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I Care Because
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Anna - 13 - California

I've been bullied and have friends who get bullied. I stick up for anyone getting bully, even if I don't really like them that much. Bullying is just wrong on all levels. No one deserves to be so scared and hurt. Bullies almost never know how much the bullied person hurts from their mean words, social exclusion, gossiping, cyberbulling, or their physical bullying. No one, and I mean absolutely no one, deserves to be bullied. No matter how much you dislike them. Bullies need to realize we are real people, just like them, and we have feelings that DO get HURT by their bullying.

Alicia - 15 - Seward, Alaska

I am bullied. I always have been. I use to want tocommit suicide because it brought my self esteem down so low. I use to cut myself but now I want to help end bullying and show them that there is hope and they can find it just like I did. I show them hope through my music. 

Courtney - 16 - Mississippi

But what if the bully does'nt know he/she is being mean??? Because one of my classmates are saying to the bully that, "You know, your being mean and that was'nt nice of you." So the bully replied "Im not a bully. I dont bully anyone" I was really shocked that the bully had said that. Because the bully does'nt know that he/she is bullying that person. They even say they hate bullies too. yet they dont even know they are bullying me....:(

Alice Heart - 16 - U.S

I was 11 when i started to get bullied. I think being bullied is wrong. I really want this bulling to stop. I am  now going in to the 8th grade  and i am impressed with all the bulling that is going on at my school. I think we need to put a stop to bulling so everyone can live their life without any bulling and dramma.  I think  that kids these days don't know what they are doing. If we are at the point that we want to cut or selves we need to get some help.  I am sick and tired of people  talking behind  my back and gossip when it's not true.

Cheyenne - 13 - Olympia,Wa

I care because i feel like i've been bullied so much. Not only directly to me but behind my back and the way people act around me. I've been bullied because of how i have facial hair and i'm a girl and how chubby my cheeks are. My parents don't haven't allowed me to remove the facial hair because they say i'm not old enough.... I care because when you're bullied you need to stand up for yourself and gain your self confidence back. Bullying definitely weakens your confidence but i learned to fight it. Be confident with who you are. Who you are inside and your personality will show who you really are rather than an unconfident, quiet person who's easy to pick on. Stand up for yourself and stay strong! 

Briana - 13 - Washington

The people I care about get bullied, and I know how they feel.

Reshma - 15 - Canada

I have been and still am being bullied. Bullying is a serious thing and people need to take it seriously. Bullying hurts people even if the people doing it doesn't know that it hurts. It needs to stop and stop now! And that's why I care. 

Angela - 13 - Alabama

I get bullied every single day of my life, verbally and physically, since I stepped foot into elementary school. 

Taylor - 13 - Massachusetts

Nobody deserves To be Bullied!!!!! And if your Getting Bullied Honelsty Agree With the Bully He Wnt Have Anything else To say I Know It will Hurt Inside But Sometimes It hurts So Like If they Say YOur Fat Or Overweight Say I Know That Will Just Make Them Mad

Reina - 12 - San diego

I don't be bullied but my best friend is and she start cutting because of it... I cut myself too but for another reasen... I've helped my friend stop cutting herself by talking with the bully and the bully stopped with bullying and I'm so happy that I could help my friend and I really want to help you too so please let me help you! TOGETHER WE CAN STOP BULLYING! when you need help: twitter >    StrongLovatic_
LET ME HELP YOU LIKE I HELPED MY FRIEND #teensagainstbullying <3

sarah - 13 - Belgium

I care beacuse me and all of my friends still get bullied for how we look ,how we talk, and how we dress.  The nice thing is that all my friends have each other and we never listen to them.  We listen to each other.

Alex - 12 - Missouri

I care because I was bullied and then became a bully. Im standing up to speak out because what I did was wrong and bullying needs to stop.
We need to be here for each other. No more bulys !

Erica - 17 - Ireland

I was bullied in the 8th grade verbally and it hurt a lot and I didnt have a lot of friends and not a lot of self confidence so it hurt a lot

Sara - 15 - Ohio

I was and still am bullied

Alex - 15 - United States

I care because during my first 6 years of Elementary, I was bullied. During my last year it was behind my back. I couldn't trust a lot of my friends, but I knew those I could trust, and I talked to them about it. They were a great help in comforting me and helping me stand tall and be proud of who I am. I watched a movie, and a girl like me grew up to have the highest possible security clearance!! I play violin and know that if I just stand tall and practice, I'll get better and make it big one day.

Anya - 12 - California

Bullying has made a huge impact on my life. I have been Bullied physically and cyberly. I have been bullied by friends, enemies, other parents, teachers, and many more. I have a really low self esteem and not very many friends. I am going into high school now and I am really scared because I don't want people to knock me down and say mean things about my figure and my height. I am scared to go places like malls, grocery stores, and beaches because I am afraid of being seen and judged by others... I have 2 loves. One, I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE to sing and play guitar. Two, I love basketball... People that knock me down and tell me things that I know aren't true, keep me from doing the things that I love. Almost everyday I come home crying from school feeling bad for myself because I don't have any friends or family. I wish things would change... someone help please <3

Shelly - 13 - California

I was bullied all the time but i was bullied for having a opinion . They would say my opinion was stupid and i should just shut up. Friends really help though. 

Brianna - 11 - FL

I think bullying is wrong because if you bully someone imagine that person bullying you and you have to also think about your actions bufore you do it and if you need help than get help dont be scared to stand up to them  then you can ignore them or talk to a teacher,parents also dont listen to them just think about something and say that your unique in your own way

Christina - 11 - MA

i was bullied since 3rd grade and i know the pain.   i was little over weight in school and alot of people made fun of my weight and i was slower in my education skills it took me a longer time to think about stuff.   i have been kick punch push stab  i had broken bones i have scars.  i had no friends i was a loner.  i was in the 8th grade i met this old man and he saw my cuts my scars and he told me son what happend i told him my story and he look at me and said son do me a fovor and never give up  he told me that i was the bigger man and after our talks i felt better of who i am.  everyday i would go to school and i would sit by myself and do nothing trying to hide from people  one day i brought my guitar and i wrote a song about my life of been bullied.  if i had any advice for people out there getting bullied tell your parents tell your friend tell someone  stand up head high and be who you are and dont let bullying take over you .

cody - 18 - boerne tx

bullying doesnt affect ONE person. it has a domino effect. everytime someone is bullied, someone else has to suffer. i myself was bullied all through elementary school and middle school. i was teased because of my height, physical appearance and the fact that i was capable but "slower than a turtle" when learning. i never really had friends i could trust and i faked happiness to my family. pretty soon, i got used to the scars of being bullied. but I HATE the feeling of being so helpless; its unbearable. in high schoo, i met this girl two years older than me. she was a great friend adn so happy all the time. no one knew what was really going on. then, she missed school. first, 3 days. then 5. then 10. then two weeks. i never had her number or address so i just sat and worried. she texted me once and i found out that they followed her. they trashed her HOUSE and battered her. they beat her until she was lifeless. it started a while ago but she never showed her pain. she was strong. but it got so bad she had to cut all connections and move CITIES away ..and i never saw her again. being a victim of verbal abuse and witnessing bullying at its peak made me realize, we have to STOP BULLYING BEFORE IT STOPS US.

mary - 15 - california

Bullying is just wrong. I hate seeing other's getting picked on for no reason. Growing up, I was bullied all throughout elementary and middle school. I didn't know how to stop it. So i just cried. People were just so rude to me and would always tell me i'm too fat, or not pretty sometimes they would even make fun of my height because i'm so short. Now that i'm in high school I feel like i have a little more freedom but sometimes i still have people come up to me and say things that i don't want to hear. My freshman year, rumor's spread around the school that I was pregnant... I would ask people why they would say this stuff to me. Their response was always the same. "You're fat, you're not cool. Or you don't smoke" I have a tough life ahead of me. I have a sick mother who's not doing too well, and my father died a few years ago. Now the only thing that makes me feel better is cutting myself. I started in the 6th grade and ever since then, it's the only way to express my problems. I wish people would at least not talk about me.

Amber - 15 - NY

I used to be a bully. I was horrible to so many kids and I used the excuse of having bad things happening in my life, not realizing that the kids that I bullied could have some bad things happening in their lives as well. I learned about a kid that I bullied life. And it was horrible. It sucks now that I ook back and know that I just added more pain. Once I figured it out, I wrote him a letter telling him how sorry I was. Fortunately to this day he and I are friends. I feel so lucky that he forgave me. Now I am a completely different person and if you ask my peers at school they would say I am the sweetest kid they know. I want to help the bullied and the bullies. I stand up for kids who are picked on and I will leave my lunch table and go sit with someone that is sitting by themselves even though it not what everyone else is doing. NO ONE DESERVES TO BE BULLIED. And for the bullies I ask that you try to put yourself in that kid's shoes adn wonder what they have to deal with at school AND HOME. Hopefully when we all get older we can just tell our kids about how people USED TO BE bullied because they were different or an easy target and say that we are glad that it no longer exists. Hopefully one day this will all be ancient history. For the bullied kids I want you to know that you are loved and cared for and that it will stop. Try your hardest to stay strong. Peace luv rcknroll

Marie - 14 - IN

I care because i was been for several years in school nad am struggling to deal with it to this day. I am bullied because  i was born premature and because of that i am blind in my right eye and have vision in my left eye and beacause i like school and i am a nice person. I hate to see other people go through what i am going through. Bullying can hurt people in serveral ways. i feel bullying can end!

tiana - 15 - st.louis

I care about bullying because I've been bullied and bullied people. I've had my karma for bullying. Trust me, you get what you give. Bullying is nothing cool, funny, or good. Don't do it. 

Megan - 14 - Missouri

I am bullied because i am diffrent. i have something called trisomy 8 mosaic(kinda like a cousin of trisomy 21) i also have a problem drooling(all though i am getting better at remembering to wipe it off my face) and i also have a speech problem but most people can understand me. i have problems with my muscles and such to. i have a wee bit of autisum. im am very smart though. i love reading(i aced my reading taks test this year like always)i love learning news things. im consentlly on the computer looking stuff up. people tease me because im diffrent and abnormal i am called names and everything else! i want every kid who sees this to know your not alone! keep fighting the good fight im with you no matter what!

margaret - 16 - rockdale, texas

I am bullied in school and because of it, I got Depression.  Every time that I feel left out or people talking behind my backs I feel alone.  I think that I am the only one who is going through with it.  But I figured out that I am not the only one.  But I am making the best of everyday that I can.  If I can help someone else, it would be one less person to a safer schools.

Kayla - 17 - Pennsylvania

Cyber bullying is one of the most mean and cowardly thing one can do. It should be stopped, but this will require a lot of effort, co-operation from many and also alot of COURAGE. To the victims of this epidemic, stand up against them bullies! start speaking up!  don't let them be, report them. Not just for youself, but also for the sake of others. Imagine if you don't report them, they might stop harrassing you after a while, but they'll probably move on to another victim. Why should we let them do this to us? They are the ones at fault, remember, BE BRAVE BECAUSE YOU'RE TRUE.  to the victims: #staystong  lotsa love, xoxo

Tammy - 15 - Malaysia

I care because in 7th grade, I was absolutely tortured. I will never be the same. It's been three years, and I still wake up at night, crying, because of what they did to me. I was beaten, made fun of, pushed, hit, stabbed, etc. They stole my clothes in the locker rooms during PE, and they would soak them in toilet water and cut them up. They trapped me in lockers because I was so little. (I now have claustrophobia). They gave me swirlies which scared me to death because my aunt tried to drown me when I was four, so have always been scared of water. I was depressed, and had nobody. But today, I am a survivor. Though, at times, I feel like a victim, because it still haunts me, I know that I am past that, and I am so much stronger. NOBODY deserves to be bullied, and I am here because I want to help put a stop to this. Depression, guilt, anger, suicidal thoughts, being scared to go to school.. Kids don't deserve to go through any of that. I want to help kids across the world who are being bullied, who are living a constant nightmare. I want to let them know that there is a light at the tunnel. That life is worth living, and things will get better. I don't ever want anybody to be treated the way I was. I shared my story, to let you know that things can get better, and they will. You are not alone. EVER. And you are loved. <3 

Kylie - 15 - Arizona

I left school because of bullying and I know how much it sucks. Nobody should ever have to go through that. 

Danielle - 12 - New York

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