided to turn on me all of a sudden,but the girl who lead it all was my best friend since we were little. They began ditching me,taking my seat at the lunch table so i had to sit alone,and talking badly about me to people who would then tell me. So i would ask them and they'd deny it and act fake to me. then homecoming night came, and we had a huge sleepover after with the girls and they all ganged up on me when i went to sleep throwing pillows at me and making fun of me until i finally ran upstairs crying and called my brother to come get me. Some of them came upstairs and started whispering about me cause i was crying. But once i left,i left for good. I didn't hangout with them again. It was really hard since i had to make all new friends and barely had any at school. but i overcame it and now im stronger then all of them and trust me,karma did hit them

Ashley - 17 - va

My best friend was bullied nobody liked them i was the only one to stick by them, and because i stuck by my friend nobody liked me either. I'm not just doing it for me but for my friend.

Sidney - 13 - California

I've been cyberbullied over a phone and computer. Kids telling me for about 3years they dont like me, infact they HATE me. And they hate me so much they wanted me dead. They wanted me dead so much they were willing to do it themselves. Inviting me over to play with their pocket knives was just the beginning. When will they learn to stop? When i finally press charges? It shouldn't take that much to get you to realize that that's enough! Just stop already! 

Makayla - 13 - Florida

I've been bullied since I was in 2nd grade! All i was looking for was a simple friend! I'm almost 13 and I've had way too many thoughts of not being alive for my age.. Wanting to die felt right, but it wasn't. No one should feel that! Especially people my age! To the people who texted me, saying you don't like me. You don't like me so much you HATE me. You hate me so much you want me dead. You want me dead so bad you're willing to do it yourself! What kind of a human being does this? Honestly, I asked you what I did wrong, why you hate me so much, you said you don't have a reason. You just liked torchering and tormenting me, FOR FUN! Well guess what?! IT WASN'T FUN FOR ME!!!! I WANTED TO DIE!!! And you didn't care. All you did was go right back to doing it, AGAIN! For 3years!! Well I'm finally saying something! THAT'S ENOUGH!!!!! YOU NEED TO STOP MAKING OTHER PEOPLE FEEL SOO MISERABLE!!!!!!1 

Makayla - 13 - FL

i have always been left out, bullied or just made fun of. sometimes by my own friends. i  am not happy with who i am anymore, and i struggle with wat demi did. there was once a club at recess all about just hating me. i remember my friend joining it one time. i wish things could change. i wish i could easily go anywhere i want, and stand up for wat i believe. and follow my dreams. but they all tear me down.some day, we will all stand up, and the truth of this world will be revealed.

anonymous - 14 - anonymous

I have been bullied my whole life. I live in a small town, and being multi-racial, i was HIGHLY different. I was also HIGHLY bullied. Kids would make fun of me on the bus, at school, everywhere. I have super curly hair, and they would put pencils in it to see how long it would be before I noticed.  They didn't realize how much it hurt. People had told me no one loved me because my father had left when I was super little. As I got older, and prettier, girls started getting jealous. They spread rumors and were just straight up rude. They still are when I win a big pageant. I won the big beauty pageant in my hometown, and there were rumors galore.When I was a freshman, my bullying got to the point that I was physically attacked. I was scared to even go to school by then. I suffered depression, and even resorted to cutting and thought about committing suicide. That is a terrible feeling, and I don't want anyone else to go thru it. Bullying needs to be stopped.

Arianna - 16 - Erin, TN

alot pf people get hurt very easily....78% of kids are getting bullyied and most of the others are the bullies and if some people are not getting bullied and isnt the bullier than they are the stupid kids waiting and watching other people getting hurt well dont wait STAND UP CARE FOR OTHER PEOPLE FELLINGS CAUSE U WOULDNT WANT THE SAME THING TO HAPPEN TO U!!!!!!!

sandra - 15 - california

I am only 15 years old and I have already attempted suicide twice. No human being, especially someone so young, should be able to say that they have thought about killing themselves. I have been harrassed and bullied since I was little and I have recently taken a stand against it. No person should be bullied, no person should be made to feel like they are less than adequate. Every human being is a beautiful person with a story and everyone should be given an even chance at happiness. I hope that when I have children of my own they will not know what it feels like to be targeted by people their own age, I hope my children will be able to go to school and feel perfectly safe in every way. I hope for a better tomorrow. 

Courtney - 15 - Florida

My name is coincidentally Demi as well,  and  I have been bullied by my ex-best friend and the "clique",  a group of girls and boys who make others feel bad by gossiping, spreading rumors, and doing other hurtful things. I never even know why they are bullying me, they just..... do. You'll never know what being bullied feels like until you are. 

Demi - 11 - New York

i have been a bully, & i have been bullied. i know its not healthy for anyone. i recently experienced cyberbullying on twitter & facebook. its mainly girls mad about guys, and other girl jealous about my achievements. i dont have many friends due to rumors & hatred towards me, which makes it hard for me to handle being out in public. as a child i was threated because of a beauty pageant that i won. i had to get police escorts when i was in 1st grade. most threats were violent, such as gun threats and physical abuse threats. i understand what its like to be bullied, and being a bully is not fun either. i am a bully because i feel as though i need to protect myself before anything happens. i do feel bad about things that i have said to some people. bullying has to STOP before someone gets hurt. please help me stop bullying in my hometown. 

Samaria - 17 - Dothan, Alabama

I've been bullied before. People don't realize how much words hurt. I have a learning disability. I take a while to process information and I don't read that well. People make fun of me and call me stupid. I also have been harassed on the internet. People don't take the time to realize how badly things can hurt.They take it too far. It takes some people such a long time to realize how much words can actually hurt more than actions.  I really wish bullying would stop.  Sometimes, i'll just start breaking out crying out of no where because of how rude some people can be. Bullying is so wrong and it should really stop. I'm so thankful for my best friends that have stuck by me, as well as my family. 

Katie - 14 - NJ

Well, being one who has personally experienced bullying, I think this is an outstanding program. I support it 300%! Many kids don't know or begin to comprehend what damage even a word can cause to a person. Words DO hurt, as well as actions, and many teens commit suicide due to bullying and harassment, which breaks my heart. I'm just glad to be a part of something against bullying. I will continue to fight against bullying the best I can.  It hurts to know someone would really do the best they can to tear someone down. I went through people accusing and calling me anorexic because I'm just skinny.....and making fun of me. Words can hurt, and it led me to pain. Just remember to talk to someone that can help and never give up hope to end bullying. And trust me, don't fight back or get "revenge," that will only make things worse.

Jerrica - 14 - Tennessee

Somw girls in my grade would always tell me they loved me and one time I walked into a conversation about how i was 'absolutely horrific' to put it in their terms... They then started doing it to my face and i almost ate lunch alone every day... a couple guys would sit with me every once in a while but the girls just isolated me. This verbal and lack of attention bullying was and is getting on my nerves and I want it to stop. Not just for me, but for other people who are also going through this... and I definately want it to stop for those in the future so they don't suffer too. I've always wanted to make a change.

Megan - 13 - Alabama

I care because bullying happens everywhere, and im sick of seeing it. People in my very own school get bullied everyday and i want to help. I will make a commitment to try to stop bullying. I will do anything. I've never been physically bullied but i have been called names, and it hurts. I have seen strories about how kids have commited suicide because of bullying and it breaks my heart. Im ready to make a difference in my community and i will succeed! 

Sakiah - 14 - MD

i care because.... i've been bullied ever since i was in 3rd grade.... i was hanging out with the "cool kids" at school.... yea i was having a good time... we laughed, sang, danced around, but they weren't really hanging out with me because they wanted to be my friends..... they were making fun of me behind my back.... calling me nasty names..... i started to believe them....
Through this whole 7th grade year, i started to change the way i dressed... but it didnt changed anything..... Bullies would start to spread nasty rummors....... i couldnt take it anymore, so i started to cut myself.... i had no idea why these kids hated me..... a few months later my mom noticed the scars on my wrist...... i talked to the school councelor and she really helped me...... Now always remember there will always be something that will help you rise from that darkness.... To me it was music.... I actually feel strong for putting up with this...... Make a difference and Stomp Bullying!!

Kiabet - 13 - TX

i had same problem demi was dealing with i cut myself and demi ur not alone i knw me and u have personanly tlked abt this ssiter demi but yah i never forget story abt my life when i was younger i went public school myself people hated me bc of me being fat i had eating disorder it hurts alot tlking abt it and its sad dealing with it i cry abt it for demi and hope bullying stop its not good well thts all for now i g2g 

natashia - 15 - texas

I care because ive been bullied my whole life at home school every where i go so then i told someone about it and now im living gr8 

monique - 12 - usa

I care because...nobody deserves to be bullied, no matter how differnt someone is whether that's race, religion, sexuality, looks, personality, personal beliefs; everyone deserves the chance to express themselves and not be judged. Bullying is so "popular" right now when all it does it hurt people and cause pain. So take a stand by standing up for yourself and others. Who knows, you could save someone's life. 

Micayla - 15 - California

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