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I Care Because
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i hate to be bullied !

desainelle - 15 - Philippines

i have some people in my class that call me stupid,wierd,ugly,fat,retarted,dumand many more. and they always did i would make excuses to get out of class and i would tell my mom i wuz sick or just something but i got help and thats all you have to do . i got help 

                                        JUST ASK FOR HELP 

                    GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!    

mckenzie - 13 - tn

i don't want to see others get hurt. i think that it's just stupid to bully anyone, since most people do it out of jealousy. well bullying won't change the fact that you're just someone who doesn't care about others but him/herself. bullying doesn't solve anything at all, but in order for the bullies to know that we all have to unite and stop them together. United we'll never be divided!

Angelica - 14 - Mission, Tx

i deal with bullying too. i have dyslexia and dyscalculia (dyslexia with numbers) and i studder when i read. im scared to death of reading aloud in class. i know people talk about it behind my back but not everyone knows about my disorders so they dont know what they are making fun of. im supporting pacer because bullying not only hurts me but so many others as well and we are all hurting. bullying needs to stop. if u know someone who is bullied try to help, even if helping means just listening to them or sticking up for them. it helps to have someone there. my love goes to everyone in the world who is bullied. i pray that one day we will be free.

Sarah - 15 - Missouri

I think that it is wrong that people get bullied. During my years in elementry, I was bullied. I was so scared to tell anyone. I remember never being glad to go to school because I knew that I would be bullied. But when I finally told someone, I felt much better because soon after I told them they stopped it for continuing any further. It is my hope that teenagers can work togther to stop bullying forever.

Reanna Wareing - 16 - Canada

Bulling isnt right and people can really get hurt by bulling.I recently had a incident were i tried to get a boy to come fight my friend because of things he had said.But afterwards i realized that it wazent the correct thing to do because someone could have seriously gotten hurt.I can tell you from my experiecne if this ever happens to you to just stay out of the situation because you can get in trouble or someone can get hurt.

Gavin - 12 - cumberland,marlyland

i am bullied every day if i and around or not i have no one to turn to my mom has done all she can do yet i am still bullied i have learned tea-kwon-do to defend my self and it does no diffrent i have dealt with bullying sence kindergarten and have just finished the sixth grade and am still dealing with bullying whether it is because i have ocd or a speech problem or for no absalut reason i get bullied i have gone to the teachers and the principle even my mo has gone up to the school i have told my mom about 7 of the times i have been bullied this year alone i have benn bullied about 70 times bullying is wrong and needs to end i support for this reason bullying needs to end

dakota - 12 - akron ohio

I don't have many friends becasue people make fun of me.So by not having friends i get made fun of it.I get in so much trouble at school because of the people that make fun of me.I'm really tired i wish bullying would just stop.I cry my self to sleep at night because of it.):

Wendy - 12 - Elkhart IN

ask for help... it may not seem like it now but things will get better, and people out there do care.
"In a world filled with hate, we must still dare to hope." 

Laura - 15 - Rochester MN

I left a school because I was always bullied by other girls. I speak out because no should ever get so sacred they stay away from school or from the outside world in general. I so happy that I'm at a new school and can finally speak out aganst bullying. 

Siara - 13 - Washington

i saw two kids get bullied at my school and they both left. Now me and my friends feel left out from the rest of the class and they purposefully leave us out. One time kids were going to play a game and they asked a kid to play who was standing right next to me. They looked at me and just left. Today, they were talking about an end of the year party and they were sitting right next to me and my friends. One of the kids said,"We can invite everybody, well almost everybody..." They looked at us when they said the last thing. Kids don't get that just because i sing and do plays it does not mean i'm not athletic or like girls. People don't get you can be more than one thing. BULLYING NEEDS TO STOP!!!!!

Brett - 13 - Pennsylvania

i was bullied but having my friends really helped.

peri - 11 - london ontario

I've been bullyed. the bullying  start in 7 th grade.I was scard ,emberest ....
so i didn't wanna go to school. a week later i dicided to be home schooled.
i guess the girls in my school were just jelouse because i was in "popular click " . it still hurts .......  

Monika - 16 - europe,slovenia

I care because i was bullied in my secondary school worst still i am not only bullied by my classmates by the senior and  my teachers.I was the one who was picked in the class the most because i was short and small size. My growth was slower then others by two and a half years.They will all  insult me with bad thing even in front of the teachers but none of them care they even laugh at me. people say stick and stone can break my bones but words never will that's is not real it hurt so much. i have gone through it and no one else should have ever gone though it like me. Do what's right and change what it is not . Bullying is not right and will never be right.

Jerry - 12 - Singapore

I care because I know what it's like to be bullied. Not only that but by all of your best friends. I still don't know what I did but it doesn't really matter becuase it didn't stop them from hurting me everyday. I have to avoid different hallaways because they would yell awful comments. They become friends with people they keow I don't like to hurt me. AND yes it worked! They tell vivacious lies about me and all of my secrets. I walk by myself sometimes because i made them the center of my life and when they all ditched me I turned around and realized I did't have any other friends. It is a struggle everyday and now and then I cry because I never thought this would happen to me. There mean girls. But then i realize I will take a lot of experince from this and promise I will never do this to another person. It has made me stronger and a better person in the end. It sounds like bull but it's be optmistic or kill yourself over things you can't change. Roll with the punches or get beaten to death:) Bad quote but it help me!

Liagh - 15 - lorida

I care because .... I have been bullied since third grade and over the years it's gotten worse. I have been told to kill myself by a bully. "The end of bullying begins with you!" - Demi Lovato 

Ali - 16 - Illinois

too many get bullied for horrible reasons. It might as well be the same as war if you're doing that. We all are different. No one is the exact same. Even twins. So, I care, because we should all just really get along and learn to accept people for who they are. Only when we stand strong and united, can be make this world a better place from bullying and just be happy :)

William - 23 - Minnesota

I care because, I have been bullied since I was little because I had a birthmark on my face. And kids from my school keep calling me "ketchup". And it hurts me a lot. They don't know how hard it is for me to go out and people asking me if I was in an accident and my got burnt. And saying that I look like a map. And they had to make up songs. I am writting this because, I have had enough of this bullying and I'm going to stand up to those bullies. And tell them to shut up. Because  they don't know who I AM.

Evelyn - 14 - Philippines, Boracay

I was bullied all through Elementary School and I am still being bullied and am about to go into 8th grade, and I have so many loving friends that support me when I am sad, and I don't cut as much because I want to be around them. 

Jamie - 13 - Iowa

I've been there, and it wasnt a good experience at all i just wanna help people who get bullied 

Stacey Lawrence - 14 - Abu Dhabi

'I care because i have been bullyes a couple of times and it really hurts and i have seen other people out side of school and in side of school get hurt by bullys. I am writhing this because no matter what happense to me if i get hurt a couple of times it is ok coz i can still stay strong because i am use to it but the others who dosen't no how to keep them selves safe out there should know to only keep yourself safe is to think first before doing any acttion because you won't no what will happen. For me is to think back what two amazing people have said about me is that I am strong,I am smart,I am Epic,I have the power to control mt self,I have the power to control other and also I think i am better then the other people who is around me who bullys me and just walk away buit if it keeps happing the best way is to tell the teachers,tell a parent and if it is still happing what i do is just talk it out with someone who you can achally trust with. I am really hurt when people talk about me or the others because we mite be from another coulture doesen't mean that we don't belong to there world and i bet this will keep going on and on and also someday i know some one out there will help me or you to solve all your bully problems.

Lexi - 12 - Australia/Adelaide

most of my classmates used to bully classmates are making fun of me since in grade school... they also think thet i wass been so choosy in my friends...they say bad things about me. sometimes they are not real in front of me...they laugh at me....i wanted them to change..but i cant.  thank   you for giving such an opportunity like this.

Clarissa - 15 - Philippines

I was bullied since 5th grade. I made ONE wrong move. And BAM! Rumors spread fast. And it ruined my whole reputation just for saving a friend from a relationship. They don't even know what's going on. People called me MEAN NAMES, They dont know how it feels to be bullied. Its like every single day it gets worser and worser. I didnt know what to do anymore. People whispering my name behind my back. My friends who look at me like I'm a complete stranger. I didn't even know what I just did to them. I just wanna stop those BULLIES from bullying other people. I dont want other people feel what I just felt.. until now. PLEASE STOP THE BULLYING AND LEARN TO UNDERSTAND!

Andrea - 14 - Illinois

I care because I'm bullied. Everyday. Just because I'm different. They make fun of what I wear, what pets I have,  what music I listen to, what boys I  like,  etc...  and I didnt realize it was considered bullying until i read this site... and now... I know it hurts and i dont want ANYONE to feel this way... so.. thats why i care.. <3 

Melinda - 14 - Rhode Island, U.S.A

i care because i notice bullying around me. i notice people being bullied for their religion,who they like, who they hang out with, if they are gay, lesbian, transgender, cross dresser. i realize its happening and its not only hurting them but its hurting me. and it may be hurting others around who care about them. Bullying is plain out wrong. 8% of children under the age 14 commit suicide due to bullying.However, 15-50% attempt and succeed. and school. school is supposed to be a safe environment. but really who is safe any more? with all the violence. with the bullying. the hatred..i care because i was bullied and it didnt feel good. my sister is bullied, my brother has been bullied, maybe everyone has been affected by bullies some time or another but it doesnt make it okay.

Alice - 13 - San Leandro

Kids should look out for eachother, especially those that are bullied. Be Brave! You need to stand up for what is right even if you are standing alone!!!!

Dawn - 39 - NY

I hate being bullyed im  being bullyed at school and I try to tell a teacher but no one is lisening to what i have 2  say so i can help but .................. yet i still make the best of it . the only feeling at the end of the day is i wont to drop out of school and get home schooled so i cant help it if i tell they well call me a snich or a tatule tail. the skinyer guys call me fat because of my wight or call  me pragent and make fun of my last name and call me chloe zooer in sted of zuur. who will help me ???????????????????? 


chloe - 11 - calgargy

I care because I lived with bullying 3 years. Those 3 years was very painful and hard for me, everybody have right to live like a normal person. I hate bullies, all my class and the other kids in school were bullying me, so it was very difficult time for me. I told my mum that, my stomach ache, my head ache. I had so many excuses not to go to school. Teachers didn't do anything. I still don't know the reason why they did it. So my message is all of whom have been bullied or who are bullied now, we are one team, we support those who have to live through it right now and everyday.  

Aive - 15 - Estonia, EST

ni used to be bullied in the begginng of the year. people called me ugly , dumb , and stupid. also other names , i used to write abusive and suicidal letters and praying i would die. my best friend Daija kept telling me im pretty and very smart and to never let anyone bring me down. one day a bully actually physically hit me and we was fighting. i started to use fighting to get my anger out.  my principal tried to talk me out of it . now instead i write down my feelings , rip it up , and throw in the trash or talk to my friends. fighting is only damaging yourself more. my friend  Rafiah learned her lesson and got sent to juevinelle hall. Now she's ou and we learned not to fight. me and my friends ignore peolpe now. once you ignore , they'l get sick and tired of trying . they jus wanna hurt you to make them feel better. ignore is the key for me to bullys

Miracle - 11 - United States

I care because I know what it'slike to be bullied. People just have so much hatred built built up inside that they take it out on someone else. I've been bulied my whole life. Some reasons are because I'm "emo",ove wegt,different,and I love to read/write... There's plenty of other reasons,but I'm not going to go on. I feel that no child,person rather should have to go through that  do't ealt see the point in all this bullying,abuse,etc. I've had many thoughts and attempts to suicide,but I realized that this can be dealt with and I'll be hurting and disappointing my family. My arents finally gotme into cunceling after a few years  of begging. I'm also a cutter. I cut and beat myself. My therapist diagnosed me with bipolar depression. I know everyone will make it through. I Demi Lovato can,then I think everyone can. I wanna be known as the girl who started off weak,but ended up strong. Ibeliee in everyone who is going through this and I wish them faith,luck,and hope. Most of all love.. You'll make it. I know you will. <3

Alyssa - 14 - Tennessee

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